Monday, September 14, 2009

the talkshow rehearsal

as i said b4, we did a talk show rehearsal yesterday in the studio at the college. and, mr Raj tak slalu takde dlm studio. so mcm, t hee hee. lepak teramat sgt. and, ade satu mase tuh, mrka pasang music kuat2 dkt audio panel tuh, and menari mcm ape. sy tgk melalui camera, da tergelak2. haha. btw. here's a peek.

wan tomot betulkan baju suami eh? haha.
x dela. FM [floor manager] pasangkan mic dkt Host.

ok. mcm ni la konon2nya talk show group 1 nnt.
anna = cintan @ bunga citra rafflesia
leon = sinki @ ashraff sinki

hydar, as our group host
and acab as 1 of the guest, were discussing

nahhh. terselit 1 gmbr sy. bkn senang tuh. haha =P
thanks wan tomot. itu seblah sy miraghee.
acab tah nak kiss sape. hydar~

tgk tuh. my group members kerjasama nak buat stage.
bkn senang taw die org nak sediakan props tuh. ahah.

mcm dlm KL PAC dah.
KL PAC - KL performing art centre.

wan tomottt!!! dgn fuad. fuad pnye loghat kedah pekat gle! hee.

miraghee as my FM - floor manager.

that's shai as the director.
with adilah masham as switcher.
dlm control room~!

director briefing dkt host & us. [me + acab]
as a guest. ok time rehearsal acab amat poyo. haha.

and the TX - shoot live itu gonna be 28th sept, selepas raye. aiyooo. hopefully semua ok. and this talk show berkonsepkan erm, 3i. tp tajuk die bkn 3i, tajuk die iRemaja. ahah. i'll tell more later. and, overall, we had so much fun. ok.

utk esok. sy gi shopping!!! yeay. abah. thank u so so so much. thanks u very very very much. and i don't know what more can i say. just that, mama, abah, i really appreciate u. muaahhh.

Aloe Vera and Yukon Golds

I’ve heard two diabetes-related “rumors” recently, so I had to research into their origins and truthfulness. 

The first rumor: a hypoglycemic effect of aloe vera in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. 
An October 1999 study performed by the British Journal of General Practice disputed the use of aloe vera in the hyperglycemic. Four independent literature searches were conducted and controlled clinical trials in various languages were included. The results showed that “oral administration of aloe vera might be a useful adjunct for lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients as well as for reducing blood lipid levels in patients with hyperlipidemia.” While these results are intriguing the conclusions of the study stated that while the results yielded promising results, the clinical effectiveness of oral aloe vera is not sufficiently defined.

The National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) recognizes the side effects and cautions of using aloe vera stating, “People with diabetes who use glucose-lowering medication should be cautious if also taking aloe by mouth because preliminary studies suggest aloe may lower blood glucose levels.” The NCCAM explains that the science of aloe does not support aloe vera for uses beyond laxative and burn and abrasion healing at this time [2].

Bottom line: False. While there is some science in support of the use of aloe vera in lowering blood glucose, it is not a recognized use at this time.

The second rumor: Yukon gold potatoes have less carbohydrate than other potatoes.

An average-sized potato is approximately 5.3 ounces (148 grams). A 5.3 ounce Russet potato is 25-26 grams of carbohydrate. A 5.3 ounce Yukon Gold potato has the same 25-26 grams of carbohydrate.

Bottom line: False. Yukon Gold potatoes are NOT lower in total carbohydrate.

[1]. Vogler, B. K., Ernst, E. Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness. British Journal of General Practice. October 1999.
[2]. National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Aloe Vera. Updated April 2008.

Shooting Documentary film day, wihiii puasa penuh berkah!

Sabtu 12 September, dari jam 22.00 gue cuma mengendok di kamar, sampe akhirnya jam 23.30 abang gue bilang kalo modem bisa di pake dan di tinggal, langsung gue nemplok di pc tersayang ini.
Tujuan dan niatan gue adalah, bikin surat pernyataan buat keperluan shooting hari pertama film dokumenter gue. Karena narasumber gue yang tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah, seorang public figure. Dan karena itu, dia minta gue supaya nyiapin surat pernyataan buat jaga-jaga kalo ada pihak yang rese.

Dan sampe jam 03.00 pagi di tanggal 13 September 2009, enggak satu kalimatpun yang berhasil gue selesaikan demi surat ini. ck!
Yang ada gue nulis notes, sebuah surat cinta, di facebook. *yang udah gue post, di posting sebelum ini. persis!*

Dan akhirnya pas saur, dapet bantuan dari Mia, perihal surat pernyataan.
Enggak lama mama pulang dari kelas SQ, yang artinya GUE BISA SAHUR! yiipppiiiyyy!
 Setelah sahur gue langsung berlindung di atas kasur empuk nan sejuk. Fiuh.

