Thursday, May 22, 2008

FRIANDS, Anyone? (AUS post7)

Forget cupcakes. I've discovered Friands. They may look like muffins, but they're not quite the same. Friands are actually French cupcakes. Although French in origin, Friands became famous in Australia. In fact, it's one of their staple foods.

Friands are made of Almond meal, flour, butter, egg white and fruits of your choice.

One weekend my cousin, his wife, and Reggie went on a long drive to South Coast of New South Wales. Passing thru Wollongong, Kiama and Ulladulla, we reached our destination, Sanctuary Point. Menchie and her Aussie husband Phil welcomed us to their house. I had an afternoon of cooking lessons with Tita Mench. She taught me how to bake Friands.

I don't bake for one major reason–I don't have an oven. But if I had one, I would definitely be baking and roasting a lot. I was very excited when Tita Menchie demonstrated how to bake Friands. Too bad there's no oval-shaped baking mold here in Manila. That's the distinct shape of Friands--oval. And almond meal here is too expensive and rare. This blog makes me miss the life I had in Australia. I promise to get back. I shall return. Ciao OZ!

Thanks Tita Menchie for accommodating us and to your husband Phil for his warm hospitality!

KID Bento

23 mei 2008, Jumat pagi

Pagi jam 6 mesti da bangun, bkin bento buat mei...biasa deh kerjaan tiap hari skul, mesti ada bento buat bawa ke skul...coz mei pulang jam 14.30. Kecuali Rabu, agak santai, ga usa bkin bento, mei pulang jam 11.30, jd bs mkn siang di rmh aja.

Pagi ini bento sederhana aja...Onigiri kecil 2 biji, trus telor rebus stengah, sosis, kentang 2 potong, ma mini tomat...
gini aja...simple yg penting bergiziiii...
Tiap hari ganti ganti menu, biar ga bosen....tinggal mamanya yg pusing mikirin menu bento hehe

Abis bkin bento, ksh mkn mei, biasa mkn cereal ato havermut...kelar kelar uda jam 7an, uda mesti siap2, sikat gigi segala mcem, ganti baju....
setengah 8 mesti uda mejeng depan rmh, bisnya uda menanti....hehehe
Ntar tinggal nunggu jam 14.30, gw mejeng depan lg, nunggu si permata hati pulang skul....

bunga lilin

23 mei 2008, Jumat pagi,

Pagi ini, pas xiang lg bo2 baru smpet nulis lagi...memenuhi permintaan si ing, buat publish bunga lilin hasil prakarya di rumah...hehehe.

Mpir setahun [itu juga seminggu sekali kadang 2 minggu sekali] ikutan kursus bunga lilin, di EPIC, bikin bikin bunga dari lilin. Gurunya ce, baik namanya Nyunoya san. Pinter banget merangkai bunga2 yg uda jadi, hasilnya bner bner menakjubkan...hehehhe...jadi promosi ni..

Lilin yang dasar warna putih. Untuk warna, lilin putih dicampur sdikit lilin warna, misalnya warna putih dicmpur merah, hasilnya jadi pink...Kalo mo warna hijau, campur warna putih, biru n kuning..
Pokoknya menarik untuk mencampur2 warna....hasilnya kita bisa liat sndiri, campurannya ok ga..kalo blom ok, campurrrr lgggiii.....lama lama kayak es cmpur deh...hehehe

Kalo uda dapat warna yg bagus, nah senseinya ajarin deh gimana cara bikin bunga nya..mpe merangkainya...smua perlu waktu n kesabaran...anyway, buat yg nganggur di rmh, boleh dicoba,
daripada stress di rmh, ga ada kerja, jadi mikir yg engak2...mending rangkai2 bunga...kreatif dikit lah...

Speaking of barbecue...

May 22

That last blog entry reminded me that the Big Apple BBQ is coming up in New York in a couple of weeks (June 7-8). Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group is heavily involved in that, and in past years their staff has been responsible for the smooth operation of the party, which is extremely well attended, and so chaos threatens and long lines are a virtual certainty.
A couple of years ago I was chatting with Will Guidara, who is now the GM at Eleven Madison Park but at the time worked at The Modern (and for people in the chain restaurant world, the son of Uno’s chief, Frank Guidara) about the event. He said it was best to go on the second day, when operational kinks were likely to be resolved.
So there you have it.

Ensalada Campera!

Ana wants to feed us with some of her creations...

This time is a salad... Ensalada Campera (Rural Salad):

- Before:

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- After:

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I remember you that if you need to get information about these meals, please add a Comment with your question and maybe the cook will contact you... Good luck!

Home-Made Pacharan and Aceite de Romero

Ana is a good cook even for ingredients and drinks... here are the evidences...

- Aceite de Romero: Olive Oil with RoseMary essence:

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- Pacharán Casero (Home-Made Pacharan, Alcoholic drink)

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Thanks again for this cool contribution!

