Friday, September 18, 2009

mcm simple, tp bermakna

entah kenapa mood berblogging mcm hilang tibe2. and, bace blog semua org, nak comment tp nak tekan butang comment tu jd mls. napekah? tp. skrng sedang mencuba jgk nak men-type. blh? broken gle bhsa. haih~

sy sedang ddk dlm blk tamu, rumah mama ngah, di taman tok sira kuantan phg, di temani bunyi air-cond, dan diluar terdpt 6 raksasa [kanak - kanak] bergaduh seolah - olah berperang dgn raksasa dan raksasa itu semuanya tak mati - mati. ahah. teruskan perjuangan kalian kanak - kanak.

ibu - ibu, di dapur. raya tinggal lusa. esok akhir puasa. semua pun makin sibuk. oh ya, bertolak dr KL jam 7pagi. tp, singgah ambil ayie di UTM, singgah rumah su, and konvoi lg 2 buah kereta - kak sally & auntie. kesemua 3 buah kereta = sgtlah padat. percayalah~ selamat sampai di rumah mama ngah jam 1130am. alhamdulilah, traffic sgt lancar.

jam 230pm td, ke east coast mall (ECM) & megamall kuantan. sy nak beli bju. dtemani abah. and, semua kedai di ECM tu sy msk. yes. tp sy melangkah keluar dgn tgn kosong. pelik? tp benar. ke megamall, pun sama, hampa. esok sy akan cuba meninjau di KP (kuantan parade) pula. kalau x de jgk, x kesahlah. bju kurung pun ade 4 pasang dah. raya ke 5 dah blk kl. hurm.

tamat semuanya jam 6pm. muka sy dan abah, mcm kura - kura. letih berjln. abah 1st time seumur hidup sy, ckp nak guna lif,bkn elavator. nmpk sgt mmg terlalu lama & meletihkan utk teman sy shopping terutama di bln puasa. abah kata sy terlalu memilih. tak jgk. masakan kalau benar, pakaian sy biasa2 je. sy cuma pentingkan kualiti & jg biarlah berbaloi dgn harga.

skrng. kepala tgh penink. adehlaa. cuma. sebenarnya, nak tulis apa yg masih melekat di kepala ini. mungkin org pelik, sy anak tunggal, hidup pun biasa2, kawan ramai jgk, belajar di kolej biasa, tp, mcm mane ade mcm2 cerita yg dikongsi? entahlah. bnyk sgt kawan, famili, atau org luar yg memberi pelbagai pelajaran utk sy kongsikan & jdkan teladan dlm hidup ni.

dan sejak kebelakangan ni, hidup sy sebenarnya mmg terlalu biasa. yup, very ordinary but, meaningful enough. ape yg sy nak sampaikan, cuba hargai the simplest thing in life. mcm td, tgh solat maghrib, [nmpk sgt x khusyuk] sy blh terpk, murahnya rezeki berbuka sedap2 td. ada salad buah, puding caramel, sambal petai udang, ayam goreng, air bandung & mcm2 lg. cuba bygkan org lain yg tgh mkn nasi dgn garam je. atau mungkin. mkn roti yg dah berkulat je? hurm. terus cpt2 sy cuba fokus lg dlm solat, dgn niat utk menjd lebih berterima kasih pd Allah.

bnda tu mmg nmpk kecil, tp rezeki jgk kan? kalau ditakdirkan Allah semua itu bkn mknan sy utk berbuka puasa, tanpa izin Allah, sy mungkin tgh mkn biskut keping shja time berbuka td. ya, sy sedar sy hamba Allah yg lupa diri, tp, rasa terharu kan bila kita sedar kita yg hina ni, Allah masih syg? owh ye. sy dah dpt 3 sampul duit raya. dr mama, abah, dan su. pun rezeki jgk kan? hurm. tgk. benar, sy sering lupa Allah. tp. Allah tak pernah lupa sy...

sy pernah terpk. kenapa sy x kurus2 sdgnkan, sy sedar sy mmg berusaha utk kurus. bkn sy tak pernah diet, exrecise, jaga mkn, berpantang. pernah, dan jika sy benar - benar tekad, sy blh pastikan diri sy 1oo% berdisiplin. mmg berhasil, tp setakat 2-3 kg shja yg turun. sy pernah berpk, sy dah berusaha keras, tawakal dan doa, tapi kenapa Allah tak makbulkan? kenapa Allah tak izinkan sy kurus? tp, bila direnungkan semula diri sy, sy sendiri nmpk sy mungkin ada potensi utk jd seorg yg lupa diri kalau sy kurus. lebih menakutkan, sy akan jd lebeyh shopaholic dan mungkin, perangai ske main2 kan org zaman skolah dlu, dtg blk. bhya kan?

