Saturday, January 3, 2009



1 oz Coffee liqueur.
¾ oz Chambord.
1 ¼ oz Irish cream liqueur.
Club soda.

Preparation Instructions:

1. Fill a glass with ice.
2. Pour over the Coffee liqueur, Chambord and Irish cream liqueur over the ice.
3. Fill the remainder of the glass with club soda and serve.

Cockles and mussels, alive alive oh!

Mussels are In Season.

In Dublins fair city,
Where the girls are so pretty,
I first laid my eyes on sweet Molly Malone.
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying "Cockles And Mussels, Alive alive Oh!"

To Make Some Mussels In Beer

I used some Mussels they are so cheap right now.
A can of beer (larger ), Chives, parsley , garlic, chili , Chinese pepper.
I finished it with Parmesan.
Steam for a few minutes don't over cook or they will be like rubber.
These were Just great.
Other recipes I am interested in trying are Thai style cooked in coconut milk.
White wine sauce
And cream sauces.

For More Info On how to check you mussels are good,162,IN.html

"To me their aroma and flavour are the very essence of the sea. Some people accuse them of being dangerous to eat, but in fact mussel poisoning (unpleasant, though never dangerous) is positively rare. If you know how to buy mussels and how to deal with them, the risk is negligible. I would point out, however, that all shellfish are highly perishable. So you should always eat mussels (and any other type of shellfish for that matter) on the day you buy them.

Mussels are at their best in cold weather, so their season is usually from October to March. When you see them in a fishmonger’s, a sign of freshness is that most of them are tightly closed: if there are a lot of ‘gapers’ don’t bother. When buying mussels you need to allow at least 1 pint (570 ml) per person for a first course, and 1½-2 pints (about 1 litre) for a main course. That may seem a lot, but some will have to be discarded and, once they have been shelled, mussels are very small and light.

The ritual of cleaning and preparing them sounds more bother than it actually is. When you get them home, dump the mussels straightaway into a sinkful of cold water. First of all throw out any that float to the top, then leave the cold tap running over them while you take a small knife and scrape off all the barnacles and pull off the little hairy beards. Discard any mussels that are broken, and any that are open and refuse to close tight when given a sharp tap with a knife.

After you’ve cleaned each one, place it straight in another bowl of clean water. When they’re all in, swirl them around in three or four more changes of cold water to get rid of any lingering bits of grit or sand. Leave the cleaned mussels in cold water until you’re ready to cook them. As an extra safety precaution, always check mussels again after cooking – this time discarding any whose shells haven’t opened."

Info from here,162,IN.html

Spinach and Strawberry Salad

You need Strawberries and Spinach some crushed almonds and I also used some really thin pieces of onion (I sliced them on a mandolin slicer)You could also add sesame seeds and bacon bits. For the dressing I used Honey, Walnut oil, lime juice (2 tablespoons of each) honey (1 tablespoon), black pepper and salt .

Another Use for Post-it Notes

My friend Michelle asked me a good question. When I get a new cooking magazine in the mail, how do I keep track of all the recipes I want to make? Do I mark the pages or tear out the recipes? My answer, honestly, was that I either make the recipe right away or not at all. But as I thought about it, this seemed like a lame and inefficient way of dealing with all the great recipes I come across. I feel like there is never enough time to make all the recipes I find, but I still have days when I can't think of anything to make or nothing I think of sounds interesting or delicious. So I have to go flip through some old magazines and an hour later I finally find something that I want to make.
So now I have a new strategy. Post-it notes! I'll slap a post-it on the front of the magazine and write down all the recipes from that issue that sounded good or that I wanted to try. It's an interesting exercise because as I flip through the magazine I find myself only writing down the recipes that I can truly picture myself purchasing the ingredients for and making. Although the sausage, roasted red pepper and spinach torta rustica combines bread, meat and veggies in a quiche-style dish that I would certainly enjoy, I'm not compelled to make it. On the other hand, the mac with two cheeses is more appealing to me - maybe because the second cheese is goat (first cheese is cheddar) and it's topped with caramelized shallots. Whatever the logic, it reduces the number of recipes I'm willing to try to about three per issue.
I have five years of Cooking Light and one year of Bon Appetit to go through and apply my post-it scheme. Maybe I should hire an intern.

