Sunday, August 7, 2011




Bahan :

- 2 bks tahu telur, dipotong dan digoreng
- 1 dada ayam, iris melintang
- 1 bh sawi putih, potong - potong
- 1 ikat sawi hijau, potong-potong
- 1 bh kembang kol, ambil kuntumnya
- 100 gr udang kupas rendam
- 3 bh jamur hioko rendam air panas,peras iris tipis (airnya jgn dibuang)
- 3 sdm mkn minyak goreng
- 1 bh wortel, iris serong
- 4 siung bawang putih cincang halus
- 1/2 bh bawang bombay iris
- daun bawang potong panjang
- 2 cm jahe cincang halus
- 6 sdm saus tiram
- 1 sdm kecap ikan
- 400 ml kaldu dan air rendaman hioko
- 2 sdm minyak wijen
- 2 sdm maizena dicairkan

Cara membuat:

- Tumis bawang putih-bawang bombay-daun bawang-jahe sampai harum
- Masukkan wortel, masak sampai empuk
- Masukkan udang, ayam aduk2 hingga matang
- Masukkan sayuran lainnya, aduk cepat hingga layu
- Masukkan saus tiram dan kecap ikan-kaldu-minyak wijen dan maizena, aduk hingga kuah mengental
- Tata tahu di pinggan tahan panas atau bisa juga di claypot
- Tuangkan saus, hidangkan





1 ikat Kacang Panjang, potong-potong
2 bh Jagung Manis
100 gr daun Melinjo muda
50 gr Kacang Tanah
2 bh labu siam, potong-potong
50 gr biji melinjo
1500 ml Air
1 bh Cabai merah besar,iris serong.
1 bh Cabai merah hijau,iris serong
2 lembar Daun salam
1 ruas Lengkuas, geprek
Asam muda secukupnya, geprek
1/2 bh Gula jawa, iris halus
gula, garam secukupnya

Bumbu Halus:

10 siung Bawang Merah
10 bh cabai Merah
5 bh Kemiri sangrai
1 sdt terasi bakar

Cara Memasak:

- Didihkan air. Masukkan bumbu halus dan daun salam, lengkuas, asam, gula jawa,
- Masukkan sayuran yang keras terlebih dulu seperti jagung manis, kacang tanah, buah melinjo, labu siam, masak sampai setengah matang, lalu masukkan kacang panjang dan daun melinjo.
- Masak sampai semua matang koreksi rasanya klo kurang asem boleh ditambahkan air asam jawa, angkat.


Kangen makan sup brenebon...
klo di jakarta mama mertua sering banget bikin sup ini dan kebiasaan di keluarga suami supnya harus kental dan berlemak jadi bukan jenis sup yang encer2 dan bening.
supaya mudah dan cepat biasanya kacang merah gw rendem dulu selama beberapa jam kadang2 malah seharian jadi pas dimasak cepet hancur,untuk resepnya ini contekan dari mama yaah....

soup brenebon

Sup Brenebon

200 gr kacang merah kering
500 gr iga sapi
800 ml air
3 siung bawang putih, geprek
3 siung bawang putih goreng
4 siung bawang merah goreng
5 batang daun bawang
5 batang daun seledri
1 buah bawang bombany utuh, cincang kasar
1 buah bawang bombany cincang halus
2 buah cengkih (ga pake krn g punya)
2 bh pala utuh, geprak kasar
2 sdt mrica bubuk
1 1/2 sdt garam
1 sdm margarin utk menumis
2 bh kaldu blok instant rasa sapi

Cara membuat :

- rendam kacang merah selama bbrp jam, kemudian rebus hingga matang. sisihkan
- rebus iga sapi dengan cengkeh, bawang putih, bawang bombai cincang, daun bawang dan seledri utuh hingga dagingnya empuk, buang bombai, daun bawang dan seledri, sisihkan.
-Tumis bawang bombai cincang hingga harum dgn margarin, masukkan daun bawang, aduk hingga layu.
- masukkan tumisan bawang ke dalam rebusan iga, aduk rata,
- Haluskan bawang putih goreng dan bawang merah goreng, masukkan ke dalam rebusan, aduk rata biarkan hingga mendidih
- masukkan kacang merah tambahkan bumbu lainnya masak hingga semua bahan matang dan kuah mengental. angkat


cotton cake

Tantangan LBT#7

No. Anggota 273

Tantangan kali ini dari Bunda Ricke 'Bunda Nadhifa' Indriani sungguh menantang sekali huhuhuuu.....
dari awal udah gag yakin langsung berhasil karena baca di grup kok banyak yg gagal ,berhari2 melototin resep sama baca2 tips tentang si "soft peak" berharap sukses kuenya.