org akan selalu ckp, sy kuat mkn. tp, pernah tak mrka terpk, sy 1 hari tak sempat mkn, dan kebetulan mereka muncul di saat sy baru memulakan suapan pertama sy utk hari itu. makanya, mereka lihat sy sebagai seorg yg kuat mkn. dan sangkaan itu dikuatkan lg dgn sikap tak suka membazir sy. yes, sebenarnya sy kalau kenyang mcm mana pun, sy seblh2 cuba utk habiskan semua mknan. sy mmg dah dilatih jgn membazir. tp, kalau dah terlampau kenyang sampai nak muntah, terpaksalah sy biarkan jgk mknan tu.

kulit muka sy pulak, mmg jauh dr sempurna. kdng tgk seronoknya org yg kulitnya putih gebu tnpa sebarang cela dan mmg semulajd. untungnya mereka, itu yg anugerah Allah berikan. dan, sy dijdkan Allah, kulit muka sgtlahhhh sensitif. tak blh pakai produk sebarangan. semua produk di pasaran, rasanya hampir semua sy pernah cuba utk sesuaikan dgn muka. mestilah kita berusaha utk dptkan hasil yg terbaik kan? buat masa ni sy selesa dgn body shop. sbbnya semuanya diperbuat dr bhn semulajd. mmg kulit sy tak perfect pun even pakai body shop, tp at least ia bnyk memperbaiki. dan tak mendtgkan apa2 kesan negatif. tp. sy pernah dgr suara sumbang.

"pakai body shop. kulit x cantik pun"

terus terang sy katakan, bkn ttg apa jenis pencuci muka yg sy pakai, tp, sekurang - kurangnya ia tak mendtgkan mslah pd kulit muka sy. sy pernah rasa kulit menggelupas sampai jd mcm udang merah yg dibakar. pernah rasa jgk kulit ditumbuhi jerawat batu yg blh dilihat dgn jelas wlpun dr dlm gmbr. pernah jgk rasa kulit gatal & pedih. ya, mmg seksa, sampai menangis tak tahan pedih. dan, apa yg sy nak sampaikan sebenarnya, sekurang - kurangnya, sy berusaha utk memperbaiki. cuba bygkan kalau skrng sy pakai produk lain, dan kulit makin teruk? well. at least i tried. yes. bersyukurlah kalian yg blh memiliki kulit muka mulus, cantik, licin dgn hnya menggunakan produk clean & clear, olay, garnier dll. sy teringin. benar sy teringin. jimat duit taw?

tp alhamdulilah. kulit badan sy mmg tak ada masalah langsung. semua produk sy blh pakai. seronok. mcm2 shower gel sy pakai, mcm2 lotion sy pakai, bedak pun. shower gel? dettol, lifebuoy, body shop, johnson & johnson, secret gardens, malah yg dkt farmasi atau watson, shower gel yg sebotol rm5 tu pun sy pakai taw. bedak? erm. sy kena pakai dkt badan, sbb kalau berpeluh sy cepat merah mcm ade ruam. mcm baby plak. haha. sedar tak. kalian sedar tak. bnde kecik, simple, kononnya-tak-bermakna mcm ni pun, sebenarnya rezeki tuhan? syukurlah dgn bnda - bnda kecik ni.

lg 1, sebenarnya, family sgt penting dlm hidup ni. kalau ditakdirkan kalian dtg dr fmly yg berpecah - belah, porak - peranda, atau mungkin, bahagia... sedarlah. apa pun fmly tu mmg penting. andai kata kita lahir dr fmly yg serba kekurangan, cuba kita fikirkan, doakan utk membentuk sebuah keluarga yg harmoni, kuat ikatannya & seimbang dr segi duniawi & akhirat. mksd sy, bila kalian dirikan sebuah keluarga kelak. yes, sy nmpk dgn jelas, dlm sebuah fmly tu jgk, peranan agama sgtla besar. sy jamin 100%, semua sampah masyarakat dtg drpd keluarga yg kurang didikan agama. hurm. sy diberi cukup, terlebih didikan agama. sy tahu mana salah, mana betul, tp masih sy langgar dan abaikan sesetghnya. mungkin, tu jgk jwpn kpd semua dosa sy.

hurm... bnyk lg bnda bermain di minda ni. tp nnt jd novel plak. nanti lah sy nak tulis lg. nnt tua nyanyok, blh sy baca blk dan gelak sorang - sorang sambil ckp...

