Thursday, June 17, 2010

my beloved best frend

Halo halo. selamat siaaang.
Heran saya sudah bangun? saya juga. hahahaha.
Saat ini saya sedang beremail, ym, dengan dukun geblek tyo yang telah mengirimkan gue foto dua ciami haha.
Nah hari ini hari spesial karena teman yang banyak berjasa dalam hidup gue berulang tahun.
Sebut saja mawar.

Maka dari itu post ini saya dedikasikan khusus buat ARTIST *seniman* kebanggaan saya yang sudah saya kenal seikitar dua tahun.
Selamat ulang tahun Adya Ari Respati.

Gadis ayu yang sangat enggak suka sama orang tidak berprinsip ini sering kali merendahkan diri, atau rendah hati yang malu-malu, ahiiiy, kalau dia ini tidak pintar tidak cantik apapun itu.
Padahal kenyataannya, dia itu pinter banget, dan cantik *sadar jeng!*.
Gue banyak banget belajar dari seorang Adya.

Meskipun kesan awalnya dia anak bandel yang jutek sinis sarkastik tajam pedas dan nyebelin, tapi berteman dengan dia adalah anugerah.
Selain dia berpengetahuan yang teramat luas, mahir be
rbahasa inggris juga selalu update dengan informasil teknologi, dia juga seorang seniman berbakat yang setia kawan dan senang membantu dan sharing ilmu.
Adya adalah salah satu teman favorit gue yang juga partner mengg
ila serta teman yang sejujurnya gue banyak berutang budi padanya.

Siapapun yang memuji design blog gue, salah banget kalau mengira gue yang jago, yang jago dari gue adalah minta tolong sama si artistik papan atas yang super kreatif bernama ADYA.
Yap, totally, blog ini dia yang design. terutama bannernya. Kecuali ka
ta-katanya dalam banner. hehe.
Kalau pernah liat custome shoes gue, dia juga yang bikin. Kalau liat foto gue di edit bagus-bagus dia juga tuh.
Atau kalau mau tau kenapa nilai video geo kelompok gue bagus
, cuma dia dewanya.
Dan dia adalah teman gue yang selalu bersedia ngebantu gue dan ngoreksi gue dalam banyak hal.
Thanks super duper alot my dear.

Without you, im nothing.

Bakat dia luar biasa, hobinya membaca juga selaras sama gue, walaupun gue masih harus berguru sama dia yyang membaca buku yg sebenernya dia ga suka, dan dia bisa baca versi english dan juga ebook, hebatnya lagi ingatan dia super tajam. Gue mah tiarap deh dibandingin sama kawan saya itu.
Dia juga mencintai seni musik, meskipun sama naasnyya sama gue, enggak bisa main alat musik, tapi dia bener-bener penikmat jazz dan semua yang dia suka pasti keren.
Dan soal design, enggak ada tandingannya, dia yang perfeksionis dan fi
losofis enggak pernah menciptakan design yang standar, selalu out satnding. thats Adya taste!
Yang tak ketingalan juga soal fotografi dan filmografi. Selera dia beuuuh mantap bana!
Edit foto jago, memotret juga apa lagi, tapi sayang.... satu hal yang belum mau dia akui, dia sebenernya narsis juga doyan foto. hahaha.

Semua foto kalo yang motoin dia hasilnya pasti dan mutlak bagus. Apalagi kalo udah dibumbuin sama editan dia beuuuuh tak ada duanya.
Dan soal gue bikin film, dia adalah salah satu orang yang memeberi gue ilmu juga, dia ngajarin dan mengomentari gue banyak hal. Gue bener-bener bersyukur dia ma
u peduliin film gue.

Dan yang bikin gue makin seneng adalah, waktu gue cerita kalo film gue masuk jiffest, dia seneng juga. Betapa Tuhan baik banget sama gue karena selain gue punya nyokap dan kakak yang hebat dan enggak ternilai, keluarga yang mulai membaik, juga teman yang sangat berharga buat gue : ADYA.

rasanya enggak akan cukup kalo ngebahas betapa kagum dan utang budi gue sama dia.
Tapi yang pasti gue enggak akan pernah lupa sama dia. Dia te
man SMA gue yang terhebat!
Dy, kalau gue udah sukses gue berusaha buat sedikit membalas jasamu yak! haha.
Tapi bagi gue utang budi sampai mati enggak bisa lunas. Thankks forever. ahaha maksudnya ge sangat berterimakasih sampai gue mati sama lo. hehe.
lo itu ibarat berlian yang menganggap berlian itu bukan hal yan
g lur biasa, tapi orang lain tau lo luar biasa,
Dan gue berharap orang-orang diluar sana makin menyambut baik kehadiran seniman muda besar yang nasionalismenya tinggi meski pedes komentarnya.
hehehe, Tapi justru itu, komentar pedas itu tanda syang kan. :D

Minum susu sapi itu bagus ato ga???