Cuma, dibatasi karena jam 08.00 gue mesti udah sampe daerah senayan buat mulai shooting. Sedangkan gue tidur jam hmm 05.30. It mean, gue cuma tidur 1 jam paling enggak. Zzzz. Sial.

Jam 07.30 nyokap nyap nyap, karena gue masih molor. OH MY GOD, gue telaaaaat! Setengah jam paling enggak buat on the way, dan setengah jam buat mandi, 15 menit buat dandan. Dan jam 8 cuma kurang 30 menit. gue? Masih melangkah gontai. Ckckck.
Walhasil gue telat dengan sukses! Ngeeeeng.

FYI, narasumber gue adalah : Caesar Gunawan Wibisono. Si penyiar Prambors yang juga presenter mata-mata dan begadang. Yup, umm dia baik sekali mau membantu gue dan teman-teman berkali-kali tanpa pamrih. :)

Dia juga pernah membantu gue dan teman-teman untuk memberikan endorsement buat antalogi cepren CCW2008 : Magic Box. Thank you to the max Cae.
Akhirnya dengan rambut acak-acakan, muka berdebu, dan mata semeliwir, jam 09.00 teng gue sampe di Ratu Plaza. Kantornya Prambors. 

Sayangnya, dua prang tim gue belum sampe, dan parahnya baru keluar tol dari BSD. Jeger.
Pas nelfon Caesar, dia langsung ngajak gue cabut. Eits, maksudnya, Prambors hari itu, pagi itu akan ngadain acara Charity Prambors Cinta Kamu ke panti asuhan gitu.
Dan Caesar ditunggu, juga karena nungguin kita. Maaf ya Sar. :(

Naiklah gue di mobilnya Caesar, Honda Jazz berplat 8356 OI. Di mobilnya Caesar, udah nangkring Kak Riesa Fiana (penyiar prambors juga, yang jadi Indah di BCR) dan kak Nimas. Gue sungkan-sungkan gimanaaaa jadinya. hehe.
Tapi alhamdulillah mereka baik-baik.

Sepanjang jalan gue nelfonin Mia dan Ditha, supaya mereka nyusul ke panti asuhannya langsung.
Semua crew prambors mendarat di bilangan pesanggrahan, bintaro permai. Tepatnya di komunitas pemulung. Caesar, Panda, Darto, Kak Riesa, Genda, Kak Intan, Kak Jaqueline, Kak Nimas, Kak Titaz, Kak Boya, dan kakak-kakak (yang belum bersedia dipanggil om atau tante) lain yang enggak gue tau namanya.

Buju buseeeeet, ramainyaaa nanaaanananana. Sudah berlesehan anak-anak kecil penghuni komunitas pemulung itu.

Waktu Caesar mendekati area tersebut bersama wadyabala yang lain, spontan teriakan nyaring anak-anak itu menusuk telinga.
"Itu mata-mata!" sambil nunjuk ke Caesar.
"Ada kak Panda! Ada Kak Panda!" Yang heboh ngeliat Ci Panda.
"Itu kan Caesar mata-mata, iya itu!" berkasak-kusuk dengan teman-temannya.
Ci Pan dan Caesar mengulas senyum ramah manis bin memesona. Weeeeh fansnya bejibun rupanya!

Berhubung Ditha dan Mia belum dateng, dan camera video buat film ini di Ditha, gue mempergunakan digicam gue buat ngerekam sedikit lah, lumayaaan, nambah-nambahin shot.

Dan dapet pas shot, Cae lagi nge-MC.
Setelah sekitar setengah jam gue berlalu lalang di sana berkostum hitam sendiri di tengah wadyabala berbaju putih berlogo Prambors, akhirnya Mia dan Ditha dateng. Thanks God. Dan langsung saja shooting dimulai, mengambil beberapa moment dalam Charity ini. Weeeew.

Pas selesai di komunitas pemulung ini, wadyabala akan melanjutkan ke panti asuhan lainnya di daerah Cempaka Putih. Nice, bulan suci diisi dengan kegiatan mulia, so Prambors abiiis! Enggak cuma cinta para kawula muda, tapi peduli sekitar.
Awalnya gue sempet panik, hmm Mia Ditha bakal naik apa nih, secara mobilnya caesar, enggak bakal cukup nampung.