Percobaan pertama, gagal dengan sukses kuenya gag ngembang sama sekali a.k.a bantet krn kurang lama ngocok putelnya dan berakhir di tong sampah.

Percobaan kedua, nyoba yg metode au bain marie... pas dipanggang cakenya keliatan endut dr luar udh happy ajah kirain sukses pas dikeluarin dr oven oomaigooottt ternyata basah basah basah mandi madu ** karena ternyata loyangnya bocor huuuuaaaa stress bangeett padahal gag pake loyang bongpas dan yang kedua pun berakhir di tong sampah....

akhirnya memutuskan bikin yang ketiga dimulai dengan berdoa khusyuk sambil tarik napaass.... disiapin semuanya dan akhiirrnyaa.... yaaa lumayanlaah even masih gag memuaskan karena atasnya retak dan agak basah sedikit jadi gag berani dipotong karena takut hancur sebenernya bisa ajah didecor2 biar gag keliatan jeleknya tapi emang sengaja dibikin polos ajah biar keliatan salah stepnya dimana dan untuk ide photo pun jadi buntu gara2 hasilnya gag memuaskan jadi seada2nya ajah photonya dan setelah dicoba kuenya emang lembuuuttt banget dan asli enak jadi meskipun telur tak bersisa sama sekali di dalam kulkas tapi cukup ngilangin penasaran karena akhirnya bs belajar step by step kesalahannya dimana tapi untuk nyoba lagi...haduuuhh angkat tangan dulu deh ya bund... nyerah nyerah entar ajah klo trauma saya udah ilang ya hehehe.....

Source : http://debluelover.multipl​

Bahan :
• 85 gr mentega tawar
• 85 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
• 85 gr susu cair
• 1 butir telur, kocok lepas
• 150 gr kuning telur
• 250 gr putih telur
• 1/4 sdt garam
• 1/2 sdt cream of tartar
• 125 gr gula pasir

Cara Membuat:

1. Cake: Panaskan mentega tawar. Matikan api. Tambahkan tepung terigu. aduk sampai kalis.
2. Panaskan susu cair asal hangat. Tuang ke campuran telur dan kuning telur. Aduk rata.
3. Tuang ke campuran tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata. Sisihkan.
4. Kocok putih telur, garam, dan cream of tartar sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang.
5.Tuang campuran tepung terigu sedikit-sedikit ke dalam kocokan putih telur sambil diaduk perlahan.
6.Tuang di loyang 28x28x3 cm yang dialasi kertas roti tanpa dioles margarin. (aku pake loyang bulat 20x6 cm)
7. Letakkan di loyang yang lebih besar yang diisi dengan sedikit air (tinggi sekitar 1 cm saja). Oven selama 45 menit dengan suhu 160 derajat Celsius. (gag pake teknik au bain marie aku langsung dipanggang)

Far Cry 2 - Mediafire

Far Cry 2, the next-generation first-person shooter from Ubisoft, will take
you deep into the most beautiful but also most hostile environments in the
world: Africa! More than just a visual and technological achievement, Far
Cry 2, the true sequel to the award-winning PC game, will provide you with
an unprecedented gaming experience

Caught between two rival factions in war-torn Africa, you are sent to take
out "The Jackal," a mysterious character who has rekindled the conflict
between the warlords, jeopardizing thousands of lives. In order to fulfil
your mission you will have to play the factions against each other, identify
and exploit your their weaknesses, and neutralize their superior numbers and
firepower with surprise, subversion, cunning and, of course, brute force

Install Notes

1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn iso
3. Install
4. Copy Crack over original files
5. Play
6. Have fun 

 Minimum Requirements:
  • CPU: Athlon 64 3000+/Intel 2.8ghz

  • Graphics: Nvidia 6600 or ATI X1600 - Shader Model 2.0

  • RAM: 1GB

  • Hard Drive Space: 6-8GB

  • Optical Drive: DVD Drive

Recommended Requirements:
  • CPU: Dual-Core CPU (Athlon X2 / Pentium D / Core 2 Duo)

  • Graphics: Nvidia 7800GT or ATI X1800XL Pro (SM 3.0)

  • RAM: 2GB+

  • Hard Drive Space: 6-8GB

  • Optical Drive: DVD Drive

High Requirements:
  • CPU: E6600 Core 2 Duo

  • Graphics: Nvidia 8800GTS

  • RAM: 2GB

  • Hard Drive Space: 6-8GB

  • Optical Drive: DVD Drive

Download Links :

