Monday, September 7, 2009

yesterday, i cried in the class

owhh yess. i WAS a drama queen, few years ago, but yesterday, was not a drama ok. and, it just a few drop of tears la. haha. maluuu weyh... XD well hey, the news was ok. it was a 1st-time-trial, so, every1 made mistake. and. ok, lots of mistake but the small one. and we learned, as we moved on. and, the 1st group did a mistake too, so, so did us. sape x buat mistake utk 1st time shooting utk prog LIVE @ news plak tuh, mmg gempakkk abisla kan. and, i guess i did quite well on the timing & directing, it just, the matter of, silly, unexpected mistake.

cik augustine, yg bnykkk membantu.
lampu tuh tibe2 meletup. 1 mentol = RM1800

- VT [visual] mmg WAJIB disusun ikut turutan dlm tape beta. so, senang nak cari timecode. timecode, eg; jam : min : saat : frame = 06 : 15 : 14 : 10
- VT mesti countdown from 10, 10 sec b4 commercial / VT abis.
- prompter MESTI ikut susunan berita
- ape yg penting.... kerjasama from A-Z

and, to tell the truth, every1 of my crew, did a mistake but WE also, did a great job. seriously. ok. time shooting live, bnde yg x best ade jd. such as, news presenter terskip 1 news since prompter salah susun. so, timing semua lari. and, we can't cut anything cuz it's live. VT pnye timecode, tak tersusun so, mmg jauh & lmbt nak cari, jd bnyk pause, but not la sampai berminit - minit. and. mr raj bnyk jgkk la marah. but, it's ok. 1st time. again, 1st trial. and, sumpah aku x nangis sbb kene marah la wan~! haha XD

my beloved crew members.

nangis sbb... sian tgk crew lain dlm bilik editing dkt blakang tu pun kene marah jgk. thanks
2 shai as well sbb die FM yg blh connect langsung ke director, me and suruh 'focus, focus qila'. ok. ahah~ and, act nangis sbb the final rehearsal was great enough. and, it just the matter of ble timing lari. uhuuu~ but what can i say, it's accidentally happened. and mcm best jgk, ble time nangis tuh, ramaiii jgk rupenye yg ambil berat. wahaha. i mean like, i'm well-known as a quiet, shy person in college. pdhal korang yg x kenal aku yg sebenar - benarnye. only a few did~

control room

and and. when i was crying, SEMUA group members dtg and say sorry. alaaaaaa... korang. seriously, dont blame urself. semua org buat slh. and wan tomot, group 1, tibe2 jgk ckp "korang pnye ok laaa. btol, ok je" hahahaha. yes i know wan. i can't stand myself from laughing when i looked at ur innocent face. i cried cuz, idk. haha. i guess we can do better & kesian tgk yg lain kene marah jgk, tu je... and and, zikri came to me and asked bout it too, as well as leon, etc. owh thanks korang~! seriously rase cam ramai jgk yg kisah ek? haha =P

maria, presenter with nurul, FM - floor manager
[group 1]

btw. after finished that. we had a meeting, for the next shoot. talkshow. 2 guest & 1 host. at 1st, we decided to maintain the same position. but then, i guess we should all learn a different position. and, for this time, i would b 1 of the talkshow guest. tomorrow, we gonna have another meeting again bout that. thinking of doing the proposal and searching for the input / visual. dang~ got an assignment to be submit this thursday, and, haven't finish it yet. aiyooo. got a lot of things 2 do. and as i arrived home yesterday, i took almost an hour to do HOMEwork.

angkat kain, jemur kain, masak air, masak nasi, buang sampah, siram pokok, and, lots more.

1st time pakai crocs hello kitty tuh g kolej. and it reminds me of lola. and ramai skeee sbb comel. hahahahahhahahahhahahahahah XD dan... i've got something from someone special.

lola on the top of the box

cupcakes inside the box.

p/s; i'm sooooooooooo happy and excited to see lola. thanks thanks thanks~!

and not to forget.

happy 20th birthday afiq akmal
@ 7th sept.