Ternyata, Caesar enggak ikut ke cempaka putih karena mesti shooting. Dan kak Nimas serta kak Riesa pindah ke mobilnya Darto.
Walhasil mobil jazz itu hanya berisi POWERPUFF girls dan Caesar Gunawan Wibisono. Uppps, keperluan shooting ya! :)

Sebelum Caesar melanjutkan shooting, kita mampir dulu ke Ratu Plaza, ke studionya prambors. Kita akan memulai wawancaranya disana. :)
Dan so lucky to have friend like him, karena dia enak banget di ajak kompromi dan enggak pelit kata. Banyak banget yang Caesar kasih buat kita, gue terutama. Dari cerita pengalaman yang bernilai, bahkan sampe perizinan ke Triwarsana perihal kita mau mengikuti kegiatannya saat shooting. Enggak cuma itu, Cae juga nyuruh kita buat sekalian belajar sama cameraman mata-mata. Waw, so lucky we are!

Di prambors, ketemu sama Aditya Pratama Ledom juga, yang entah ngapain dateng ke Prams, padahal dia siaran malam. Dan hanya Cae dan Adit yang mengerti pembicaraan mereka. Soal keradioan deh.
Enggak ketinggalan kita juga foto-foto. Sama Adit, tentunya juga sama Caesar. wihhiiiy!

Abis itu, Caesar ke lokasi shooting duluan. Bagian kita ngikutinnya entar sorean.

Sedangkan itu baru jam 12.51. So setelah berleha-leha dan mengatur strategi di ruang tamu Prambors, kita cabut ke STC senayan yang letaknya di balik gedung Ratu Plaza. Niatnya mau ke salon, tapi salonnya tutup semua, eh gue sama ditha malah beli baju dan ganti bajunya saat itu juga! gilaaa.
Karena capek ngider-ngider STC, kita mampir di McDonald. Gue sama Mia puasa, so cuma Ditha yang makan, karena Ditha katolik.

Gue yang enggak sempet banyak istirahat, langsung tidur di meja dalam McDonald, disamping Ditha yang tengah susah melahap paha ayamnya. hueeeh. Ditha minta dada dikasihnya paha. ahaha, sabar ya nak!

Abis itu, niatnya kita mau beli Izzi Pizza buat berbuka puasa di WTC sudirman. naiklah busway dan berhenti di Karet. Begitu sampe, Izzi Pizzanya tutup aja gitu.
Yo weees, cuma foto-foto aja jadinya. ckck. Banci kameraaaa semua!

Dari situ kita mutusin untuk langsung ke Triwarsana. Di stop taksi yang berwarna putih *tau kan?*. Melaju ke arah tanah abang-cideng.

Weeeeh sosa apa gue ini, sampe dapet supir taksi super duper nyolot bin rese.
Pertama dia bilang enggak tau daerah situ, gue bilang "yaudah pak kita jalan aja dulu".
Gue bertiga sibuk mikir mau nanya sama siapa.
Eh dia bilang suruh nanya sama mas-mas warung. Awalnya Mia masih ngalah untuk nanya.
Setelah itu, dia nyolot ngomongnya dan nyuruh-nyuruh. Hello! Kita kan penunmpang yang enggak tau jalan, masa kita juga disuruh nanya. Sedangkan yang ngerti apa yang mau ditanya ya si supir taksi.

Pas berkali-kali Mia nanya, ada yang ngejawab dengan baik. Gue pun berkomentar, "Alhamdulillah ada orang yang baik mau menunjukkan arah ke kita."
Dan saat diikutin ternyata salah. Dan kembali bertanya, si supir tetep nyolotin. Gue, Ditha, Mia mencoba nyuekin dengan maksud sabar. Eh dia malah bilang gini, "Ternyata orang yang baik itu penipu."
Ih mending kali, dari pada lo, nyebelin! Gerrrrrrrr....

Dan akirnya ketemu juga setelah muter-muter. Bahkan si supir nyolot itu sempet bilang gini ke Mia dengan agak bossy, "mbak mbak turun dulu mbak, turun mbak! Tanya. Dimananya? Dimana tempatnya!" Sedangkan saat itu Mia lagi ngomong untuk bertanya. Sial!! Ih pengen gue lempar sendal deh, kalo aja gue enggak inget lagi puasa. Astagfirullah.

Akhirnya bisa sampe di Triwarsana gara-gara mobilnya si Caesar parkir di depan dan keliatan. Itu lah penolongnya! Karena mepet buka, berjalanlah kita bertiga. Laper buuung!
Dan hinggap disalah satu rumah makan padang.
Perut gue terhibur dengan tunjang dan terong serta sambel ijo. yummmi!

