Tuesday, June 16, 2009
kurri? dan RM10
kanak - kanak 1
hari tu. mase blk kelantan.
ade seorg adek sepupu sy. buat hmwrk sains.
dpn mama sbb minx tlg mama ajar.
die skola rendah lg...
die bace soklan.
n soklan tuh berbunyik,
"which food is most suitable for breakfast?"
A) bread
B) cereal &milk
C) nasi lemak
D) curry
syaza sebut satu - satu jwpn dgn jelas...
tp, bile part (D)... sy ngan mama terdiam jap.
sbb x fhm. syaza sebut "kurri"
atau dgn lebih jelasnye... "currriiiii"
syaza : mak long!!! kak qila!!! kurrii tuh ape?
kami : aaaa? ape tuh? meh tgk jap. owhhh... kari la syaza!
syaza : owh... karri~ haha
kami : hahaha... a'ah. bkn kurriii taw syg! XD
kanak - kanak 2
bile blk kuantan plak, jmpe si aisyah yg berumur 9 tahun dah.
tp badan mcm budak 5-6 tahun. kecik x besar2!~ haih~
time tuh dah nak blk kl. teh n aisyah tumpang dr umah mama ngah.
dr tok sira ke indra mahkota. aisyah pernah janji...nak hafal doa makan.
sbb sy akan kasi RM10 kalau hafal...
sy : aisyah. dah hafal doa makan x?
aisyah : tak. hehehehe...
sy : nape x mintak hakim ajar? [hakim = anak buah aisyah berumur 5 tahun]
aisyah : die da ajar. tp salah. sbb die pelat~
sy : then aisyah mkn bace ape je?
aisyah : bace bismillah je pun x pe.
sy : no no no. bace doa makan cpt! hafal cpt. tammo kwn!
aisyah : ok ok ok. aisyah bace skrng! cpt la ajar!
perjalanan dr tok sira ke indra mahkota tuh... dlm 15 minit je kot?
sy n mama berulang kali ajar aisyah. ade je part die salah skit2.
setiap kali die bace, die terus hulur tgn. nak RM10 die...
sy : x de! ade salah lg tuh! x blh!!! nak lancar! hua3...
aisyah : ok ok ok!!! jap jap jap!!! smule3!!!
sampai la dah sampai dpn umah aisyah. sy dah salam dgn mama die...
n siap2 nak msk kete nak blk kl da.
time tuh. aisyah mcm lipas kudung. tahan sy dr msk kereta.
n g sane-sini sambil cuba yg terbaik utk hafal~ haha. comel je....
last2... die berjaye hafal dgn lancar. hee.
mama la main ugut2 die x nak tnggu da lame sgt nak hafal.
bile die berjaye, dgn lancar. sy terus kasi RM10. ske die~!
dgn mama pon kasi RM10. lg melompat~! haha...
last sy pesan...
"kalo pasni kak qila jmpe, aisyah dah x hafal, duit tarik blk"
dan aisyah? janji nak hafal 3 qul plak... hee XD
A good place for a date
In the same vein, I like to talk about all the dates I have. Some people have never had a date, and that is very very sad. The dates I had as a child were among the most memorable. I've had dates at Spanish restaurants and I've had dates in my own kitchen. Any place can be a good place for a date.
Dates of the gastronomical variety are rather like models of the mathematical variety. Not as sexy on the surface, but elegant and surprisingly useful. When I was young, I ate chewy date bars from the supermarket, packaged and processed but tasting like they were homemade. My mom liked them too, and we bought them all the time until suddenly they were discontinued - which is something like making a best friend at work only to have them quit. (The fact that I equate food to a best friend speaks volumes about how highly I value my friends.) At many a tapas bar, you can find bacon wrapped dates simply broiled, and why we pay so much for them is beyond me but they're delicious. Something about dates is mysterious and fascinating, maybe because they're under utilized, the bench player of the fruit squad, and by no fault of their own, often confused with prunes or figs.