TWINS - My Boxing Gears

These are my boxing gears that came from Thailand. The famous TWINS! I asked my friend Warren Santiago who's working in Bangkok to buy me gloves and hand wraps. He went all the way to Lumipini stadium to buy them. Surprisingly he gave me additional stuffs as his pasalubong, the kick boxing ankle support and the sando tank top. I'm sooo touched. Warren never fails to give me some pasalubong wherever he goes. I just can forget the first pasalubong he gave me during college, the small koala bear from Australia. Since then this friend of mine constantly gave me pasalubongs through the years. On the other hand my good friend Paolo Garcia brought it here in Saigon from Bangkok. He had his online in Bangkok for his TVC. He also had the chance to see Warren after how many years already. These two guys were classmates during college. To think they were never my classmates, they have been my good friends through the years.

Sando Tank Top (For the Lady Boxer in Me)

Ankle supporters & Hand wraps

Family shot photo which I took in my apartment

I already started my boxing class mixed with some cardio. I was able to meet the famous David Minetti, a French fighter. He's the owner of K1 Fitness Factory where I box. He's very accommodating and very nice to me. I also met his brother FX Minetti. He's my instructor in my boxing class. After having my boxing class, I can't imagine on how to be a Manny Pacquiao! Honestly, my class was very tiring and made me a bit dizzy but I was able to survive. I have never been this happy and fulfilled with what I do. So I am keeping this up.

Now I am ready to punch and kick some ass! :-)

joanie xxx

"If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life!"

Confucius hit the nail on the head with that one!

I was just talking to bff, Kristen (she's the ICU nurse), in Chicago and we got on the topic of work. While yes, life is monotonous (especially after getting hitched!), and some days I get sick of listening to diet recalls by 3pm...I truly love what I do. I'm passionate about what I do. And I have aspirations of a title beyond "dietitian". Specifically, I am wanting to become a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). And currently, I am racking up the hours and years of experience to pursue this credential. I need:

- a master's degree in one of several fields (nutrition be one of them) - CHECK!
- 2 years (minimum) of diabetes self-management education - in progress!
- 1,000 logged hours of diabetes self-management education experience - in progress!
- current employment in a defined diabetes educator role providing diabetes self-management education a minimum of 4 hours per week

I think all RD's should be encouraged to seek a specialty, similar to nurses. It's great to love it all, but I honestly wouldn't be satisfied working in pediatrics. Or renal disease. Or oncology. And there's dietitians out there that couldn't be paid enough to agree to working in weight management and diabetes exclusively. Me, however...sign me up!

What else is out there for RD's to pursue? A whole lot! To name a few: Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD),
Board Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition (CSR), Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition (CSP), Certified Lactation Educator (CLE), Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition (CSG), Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition (CSO), etc.

As I know many of my readers are young professionals or in the medical field -- what are your goals or career aspirations? What areas of nutrition are you MOST passionate about?

I've enjoyed the long weekend (Happy Labor Day, by the way!)...but I won't be sad to head to work tomorrow. Even with it being my long, 13-hour work day. I must love what I do!

Aksi terjun bebas di depan kelas, anggap saja ibadah Ya Allah -_-

Hari ini, mestinya jadi hari Senin yang menyenangkan!
SEMESTINYA (bold underline italic-red)
Kenapa begitu?
Karena gue udah berhasil ngerjain 53 soal matematika dari 340 soal PR yang dikasih Bu Dwi.
Karena gue mendengar Danang Ilham siaran di Sahur Cihuy at prambors (fyi : mereka temanku)
Karena hari ini gue ketemu temen-temenku di sekolah lagi.
Dan karena karena karena lainnya yang terlalu bullshit.
Jangan lupa, hari ini gue masih Midtest. Yieeeks, midtest nya enggak tuntas, mesti kepotong weekend, walhasil hasrat binal bernama malas menyambangi.
Dan untuk pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia petantang petenteng enggak belajar.
Cuma belajar sejarah dari LKS dan modul bimbel.
Sampai sekolah, rambut masih wangi.
Dan alhamdulillah hari ini sudah mulai puasa lagi.
Bagusnya lagi, aku enggak terlambat.
Dan peta Indonesia buat PR geografi sudah digambarin dengan rapihnya sama my freaky best friend, Adya Rahadianto. Uuups. *tanduk iblis*
--fyi : kita (gue, adya, dan adryan fans club lainnya) adalah orang-orang freak yang memiliki banyak mimpi--
thanks to Adya so much! Mmmuuuaaaahhh *cium basah*

Setelah sukses melewati adegan mengisi legenda peta industri sambil bergosip dan berhaha-hihi ria, mulailah midtest jam pertama, bahasa Indonesia.
Yang ngawas bu Juju, guru Bahasa Indonesianya langsung, alamat sial nih! Pasti susah nyontek buat pelajaran yang dia ajarin, toh?
Untung cuma 2 soal yang aku enggak tau dan 2 soal yang aku enggak PD. Beres deeeh!