Shooting pun dilanjutkan kembali, di studio triwarsana.
Ada si Tiga dan Bang Joe yang juga partnernya Caesar. Sampe disana, pas Caesar lagi take buat closing episode, kita sempet nanya-nanya dan ngobrol sama crew Mata-mata. Mereka baiiiik banget!
Apalagi pas mau shooting terakhirnya Caesar buat kita, kan udah malem jadi gelap, di bantuin sama produser mata-mata untuk minjemin mini lighting. Baiiiik banget yaaa? ya Allah, Alhamdulillah banget!

Shootingpun selesai. Gue nginep rumah Mia. Jadi pulangnya kita naik taksi ke BSD. Dari BSD di jemput kerumah Mia deh. Awalnya padahal mau pulang naik kereta, tapi ga jadi. Gue udah excited banget mau naik kereta, secara gue enggak pernah naik kereta kan yaa. huhu. Sayang enggak jadi.
This is one fully funny day with Caesar Gunawan Wibisono. Cae, we love youuu!

* * * * *
Gue sahur di rumah Mia. (Pastilah, menurut loooo?)
Abis sahur gue tidur lagi. Sial, maag gue kambuh!
Bangun jam setengah 8, langsung buru-buru mandi, karena mau kerumah Ditha dan kembali berangkat shooting hari kedua di kantor kaWanku, buat narasumber kedua.

Sampe rumah Ditha, gue langsung mengkudeta laptop Ditha buat buka email dan ngambil file2 tulisan gue buat sedikit coaching sama kak ruth kawanku abis shooting.
Karena enggak terasa banget, tanggal 14 September 2009 ini udah menunjukkan pukul 10.00 langsunglah kita bertiga ngojek ke halte transBSD. (this is my favorite part)
Pas naik ke bus transBSD, gue melewati cowok putih berbaju hitam dengan rambut gondrong sepundak kurang dikit ala emo, ngerti kan yaaa? Weeeew kerennya!

Bus pun berjalan, dan gue duduk manis disebelah Ditha. Gejala mengantuk sudah melanda gue, tertular ke DItha. Gue udah mulai nyender-nyender, tapi sempet seger begitu berhenti di salah satu halte dan naiklah seorang cowok dengan gaya rambut emo juga, berbaju biru, tinggi, tegap, cool, keren abis, ganteng! aaaaaaaaah.
Enggak lama gue dan Ditha tertidur. Nyenyaaaak sekali. 

Sampe tau-tau udah kejebak macet di sepanjang arteri pondok Indah. Bangun-bangun, yang gue, Ditha, dan Mia lakukan adalah online twitter dari hp. tau kenapa kita milih twitteran? Karena kita lagi ngomongin si cowok cool 2 orang itu! Yups.

Dan berharap banget mereka turun di Ratu Plaza, bareng kita. Pas sudah sampe Ratu Plaza, berdirilah gue mengantri di pintu keluar. Begitu menengok kebelakang untuk nyari Ditha, gue bertatap muka dengan si baju biru. UUUuuuuuuh, so cool! Naksir deh. Alaaaah mak jan! hueeeks.

Dan dia juga turun. Saat itu dilanda bimbang, mending langsung naik busway atau ke darto dulu yaa? Dan si baju hitam turun juga. Mia lebih milih ke atas, tapi gue sama Mia udah mupeng ke busway karena 2 cool boys itu juga naik busway. larilah gue dan Ditha.

Sayang macet di antrian beli tiket. Dan kehilangan si baju biru, dia naik duluan. tapi masih ada satu harapan, si baju hitam.

Pas armada merah-orange itu datang, si hitam berdiri depan gue dan berhasil mendelesak masuk ke busa tersebut. tapi gue ditha dan mia, enggak. Aaaah pupuss sudah harapanku! hatchiiiim.
Tapi gue sempet mepet banget sama si baju hitam, dan diaaa oooh wangi banget! Wangi seger cool gimanaaa gitu. Susah dideskripsiin deh. muah.

Dan hari itu berlalu dengan lancar. Ditambah lagi, pihak kawanku berniat membantu perihal me-launching antalogi CCW2008 yang emang asli jebolan Kawanku abiiiis. Senangnya! Shooting pun lancar, dan sukses berat, juga foto-fotonya. yuummmie.
Kita bertiga pamit pulang. gue hinggap dulu ke Rumah Sakit Family di bilangan Pluit. Karena tante gue baru saja melahirkan seorang mainan bertitit *upsss* anak laki-laki maksudnya. Namanya Jojo, Jonathan Halim.
Welcome to the world my Jojo.