Baked Potato Brocooli and cheese

pyuuhh udh lama banget ini blog mati suri.... masak sih sering jalan2 apalg tp kok ya mau ngapdet di blog rasanya mualeeesss bangeett...
nah pas sekarang lg bulan puasa sembari nunggu2 bedug jadilah ngepostnya keroyokan hehehe...
dan berhubung gw lg gemuk banget akibat minum obat hormon jadi makan pun harus dibanyakin sayuran dan gw lg menghindari makan yang namanya nasi jadi sebisa mungkin gag pake nasi kalaupun terpaksa yah dikiiittt ajah jadi setiap hari pasti ada menu kentang, dan ini salah satu favorit gw karena bikinnya gampang dan yang penting enak buat di cemil2 sepanjang hari.


Baked Potato Brocooli and cheese

Bahan :

4 butir kentang ukuran sedang
250 gr brokoli, lepaskan dari kuntumnya, potong2

Cheese Sauce :

3 sdm margarine/mentega
2 sdm terigu
60 gr keju cheddar parut
300 cc susu
garam dan merica

mozarella cheese untuk taburan

Cara Membuat :

Brokoli diblansir dengan air panas dan sedikit garam, sisihkan

Cheese Sauce :

Lelehkan margarine/mentega, masukkan tepung, aduk rata, tuangkan susu sedikit sedikit sambil di aduk cepat. Masukkan keju parut, garam dan merica. Masak sampai meletup letup. sisihkan

Kentang di cuci bersih, kukus selama 15 menit dengan panci tekan (klo gw di rebus ajah biar cepet setelah empuk di keringkan/dilap kentangnya)
Bungkus kentang dgn aluminium foil Bakar kentang di atas bara/kompor untuk mengeluarkan bau sangit asapnya saja.
taruh kentang di piring saji, memarkan/gencet kentang sehingga merekah, beri brokoli, saus putih dan taburi dengan mozarela, sajikan.

Assasins Creed ( Full RIP ) - Mediafire

The Good about this game :
- Huge, gorgeous world that feels wholly alive
- It's fun to run across city rooftops
- Joyous mix of stealth, action, and platforming
- Stunning sound design features fantastic voice acting and a beautiful musical score
- Tons of small details will constantly amaze you.
The bad thing about this game :
- Confusing ending
- Remarkably high system requirements and some small glitches
- New mission types aren't as good as the others.
 System Request
Supported OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista only
Processor: Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or better recommended)
RAM: 1 GB Windows Xp / 2 GB Windows Vista
256 MB DirectX® 10.0-compliant video card or DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 compliant sound card (5.1 sound card recommended)
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or DirectX 10.0 libraries (included on disc)
DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive or blu-ray disc
Hard Drive Space: 11 GB
Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Supported video cards at time of release:
ATI® RADEON® X1600 /1650 -1950/HD 2000/3000 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 /7/8/9 series

Download Links ;

Pariah ( Full RIP ) - Mediafire

A spiraling plunge into destruction, despair and disease. Jack Mason is a burned-out doctor with no will to live, that is, until he nearly dies in a transport crash. Now he and his infected patient are stranded deep within the most vicious prison sectors of a wasteland called 'Earth'. In sixteen hours an orbital platform will initiate a total biohazard containment procedure: 50-megaton yield, detonated above sea level, to cleanse the contamination.

Known for creating games with incredibly rich dynamic graphics and mind-blowing fine-tuned gameplay, Digital Extremes is reaching beyond the limits with its most ambitious project to date. Pariah is utilizing the power of a heavily modified Unreal engine with state-of-the-art Havok physics technology that produces stunning settings, lifelike characters and tremendously satisfying in-your-face first-person action.
  • Unique combination of action and stealth create an unprecedented single player gaming experience

  • Immersive story written by professional Hollywood script writers

  • Bleeding edge visuals

  • Emergent tactical AI

System Requirement
  • Pentium 4 1.4 GHz,

  • 256MB RAM, 

  • graphic card 32MB (GeForce 3 or better), 

  • 2.5 GB HDD. 

