Thursday, September 4, 2008


Duck BBQ
At Shedae in Suncheon I ate some Duck BBQ and I have to say it was surprisingly good.

As with all Korean BBQ you wrap everything in a leaf or two .

And as you can see you get quite a bit of food.

Jam Tart

So I had some left over pastry from the butter tarts so I decided to make a jam tart or two.
Some strawberry and some blueberries.

People love talking about food

September 4

I looked in the mirror on Monday and saw what looked like a stream of blood leaking across my right eyeball.
I thought: Darn it! I'm having a stroke.
But then I remembered reading about these blood smears on the eyeball, and that, although they are hideous and make you look like you are possessed by the Devil, they are perfectly harmless, like bruises — bruises that give children nightmares.
It didn't hurt, and it didn't affect my vision, but still, you never know, so I called my ophthalmologist and set up an appointment for today.
I waited for half an hour and then he looked at me and told me that my smear was a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
“That’s harmless,” he said. He made sure I didn’t have any excessive pressure in my eye and then we talked about eggplant.
He had recently made the best caponata in his life, the key being to cook each of the ingredients separately, and to leave just a little bit of crunch in the peppers so you get contrasting textures.
I congratulated him on his caponata and talked about how I used to bake eggplant whole until the inside was mushy and then I’d add the mush to pasta sauces for vegetarian friends. It gives it nice heft and a nutty flavor.
Then I suggested that maybe he had other patients to see and he sent me off into the world to terrorize onlookers.


September 3

Magdalena Spirydowicz made the astute observation last night that for new food writers, the focus is on the food, but that the more time you spend covering the industry, the more you end up writing about the chefs.
That was an appropriate topic for conversation as we were eating at Gusto, one of her clients, with her husband and photographer Michael Tulipan and Gina Pace, who until recently mostly wrote about crime. But now she writes about food, too. And other things.
We spoke a fair amount about the celebrity chef phenomenon, a topic that I think I’ve beaten to death on this blog, so let’s go right to what I ate and drank:

Fried Parmigiano balls with prosciutto
Zucchini blossoms stuffed with cheese and basil
Carciofi alla Giudea (fried artichokes, “Jewish style,” a traditional Roman dish whose name always cracks me up).
Focaccia with robiolina, tomatoes, arugula and Parmigiano
Fava bean salad with escarole, Pecorino-Romano, mint and basil
Grilled octopus with celery and black olives
2006 Villa Sparina Gavi di Gavi

Meatballs with pine nuts and raisins
Saffron orecchiette with pork ragù and crisp prosciutto
Pan-seared scallops with braised dandelion, lardo and reduced grape must (saba)
Bucatini with sardines, pine nuts and raisins
Risotto with peas, fava beans and pancetta
2005 Antano Montefalco Rosso

Roasted peaches with mascarpone and Amaretto (almonds being a cousin of the peach, the Amaretto really brought out the peach’s flavor)
Tartufo with pistachios, vanilla and chocolate ice cream
Assorted cannoli and biscotti

PR VIII ジャガイモ入りもちもちチヂミ/ Chizimi Kentang

4 september 2008, kamis siang,

Abis dari kursus mobil, langsung pergi belanja kentang, daun kucai/nira, wortel, udang buat bikin nih Pr ke 8. Menu kali ini gw yg tentuin, menu japanese, abis yg lain ordernya gitu. Susah juga nyari resep yg pas....mmmm..akhirnya ketemu deh ama resep ini.

Cara nya lumayan gampang terlalu ribet kok. Cuman bikin adonannya, bahan tepung trigu, sagu, telur, air kaldu. Kentangnya diparut, wortel iris tipis, daun kucai dipotong 3cm panjangnya, udang dibersihin. Semua bahan masuk ke adonan deh. Langsung aja panasin minyak di ferifan, masuk 1/2 adonan, masak mpe kecoklatan, dibalik, nunggu mateng deh, bikin lagi sama kayak tadi buat adonan sisanya.

Tinggal bikin saosnya, pake saos chili beans, kecap asin, cuka, kasih wijen sedikit. aduk rata.
so tinggal tuh chizimi dipotong, dicocol saosnya....wih, enak, rasa asem2 pedesss...tapi kenapa ga garing ya?? Apa yang kurang?? bingung juga...tapi gpp deh, coz semua bilang oishiiiii......................

あさり味噌汁/asari misojiru/ kerang miso

4 september 2008, kamis malam,

Mei suka banget ma kerang kecil ini...jadi hari ini dibikin nyampur ma miso kuah deh...

- kerangnya dibersihin dengan cara, ditaruh di wadah berserta airnya selama beberapa saat, kerangnya bisa keluarin kotoran yg didalam tubuhnya..setelah itu dicuci bersih deh.

-Dimasak bersama air kaldu n miso. ..tambah irisan bwg bombai, jadi makin sippp...


Blanco sobre blanco, es una expresión que utilizaba cuando de pequeña veía a mi abuela pintar todos los años la casa, 'encalar', como se suele decir por aquí abajo. Luego es una expresión que comencé a aplicar a mí misma a la par que iba creciendo, pintaba mi propio lienzo 'blanco sobre blanco' cada vez que un pequeño error de pulso hacía que no me cuadraran las líneas, y vuelta a empezar a pintar. Con el tiempo descubrí que era mejor dejar esas líneas mal dibujadas, para mirarlas y recordarlas siempre que le echara un vistazo al cuadro de mi vida, que se supone bonito con sus imperfecciones, como todos los cuadros de todas las personas.

Y de pronto, tengo 26 años, casi 27 en 3 meses. Miro mi cuadro y no sé qué es lo que veo. ¿Me gusta, me disgusta? No, simplemente me es indiferente. Creo que es un lienzo muy pequeño para lo "grande" que yo soy; no puedo dibujar líneas correctamente en él. He desdoblado un trozo de la parte de atrás para agrandarlo, y en ese espacio han aparecido pequeños puntitos que me piden sonrientes que gaste en ellos pinturas. Mis pequeñas estrellas brillantes, mis pequeños puntos saltarines, me observáis desde un retazo del lienzo que está casi sin dibujar, junto a otros pequeños puntitos aún poco visibles... pero tengo miedo a seguir dibujando y expandir esta pintura ya de por sí extraña; siempre he sido valiente a la hora de dar brochazos, y el dibujar con precisión ahora me es muy difícil... además, me da tanto miedo a que vean el cuadro... lo más curioso es que lo quiero enseñar, ¿sabeis?

Si no tengo cadenas y anclajes... ¿de qué tengo miedo? Es una agorafobia repentina que me asalta, pero me da igual. Voy a echar a volar.