Friday, July 11, 2008

PR IV Beef Stroganoff

12 July 2008, Sabtu pagi,

Kemarin nodong husband ngajak pegi belanja.Mei hari ini kebagian skul, gantiin hari Kamis yg libur kemarin n Xiang lg bobo..
disempetin bikin PR yg keempat nih...
oya, anggota game bertambah jadi 4 orang nih...tambah seru makin rame deh...ganbarimasyo...

So beli deh beef nya...daging sapi has dalam, ternyata mahal yakk...hehe..tapi ga papa, demi lakonin nih tugas...sekaligus bisa belajar n menikmati makanannya..

Bahannya [dimodifikasi dari resep asli]
300 gr daging sapi has dlm, potong 1*1*6 cm
1 bh bwg bombay iris tipis melintang
200 gr jamur kinoko/merang
50 gr mentega
2 sdm trigu
200 cc susu cair
2 sdt mustard
2 sdt gula
1 sdt garam
25 cc sake
kentang digoreng

- Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombay lalu masukkan daging sapi, aduk rata, masak hingga berubah warna
-Tambah jamur aduk , tambah tepung
-Masukkan susu sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk rata
-Masukkan mustard,gula garam, aduk rata
-Masukkan sake aduk, sajikan bersama kentang goreng

Rasanya tidak terbayangkan...hehe, soalnya belum pernah nyobain rasa kayak gini.Husband bilang kayak guratan, tapi agak lain, die bilang enak coz ditambah susu. mmmm....yummy.......sedapp...Selamat mencoba deh..

Gamjatang Pork bone stew.

Gamjatang is a spicy pork bone stew that is considered a traditional Korean dish which is hearty and rich in flavors.  In translation, the word “gamja” means potato and “tang” meaning stew. However unlike its name, the main ingredients are not potatoes but the hearty, complex taste of the rich broth which is made from boiled pork backbone. 

This stew is also assorted with vegetables such as cabbage, mushrooms, parsley, green onions and bean sprouts. And it is heavily seasoned with garlic, red chili peppers and roasted perilla seeds. The additions of perilla seeds are optional as it gives a more delicate flavor to the dish, taking away the greasy taste of the pork.  All gamjatang dishes may be similar in appearance, but the taste varies from one restaurant to another.

This dish is known to be rich in proteins, calcium and Vitamin B1 (from the pork bones) and is believed to prevent snoring as well as aging

You can find the Recipe here 

hang-over soup (해장국 haejangguk) is a spicy 
soup/stew of pork ribs and dried bokchoy
Is a soup very similar served in single serving its 6/7000 won per person . Its got to be one of my favourite and you can eat it any time the restaurants are
 open 24 hrs .

This restaurant is one block from homeplus (suncheon) towards Yang yang dong 

The Gamjatang comes in small 15000won Medium 21000won and large .
A medium is enough for 4 people . 
 When your finish eating the soup they will mak
e a fried rice with the soup or they will put ramien in the soup for your final course

A través de los confines del cielo sólo puedo ver todo lo que te dije y sentía, todo lo que me gusta de ti y de mí. Todo lo que no quería y quería, lo que me gusta susurrar.

Mirad, el dolor ya es ta hermoso que me deja el abdomen al descubierto, y podéis jugar con mis órganos. Permitidme que arranque el corazón y lo entierre, para que nadie lo encuentre, para que nadie lo vea.

Solo intento ser como soy, sin velos.

A pesar de todo el daño no puedo evitar sentirte cada día más dentro de mí. ¿Qué me has dado? ¿Qué he hecho?

Y todo lo que tengo que ofrecer a cambio sólo soy yo. ¿No os es suficiente?

Y ahora me doy cuenta que sólo hablaba de los dos.