18 Juni 2010, jumat

Kemarin ada baca status temen di fb,
Hasil pengamatan ratusan ribu usus besar dan usus 12jari manusia yg begitu kotor dan berpotensi penyakit ternyata adl milik org2 yg mengkonsumsi susu scr rutin/sering!!!! Jangan minum susu kalo uda bisa makan sayur!!!susu adl makanan yg paling sulit d cerna!!!!!

Wadoh shock juga bacanya...nyoba nge browse , ternyata ada artikel dari Prof Dr Hiromi Shinya, penulis buku yang sangat laris: The Miracle of Enzyme, yang mengatakan susu sapi adalah makanan/minuman paling buruk untuk manusia. Manusia seharusnya hanya minum susu manusia. Sebagaimana anak sapi yang juga hanya minum susu sapi. Mana ada anak sapi minum susu manusia.

Ini kutipan selanjutnya.
Mengapa susu paling jelek untuk manusia? Bahkan, katanya, bisa menjadi penyebab osteoporosis? Jawabnya: karena susu itu benda cair sehingga ketika masuk mulut langsung mengalir ke kerongkongan. Tidak sempat berinteraksi dengan enzim yang diproduksi mulut kita.
Akibat tidak bercampur enzim, tugas usus semakin berat.
Begitu sampai di usus, susu tersebut langsung menggumpal dan sulit sekali dicerna. Untuk bisa mencernanya, tubuh terpaksa mengeluarkan cadangan ”enzim induk” yang seharusnya lebih baik dihemat. Enzim induk itu mestinya untuk pertumbuhan tubuh, termasuk pertumbuhan tulang. Namun, karena enzim induk terlalu banyak dipakai untuk membantu mencerna susu, peminum susu akan lebih mudah terkena osteoporosis.

Profesor Hiromi tentu tidak hanya mencari sensasi. Dia ahli usus terkemuka di dunia. Dialah dokter pertama di dunia yang melakukan operasi polip dan tumor di usus tanpa harus membedah perut. Dia kini sudah berumur 70 tahun. Berarti dia sudah sangat berpengalaman menjalani praktik kedokteran. Dia sudah memeriksa keadaan usus bagian dalam lebih dari 300.000 manusia Amerika dan Jepang. Dia memang orang Amerika kelahiran Jepang yang selama kariernya sebagai dokter terus mondar-mandir di antara dua negara itu.

Setiap memeriksa usus pasiennya, Prof Hiromi sekalian melakukan penelitian. Yakni, untuk mengetahui kaitan wujud dalamnya usus dengan kebiasaan makan dan minum pasiennya. Dia menjadi hafal pasien yang ususnya berantakan pasti yang makan atau minumnya tidak bermutu. Dan, yang dia sebut tidak bermutu itu antara lain susu dan daging.

Dia melihat alangkah mengerikannya bentuk usus orang yang biasa makan makanan/minuman yang ”jelek”: benjol-benjol, luka-luka, bisul-bisul, bercak-bercak hitam, dan menyempit di sana-sini seperti diikat dengan karet gelang. Jelek di situ berarti tidak memenuhi syarat yang diinginkan usus. Sedangkan usus orang yang makanannya sehat/baik, digambarkannya sangat bagus, bintik-bintik rata, kemerahan, dan segar.

karena tugas usus adalah menyerap makanan, tugas itu tidak bisa dia lakukan kalau makanan yang masuk tidak memenuhi syarat si usus. Bukan saja ususnya kecapean, juga sari makanan yang diserap pun tidak banyak. Akibatnya, pertumbuhan sel-sel tubuh kurang baik, daya tahan tubuh sangat jelek, sel radikal bebas bermunculan, penyakit timbul, dan kulit cepat menua. Bahkan, makanan yang tidak berserat seperti daging, bisa menyisakan kotoran yang menempel di dinding usus: menjadi tinja stagnan yang kemudian membusuk dan menimbulkan penyakit lagi.

Karena itu, Prof Hiromi tidak merekomendasikan daging sebagai makanan. Dia hanya menganjurkan makan daging itu cukup 15% dari seluruh makanan yang masuk ke perut.