Download Links :

Mediafire Pass :

Rar Pass :

Just Cause 2 ( Highly Compressed ) - Mediafire

Just Cause 2 | Genre: Action, third-person shooter, Sandbox | {1.2GB}

Just Cause 2 is ridiculous in the best possible way. In the space of a few moments, you can grapple to a hovering helicopter; beat up the pilot and hijack the chopper; blow up a cluster of fuel tanks; put the chopper on a collision course with an enormous antenna; jump out at the last moment; and watch the resulting explosion as you parachute down to the saddle of a moving motorcycle below. But in the life of Rico Rodriguez, such events are just another day at the office, though in this case, the office is the gigantic island nation of Panau, where three gangs vie to wrest control from a corrupt government. This is a big game that gives you a lot to do and a lot of crazy ways to do it. 

When Just Cause 2 gives you the freedom to do the things you want in the way you want, it shines in all its preposterousness and good humor. When missions and challenges shoehorn you into specific actions, however, the same loose mechanics that make the open-world exploration such a joy become a frustrating burden. Nevertheless, this sandbox action game surmounts its few issues with liberal doses of ludicrousness; well, that, and the ability to attach disreputable cops to a buggy with your grappling hook and drag them around.

The game begins with Agency Agent Rico Rodriguez being dropped into the South-east Asian island nation of Panau. Formerly a US ally, Panau is taken over by Baby Panay, who institutes a harsh, oppressive dictatorship and cuts off all ties to the US. Rico's mission is to oust Panay from office, as well as track down and assassinate Tom Sheldon, who the Agency fears has gone rogue after disappearing during the regime change. In order to find Sheldon, Rico allies himself with the three dominant criminal gangs on the island: the Roaches, an organized crime syndicate, the Reapers, a communist revolutionary army and the Ular Boys, an indigenous tribe opposing foreign influence.[9] He eventually gathers enough information to track down Sheldon, who reveals that he's been investigating a larger conspiracy behind Panau. He tells Rico to continue causing chaos on Panau while he goes to explain the situation to the Agency.

After clearing everything up, Sheldon suddenly demands that Rico quickly make his way over to his hideout. They tell him that Jade Tan, a mysterious agency asset who Rico met earlier, has been caught snooping around, and will be tortured without questions. Rico races to her rescue, and destroys the base where she is held. However, Jade is bundled into a truck and a fleet of gunmen attempt to make a getaway along a frozen lake. En route, a nuclear submarine emerges from the ice, but Rico hijacks Jade's truck, and both are airlifted to safety by Sheldon and Kane.

Later, Jade reveals that the Roaches, Reapers, and Ular Boys are secretly being supported by Russia, China, and Japan respectively in an effort to bring down Panay, but Rico and Sheldon wonder what Panau has that is able to attract such dominant superpowers. Nonetheless, Rico and Sheldon track down the foreign intelligence officers liaising with the gangs and assassinate them. At this point, the island is in so much chaos that Panay is forced to leave the capital and take refuge in a fortified military base. Enlisting the aid of the gangs, Rico assaults Panay's hideout. Panay is apparently killed during the assault, and Rico discovers that Russia, China, Japan, and the US have been secretly fighting over Panau for its oil supply, which is supposedly the richest in the world.

With Panay dead, the situation in Panau turns into a free for all as foreign nations scramble to claim the oil. Russia, China, and Japan send a fleet of supertankers to Panau, while the US begins scrambling military forces to defend the island. Rico is tasked with holding off the supertankers until reinforcements arrive. However, a massive nuclear submarine suddenly appears. Panay, who is still alive but injured, fires four nuclear missiles at Russia, China, Japan, and the US, but his clothing is accidentally snagged on one of the missiles and he is hauled off with it. In pursuit, Rico grapples onto one of them and both men battle in mid air as Rico disarms each missile one by one. Finally, on the last missile, Rico pins Panay into the exposed missile core and reprograms the targeting computer before leaping to safety. The final missile changes course and explodes over Panau's oil fields, killing Panay and destroying Panau's oil reserves. Rico reunites with Sheldon, Kane and Jade, who express their dismay at this decision, but Rico tells them that because the oil is now destroyed, all interest in Panau will be lost, preventing a war between the major superpowers and sparing the innocents of the island. Sheldon agrees, and assures Rico that a US-friendly president would be installed on Panau, and that it will be closely monitored. The group raise their glasses, to good friends, and a job well done.

