Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sesat jalan [new experience, long post]

27th may 2009, wednesday

as i've mentioned b4, yesterday i've decided to follow mama to her school.
well, b4 dat, i've to settle down a lot of things which is undone b4.
i woke up quite late 2day, n find out that mama is totally weak.
of course la, she doesn't have enough sleep. and i went to the kitchen.
look inside the freezer, and find out that all the kitchen stuff is running out of stock.
i took my bath, and went to JJ AU - keramat. again? yes. but 1st.
i went to petronas. since kembara fuel tank was totally empty~
and. i use mum's credit card. no need to worry much. cuz. i dont have to sign any bills.

its da 3rd-day-of-my-everyday-driving. haha... and i've met nora at JJ.
i've buyed everything, and used my mum credit card again. ok. thats the nervous part.
when i've to copy my mum signature and sign it on the bill. grrr~~~ but lucky me.
everything went smoothly. and went to body shop. super-duper sale.
hello??? like 50%-70%??? i was like. OMG. regretting all the stuff i've buyed b4 the sale.
haha. and i've buy my cleanser & toner. this time, using my money.
even at 1st, there was a small bad voice saying "used the magic card~~~ credit card"
haha. no no no. i wouldn't. then, went home with nora. and, it was 12:30pm.

okay. mama looks better. as if she is a lot healthier. well, she's not.
so, mama + me + nora went to SMK tmn connaught, cheras. and.

it's a 'sekolah kebangsaan' but seriously, it looks like a Chinese school.
Chinese - countless, and Malay - countable. crazy huh? went to the teachers room.
and surau. and...for me, the school is totally miserable. idk if it just me,feeling dat way.
or, it is a mess? guess melawati is a lottt way better. y do i compared it with melawati?
since i'm guessing that melawati is my 'super-duper' school ever. u know what i mean...

done with the school, i decided to bring nora to KEM SG BESI.
since i've been missing that place so much! ok, out from the school, *pangggg*
suddenly, i've took the wrong way. aihhh~~~ idk where i'm heading to.
i was like. errr..? its only da beginning. n i've took the wrong way? aiyoo.
stop at petronas Alam Damai [i've never been there] and buy a ribena.
and asked the cashier, a direction to sg besi... and, yes! i've made it.
and from there, i can see my very 1st primary school. i miss it!!!!
SRK pengkalan tentera darat! and, show my 1st clinic to nora as well.
and then, i showed her all my-used-to-be-house, which are 3 of them.

i was living at this house back to when i was 16 & 17

an i stopped by in front of 1 of my old house...
and there, u can see the tasik, UPNM [atma] and also RMC. also known as MTD.
RMC = royal military college / MTD = maktab tentera diraja.
we sat there 4 a while and, it just so wonderful to be there again.

this is the lake. and up on the hill, that's RMC.

i wanted to see adi or amad but they've got a class. aiyooo~
then, i visited my old nanny, mak cik som. she's sooooooo happy to see me again.
cuz its been ages since we last met. and she asked me a lot of things.
and a lot of my little kiddy secrets was revealed to nora today!
OMG...malu okay? with mak cik som calling me "La..." instead of aqilah.
and there goes 2 little kiddy with her. that's kak liza's kids. huuu...
mak cik som. she's a grandma now. huuu...but i love her so much!!!

amar is playing with nora...

and there she was, asking nora so much bout me. like, do i have a bf n so on.
i've answered that! i've told her i've got a BF somewhere in indonesia.
studying to be a doctor. and and... he live in kajang and will be back in 4 years.
mak cik som wanted to see his pics and i gave it to her. and she said...
"patotla La suke...handsome..." i laughed out loud!!! i was like...aiyoo. thats BH.
as if la he's my bf. but, thats the thing. i still do, waiting 4 him....worth it or not?
and mac cik som also said... "mesti ade bf lain ni...tnggu die blk lmbt sgt"
errrr... no no no!!! there's a few friends, but...ok la mak cik som. no comment.
we will wait and see. i have no idea right now. phewww~~~

bout 4 o'clock, we waved goodbye to mak cik som. i'm trying to find a way back.
to tmn connaught, cheras. again, i dont have any idea, which road to take.
i just follow the sign board & out of nowhere, i already passed by hulu langat tol.
grrrr~~~ and almost took my way to kajang... hehehehehe. [gatal miang dtg da]
ok. u turn. and try to guess the right way. asking ppl again. LOL~~~
and yes. finally. i'm at the other side of mum's school. it's still early.
when to the nearby Giant which is very near to UCSI. but the giant,
is totally empty with nothing & soooo bored. then, we went to A&W. n lepaking there.