So can I named it, a cool day? Yeah!
Bulan puasa emang penuh berkah dan hikmah yaaah? muaaaaah muaaaah *cium basah buat Allah(eeeh apasih, dosa banget gue!)*

Turkey, White Wine and Mushroom Pie with Garlic and Mint Mashed Potatoes

It is very common of course to hear of Chicken and Mushroom Pies but probably less so to hear of Turkey and Mushroom Pies. As I have invested a fair bit of time recently in preparing Healthy Turkey Recipes which can be enjoyed all year round - as opposed to simply at Thanksgiving or Christmas - I decided to give this idea a try. I have to say that I was more than delighted with the result.


1/2lb diced turkey breast
6 closed cup mushrooms (halved)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
1/2 pint fresh chicken stock
1/2 pint cheap non-sparkling white wine
2 cloves of garlic
1lb potatoes (I used maris pipers)
2 tsp freshly chopped mint leaves
A little olive oil for frying


Pour a little olive oil in to a large pot and bring up to a medium heat. Add the diced turkey and cook until the meat is sealed, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Add one of the garlic colves (finely chopped) along with the mushrooms and fry off for another couple of minutes. Add the chicken stock and the wine and bring up to a simmer before turning off the heat, covering the pot and leaving it to cool for one to two hours.

Pre-heat the oven to 400F/200C/Gas Mark 6. Put the turkey and mushrooms in to a pie dish about six to eight inches long with enough of the stock to submerge the solids (will take most of it.) Grease the edges of the dish with a little butter. Roll out the pastry until it is large enough to cover the dish and place carefully on top, pressing down around the edges to seal before trimming. Make a small hole in the centre of the pie for steam to escape and glaze lightly with cold milk. Put the pie in to the oven for twenty-five minutes.

When the pie is in the oven, peel and chop the potatoes and add them to some boiling, salted water. Simmer for thirty minutes.

When the pie is ready, remove from the oven and sit it aside to rest for ten minutes or so, while the potatoes finish cooking. When the potatoes are done, drain them well before returning them to the pot and mashing with a little butter. Add the mint and the remaining garlic clove (crushed) and stir well.

Plate up you meal, serve and enjoy!

Monday inspiration: Christina Rosenvinge and some new stuff on my wardrobe

Christina Rosenvinge is my favourite female spanish singer. She was born at Denmark, but she move here when she was young ans started to sing when she was a teen. I met her music when I was very young, I used to hear songs from her duteto with Alex de la Nuez; "Alex and Christina".

After that she formed a rock band called "Christina y los Subterráneos", but finally in 1997, she started her solo career as Christina Rosenvinge. She's been at the USA singing with Lou Reed and Sonic Youth; her voice is so soft, broke, sweet...

I've been following her since I can remember; in spanish, in english... Every time I go to a concert, I go excited as if for the first time I saw her; and always wait for the exit, it is a habit and when she sees me, she reminds me.

With Nacho Vegas, they recorded a disc together.

I leave you here a pair of clips of ther music; if you'll listen to them, tell me what you think about her!

And one of my favourite songs: German Heart (this in a live concert is awesome).

Last week I bought a few things for the upcoming fall and winter seasons:

The socks and black shoes are from Bodyline; and the lovely leopard coat is from Zara... winter, come here and bring some rain!!

Have a nice day!

A Letter To You (Surat cinta yang belum bertuan)

Bulan Ramadhan membawa berkah, amin. Dan terbukti, meskipun enggak tidur semaleman sampe sahur, tapi enggak sia-sia, karena capek dan pegel hati melahirkan biadab baru.
Ini entah terinspirasi dari apa, yang jelas pas gue nulis, tujuan gue cuma satu, yaitu memenuhi dahaga temen2 gue yang merasa aneh, kok enggak ada notes baru di fb gue. haha.
Eng ing eng, inilah hasilnya.
Padahal semestinya gue membuat surat pernyataan, tapi hasilnya surat cinta romantis. Aw Aw Aw. Cuiiiih!
Pagi, 13 September 2009, saat surat ini ditulis dan di post di notes fb gue, semestinya gue istirahat karena hari itu juga gue mesti shooting perdana film documenter gue untuk the body shop film competition. Tapi, not bad lah yaaa.
Ada yang mau mengantri memberi jempol di notes gue? *KEPEDEAN mbak!* 
A letter to you

Ketika waktu itu datang, entah kapan, aku berharap akan menjadi yang terindah atas galau yang tak pernah usai.
Suatu saat itu, yang akan membawa kita dalam sebuah kepercayaan meski ricuh sekalipun.
Dan saat nanti, arti sebuah tatapan melebihi kata-kata yang mungkin berjuta maknanya.
Bila saat waktu itu tiba, aku hanya ingin "kita" bukan aku dan kamu, tapi aku ingin "kita".