Minimum System Requirements:-
OS: Windows Vista/7
Processor: Dual-Core CPU (Athlon 64 X2 4200/Pentium D @ 3 GHz)
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 10
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements:-
OS: Windows Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.6 GHz/AMD Phenom X3 @ 2.4 GHz
Memory: 3 GB
Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250/ATI Radeon HD 5750)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 10.1
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

 Pass : raja

Download Link :


Freedom Fighters ( RIP) - Mediafire

 Freedom Fighters | PC Game | Genre: Action, Sc-Fi Shooter | {179MB}

In Freedom Fighters, the Cold War never really happens. The USSR drops the first A-bomb to end WWII and basically runs things around the globe, culminating with a semi-covert invasion of the modern-day United States. We pick up the story of Christopher Stone, a mild-mannered plumber, on his way to fix a leaky pipe or two in Manhattan. Things take a turn for the worse when the lady with the leaky pipes turns out to be an outspoken anti-communist leader and you're knee-deep in the middle of the US-USSR conflict.

The game does a marvelous job of maintaining the illusion of a Soviet-run New York City. The barricades on city streets, the pro-Soviet posters in the environment and the well-done newscasts full of propaganda are all top-notch and every cutscene just reinforces the idea. The concept may have borrowed heavily from the film "Red Dawn" but the Russian invasion in Freedom Fighters is at least as believable as Patrick Swayze with a machine gun.

It's the command and control system for your AI squadmates that gives FF it's distinctive feel. Stone has to build up his charisma by accomplishing missions, rescuing innocents and healing fellow soldiers in the field. Each time his charisma fills up, he'll be able to approach and recruit other freedom fighters in the game world and add them to his team that follows him around. The game starts you off with a couple just to let you get the feel of it all, but soon you're managing up to 12 soldiers. For this reason you only have three basic commands: move, attack and defend. Tapping a number key tells one of your mates to perform one of those actions in the general direction that your main character is looking. Pressing and holding that key will send all of your teammates in that direction to perform that action. You get another layer of control by zooming in on a location and telling your teammates exactly where you want them to attack, move or defend.

The environments of Freedom Fighters are intricate and extremely detailed and thankfully, the squadmate AI is outstanding so you hardly ever them bashing their heads into walls, jogging into obstacles or getting stuck doing something dumb. They'll move intelligently and attack any enemies they see when they're on the move or when they're standing still. The difference between the different commands then becomes more tactical. Telling them to defend an area will compel them to look for the best available cover while "attack" makes them more aggressive and willing to look for trouble with enemies. You actually end up managing this aggressiveness more than anything, because the AI fighters can be quite independent. They'll run headfirst into a hornet's nest of enemies without thinking if you're not keeping track of your squad. It ends up feeling authentic because we could imagine a battlefield commander telling his troops what he wants them to do, but being unable to actually think and act for them. In this case, your soldiers have unlimited ammo, different weapons, and they can be resurrected as long as you have a spare health pack to use on them. Keeping things simple like this is a true advantage.

  • Minimum System Requirements
      -System: PIII 733 or equivalent -RAM:128 MB RAM -CD-ROM: 4X CD-ROM -Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM -Hard Drive Space: 650 MB -DirectX: DirectX v8.1

  • Multiplayer Support
      -Multiplayer supported on: None -Number of players: 1
      Pass : raja
      Download Links :

  • Mafia : The City Of Lost Heaven - Mediafire

    Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven | Genre: Third-person shooter | {1.2GB}

    Mafia's storyline gameplay consists of driving, mainly easy city cruise between different locations, as well as chases and races; the rest of the game is based on third-person on-foot navigation and shooting - all inter-connected with cutscenes. In addition to the photo-realistic city and a huge countryside, detailed interiors like the city's airport, a museum, a church, a hotel, an abandoned prison, restaurants and Don Salieri's bar are included. Weather changes and day/night cycles are also in use.

    The game begins with the protagonist Tommy Angelo, exiting a train and entering a diner. He sits down with a police detective and agrees to trade information about his mafioso past in exchange for his family's safety. The player then takes the role of Tommy, who, while trying to make a living on the streets of Lost Heaven as a taxi driver, unwittingly becomes involved in a car chase between Salieri and Morello mobsters. Two of the Saileri mobsters, Paulie and Sam, force Tommy to drive them to safety, which he does; Sam then gives Tommy an envelope full of money to compensate for the damage to his taxi. The next day, Tommy is attacked by Morello mobsters while taking his break, so he flees to Salieri's Bar and his attackers are then killed by Salieri's men. Tommy then becomes a driver for the Salieri Crime Family, led by Don Ennio Salieri. Through the events of the game's story, Tommy begins to rise through the ranks of the Salieri Family, which is currently battling the Morello Family, led by the sharply-dressed Don Morello.