til 6pm. again... i've took the wrong way and back to giant again. haha. ok.
then, i'va made it again n arrived mum's school at 6:09pm. okay... we've 35 minutes left.
and we just stay in the car n take a break. it's tiring ok? and then. babe called.
talked 4 a while b4 my battery's empty. and yet, everything is empty.
my camera, both of my hp, and also money. but. well. its a new experienced 4 me.
i've never been anywhere i've been yesterday. and. its great when u arrived
at the destination right on time after all the wrong turning n so on...

arrived home at 8, and took my bath, solat, replace all the kitchen stuff.
and on9 at 9pm... since i've made a promise to chat with shafinaz. ym 4 a while.
bout 10:30pm, i suddenly have-to stop the conversation since mama is totally unwell.
she cant take it anymore until she cried. she's too exhausted, too tired cuz she cant sleep.
and last night, she cant sleep again. she has eat dinner, took her bath. but still.
she cant sleep. she's not sick anymore & its totally worried me a lot. then.
i sleep beside her and try to make sure she's sleeping. we did try everything.
al-quran, yassin, and so on. i cant sleep. cuz i'm not sure. if she's sleeping or not.
then i've found out, she slept 4 a while last nite. n right now...
she still struggling to sleep. i let her be... mama. get well soon. i love u!!!

post tertangguh

24th may 2009
went to TS with naiya to meet nasz.
suddenly. ade clash timing. so terpakse seperate.
me & naiya - tgk syurga cinta. earlier b4 nasz sampai.
nasz & her cousin - tgk night at the museum 2.
after kte org abis movie. so.
da abis sume. dlm 4 thirty. baru jmpe nasz jap.
til almost 5 je kot. die org terpakse blk awal. haih~
jmpe jap jeeeeee... waaaaaaaa.

syurga cinta. biase2 je.
tp ske dpt taw ade 3 jenis jodoh. owh3...
jodoh dr Allah
jodoh dr jin
jodoh dr syaitan.

25th may, monday.
- pas terpakse blk awal dr bbq, mama dah lain. well. die demam.
n penink2. n driving dgn sgt teruk. haih~ sy jd penink. then. pas hantar naiya.
mama amat x larat. that was around 8pm... then half on our way home,
i decided to drive. walaupun rabun malam amat teruk! since.
spek hilang. lense? oh ho ho. tahun ni x pakai skali pon lg. huuu...
sgt risau. since rabun tuh teruk. ++ ade traffic light rosak plak.
but then, i did it! huu...baru ckp ttg lame x driving. terus kene~

26th may, tuesday.
- woke up early. then terusss mandi. idk y. sdiri pon confused + blur2.
mama nmpk mcm makin ok. lega~ then terus siap2 & drive g bank wngsa maju.
gi JJ. check mate buat spek. owh kanan 100, kiri 175 x silap. purple~
n ambik 12 big apple free!!! hee. sbb berjaye kumpul resit big apple tuh.
kumpul resit2 berjumlah RM100++, dpt 12 biji free. oh ho. excited amat!
hasil usaha kumpulan resit sy, mama, + TTM. whee~~~

blk umah. rushing siap2 & went to college. got a SCP meeting.
it's not actually meeting. its more to, wasting ur time. huhu...
just to collect money for the shooting. about RM235++ per person.
waaaaaaaaa... including transport + equipment + petrol + tol + foods +
production t shirt + tag + a place to stay. haha... ayat skema.

then stay dkt college with adilah kejap.
blk rumah, ptg tuh. mama makin teruk. demam blk. risau.
kasi mkn obat. n so on... still. mama x boleh tidur 1 malam. haih~
langsung xblh tidur. even badan die dah x demam. y eh? sian mama.

so i follow her to school the next day.
which is yesterday, 27th may, wednesday.