Sesuatu pasti telah terjadi, mungkin kemarin, sekarang atau nanti.
Aku tak ingin kita terberai jadi karam.
Biarkan saja kita tetap bergandengan menghalau angin, meski juga badai.
Sesuatu pasti berubah, sayang.
Aku yang tak pernah paham, dan tak pernah bisa menerimanya.
Aku yang selalu benci dengan perubahan yang mustahil aku hindari, apalagi dengan sebuah kehilangan.
Mungkin juga kamu. Mungkin juga kita, akan menghadapinya bersering-sering. Mungkin.

My dearest, tolong aku, rengkuh aku!
Aku bimbang setelah waktu terus bergeming mengacuhkan aku yang mendesak tahu jawaban.
Beri aku ruang disampingmu, untuk teduhkan dahaga.
aku menyepi, dan sendiri.
Menanti kehadiranmu yang abadi.
Belum usai penantian itu, masih butuh banyak waktu sayang.
Dan aku akan terus menunggu.
Bertemankan hujan, di kala matahari bergelung selimut karena lelah.

Aku tahu, untuk "kita" sangatlah jauh.
dan sebongkah es yang kau ukir masih belum bisa menyatukan kita.
Mungkin nanti, nanti saat semua sudah selesai.
Dan aku akan hanya mau kamu. Untuk menjadikannya "kita"

Dear my dearest.
Sejauh apapun itu, aku akan melewatinya.
Dan aku akan tetap bersedia, menutup segala lubang-lubang kejenuhan, jendela-jendela ketakutan, dan juga tentunya kepesimisanku.
Aku begini karena kamu. Dan kamu harus tahu itu.

from : aku yang sayang padamu

lets talk bout weekend first

hye bloggie. wuuu. entah kenape kan sy berase sgtla touching dgn comment2 dlm previous post nih, 'bukanlah anak idaman' thanks semua. plg sy rasa mcm nak nangis, dr ili nadiah. thanks dearest(s). erm. sy doakan kita - kita semua, still punya hidayah & iman dlm dada utk hormat pd ibu bapa, dan seboleh mungkin buat mereka happy. insya allah... sy mmg harap sy tak jd anak derhaka yg lupa ibu bapa, walaupun sy mungkin lupa diri. jauhlah~ amin...

"ape2 pun think of it as ur very lucky to have her that whatever she said
doesn't matter anymore. sbb ade org yg x dpt ibu mcm qilah. :)"

btw, lame da try update tp internet connection sgtlah menguji iman di dada jgk. ahah. sgt teruk, i should say. tiap 10min connected, then die auto-disconnected. blh plak auto kan? sabar jelah. sbb tu on9 fb pun kejap2, and sempat jgk comment blog org lain skit2. btw. sy dgn mama ok. sy cuma kene bnyk kawal amarah sy. sy bknlah marah x tentu pasal cuma sy mmg cpt tnggi suara. yes, mungkin btol, sy ni jrng rase ssh sbb tu sy jd camni. hurmm...

ok, sambil sy type nih sy tgh tgk hindustan. hahahaha. sumpah sy jrng amat sgt nak tgk hindustan sejak these past few years. pernah tgk cite ni dlu, tp haram x ingt. aishwarya rai + anil kapoor. ok. last saturday, sy pergi jln TAR + masjid jamek. tak meleret ke sogo, sbb tak larat sgt da weyh. gileee amat ramai org. and mmg melekat la badan sesame manusia. yes, it was that crowded. and, we went there bout 3hours je tp mmg nak pengsan. seriously, i was thinking that anytime sy blh blackout. and, we bought few shawls 2 atyn, kwn si kacak di penang, and i bought 2 dual-rainbow shawl too~!!! waaaaaaa. rainbow pnye pasal. i like~!

and act, ade bnde lawak gle tahap.... erm. bidadari~ sy terjmpa kwn lame sy time dkt mrsm dlu, ainaa amira + kurt dearie~! ok. ainaa tgh on phone, and kurt blur3 tgk brg. seriously sy x perasan mrka sbb terlalu lah sesak d jln TAR itu. ainaa dah nmpk sy dlu, die try bgtaw kurt, dgn care tepuk2 kurt, kurt pnyelah blur and tekerjut tgk sy dkt depan n die JERIT dgn SGT kuat. jujur sy ckp die jerit mcm jmpe hantu / artis diva mlysia. hahahahahaha. sy pun terus jerit n lompat dgn excited jmpe mrka. and terus sy tarik tgn mereka msk dlm gerai kasut. and, semua org masih pandang2 tgk kami. sbb seriously, jeritan itu sgtlaaa kuat. hahahahaha. XD

