Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Waking Life
Last week I was convinced that I had a eureka moment. To those people who are not familiar with the meaning of eureka, well according to wiki and merriam:
"Used to express triumph upon finding or discovering something"
Then today, I woke up telling myself...wait, enough of everything. I always forget whom this real person inside me is. My emotions always drag me down. Be logical and life is waking me now. It says wake up Joanie! Enough of your cheesy belief about life. Be the strong person you used to be. Don't make a crap out of the good things you could possibly be. Start making firm decisions about your future and don't lean on your past that keeps pulling you back. Don't believe on the things that you have doubts about, if things are going to be right---then the moment will prove it. Life is so beautiful that I shouldn't carry my garbage all the time. I should dispose them. I don't want to waste a single second of my time to those people who are just hurting me. Life is one big decision and there are instances that you have to do it right there, otherwise you will just procrastinate or the moment will pass you by. You will always tell yourself, wait I have to take things slowly or I can't make an instant decision. The challenge that our life is giving us---make a decision by choosing what you want and what really matters in the most challenging situation. We are responsible in choosing our own battles. We may win some or lose some. But at the end of the day or rather at the end of your battle you will tell yourself, I did it!
You'll be happy to wake up that the life you choose is the life you want. The journey that you want to continue is what will make you happy. You will not regret every single second because you fought for it. And for Joanie, she will continue to chase the other pair of her shoelace because she wants to continue her journey with her sneakers fixed. So she can run fast and see the beauty of life and seize the moment and hope that one day soon there's another pair of sneakers waiting for her. Better together those two happy sneakers will run fast so they can catch their big dreams! So run Joanie run!
rOti Sosizz n keJu
Jadi deh tuh semalam gue buat roti dengan isi sosiz n keju.
Bahannya : tepung terigu protein tinggi, gula, 1 bks fermipan @11 gr, garam, 1 btr telur, susu cair, margarine.
Cara membuat : campur tepung - gula - ragi - garam aduk sampai tercampur rata
tambahkan telur, susu, campur hingga rata, setelah rata tambahkan margarine uleni hingga kalis, diamkan adonan selama 10 menit, kemudian timbang adonan seberat 50 gr akan didapat +/- 12 potong roti, diamkan selama 15 menit.
Kempeskan lagi adonan, dan isi dengan bahan yg disukai : keju, sosis kemudian diamkan lagi selama 60 menit.
Letakkan adonan diatas loyang yg sudah diolesi mentega, dan olesi atas roti dengan kuning telur
panggang dioven sampai matang dengan suhu +/- 190 derajat.
Driving Licence
Thx God, akhirnya gw berhasil lulus dalam test trakhir n da dapet Sim Driving licence. Aaahh, setelah perjuangan panjang, dari tanggal 20 Agustus kemarin mulai skul drive, kira2 2 bulanan, smua pelajaran diikutin, test juga terlampaui....akhirnya lulus dari skulnya tgl 18 oktober.
Tinggal test tertulis di kepolisian.
Pertama test tgl 23 oktober, wah, ga lulus....kurang 2 point aja...uh....sebel banget, cape rasanya.
Mesti belajar lagi....akhirnya tgl 28, nyoba lagi.....
Pagi pagi dianter husband ke tempat testnya, jam 8.30 uda mesti daftar. Sementara Mei skul, Xiang harus ngikutan nungguin di tempat test itu...repot juga, abis ga ada yang bisa dititipin sih..
Untung ga rewel, die bobo aja sementara gw test....
Testnya ada 95 soal, bahasa jepang semua....teler juga ngeliatin kanji selama 50 menit...
90 soal pointnya 1 kalo bener, 5 soal yg lain pointnya 2.
Kelulusannya harus diatas 90.....kibishi banget yak?
Pas hari itu yang ikutin test ada kira2 50 orang, yg lulus cuman 20an orang...wah wah...
Puji Tuhan, gw termasuk salah satu diantara yg lulus....ahhhhhhh
Proses nunggu sim nya ga lama....langsung foto disitu, setelah urus administrasi, biasa deh bayar ini itu....serahin dokumen, akhirnya sim da langsung di tangan...
Pulangnya nyoba nyetir sendiri didampingin husband...hehe, belom biasa....kacau deh...
Husband malah teriak teriak kuatir...takut...hahhaha.....gw nya jadi ikutan grogi deh...kacau...
btw, mesti latihan lagi nih....
- 1 rumah bgn lambat! sampai class 9:30am. nasib lect x masuk lagi!
- media society, individual presentation. acap acis malu2! XP
- lunch dgn kambink @ cmrL~ haha. thanks sbb dtg just 4 lunch..
- kambink teman jln kaki sampai depan apartment...
- buat media society grouping skit2. minum air soya + keropok.
- tidur setgh jam! then mandi. solat dan solat...
- haris called. "ada brg nak kasi..." barang dr fakhrul.
- fakhrul dah balik cuti. haris yg bwkkan. thanks haris jd postmen.
- thank u so much fakhrul 4 da birthday present!
- fakhrul. sy betul2 terharu dgn hadiah tu. creative + sweet.
- serious. sy terharu sgt fakhrul...thanks, 4 everything. i know someday awk akan jmpe org yg sgt baik & syg awk sepenuh hati. insya allah. amin~~~
- then. adek balik umah. bwkkan bee hun tomyam!!! thanks adek.
- hari ni mkn bee hun tomyam 2x! hehe.
thanks fakhrul! =]
alhamdulilah. hari ni, banyak benda meaningfull jd. harapnya. hari - hari yg mendatang, lebih baik. Insya Allah. amin... sungguh. ade bnde happy. ade bnde buat diri ini serba salah. utk memilih dan menilai yang tulus ikhlas atau palsu..? apa pun. ku bersyukur dgn segala nikmat-Mu Ya Allah...
Traditions in November
The month’s of Novembre starts with the feast of “all Saints”, but the most important feast is the day after, the 2th of November, The celebration of the deads, that we call “la festa dei morti”.
In the past, during this day, in the morning the people of Palermo, went to the Cemetery and they taked with them “a muffuletta” a bread with oil of olives, anchovies, salt and pepper, to eat fast in the oper air.
During the day the people of Palermo eat many kind of sweet things, tetù, reginelle biscuit with sesame,
The families prepared a basket full of these sweet things and many toys, and the child believed that was a present of the deads.
In November is important too the “Festa di San Martino”.
In Palermo we use to eat the “biscotti di San Martino”, hard biscuitz with aniseed to soak in the wine “Moscato”., or the same biscuits with cheese and chocolate, or with jam and icing, sugared almond, in a perfect Barocco Siciliano style!
Palermo seen by us
Walking through the streets of our city, sometimes we remain impressed by some details that maybe until the day before, we had not noticed.
Some small hidden treasures, strange things camouflaged among the most common things that at first sight are those that prevail and affect the attention of a passing distracted.
There are wealth deteriorated by the time, but still retain their charm, decadent churches,
walls marked by time or by phrases of love,
posters of saints and politicians.
It is interesting to observe these small details,
2008 KOREA IN MOTION, DAEGU festival