    Mafia's realistic car physics and police behavior both add to the occasional tedium of the straightforward driving segments. For the most part, the game's 60 or so 1930s-era vehicles aren't rocket cars. They don't often go very fast, they don't always start the first time you turn the key, and they have some serious problems climbing steep hills. You won't be making 300-foot barrel-roll jumps in any of them. Furthermore, the Lost Heaven PD will see to it that you don't even drive as fast as the cars will go. They'll pull you over for driving over 40 and running red lights, among other things. Even if you're in a really cool-looking old-time car, a simulation of driving the speed limit isn't exactly a recipe for thrills

    The graphics are generally top-notch. The cars look fabulous, and they're especially notable for the way they authentically re-create the curviness of the era's vehicle design. The texture work in the city segments is occasionally a little muddy, though, and there's some pop-up on the horizon that's especially evident when you're going over bridges. The action levels, on the other hand, contain some really beautiful lighting and texture work, and the game's cutscenes feature some of the most detailed and expressive face models ever created for a computer game. The sound is equally excellent. The period soundtrack, composed mostly of cuts by swingy jazz legend Django Reinhardt, with extra tracks by artists such as Louis Prima and the Mills Brothers, matches the game's theme perfectly and also acts as a brilliant alternative to the generic techno and orchestral music used in most games.

    Minimum System Requirements:-

    System: PIII 500 or equivalent
    RAM: 96 MB
    Video Memory: 32 MB
    Hard Drive Space: 1800 MB

    Recommended System Requirements:-

    System: PIII 700 or equivalent
    RAM: 128 MB
    Video memory: 64 MB
    Hard Drive Space: 1800 MB

    Pass : raja

    Download Links :

    Eye Test

    Alhamdulillah, weeken lepas dapat jugak balik rumah in-law buka puasa di sana. Niat awalnya, hari Sabtu nak berbuka puasa di sana, sampai2 saja, MIL suruh buka puasa umah nenek, sebab atuk asyik sebut2 jer.. laeipun, haritu waktu buat makan2 umah nenek sebelum puasa tu, kitorang tak dapat datang. Anyway hari Ahad tu, dapat jugak buka puasa umah in-laws sebelum gerak balik Shah Alam.

    Nak cerita..pasal ape nyer.. okay, first, yesterday, Sunday, pergi lah ke MINES untuk beli contact lens yang dah habess.. Jauh kan pergi nak beli contact lens, kenapa.. kat Shah Alam xder ke? Sebenarnyer..waktu awal2 lagi, back in 2007 memang aku sangat suka g kedai spec tu, Sunglasses and Vision World kat Mines. Salah satu sebab ialah customer service dia sangat bagus. Laeipun, masa dia check mata, dia check betul2. Last time aku malas nak pergi Mines, buat spec kat kedai dalam Carrefour Bukit Rimau, baru last year, tapi power macam dah xbetul dah, betul ke time dia check mata? Dia buat eye test gitu2 jek... tak detail pun...

    Test card untuk test mata ... hehe

    Berbalik pada eye test, nasib baik hari aku pergi, dia punyer senior optometrist ade. Memula niat nak amek colour lenses macam biasa... biasa lah aku sangat suka kaler2 kan... but then after eye test sangat terkejut tengok power... last time aku di perscribe dengan power -5.75(R) dan -6.25(L), sekarang check2, dia cakap dah naik sampai -6.50(R) dan -7.50(L)... ayoyo... pastu dia terangkan yang mata aku makin teruk sebab lapisan paling luar mata dah makin menghilang, so mata cepat kering terutama kalu xpakai contact lens. So dia advice guna extended wear contact lens untuk dapatkan oxygen flow yang bagus. Kang takut mata lagi teruk. Dia jugak advice aku buat eye test every 6 months. Huhu, sedihnyerr... Hati mula terfikir nak kumpul duit buat laser treatment untuk betulkan mata. Xyah pakai spec or contact lens dah.

    Nak tak nak... aku terpaksa lupakan colour lenses dan amek yang clear punyer for extended wear. Normal wear walaupun lebih murah, it's not good for long run. Tak apelah... still boleh pakai untuk special occasion kan.. :)

    Tapi optometrist tu explain sangat details. Dia cakap if nak lagi bagus pakai yang daily punyer, tapi maintainance sangat tinggi kan kalo nak guna tu, so dia suruh tunggu next month biler new product keluar, lenses yang last for two weeks. One year would only cost around RM400. Kira okay sangat la kan... :D Sebab dia nak aku tahu rasa perbezaan antara daily and montly lense, dia bagi 3 pair daily lense as trial.