So, apakah susu sapi baik buat tubuh manusia?? Jadi ragu2 menjawabnya kan? Soalnya kita tuh dari dulu udah dibisikin soal 4 sehat 5 sempurna kan? Yang sempurna itu minum susu. Lah kalo ada penilitian kayak gini, apakah kita masih berani maksa diri ato anak2 kita minum susu sapi?
Jadi stress juga gw bacanya?? Mulai sekarang, mending minum susu kedelai aja ...

I hate U


i dont like to hate ppl.
but sometimes i have to.
i hate the fact that u hurt me.
leave me alone
let me be in my own world.
just me.
got nothing to worry.
let me be happy.
even for a while.
the truth is
i cant never be happy
to see u are happy
i still learn to let things go
even it seems so difficult for me.

P/S : Semalam ain tgk '10 things I hate about U'

suka la poem die..hehe..

10 things I hate about you poem

I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way youre always right,

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when youre not around,

and the fact that you didnt call.

But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you,

not even close

not even a little bit

not even at all.


Rice .......... 1 cup
Onion ....... 1 big or 2 small (sliced)
Ginger garlic paste ..... 1 tbsp.
Green chillies .....1-2 (slit)
Turmeric powder ...... 1/4 tsp
For garnishing .... Chopped nuts.
( Crush the following Garam masala coarsely, except bay leaf and cinnamon)
Green cardamoms ..... 2-3
Black cardamom ..... 1
Cloves ...................... 2-3
Cinnamon stick ......... 1 inch piece
Caraway seeds ........... 1 tsp.
Aniseed (saunf).......... 1/2 tsp.
Black pepper corns........... 1/2 tsp.
Coriander seeds .................. 1 /2 tsp
Bay leaf .............. 1

1. Wash and soak the rice.
2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and fry the sliced onion till brown in colour. Add the ginger garlic paste and a little water and simmer it for 5 minutes.
3.In a pan heat 2 tbsp. oil and add the crushed garam masalas. Stir fry on low flame for half a minute and add the fried onion, green chillies, salt and turmeric.
4. Now put the rice and mix well. Add 2 cups of water and cook the rice till done.Garnish the pulao with chopped nuts.
This pulao can be served with Chana dal, Sai bhaji (see recipe) or any non-veg dish.

Chana dal ..... 1/2 cup
Onions .......... 1 medium sized
Potato .... 1 (optional) Cut into big pieces.
Tomato ......... 1
Green chilli .. 1
Ginger garlic paste .... 1 tsp.
Cardamoms ........... 2
Turmeric powder .... 1/4 tsp.
Coriander powder .... 1/2 tsp.
Cumin powder ......... 1/2 tsp.
Red chilli powder .... 1/4 tsp.
Amchoor powder .... 1/4 tsp.
Salt .... to taste
Coriander leaves ..... to garnish
1. Heat oil in a pan and fry the onion till brown.Add the ginger garlic paste, green chilli and tomato. Stir fry, add a little water and cook.
2. Add the soaked chana dal, potato cubes,salt and all the dry masala powders. Add enough water and cook till the dal is done.. Take care not to over cook as the chana dal has to remain whole and not mashed up.Just mix it lightly and garnish with coriander leaves.(If using a pressure cooker, cook for 3 whistles)
3. Serve with pulao.

sgt boring

ngah tgu kwn2 dtg amik ni nk g pedas wet, nampak macam best je.hehe =) ain google tadi.
boring sgt.elot tido tak bgn2.huhu =( letcurer die tepon baru die bangun.
nampak tak banner kt atas tuh? yang ada muka ain? hm, elot yg buatkan sebenarnya.die kn terer wat benda2 ni.hehe =) exploitasi die untuk wat banner ain.haha
boring.n cuba ubh background blog.main baking life kt, dah penat nk main game lagi.

My Buffer Guest and ModaFad 2010

Today has been a good day, full of gorgeous events!! So be prepare, lots of pictures are coming!

First, Laia and I went to a cocktail at Grand Hotel Central, organized by Julio, my teacher of the coolhunter postgrade; and the creator of My Buffer Guest, an online magazine that I really recomend to all of you!

The terrace was spectacular, as you can see in the pictures.

And of course, we were dressed for the event!

Dress (used as a top) - Topshop
Skirt - Topshop
Tights - H&M
Shoes - Melissa
Ring - Accesorize
Flowers - Blanco

There I met someone I didn't expected... Catalina Estrada and her brother Nicolas Estrada!

I'm a very very big fan of Catalina's art, and I didn't expected to meet her here, it was a very big pleasure for me! Catalina is the creator of some of my favourite illustration or desings for art toys... 