Hotcake Pound Choco

Bikin kue lagi ni...kali ini bahannya pake hotcake mix, jadi lebih praktis n mudah. Resep nya bisa liat disini. Lumayan buat cemilan.
200 gr hotcake mix/tepung serbaguna
3 bh telur
70 gr gula
80 gr mentega
60 ml susu
10 gr cocoa powder
vanilla essence

Kocok rata telur, gula, susu n vanila
Masukkan hotcake mix n cocoa powder
Masukkan mentega cair, aduk rata
Oven 180 drjat selama 30 mnit

all about us

u're my number 1 in this world.
yup. beside my family, u're the no 1.
from the 1st moment we become FRIENDS.
until now. even u're a million miles a part.
i love u. more than u know.
yup. that's what i keep telling everyone i love.
and i really mean it.

gosh...i miss u. every moment i breathe.
do u still. feel da same way?
do u still remember all da time we've been through?
with ur family, i feel warm & save.
i remember the moment i hug u.
and the moment i laugh at u.
especially when u're running away from a cat~ haha.

i remember when we're eating 2gether.
i'll finished my food 1st, as usual. hee...
we love the same things. but also.
we're different in a few aspects.
my taste and ur opinion it's a lil bit different.
but thats how we completed each other.
and do u still remember...
how addicted we're to PINK? haha.

everything has to be in PINK.
than. we love to eat a perfect well known food.
must be da delicious one!
we dont mind to spend our money on it.
and spend half of the day at the spa.
doing facial, and new haircut.
u said u're not good in driving. oh dear.
i'm a lot worse than u. haha...

remember how we love to talk on the phone?
then still SMS, comments, and ym.
until my dad keep mumbling bout it. haha..
n what i've told him,"its my best friend!"
"not my boy friend!" daaa?
boys come and go. best friend? they stay.
with u. all the time. no matter what happened.

in fact. it just the matter of time.
who changes everything. but.
above all this. it will never change 1 thing.
our friendship. its not just 4ever.
but its 4evermore.

i love u.
more than u know.

cube teke!

cube teka! hehe... cube teka tgh buat ape? cett. cam mengong je.
haha. tgh charge hp. n on9. d ruang tamu ini. yesh. lappy dah ok!
alhamdulilah.wokeyh. hari ni. budget maw bgn lmbt.
but then abah kejut ajak g pasar tani. bgn je la. gerimis~
patot syok gile tdow. g pasar tani jln kaki je. x sampai 1 km kot?
haha. ye kot? jln 3 minit je. hee...

then. mama n abah agak excited. since 1st time dtg pasar tani setiawangsa.
and, as usual. mama n abah. femes yg amat. ramai plak kwn2 lame they all jmpe.
leteyh menunggu mereka berbual. then. dpt lappy blk. excited la cek2 pe yg patot.
then lunch. kul 12 lebeyh da time tuh. msg nora. kaco2 die. haha.
then siap2 maw kuar. tataw nak pakai bju ape. and i can see it... nmpk dgn sgt jelas!
berat ku naek suda!
haih~ mane tak! elok2 makan nasi sekali sehari je.
skrg almost everyday 2x sehari! dahla mmg jenis bdn cpt naik. hurm...

after dat. gerak g kl central. haa. ni geram seketika!
time dlm lrt otw g kl central, die leh ckp baru nak kuar umah.
waaa. janji kul 3pm @ mid. tuh dah kul 3:15pm!
terus cam...tanye. nak g mid or klcc je? die ingt org x gerak lg. and die ckp.
kuar esokla. x de mood plak. pastu ckp dkt die. x blh! org dkt kl central da.
and sampai kl central. duduk dulu. n buat confirmation. last2 decide g klcc.
dekat~ as usual. he's late again... aiyooo.

then. marathon 2 movies again. time Q, jmpe miss wana + afeeqa. hee...
miss wana dgn kwn2, feeqa with fmly. owh, tgk transporters 3. + histeria.
since die x tgk lg. tgk je la cite histeria tu. again~ huhu... ok.
time dlm cinema smpt main ketok2 perot die. haha.
die ckp sy gemuk. die lg gemuk!
sy ckp. sy pregnant 3 bulan. die 6 bulan. haha.

owh yar... kebetolan time sherry call. kambink ade di seblah.
n die ambik hp,n borak dgn sherry. sempat scandalkan sherry + hadi. hehe.
sherry. thanks nyway 4 listening. =]

anis ajak jmpe esok. i mean. me. and fiet. segan plak maw kuar ber3 gitu.
i asked her to meet him without me. just 2 of them. but she refused.
lgpon segan la nak kuar gtu... sbb mereka sudah lame kenal.
sure bnyk bnde nak d borakkan. huhu. tp anis tammo kalo sy x de...
kte tgk je la anis jmpe kambink x esok? kalo x jmpe. kte kuar lain kali ye kalian!
x pe. ade jodoh x kemane~ hee...

then. habis movie. malam sudah. lepak d signatures. makan2...
then sy blk. sbb dah pukul 10pm. naik train lmbt2 takot la plak.
time tgh tnggu taxi. jmpe wawa n sarah. hee. mereka dr BB.
sampai dah dkt 11pm. mandi. on9! haha...

erm. de lg maw tulis. tp ngantok da. bhse pon lintang pukang da. haha.
esok la. hee.. 2 b continue~