sampai umah, x sempat buat ape pun, mama & abah ckp x jd berbuka d umah su. tp terus gerak ke melawati jgk, sbb mama + kak sally nak beli brg buat kuih raye. b4 that, ambil ayie di UTM jgk, then straight 2 melawati. berpecah!!! ahah. abah dlm kereta, parking ssh nak cari. mama + kak sally = kedai alat2 jual kuih. ayie + me + kema = bazar melawati. and, terjmpa adik afiq n ayahnye~ tp x sempat nak salam uncle. sempat tepuk adek je sbb ramai sgt org. and, sampai rumah around 7pm, terus prepared utk berbuka. berbuka, and tak lame tuh, kami buat kuih ramai - ramai. and it was straight till almost 1am.

honey cornflake

biskut makmur

as for sunday, sy ingt sy da ok dgn mama. but suddenly mama ajak shopping raya, tp sy yg da serba salah, tolak elok2. tp... mama nmpk lain. sy jd sdeyh blk. sy menangis lg. kali ni sy panggil mama, berbincang. tp, mama ckp,

"anak dah besar tak blh dipaksa. ckp skit salah, diam salah, jd biarlah kita jg hati masing2 shja. anak mama tak ada yg kurangnya, tak degil. 1 shja, cuba utk berlajar ssh, cuba utk belajar berbudi, cuba utk belajar menghormati. ibu mana x lembut hati dgr anak yg berbudi? aqilah. awk untung sgt. cuba tgk org yg tak de ayah. samada yg ayahnya bercerai gilakan perempuan lain @ meninggal dunia. aqilah ada mama. aqilah dpt semua yg aqilah nak. mama, makan sedap2, duduk rumah besar, ape yg mama & abah x beri? salah mama jgk, mama dah cuba utk jd ibu terbaik tp gagal. tak pelah, masing - masing salah"

wuuuuuuu. sy menangis cam kene tumbuk T__T then sy fhm, sy yg perlu ubah diri. insya allah. sy kene cuba. then ok, kami ke JJ. mama & abah ckp, tnggjwb mereka utk bwk sy shopping raye.& abah masih membela sy ckp "shopping biasa & shopping raya lain..." sambil pndg mama. sdeyhnye sy. abah pun terlalu istimewa utk sy. nnt sy ceritakan lg ttg abah, yg kdng bila dgr mereka bercerita, buat sy rase nak nangis. bertapa beruntungnya sy sebenarnya di bumi ni. and, di JJ, sy x beli ape2. entah, mcm hilang semua mood utk bershopping. tp, semlm b4 abah blk srwk, abah ade kasi duit, utk sy shopping raye jgk. wuuuu. terharu. lepas berbuka, hantar abah ke KLIA. insya allah if x de ape2, khamis ni kami jmpe smula. insya allah.

btw. sy dpt hadiah. ta-daaaa~
owh seronok. rezeki. terima kasih~!
dpt da flip flop raye~! =]

and this one. i bought on9. ripcurl from aussie.
baju raye la nih. kan? ahah. ske~! =]

and, tomorrow i'm gonna post bout our talkshow 2day.
it was fun. like seriously. sgt lepak.
siap blh pasang lagu kuat2 and mrka menari dgn sgt la ceria.

tp... smua tu time lecturer x de lah! haha =P

Food Tip of the Day - Monday, September 14th, 2009: How to Peel an Avocado

Avocadoes are not only delicious, refreshing and extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile in the ways in which we can use them in our cooking and food preparation. The reason why many people are put off using avocadoes in their dishes is simply the fact that they are notoriously difficult to peel and de-pip.

The article below explains how to peel an avocado and remove the pip in the most effective fashion.

How to peel an avocado

National Organic Week

check out
for all your organic needs

National Organic Week 2009 - Events Listing

Is organic worth it?

Despite the recession and a belief that they’re more expensive, sales of organic food are up 16 per cent on last year – and that’s on top of price-cutting and increased competition, writes CONOR POPE

IT’S BEEN a tough year for organic food producers. As if convincing people to spend a little more on food in the middle of a full-blown depression wasn’t hard enough, they’ve also had to combat a headline-generating scientific report which was published this summer casting doubt on the nutritional benefits of their produce.

Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, acting at the behest of the British government’s Food Standards Agency, found that consumers were paying higher prices for organic food partly because they believed it had health benefits. After carrying out a review of 162 scientific papers published over 50 years, however, the researchers found there to be no significant difference.

“A small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs, but these are unlikely to be of any public health relevance,” says Alan Dangour, one of the report’s authors. “Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority.”