Pray-Read the Bible-Worship

June kicks off another season of triathlon racing. That is, contests of varying distances that include swimming, biking, and running done one right after the other. The “Sprint” distance is a swim of ½ mile, a bike ride of 13 miles, and a run of 3.1 miles. The “Olympic” distance is twice the sprint distance. Many have heard of the “Ironman” made famous in Hawaii it is a stroll in the park with a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run.

Over the last three years I have completed and will again participate this year in Sprint and Olympic distance triathlons. It’s really fun that DeWitt has its own Tri. This year it will be August 1st.

It seems obvious that in order to complete a triathlon one needs to prepare for it. Workouts that balance all three areas are better on the body and more helpful for completing the race than focusing on just one thing.

I would suggest that a spiritual journey is a lot like a triathlon. To fully engage in the journey, it is important to balance three things: Prayer, Bible, and Worship. Those three activities, when practiced, will strengthen our spiritual lives so that we can accomplish what the Apostle Paul calls “the race marked before us” (Hebrews 12). Some might add a fourth area and that is service, however, I am a firm believer that service is really an expression of prayer, Bible, and worship in action.

Paul enjoyed using the phrase “therefore” in his writings. Therefore, if what I am saying is valid, we should be training by praying, reading the Bible, and worshipping so that we can persevere in the race marked before us. From individual to individual the training plan might look different but the end result is the same: an experience of God that is eternal.

I challenge you to step up your training this summer. Increase your prayer moments, whether they are asking or listening, spoken or silent prayers; build on your core Bible knowledge, individually or in a small group; commit to regular worship attendance this summer.

Persevere in the race.

love isn't logic!

GILA! Sebel rasanya kalau kita ngeadd orang dengan maksud baik dan di ignore. Oke! Gue juga kadang melakukan itu, itupun dengan syarat mutual friends enggak ada atau meragukan. Dan fotonya membuat 'geli'. Tapi kenapa ya kok yang satu ini, kasus gue kali ini aneh.
Awalnya sebulan yang lalu, gue lagi iseng mampir di friendslist temen gue, tiba tiba ada satu nama berlabel biru, yang artinya udah jadi friend gue atau dia open profile. Entah kenapa gue di gelitik rasa penasaran menggunung. Maka mampir juga lah sebentar ke si open profile tersebut. Gue bosen dan balik ke friendslist temen gue. Gue beralih ke next page, ternyata ada yang ganjal. Balik lagi deh. Kembali ke nama ber-open profile itu. Lalu dengan hembusan nafas berat, gue add lah dia. Namanya unik!
Seminggu enggak ada jawaban, enggak di confirm, tau-tau, gue ngecek ke profile dia, di ignore aja deh! Gue shock, bingung, kesel. tapi mau gimana lagi yaaa. Sekali lagi, namanya unik, dan gue hafal di luar kepala namanya itu. Pas ol lagi, gue jadi sering mampir. Suatu ketika, pas gue ol bareng teman gue, ceritalah gue tentang si dia itu. Dan gue nyuruh dia melihat si open profile itu dari account fb dia, dan ternyata enggak open profile. Bingung! "Mungkin udah di ganti kali jadi enggak open profile." sahut teman gue melihat gue bingung dan aneh.
Gue cuma bisa mengangguk. Pas dirumah, gue penasaran, gue buka lagi. Ternyata masih open profile. ANEH. masih bingung. Lama terlupakan. enggak tahu kenapa kemaren gue iseng mampir lagi ke si open profile, gue add lagi dan kembali di ignore *f**king shit!* . BETE. Maka, di sekolah sambil ngeliatin temen-temen kelas gue yang lagi main tak jongkok pas pelajaran olah raga, gue ol di hp dan buka fb si open profile. MASIH open profile. Anjriii. Gue makin penasaran. gue log out, dan ganti account pake account fb temen gue, eng ing eng, enggak open profile si dia. Aneh deeeeh.
Gue keseeeel banget. Oke, gue mengakui, gue sempet suka di dunia maya, suka ngeliat gayanya di propict dan isi wallnya dia. Cuma beruntung karena dia open profile, sisanya naif dan bullshit lah. Aneh deh aneh aneh. Enggak logik. So itu kenapa gue bilang 'LOVE ISN'T LOGIC'.
Hmmm, mau gue apa yaa? enggak ada. haha. Goblok banget deh gue ini.