As I wandered around the fruit section of the supermarket the other day, a shopping list held firmly in my hand, I spotted a little basket of dates. I was compelled to purchase them, with no particular recipe in mind, but a taste for chewy, sweet bars or bread in my mouth. But a week later those dates were still sitting on my counter making me feel guilty for buying them under false pretenses. So I hussled over to the computer and dug up a date bread recipe. Now the key to this recipe is not anything complicated in the ingredients of the bread itself, but the recommendation that you eat it with cream cheese. If you've had a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese, you know what I'm getting at. The cream cheese cuts the sweetness of the bread perfectly. Use reduced fat cream cheese if you must, but put a thick layer on the bread. This is no time to skimp and ration. The cream cheese needs to be toothmark thick - which means it's thick enough that when you take a bite, you can see your toothmarks on the cheese.
I'm hoping for more dates in my life, of any variety. But this is a good place to start.
Date Nut Bread (Gourmet)
3/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 cups chopped dates
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup molasses
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 large eggs
1 cup all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped walnuts
Heat oven to 350°F.
In a medium bowl, pour hot water over dates and butter. Stir and let the mix sit until lukewarm. In a food processor, puree 1/3 of the mix to make a paste. Stir it back into the bowl full of date mix. Add the brown sugar, molasses, vanilla, and eggs. Stir until combined.
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Make a well in the center and pour in the date mixture. Mix. Pour the batter into a butter-greased loaf pan.
Bake for 60 minutes or so; loaf is done when the top has risen. Remove the bread from the oven and cool it on a rack for at least 30 minutes before serving.
Morou on the move
Darn it! I got a Facebook IM from Morou Ouattara this morning. His restaurant FarrahOlivia, in Alexandria, Va., closed last month.
I’ve always liked Morou. He’s probably my second favorite member of the West African Malenke tribe (my favorite is my friend Fatou), and he made an effort to incorporate some West African flavors into the food at his last restaurant.
But he's moving back toward the mainstream with an Italian restaurant that he'll be opening in Crystal City. It will be named Kora Restaurant, Bar and Lounge, and is scheduled to open in the first week in July.
This was all actually reported weeks ago, except for the opening date, which of course doesn't mean anything until the place actually open, but I just learned about it, and I thought I'd share. It also give me a chance to show you a photo I took of Morou when he was chef at Red Sage in DC, back when I wrote a profile of him in 2000.
65 cup dan liburan sejoli
Gue belakangan mulai enggak terkontrol. Secara fisik nampak baik-baik saja *dan selalu nampak sangat baik saja* sedangkans esungguhnya sudah roboh, ck. Apalagi secara psikologis, hmmm, mengalami gangguan tingkat kelelahan dan kejenuhan serta stress tingkat tinggi. Dan tetap HARUS menjalani hari padata dengan biasa dan berkualitas BAIK meski sedikit maksain.
Ngeek ngook. Yang jelas gue bener-bener mau menghabiskan LIBURAN ASLI gue tanpa ada gangguan apapun soal sekolah, apapun, dan tanpa terkecuali. Pasalnya, semenjak gue SMA di SMA Negeri super streng nan unik berarsitektur dengan seni memukau yang memajang tangga cantik di luar, pas diatas gerbang.
Berflashback ria, waktu kenaikan kelas dari kelas 10 ke kelas 11, enggak sama sekali gue bisa menikmati kata libur. Jangankan untuk libur, untuk memepersiapkan perlengkapan sekolah kelas 11 pun enggak sempet. Kenapa? Karena liburan tahun lalu gue lewatkan 10 hari di hall kebun jeruk untuk menyukseskan acara arteri cup superman. yep, gue panitianya.
Acara tahunan 65 itu emang numpuk di akhir periode OSIS alias setiap mau pergantian tahun ajaran baru. Jadi pas liburan waktu bakal tersita buat kepanitiaan ini itu. Sebel dan capek. Seru sih, setidaknya enggak akan sia-sia waktu lo, dan pasti happy. Tapi enggak bisa menuhin istirahat yg lo butuhkan.
Bersyukur tahun ini 65 cup atau arteri cup jatuhnya seminggu sebelum libur. Jadi libur gue cuma kepotong 2 hari. Sisanya bebaaaas! Yey. Dan gue enggak mau dua hal *65cup dan liburan* itu gagal atau terganggu. Amin.