    Itulah cerita pasal test mata aku. Kena banyak2 makan carrot pas nie.

    Untuk berbuka tu, kitorang pergi bazaar ramadhan kat Bangi. Beli Roti John satu, Murtabak Singapura satu (lebih kurang sama ngn yang masuk jalan2 cari makan tu, tapi aku rasa biasa jek, murtabak biasa lagik best), mee bandung muar satu, dan air lai chee kang. Kat umah lak, my MIL dah masak bihun goreng, kari ayam dan pizza. FIL amek bubur lambuk kat masjid. Pastu ada cucur udang lagi. Banyak kan makanan... hehee.. tak apelah sekali-sekala, makan ramai2...

    picture credit to mr google



    Boiled Potatoes: 4, crushed with hand into smaller pieces (but not mashed)

    Tomatoes: 4-5 (grind into paste)

    Cumin Seeds: 1 tspGreen Chillies: 2-3

    Curry Leaves: 1/2 cup

    Hing (Asafoetida): 1/2 tsp

    Red Chilli Powder: 2 tsp

    Salt to taste

    Coriander leaves


    1. Heat 2 tbsp oil, add jeera. When it crackles, add hing, curry leaves, green chillies and immediately add tomato paste.

    2. Also add salt and red chilli powder. Saute tomatoes until they are reduced to half the quantity, and the oil leaves the paste.

    3. Now add the crushed potatoes, saute well, and add a little water to make a thick gravy.

    Simmer for 5 minutes, check salt and remove from fire.

    Garnish with coriander leaves.

    Serve with puris or plain steamed rice.

    This goes to: Dish it out-Tomato Chilli

    @- Kaarasaaram & Zesty Palette

    Any One Can Cook - series 29

    @ Taste of Pearl City

    Grand Thef Auto III ( RIP ) - Mediafire

    Grand Theft Auto: 3 | Genre: Modern Action Adventure | {184MB}

    Grand Theft Auto III truly incorporates everything that its creators have strived for in a "proper game" since Take-Two created the upstart game division in 1998. In it, gamers have the chance to get dirty, to play the role of an ambitious, low-life criminal. The game is riddled with a breadth of goodies starting with the Mafioso rags-to-riches story, high-quality music, telling cut-scenes, and not ending with its giant, bristling, extraordinarily complex landscape.

    What makes Grand Theft Auto III so much different and so brilliant in this third iteration is that while, with its huge scale, we might find familiar gameplay elements, the whole thing, the monstrous size and scope of the game, delivers something more than just the actual value of its parts. Having taken advantage of PS2's new technology to expand and develop their vision, the makers of Grand Theft Auto III have created a complete videogame experience like few, if any, before it.

    Players start off as a nameless criminal, who in the midst of a bank robbery, is double-crossed by his girlfriend, shot, and left for dead. As the "kid," "friend," or whatever your latest boss decides to refer to you as, you escape from the police through a mysterious high-level hit-and-run, and begin life again with the help of your friend 8-Ball and the Italian Mafia. From there, the game leads players through an odyssey of non-linear missions for various factions of organized crime, from the Italian to the Japanese mafia and on. The 3D world of Liberty City is on a scale that's truly epic, consisting of three large urban areas, the industrial, commercial and suburban districts, each with appropriate architecture, landscapes, and aggressive, distinctive AI.

    The basic appeal of GTAIII is the ageless fascination with using firecrackers to blow up model cars, staging horrific toy-train wrecks, and lighting plastic army men on fire. It sets you down in the middle of a detailed clockwork world, presents you with a physics model and a wide variety of interesting objects to interact with, and then gives you the freedom to smash them into each other and enjoy the resulting mayhem. Within this metasandbox mode, you're also presented with a series of missions, which tell the ongoing story of your life of crime among the game's cast of unsavory characters

    Minimum System Requirements:

    Pentium III 450 CPU
    96MB RAM
    16MB Direct3D Video Card
    Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card
    8X CD-Rom
    500MB free hard disk space
    Win 98/ME/2000/XP
    Direct X 8.1

    Recommended System Requirements

    700 mhz CPU
    128MB RAM
    32MB Direct3D Video Card
    Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card
    8X CD-Rom
    500MB free hard disk space
    Win 98/ME/2000/XP
    Direct X 8.1
    Windows NT (any version)



    Capsicums ........ 4

    Onions ..............3-4 (chopped finely)

    Cabbage ......... 1/2 cup (chopped finely)

    Carrot .............1 (chopped finely)

    Soya mince ..... 1/4 cup

    Chana dal ........ 1/4 cup

    Tomato ............ 1

    Green chillies ... .2-3

    Ginger-garlic paste .... 1 tbsp.

