20th july 2009. monday.
did a lot of things. and last night, went to klia. hurm...
abah nak blk srwk da. it's our normal fmly routine. jrng jmpe...
abah ade keje, abah blk la kl. da almost a year da rupenye.
abah. cpt la pindah kl. sdeyh la abah jauh. ={
hate it - pisahkan kte dgn org2 tersyg!!!
love it - temukan kembali dgn org2 tersyg +
lots of chocs!!! XD
hurm. me too.
nak trun beli roti gardenia jap.
di srwk x de roti gardenia taw? saje beli.
abah slalu kasi jiran2 kalau blk dr kl.
baju tuh beli on9! hahahaha XD
pdhal die nangis baru je jap. hukkk...
nnt jmpe lg... insya allah. amin3!!!
goodbye abah. take care.
hope to see u soon. love u so much~!
life ni... pelik jgk kan?
too many connection between each other act. huh~
gile. mmg cam best. tp kdng pk. errr~~~
bnyknye connection. shhh3!!!
x de stranger plak ke? wahaha. ok. sekian.
and. my no1 fav song from the corrs.
they were famous back to the 90's. love them~
"All The Love In The World"
I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe (I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it. I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away. Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me...
And i won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe (I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it. I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away. Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me...
And i won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world