Setelah diselingi istirahat setengah jam, masuklah midtest jam ke dua, yaitu sejarah. HISTORY.
Makanan anak ips. seharusnyaaa!
Dan yang bikin heran, begitu bel berdesing nyaring bikin kebelet kencing sambil guling-guling guru pengawas ruang 10 belum juga tiba.
Tau-tau, ada satu cewek yang ternyata guru ppl --di sekolah gue, ada beberapa guru ppl dari UNJ yang praktek ngajar satu semester, dan masih muda-- dengan kerudung dan baju berwarna biru, berkata "Ketty masuk dulu yah, tunggu sebentar."
Gue kaget!
Dari mana dia tau nama gue? Segitu populernya kah gue?
Atau.... atau... atau... karena atau lainnya?
Gue masih mangkal di depan ruangan 10, bersama teman sekelas kelas 12 lainnya.
Sendy, Eya, Yvonne.
Sendy tiba-tiba sampai pada topik, "gue sebel banget sama guru ppl yang cowok yang pernah ngawas kita."
Eya menyahut, "Pak sigit?"
Gue menimpali, "Diapain lo sama dia?"
Yvonne nimbrung "Di pegang pantatnya?" Ini lebih ke pernyataan atau pertanyaan yang ngancem. haduuuh.
Sendy menggeleng cepat, "Enggaklah! Enak aja, pokoknya sebel deh gue."
Eya dan gue penasaran, "Ya kenapa Sen?"
Tau tau Yvonne sadistik, masuk ke kelas neriakin "Eh si Sendy di pegang pantatnya sama Pak Sigit." Ngawuuuur woy! haha.
Terang saja bahana tawa tersembul. *Apa sih ini?*
Enggak disangka, muncul dua cewek berjilbab di ujung koridor menuju ruang 10.
GUE langsung lari kedalam, dalam hitungan 1... 2... 3...
Anjriiiiit, gue kesandung tasnya Eya, gue melayang dan terbang kayak superman terus jatuh telungkup. Buseeeet.
Gue bangun dalam keadaan kaget di iringi tawa seruangan.
Yang perlu anda anda ketahui, ISINYA RUANGAN 10 BUKAN HANYA KELAS 12 TAPI JUGA KELAS 10. Siaaaal!
Dan detik berikutnya yang gue lakukan adalah tertawa keras sambil merutuki kebodohan gue.
begitu guru-guru berjilbab itu masuk, yang juga akhirnya gue tau dua-duanya guru ppl,  gelegar tawa belum berenti.
Guru ppl yang berbaju biru, jadi jutek dan itu nyebelin banget!
Anak kelas 10 yang duduk disamping gue, namanya hutha masih ketawa. "puas lo yeee?"
Enggak apa-apa, gue ikhlas, gue kan menghibur seisi ruangan yang sudah diserang lapar dan stress karena ujian. Anggap saja ibadah.
Ya Allah, anggap saja ini ibadah, kasih pahala yang banyaaak ya Allah. Amiiin. :)
Disambut lah gue dengan soal sejarah, karena merasa udah belajar, gue pun PD membuka soal.
Pas gue baca nomor terakhir, nomor 40. Udah ciut karena gue enggak tau jawabannya. bete.
Benar aja, dari 40 soal yang nongol, cuma 18 yang terjawab dengan yakin.
Mau menyemburkan aksi tanya dan bertanya, susaaaah.
guru ppl nya rese, yang baju biru jutek, yang baju merah -Bu Mega-  baik sih, tapi tetep aja enggak ngasih kesempatan. Hueeeks.
Dan akhirnya suara gemuruh kesel misuh-misuh menjadi syahdu. SOALNYA SUSAAAAH banget!
Ini bukan karena enggak belajar, tapi usut punya usut sumber bacaan materinya beda sama yang kita baca. BETE. -___-'
Walhasil, pas keluar gue dapet sambutan tertawaan. Ya ya ya saya terima kawan. Hahaha.
Gue masih terlalu kesel sama guru ppl berbaju biru yang memasang aksi jutek. Hmmm, gimana enggak dikerjain anak-anak yang lain yaa? Kesannya aja enggak friendly. Bu Mega sih masih asik. ups, pilih kasih dan jujur banget sih gue!
Ya udah lah gue pulang aja.
Masih memerlukan topeng nih, maluuuu gan!
Anyway, baru berasa nih, nyeri punggung dan memar di lutut.
Ada kenang-kenangannya deh gue.
By the way, kok guru-guru ppl itu pada tau nama gue yaa?
*weeeey GR banget lo ket!*  timpuk pake sendal. 