65cup tahun ini merupakan tahun ke tiga, sekaligus tahun spesial enggak pake telor. Kenapa? Karena berhasil menggaet walikota dalam acara ini. Namun tanggung jawab juga semakin berat, cuma karena ini tahun gue, alias tahun yang kelas 2 jadi semangat berkobar. Meskipun harus gue akuin sejujur-jujurnya, angkatan gue enggak solid. ENGGAK SOLID.
Enggak jarang juga gue nemuin forum dalam forum, sedangkan ketuanya yang menyebutkan "TIDAK ADA FORUM DALAM FORUM" justru salah satu provokator terbentuknya forum dalam forum. Enggak maksud sindir menyindir, cuma mengeluarkan keluh aja.
65 cup tahun ini memiliki banyak cinta..
Kok bisa? Bisa lah! Pertama, si juru design aka orang-orang kepercayaan kita soal design mendesign dalam acara ini akirnya jadian sama salah satu panitia, sebut saja INDAH (nama sebenarnya). Lalu juga sempat antara si Inti--yang jatoh naik motor matic-- sama si itu tuh --tidak bisa diidentifikasikan-- karena antara keduanya sampe berita ini menyebar dan disebarkan dalam kondisi "PANAS".
65 cup, HUGE SHARK.. Tema tahun ini, dengan lambang ikan hiu. Yang ternyata sangaaaat keren untuk acara ini. hehehe. Acara ini akan mulai tanggal 23 Juni 2009 kembali terdepak sehingga nyangkut di Hall kebun jeruk. yeeaah.
Doain yaaa :)
65 cup ngajarin gue banyak hal. selain gue harus lebih sadar diri, bisa tahu mana kawan mana lawan, dan tentunya teman-teman dekat baru. Time is never can stop. Just enjoy it. Go sixtyfive go!
PR 15 Kentang Panggang
Kali ini bikin PRnya mpir telat...uda mo bikin kemarin2 tapiiii cuman niat doang, malesnya mengalahkan niat...hahah. Senin kemarin, ga smpet juga bikin coz main ke rumah temen, obrol2..mpe lupa waktu buat pulang, untungnya husband libur, jadi bisa jemput Mei. Sayang main ke sana, lupa foto foto...hahha.
Hari ini pagi2 abis anter Mei sempetin bikin, caranya gampang juga...paling butuh 1/2 jam buat bikinnya..uda gitu langsung dipanggang deh. Kali ini resepnya gw modifikasi lagi, soalnya dapet gosip, kalo pake 1 resep bisa sebaskom gedeeee...lah sapa yang makan kalo banyak gitu????
3 buah kentang iris tipis, rebus hingga lunak
1 buah bawang bombai, iris tipis
5 bh sosis, potong sesuai selera
200 ml susu segar
50 ml krim kental
1 sdm tepung trigu
keju bubuk secukupnya
margarin utk menumis
garam lada
1 blok kaldu ayam
2 lembar keju buat topping
1. Tumis bawang bombai, masukkan sosis n kentang rebus, masak hingga matang. Masukkan garam lada secukupnya, sisihkan.
2. buat saos, susu n krim kental dicampur di panci, masukkan tepung trigu, didihkan dengan api kecil hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan keju bubuk, masukkan kaldu ayam.
3. Campur no 1, ke saos, aduk rata, tuang ke wadah tahan panas. Masukkan keju lembaran .
4. Oven 170 derajat, 50 menit .
Selamat mencoba ...
Kerang tumis bawang bombay
8 juni 2009, senin
Senin kemarin, giliran husband libur, jadi die yang masak, kali ini bikin kerang tumis bwang bombay....nyam nyam enak banget....mpir sparoh deh gw makan...coz husband agak2 ga enak body, jadi makan sedikit aja. Ternyata masih sisa, besoknya gw bikin campur spagetti...nyam nyam...
Sori, kali ini resepnya gw lupa nanya husband...hehehe..kapan2 gw mo suruh die bikin lagi ahhh..yummyy