"haha. umur dah 20 pun pk mcm2, pk jauh2"

biarlah. org ckp sy kdng2 pk bnde yg x sepatutnya sy pk. tp, dlm berfikir tu, bnyk sy belajar. =]

ape pun, nak ambil kesempatan ni, nak minta maaf, ampun dan silap sepnjng sy berkwn dgn kalian. tak kisah siapa pun anda. maaf kalau mulut, tingkah laku, kata - kata dr sy menyakitkan, buat kalian terluka dan bersedih. sbb kdng kala, kalau sy buat silap dan tak meminta maaf, percayalah, itu maksudnya sy benar - benar tak sedar bhwa sy telah buat salah. jd, silalah tegur. dan terima kasih, utk semua teguran dan pendpt. lastly, slmt hari raya aidilfitri.

Quick post: mesh veil.

Yesterday I spent the whole day listening to Simon & Garfunkel, so today I woke up wondering where you are nostalgic and mesh veil that belonged to my grandmother and my mother has saved around.

I love this kind of comlements, I think it gave him an air of mystery to the 50 women who carried ... so elegant, distinguished, sophisticated ... The trouble today is that if you put something like that, people look at you funny ... but thank goodness I hear you have not stupid criticism of others!

Also, since I've started to see Gossip Girl (more excited about the clothes that take you by the script) I feel quite retro ...

This afternoon I will try to upload photos with my new hair color ... until then, take a good Friday!

All pictures are from MyvintageVogue

Roast Pork with Pear Sauce and Roast Potatoes

Roast Pork is a traditional family favourite but is of course more commonly served with apple sauce, rather than pear sauce. This was a recipe idea which actually occurred to me in the supermarket last night when I was unable to get one of the ingredients for the dish I intended to make. I am quite happy, however, to leave that dish for another time and share here my idea for Roast Pork with Pear Sauce and Roast Potatoes.


1 joint of pork, suitable for roasting
(Remaining ingredients are per person)
6 or 7 baby new potatoes
1 tbsp frozen peas
1/2 pear
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp caster sugar
Small pinch of freshly ground nutmeg
Cold water


The first step is clearly to roast the pork. Place the pork either on a baking tray and cover it with aluminium foil or in a roasting tin. Put it in to the oven, pre-heated to 375F/190C/Gas Mark 5, for 35 minutes per pound and a half hour over and above this time. Uncover the pork for the last half hour of the cooking time to let the crackling crisp up.

Fifteen minutes before the pork is ready, place the potatoes, whole and unpeeled, in to some boiling salted water to parboil. Peel and chop the pear in to small cubes, discarding the skin and the core. Put the pear in to a small saucepan with the sugar, nutmeg and lemon juice and enough cold water to just cover the pears. Bring to a boil and simmer gently until all other items are ready, stirring occasionally.

When the pork is ready, check that it is indeed cooked all the way through by ensuring the juices run clear and then sit it aside to rest while you prepare the remainder of the ingredients.

Drain the potatoes well and add them to the roasting tin or tray along with the still hot pork juices. Gently tilt the tray backwards and forwards to ensure the potatoes are evenly covered in the juices and put back in to the oven for fifteen minutes. When the potatoes are done, sit them on some kitchen paper to drain and cook the frozen peas in boiling water for three minutes.

It remains then only to plate up your meal. Note that the cooking time in this recipe will leave the pear sauce fairly chunky, but a longer cooking time will result in a smoother finish.

Food Tip of the Day - Friday, September 18th, 2009: The Nutritional Benefits of Apples

Most people know that the nutritional benefits of apples exist but how many of us know precisely what they are? Why are apples so beneficial to our health?

This article examines some of the more significant nutritional benefits afforded us by apples and looks particularly at why - wherever possible - we should not peel apples prior to consumption.

The nutritional benefits of apples