Steak and Ale Pie

There are several steak pie recipes which I prepare regularly but this steak and ale pie recipe has got to rate as one of my favourites. The brown ale lends a delicious extra flavour to the beef and the overall effect is truly out of this world.


1lb Aberdeen Angus stewing steak
1 large onion
1 large carrot
1 pint brown ale (I use Newcastle Brown Ale)
1 pint fresh beef stock (please - no stock cubes!)
1/2lb puff pastry
Freshly ground black pepper
A little milk for glazing


Put the beef in to a large pot and brown it over a medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. This will take a few minutes to do it properly and it is important to ensure that all the pieces of beef are properly sealed in this way.

Add the beef stock and brown ale to the pot and season well with freshly ground black pepper. Turn the heat up until the liquid begins to boil. Reduce the heat to very low, so that the liquid is just simmering, and continue to simmer for two and a half hours, stirring occasionally. Note that in the first few minutes of simmering, the brown ale is likely to cause the liquid to froth up but stirring well will negate this effect.

Ten minutes before the two and a half hours are up, put the oven on to pre-heat to 400F/200C/Gas Mark 6. Peel and quarter the onion and scrape and slice the carrot in to discs and add them to the beef mixture for the last few minutes of simmering.

Remove the beef and vegetables from the stock with a slotted spoon and place in to a rectangular pie dish, approximately 10" by 5". Pour in enough of the remaining stock to ensure the solids are covered.

Roll out the pastry on a floured board. Grease the edges of the pie dish with a little butter and sit the pastry on top, pressing down firmly around the edges. Cut a "+" shaped cross in the centre of the pastry with a sharp knife to allow steam to escape during baking and glaze lightly with some milk. Place the pie on a baking sheet and in to the oven for 30 minutes.

I like to leave the pie to rest for about ten minutes after taking it from the oven, in a similar sense as to how I would rest a beef steak for a few minutes prior to serving. After this time, cut the pie and serve with chosen accompaniments.

Food Tip of the Day - Monday, September 7th, 2009: Secret Restaurant Recipes

I first came across this e-book for sale on another blog and unfortunately at the time did not explore it in any great detail. When I came across it for a second time, however, only a few days ago, I was astounded to find what it contains.

Compiled by Ron Douglas, America's Secret Recipes is a collection of recipes from restaurants such as KFC, The Olive Garden and The Hard Rock Cafe. These recipes are explained in great detail, allowing you to save a fortune by preparing them yourself at home, instead of having to eat out at the restaurant concerned.

Fully downloadable to your PC in a matter of minutes, there is no need to wait for America's Secret Recipes to pop through your door. You can be reading and cooking these recipes tonight!

Click Here! for further details and to order not only America's Secret Recipes but the wealth of bonus items that are presently on offer along with it.

Saturday night.

My bohemian night was quite funny, but on the other hand... mosquitoes feasted at the expense of my blood, I have bites all over my body! However, that did not stop out on Saturday night with friends to dinner and dancing for a while.

Dress - Hell bunny
Cardigan - Blanco Socks - claire's Pumps - Offbrand Bag - Blanco accesories Ribbon - Handmade by me!

First, I had dinner with Rose, Jose, Miguel and Rubén; and then I went to "El cairo" with María and Jairo.

After that, we went to "On", a place where the lights are changing colors during the night.

Yesterday was a quite day; I was at home all the evening reading and chatting with friends.

And today I hope I'll go out, because... yes! It's raining! And I love walking in the rain! Fall is almost here, yaw! Anyway, if the plan does not work, I bought a sailor style patch and perhaps I'll sew it this afternoon to a cardigan.

By the way, I saw this wonderful skirt today:

The new Metamorphose's collection is so "Back to school"!

And one thing more: as you can see, now I've got a LookBook too; here's the adress:
So if you have an account, I'd love if youlet me know, so I could become a fan!

Have a nice monday!