    Turmeric powder ..... 1/4 tsp.

    Coriander powder ..... 1 tsp.

    Jeera powder ............. 1 tsp.

    Amchoor powder ...... 1/4 tsp.

    Salt .... to taste


    Coriander leaves .... for garnishing.


    1. Soak the soya mince in hot water for 1 hr and squeeze out the water.

    2. Boil the chana dal adding a little salt.

    3. In a saucepan pour little oil. Add the ginger garlic paste, saute and add carrot, cabbage, soya and chana dal. Stir fry adding salt and the dry masala powders.

    4. Remove the stuffing mixture and let it cool. Now add a little oil in the pan and saute the onion. Add salt, green chillies and chopped tomato. Add the dry masalas.

    5. Scoop out the seeds from the capsicums and stuff them with the prepared mixture.Pour a little oil in a pan and simmer the stuffed capsicums till cooked. Add the onion mixture.

    6. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve.

    (In this Recipe I have tried out a different filling from the usual aloo filling we generally have with the capsicums. For variation you also can try out the paneer bhurji filling.)

    This goes to:

    LGSS- Capsicum

    @- Show And Tell - The Mad Scientist's Kitchen



    Peaches ........... 1 tin

    Strawberries (fresh)... 600 gms

    Sugar .................... 1/2 cup

    Chantilly cream

    For the cake:

    Butter ........10 tbsp.

    Eggs ............ 3

    Sugar .......... 1/2 cup

    White flour .... 1cup

    Baking powder ..... 1 tsp.

    Milk ...................... 3-4 tbsp.

    Vanilla essence...... a few drops


    1. To make strawberry crush blend 500 gms. strawberries and cook in a pan with half cup sugar.

    2. Sift the flour and baking powder.

    3. Beat the softened butter and sugar until light and creamy.

    4. Now fold in the eggs, one at a time, adding the sifted flour after each addition and stir in the milk and the essence.Beat until the flour is mixed well.

    5. Grease an oven-proof dish and place the peaches and pour the cake mixture on top.(Save the liquid from the can for moistening the cake later)

    6. Bake it in the pre-heated oven for 40-45 mins until done. (You can check the cake by inserting a knife.)

    7. Let the cake cool and remove the upper crust of the cake with a knife.

    8. Mix a little sugar and few drops of vanilla essence in half the liquid from the can (about one cup)and pour it on the cake with a spoon.

    9. Spread the strawberry crush and decorate the cake with chantilly cream and the remaining strawberries.

    (For variation you can use any other fruits )

    This recipe goes to FOOD PALETTE RED EVENT hosted by

    'D' for Desserts-Hosted by - Suvidha's Kitchen

    Berries- Strawberry-Dessert

    @ Anu'z Healthy Kitchen

    what I've been reading...

    Yes, well...the best laid plans and all that. I was meant to give you a list of what I'd read each month but it appears I haven't done that since the March list I published in early April. Oops.
    So, this is a biggie...all the books that I've read since then in one fell swoop. The ones I can remember that is...perhaps there have been a few others :)
    In order:
    The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - fiction
    Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua - non fiction
    Shiver by Nikki Gemmel - Australian fiction
    Season of Second Chances by Diane Meier - fiction
    Stealing Picasso by Anson Cameron - Australian fiction
    Odd Socks by Ilsa Evans - fluff
    The Other Half Lives by Sophie Hannan - psychological thriller
    Affection by Ian Townsend - fictionalised account of real people set in Townsville during an outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1900
    Lessons in Letting Go by Corinne Grant - Australian memoir
    Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks (my favourite author) - historical fiction
    The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt - historical fiction
    The Last Magician by Janette Turner Hospital - Australian fiction
    The Memoir Book by Patti Miller - Australian non fiction
    Writing your Life by Patti Miller - Australian non fiction
    (Patti was the brilliant teacher and wonderful writer who nurtured our writing experiences in Bali)
    Good Harbor by Anita Diamant - fiction
    Last Chance Cafe by Liz Bryzki - Australian fiction
    The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas - Australian fiction and winner of many prizes

    As I work on trying to establish my own writing life I am more and more grateful for all the authors who've been in my life and thrilled me with their words for decades. I had no idea how hard it was! Or how rewarding. Reading and writing. Don't hang out for the 'rithmetic though...that's not about to happen :)