Organic food campaigners immediately countered by saying the researchers did not take into account the health effects of pesticides and other contaminants found in some foods. They highlighted the fact that the absence of pesticides is the single most important reason why people in Ireland continue to be drawn towards organic food in the face of downturns and downbeat scientific assessments.

At least the organic producers will be able to draw breath and bask in some positive publicity this week as National Organic Food Week continues.

Lorcan Bourke heads up Bord Bia’s Organic Marketing Development Group. Given his brief, it is hardly surprising that he neatly sidesteps questions over organic food’s nutritional superiority and value for money.

“All I can really say is that there are a lot of studies and a lot of very contradictory findings. The only thing I can say with any degree of certainty is that the number one reason people tell us they buy organic is the pesticide issue. It is the most regulated area of farming and consumers are buying into the ‘free from’ aspect.”

But it must be tough to convince people to buy organic when they are struggling to make ends meet in many aspects of their lives?

In the UK there has been a sharp rate of decline in the popularity of organic food over the last 18 months as people concentrate on budget shops. One of the problems in the UK has been the fickle nature of organic buyers, while Irish shoppers tend to become hardened converts, Britain’s are more prone to dip in and out of the sector, Bourke says.

There is, Burke accepts, a degree of price sensitivity on evidence now. People who would have happily paid up to 25 per cent more for food because it was organic are now saying that price gaps of more than 10 per cent are a big turn off. There is, however, “a strong cohort who will pay whatever is necessary for organic food”.

That cohort is keeping the sector in Ireland surprisingly buoyant. According to new research from Bord Bia, the value of organic sales in Ireland increased by 13 per cent in the year to July. In the first seven months of this year sales reached €124 million compared to €104 million over the same period last year – a 16 per cent rise.

The research also showed that 73 per cent of Irish grocery shoppers purchased an organic product in the last month, with fruit, vegetables and dairy products accounting for the most popular purchased categories.

But how much more are people prepared to pay for organic food? Bord Bia asked that question last year and found that 47 per cent of all consumers would “definitely” or “probably” buy organic if a 10 per cent premium is charged but, if the price differential between organic and conventional produce is any bigger, interest tails off dramatically.

“The big problem now across the board is that there is less money in people’s pockets. People have lost their jobs and that forces them to make real decisions at the point of sale,” says Burke.

Darren Grant is an ex-Dell worker who opened the Organic Supermarket in Blackrock, Co Dublin in July last year “on the day the recession was announced”.

Despite his poor timing, he says business has boomed through the bust. “We have seen a 45 per cent increase in trade in the last year. People have started to realise the true value of food and, instead of buying expensive ready meals, they are buying the raw ingredients.”

The store has an organic version of everything and claims to be the only exclusively organic supermarket in the State. “We want to bring organic food to the masses. In the past it was seen as elitist,” says Grant.

The buyers at Lidl and Aldi would hardly agree and for quite some time both discount stores have shown a healthy appetite to increase the range of organic foods to be found on their shelves. Both stores recognise there is a market for organic produce and both are prepared to sell at comparatively low prices to bring people through their doors.

TO MARK NATIONAL ORGANIC WEEK, Lidl has gone a step further and slashed the price of its organic food. Its organic carrots are €0.85 a kilo compared with a normal price of €1.66 while dozens of other items are selling at half price in the store for the rest of the week.

While Aldi hasn’t gone quite as far as Lidl this week, it is still selling organic food at knock-down prices and cheap as chips organic vegetables are also on offer in Tesco where price-matching with the German discounters seems to be the order of the day.

The Organic Supermarket may not be able to quite match the big boys price for price, but it does bring something unique to market. “Our lettuce is picked at 6am in Wicklow and on our shelves at 8am, so it’s as fresh as it can be and there’s no food miles to worry about either,” says Gran

lunch suggestion and peanut butter delight

It was a busy weekend with my mom in town, so I have a brief, random post before work this morning.

First, a must-try sack lunch idea: almond butter and apple sandwich! It's a favorite! Almond butter -- similar to peanut butter, just made with almonds -- is a creamy, rich flavor offering your sandwich some spice! And an apple (sans the skin) offers a fun, crispy interior. I can't imagine this isn't a complete jackpot among the younger generations, but I love it, too! 

 This weekend I made a new Southaven Farms recipe -- Peanut Butter Surprise Muffins! They are delicious!! For 145 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber, and 21 grams of can't go wrong! Yumm!

And football had a good weekend for me this week! Illinois and Michigan won and Ohio State lost. Between OSU and USC it was really the lesser of two evils for me. I was actually going "Big 10" but can't say I was sad when they lost! : )  Lily also enjoyed our time this moderation, of course.

Have a great week!