why this day is wonderful day

Ini bukan pertama kalinya gue ngeblogging, tapii... blogspot gue lenyap. So, iseng buat lagi. Gue masih punya blog di account multiply, tapi disini bole juga lah! haha. hobby gue menulis. Alhamdulillah, hari ini terlalu indah untuk dilewatkan tanpa bercerita. Kenapaaa? It's wonderful day. Gue salah satu alumnus CCW (coaching cerpen kaWanku) 2008 yang alhamdulillah lagi, pada kesempatan itu keluar sebagai the best first, dari the best three CCW2008. Dengan cerpen berjudul "Kowashita no meikaku" yang artinya kenyataan yang terbongkar. Setelah satu tahun vakum dari ke eksisan CCW2008, maka di 2009, tepat pada pembukaan CCW2009 80% dari CCW2008 berkumpul dan meeting! Dari meeting singkat di kantin yang gerah itu, maka sepakatlah untuk melanjutkan project CCW2008 yang sempat tertunda setahun untuk membuat sebuah antalogi cerpen atau kumpulan cerpen. kami memang spesialis cerpen. Hihi. Nah dalam jangka waktu sebulan untuk pengumpulan materi dan pengeditan, jadilah sejilid tebal berisi 15 cerpen peserta CCW2008 online dan non-online. Selesai pemfisikan awal itu, berangkatlah aku, mia, dan ditha ke gagas media, si penerbit favorit, untuk mempublish naskah ini. Dan pada saat itu kakaknya bilang, "nanti kita baru rapatin naskahnya tanggal 20mei." Maka kami berharap-harap cemas menanti tanggal 20. Tanggal 20 pun tiba, semua bertanya-tanya, kenapa enggak juga kunjung datang si kabar. Dari sms enggak di bales, comment belum dibales, dan hopeless sempet menyapa dan menggoda. Inget catet, SEMPET! Dan pada tanggal ini, 27 mei 2009 *happy bday benjol, happy sweet17an yaa, man!* saat sedang rapat darurat OSIS karena ada masalah genting, masuklah telepon dan dikabarkan dengan sangat gembira, antalogi cerpen kami ( diterima, akan naik cetak!! WOOOOW... alhamdulillah.... Teriaaaaak dalam hati kegirangan! Maka nantikanlah... Magic box : Let the stories spell cast. That's mine, that's ccw2008 project, that's happy stupid family's mine. enjoy it galz!

Portella della Ginestra, near Piana degli Albanesi

In Sicily there are beautiful places to visit because of the nature expresses itself in all its charm and people have left traces of great value.

Places by sea, the beaches. Mountains that seem to draw in the sky, there are many archaeological sites, temples and theaters. And the big cities where churches, theaters, palaces, gardens, expose us the passing of history.

Then there are places significant because tell us about the life and unfortunately also the death of those who have tried to change the course of history, trying to assert positive values and to reappropriate their own destiny.

The place I will tell about here is Portella della Ginestra, a land in the province of Palermo near Piana degli Albanesi.
It is a beautiful silent valley, there are not homes. Everything is covered with a carpet of green grass, with flowers of different types, from the tiny red amaranth,
to those that appear yellow enamelled inside. Cereal wild, sometimes twigs dried thorny. The valley is marked by white rocks that seem sheeps when resting. And then red rock cliffs that seem immersed in a green sea .

In this valley there are voices of struggle, but also of pain.
Portella della Ginestra fact is known for the tragedy that occurred on 1th of May 1947, shortly after the war, when for the first time since the end of the fascist regime, people could celebrate again the day of workers.

Many workers, especially farmers, gathered there to demonstrate against the landowners, for the employment of land, and to celebrate their day, but suffered a cowardly ambush, lots of gusts from miter hidden behind the rocks, they left on that field dead and wounded, including children and adolescents.

I'll not to tell here the different assumptions about the performers and especially the sponsors of this crime, because so many better than me are occupied about this in the years, and because this episode is still partly shrouded by the mystery because involves powers and situations too complex and intertwined with each other. But one thing is certain, that when in the course of its history the bests among Sicilians, workers, honest, on many occasions with many women on the front lines, have sought to reappropriate their lives, to rebel against oppression , to raise his head, the power of the state and "power" of local criminal were allies against them , all together to stop those who wanted and could build a better future.

Now every 1 May Day, people goes again in that green field to demonstrate, and try not to forget the dream and hope of those who tried to change the future.