After this gorgeous meeting, we went to the fashion show ModaFad 2010. We had a look into the backstage and there I found my friend Judith, who was helping some of the models to get dressed. 

The show was amazing, because the models walked around the hall and walkways of the metro station, between the people who were standing there, seeing the show. Laia and I were seated in the middle of the hall, as we had a VIP pass. 

I must say that all the red outfits were awesome, and I fell in love with all of them. All the fashion show took around three colors: red, black and white, as you can see... fantastic!!

So, as you can see, it's been a busy but great day. I hope that more like these would come...!

new charming boy!

Yang nonton pertandingan antara Argentina dan Korea Selatan pasti tau si ganteng dan keren Gonzalo Higuain. Ya kan? Same with me. Tiba-tiba ada juga pemain bola yang gemilang di mata gue, setelah gue puas ngata-ngatain CR7 tentunya. hahaha.
Nah saking cintanya, nih gue berbagi, siapa sih dia. wuhuuu. but remember, he's mine! hahahahaha.

Gonzalo Higuain biography

Gonzalo Higuain Gonzalo Gerardo Higuaín (born December 10 1987 in Brest, France, Finistère, France) is an Argentina-France Football (soccer). He currently plays as a striker at the Spanish club Real Madrid.


Gonzalo Higuaín was born in France while his father, professional Argentine footballer Jorge Higuaín, was playing for Stade Brest 29, at that time in the French Ligue 1. Having left the country at the age of 10 months, he did not return to France until the 1998 FIFA World Cup. Even though he does not speak French, he holds a French passport, because his father was naturalized French. But in January 2007, he successfully applied for the Argentine nationality.
He is the younger brother of Federico Higuaín, who plays football for Independiente.

Club career

River Plate

Following his double strike in the Major football rivalries Boca Juniors vs River Plate local derby against Boca Juniors, Club Atlético River Plate manager Daniel Passarella declared that he had an 'enormous future' and was 'destined for superstardom'.

Touted by many as a star of the future, he attracted the interest of several big clubs such as A.C. Milan, S.S. Lazio, Manchester United F.C. and Chelsea F.C.. After Real Madrid C.F. capture of another South American starlet, Marcelo Vieira da Silva Júnior, rumours were mounting that Higuaín and Fernando Ruben Gago of Boca Juniors would be signing for the Whites in the future.

Real Madrid


Real Madrid successfully signed Higuaín for €13 million, after River Plate had earlier turned down a €10 million offer for the 19-year-old striker from Real.

The striker announced at the signing of his six and a half-year contract, "it's great to have the chance of playing for such an important club as Real Madrid. I feel proud that Madrid has noticed me."

Higuaín's first game for Real Madrid was against Real Zaragoza at home. Higuaín shone by creating several chances and delivering the assist which resulted in Madrid's 1-0 crucial win against Zaragoza.

Higuaín's first ever goal for Real Madrid came during the 62nd minute in Real Madrid's draw with local rivals Atlético Madrid on February 24 2007. His first home goal for Real Madrid came in the dying minutes of Real's crucial encounter with Espanyol on May 12 2007. With the match tied at 3-3, Higuaín won the ball with a sliding tackle before exchanging a one-two with Jose Antonio Reyes and slotting the ball into the net. It was this goal which enabled Real Madrid to overtake rivals Barcelona into first place and propelled them to their 30th League Title.


On May 4, 2008, with Real Madrid down 1-0 against Osasuna, and needing just 3 points from their final fours games, Higuaín came on for Saviola in the 67th minute and from a free kick, assisted Arjen Robben's equalizer in the 88th minute. Higuaín then struck the winning goal two minutes later to clinch Real Madrid's 31st La Liga championship and has now become a new idol for Real Madrid fans.

Despite being Real Madrid's title hero, Higuain found himself on the bench for Barcelona's visit to the Bernabeu four days later. However, as he had in previous games, Higuain came on to devastating effect, scoring with his first touch within a minute and helped his team to a crushing 4-1 victory.


On August 24, 2008 he became Real Madrid's cup hero, scoring in the 89th minute, giving Real Madrid a victory over Valencia CF and it's eighth Supercopa de España. After the close of the summer transfer window, Real Madrid revealed that they have turned down a €25 million offer for Higuain from Zenit St. Petersburg.

International career

Higuaín initially rejected calls from both the Argentine under 20s and French national teams, specifically a friendly against Greece national football team, November 15 2006, claiming at the time he was undecided for which country he would prefer to play.