Lentejas con chorizo y verduras

New entry!

Ana from Madrid (Spain) cooked for us this: Lentejas con Chorizo y Verduras (Lentil with highly-seasoned pork sausage and vegetables)

- Before:

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- After: (It's great, isn't it?)

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Can I taste it???

Thanks Ana!


May 22

Andy Battaglia wondered if Stephen Hanson knew Atlanta very well.
Because Wildwood, which is the name of Hanson’s new Park Avenue South barbecue restaurant, is also the name of the section of the Atlanta metropolitan area where IBM’s offices are. Andy, who was raised in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, says Wildwood (the suburb) is the sort of place where professional men in short-sleeved shirts jocularly punch one-another in the arm and reminisce about their fraternity days. It’s not the part of town you would go for barbecue.
But then again, neither is 18th Street and Park Avenue South in New York.
I think Wildwood (the restaurant) is Hanson’s third try in this space. He had a good run with Park Avalon, but then he closed it and changed it to a tapas place called Barça 18, which failed to thrive. So Hanson poached Lou Elrose from Hill Country to make him the pitmaster of his new place.
I ate there with Andy last night.
The restaurant’s revolving door had a design element on it made of wood or similar material the color of a brown paper bag. I had to pause, because to me it looked like the restaurant was still under construction. But Andy, who had arrived a few minutes earlier and was waiting for me outside, assured me that it was okay.
The restaurant is about midway between the Union Square W Hotel and SushiSamba, both places for young, well-paid, good-looking, slightly trendy people to meet one another. Park Avalon attracted a similar crowd.
Wildwood’s clientele was more mixed than that, and definitely more casual, with some former frat boy types who might have jocularly punched one another in the arm. The place was packed, which is good on a Wednesday night.
Andy’s the city editor of The Onion’s New York edition, and also a music writer and general lover of all things sensual. So he noticed that the chairs at Wildwood looked like they had been designed by the Eames brothers[rather, the Eames couple, see comment #1 below], and he noticed that the hand dryers in the bathroom were of the new-fangled high-pressure variety that actually work but, in the process, push your folds of skin around and make your hands look like they're being subjected to high g-forces.
Andy handed me a couple of CDs for my birthday — which was last month, but he forgot to bring them to my celebratory dinner at Rhong-Tiam.
Andy’s a big fan of electronica. In fact, he’ll be spending Memorial Day weekend in Detroit for a techno festival. He’s psyched.
“Detroit?” you ask.
Ah, but Detroit was where Techno was invented, you see.
So he gave me a techno mix, as well as a mix that he assembled for of songs from 2007 that fit a particular theme.
He had written an article that went with the 2007 mix explaining that his mix is about being an American.
Among Andy’s many skills is his poetic writing. Here’s how he describes being an American: “the mix of indignation, bewilderment, and inspired joy that swerves toward rage while also steering verily against it.”
Andy is an optimist at heart. He is.

What we ate:
a platter of brisket, chicken and pulled pork
another platter, of spar ribs, jalapeño sausage and pulled pork
cast iron skillet cornbread
salt & vinegar chips
kettle cooked burnt ends and bacon baked beans
onion rings
Wildwood’s version of s’mores

Sai's new contribution with beef, onion and carrots...

...weird? no! Can you smell it? Slurppppppppppppppppppp

Tiras de Ternera con salsa de tomate, Cebolla y zanahoria ( Beef Strips with Tomatoe Sauce, Onion and Carrots)


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and After:

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I'm getting hungry!!!

Thanks Sai!

bento o bento

22 mei 2008, Kamis malem

Waaah cape banget hari ini...anak2 da pada bo2 baru smpet tulis2 lagi ni...
Malam ini dapet giliran lagi bikin bento buat husband, malem2 ni bikinnya...abis kelar makan malem ubek ubek di dapur lagi ...uda kelar bento, masih harus cuci cuci piring...brantakan abis2an
hehehe...sapa yg mo bantuin ni?????????

Menu bento kali ini, yaki onigiri 3 biji. Biasanya si bikinin 2 biji...tapi katanya laper..kurang gitu hehe..jadinya bikin 3 deh...
Cara bikinnya...nasi panas ditaburin furikake[semacem abon d] rasanya jadi agak asin2 gitu, so ga perlu ditambah garam lagi....dibentuk segitiga pake tangan ...dilubangin di tengahnya, dalamnya di kasih umebosi [bhs indo nya apa ya?]...trus, ditaroh kecap di onigirinya....dipanggang di kompor, pake minyak dikit...mpe agak kecoklatan, angkat deh..

Ada puyunghai, trus daging, trus takenoko[rebung rebus],trus mini tomat ama mame[kacang].
Uda segitu aja deh....selamat makan deh papa...

gitu aja deh...