Higuaín's international career was looking set to mirror that of David Trézéguet, whose father was Argentinian, but went on to play successfully for France. When Les Bleus called up Higuaín against Greece, they assigned him the shirt number 20, the number originally worn by Trézéguet. He was dubbed the new "David Trézéguet". Nevertheless, at the beginning of 2007 Higuaín expressed his desire to play for Argentina, and started the procedures to obtain Argentine citizenship.

In February 2008, Higuaín was called up by the Argentina national football team, for a friendly match against Guatemala. He scored two goals in his debut and Argentina won 5 : 0. Unfortunately, it was not officially recognized as FIFA as an "A" international match, and will not count towards his caps and goals in international play.

Yeah, good right?
huhu. thats why i love him. Dan dia nyetak 3 gol aja gitu. Maka puaslah Argentina unggul 4-1 atas Korsel. wihiii manstaplah!

Black Sticking Kleefrijst Dessert (Bubur Ketan Hitam)

Black Sticking Kleefrijst Dessert (Bubur Ketan Hitam)

Ingredients :

240 g Black glutinous rice
(washed & drained)
60 g White glutinous rice (pulut)
(washed & drained)
7 c Water
2 Pandan leaves, knotted
1/2 c Sugar
Pinch of salt
1/2 T Tapioca flour or cornflour
Combined with 2 Tbs water to
Form a paste
1/2 c Thick cocnut milk
Pinch of salt

How to prepare :

Put rice in pot with water and pandan leaves and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, remove pandan leaves and simmer for 45 minutes until liquid is thick. Add sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt and thickening. Remove from heat.

Serve in small bowls topped with 1-2 tablespoons thick coconut milk.

Black Sticking Kleefrijst Dessert (Bubur Ketan Hitam)

Black Sticking Kleefrijst Dessert (Bubur Ketan Hitam)

Ingredients :

240 g Black glutinous rice
(washed & drained)
60 g White glutinous rice (pulut)
(washed & drained)
7 c Water
2 Pandan leaves, knotted
1/2 c Sugar
Pinch of salt
1/2 T Tapioca flour or cornflour
Combined with 2 Tbs water to
Form a paste
1/2 c Thick cocnut milk
Pinch of salt

How to prepare :

Put rice in pot with water and pandan leaves and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, remove pandan leaves and simmer for 45 minutes until liquid is thick. Add sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt and thickening. Remove from heat.

Serve in small bowls topped with 1-2 tablespoons thick coconut milk.

The Unofficial World Cup of Food 2010 - Mexico

Tonight sees Mexico play their second match of the FIFA World Cup 2010. Following their opening day draw with the hosts, South Africa, they find themselves coming up against the beaten finalists of 2006, France. In the wake of Uruguay's convincing victory over South Africa yesterday, defeat for either side tonight could have very serious repercussions. Purely as a useless piece of trivia, this is a repeat of the first ever match to be played in a World Cup Finals, back in 1930 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Mexicans everywhere will be hoping that a repeat of the 4-1 French victory on that occasion can most certainly be avoided...

On what is a very big day for Mexico, therefore, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to Colene Pefley, a friend of mine and fellow Helium writer, who is doing something which thus far only I myself have done in this project: guest featuring for a country other then her own. Colene is from Southern California, in the USA.

Enchiladas Verde

Green Enchilada Sauce

1 lb. tomatillos (green husk tomatoes)
1-2 serrano peppers (milder than jalapeños)
1/2 cup white onion, diced
1/4 cup chicken broth
Salt to taste

Boil tomatillos and serrano peppers for 7-10 minutes until tomatillos darken in color and prick easily with a fork. Drain tomatillos and peppers and transfer to blender. Add chicken broth and blend. Mix in onion and salt.

Enchiladas Verde

Serves 4

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
1/2 cup onions, diced
2 tsp. minced garlic
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (for filling)
Enchilada sauce
6 corn tortillas
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (for topping)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a small skillet over med-high heat, saute onions and garlic for approximately 3 minutes or until onions are translucent. Remove from heat. In another skillet heat corn tortillas, one at a time, over medium heat, until warm. In each tortilla spoon an even mixture of chicken, onions and garlic, shredded cheese, and a small amount of sauce. Roll shut and place closed side down into a 13 x 9 baking dish that has been lined with a thin layer of sauce. Pour remaining enchilada sauce over enchiladas, covering them completely. Bake for 20 minutes or until sauce bubbles. Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese on top of enchiladas and bake for 5 more minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve with rice and refried beans.

Mexican Cooking in Detail

Mexican cooking affords a great many opportunities for preparing delicious and exciting dishes. This book by Rick Bayless - available on both and - explores the world of Mexican cooking in detail and shows you how to make some fantastic and authentic Mexican dishes at home.