Sunday, March 13, 2011


Cewek1: di hape gue enggak ada tanggal merah kok!
Cewek2: enggak tau kali...
Gue: -____-'

4 Maret 2010 Damri ke Jati Nangor

I wonder when calender in cellular phone has red date or kind of that? Zzz

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Yep, I did it.  Took that Lemon-Poppyseed Cake and turned it into a fabulous three-tiered creation for my friend's birthday.  As I've said here before, sometimes I manage to surprise myself.

Here's the result:

Cake layers baked.
A good start.

Layered, tiered and frosted.
Lots of drinking straws buried underneath for support!

The birthday girl and her husband.
Think she's happy - hope so!

I'll admit - it tasted pretty good.
Not dry at all!

There is a wedding cake to bake in my future, so this was good practice.  In the meantime, however, I will get back to the business of posting recipes that "normal" people would make.  Well, maybe.

Unfortunately, I did not get to photograph the cake from it's front.  You are looking at the rear and the side (always how we want to be photographed, huh?).  Use your imagination....

Things That Make Me Smile

Here is an explanation of this series of posts.

Little dogs that wake you up in the middle of the night to give you kisses.

JIsin Miyagi 11 Maret 2011 - Gempa di Miyagi pref

14 Maret 2011, Senin

Kejadian gempa terbesar yang dideteksi 8,8 M tapi dikoreksi lagi menjadi gempa terbesar 9 M telah melanda Jepang, tepatnya daerah Iwate n Miyagi Pref dan sekitarnya. Gempa terjadi di samudra Pasifik yang mengakibatkan tsunami sekitar 10 m lebih. Gempa Miyagi sebelumnya juga pernah kejadian tanggal 14 Juni 2008 lalu 7.2M.
Bisa liat linknya dsini

Udah 3 hari ini Tv melaporkan kejadian gempa n resque penyelamatan daerah gempa secara live n tanpa iklan commercial lho. Mpe gw pusing sendiri ngeliatnya, kuatir juga gimana kalo kejadiannya di daerah gw ya? Pas kejadian itu, gw sama sekali ga tau n ga berasa apa2, mungkin karena kita beda pulau n letaknya jauh dari pusat gempanya. Sampai ada seorang temen yang tinggal di Amrik yang ngasih tau, baru kesadar buka TV deh. Liat korban gempa mpe miris banget, rumah ancur lebur, bangunan n kendaraan bisa kebawa air tsunami, kapal2 bisa terbalik, mobil bisa ada di atap rumah, tiang listrik n kabel putus, pokoknya ancur2 deh. Belum lagi ada pabrik kimia n tenaga nuklir untuk listrik meledak terbakar. Ga tau kapan bisa balik seperti semula ya, butuh waktu yang ga pendek. Pas kejadian gempa itu, biasa langsung ada pengumuman baik di tv ato lewat pengeras suara, kasih tau ada tsunami ato ga, kira2 perlu mengungsi ke t4 tinggi ato ga, n berapa M daerah2 yang terlibat gempa tersebut. BIasanya kalo ada kejadian darurat, kita bisa mengungsi di sekolah SD.

Ada temen tinggalnya di daerah dekat sana, dia bilang gempa t4 dia sampe 6 M, tingal di apartemen lantai 8, terasa banget goyangannya, mpe barang pecah belah, piano mpe bergeser banyak banget, buku2 n barang2 bertebaran semua, kejadiann gempanya juga bukan cuman 1x, susul menyusul, serem banget. Sekarang gas n listrik si masih bisa digunakan, cuman ga ada air, n lift ga jalan. Ke supermarket juga barang2 pada kosong, mpe bingung sendiri mo beli apaan. Tapi Puji Tuhan, kita gpp, n moga2 cepat berlalu, n bisa bangkit lagi. Pray for Japan.

Ada seorang teman juga yang tinggal daerah Chiba, deket Tokyo, dia berasa gempa juga, goyang semua, tapi ga ada barang pecah. Dia punya bebi, jadi udah langsung gendong baby nya siap2 lari, kuatir banget. Suaminya yang kerja daerah Tokyo juga ga bisa pulang, coz segala shinkansen berhenti. Mpe sekarang masih kejadian gempa susulan juga, serem deh..bayangin kita harus bawa anak baby n suami ga ada?

Sekarang lagi resque orang2. Di tv, ada orang tua umur 60 th pas kejadian tsunami itu berusaha lari keluar, tapi ketinggalan sesuatu di rumah, balik lagi, akhirnya hanyut bersama tsunami, tapi dapat diselamatkan oleh tim resque. Puji Tuhan.
KOrban dihitung sampai hari ini udah sekitar 3500 orang yang hilang ato yang meninggal, mungkin bisa bertambah lagi. Puji Tuhan, kejadiannya bukan musim dingin ato musim panas, cuaca musim semi masih sejuk n ga terlalu dingin. Gak kebayang kalo pas musim dingin n bersalju begitu kejadiannya, ga ada pemanas, ga ada listrik?

Pray for Japan, semoga kita selalu dilindungiNya.

I Think Dean and B-Daddy Have A Lot To Answer For

We knew it all along, didn't we? Just ignore all the FauxNews junk surrounding the video clip of the heroic defender of the people from NPR telling it like it is.

Hang your heads in shame, Dean and B-Daddy. Schiller has you dialed in, make no mistake. I recommend you atone for your sins by drinking some Old Milwaukee.

Recipe of the Week Blog Hop - Avocado Salad with Lime Dressing

It's time to share your favorite recipes again! Please check out my Recipe of the Week page to grab buttons to use in your post. I have a few different options there. Just right click on the picture to save it to your computer and then add it to your post! Then link your post in the blog hop below. All posts in the blog hop must include a recipe, this is not a regular blog hop. The linky will be open until Tuesday night at 11:59pm.

My recipe that I am sharing this week is a new recipe that I tried at David's parents house last weekend. Hi sister Aimee made it to go along with the white bean chili that I shared last week. I liked it so much that I made it for lunch for myself this week.

Avocado Salad with Lime Dressing
Cookbook: Vegetarian - A collection of over 100 essential Recipes 

2 1/4 oz. mixed red and green lettuce
2 1/4 oz. wild arugula (I couldn't find this so I left it out when I made it)
4 scallions, finely diced (I forgot to buy these at the store so I used a small onion)
5 tomatoes
1/4 c. toasted walnuts, chopped (I don't like walnuts so I left these out)
2 avocados
1 tbsp. lemon juice

Lime Dressing 

1 tbsp. lime juice (I used fresh)
1 tsp. French dressing
1 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley (flat leaf) or cilantro
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
pinch of sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Cut up all the ingredients from the salad. Squeeze the lemon juice over the avocados after you put them on the salad to keep them from turning brown.

Put all the dressing ingredients into a blender or a food processor and blend until smooth.


It May Be Rude To Bring This Up Now

... but given their preposterous levels of debt, the earthquake, tsunami and possible reactor meltdown looks like it will be the event that sends Japan over the cliff.

Update: It didn't take long for the Keynesians in the MSM to come out.
After Japan copes with its massive human and financial loss, the country will have to focus on rebuilding. That will take billions in private and public funds, a stimulative effort that, grimly ironic though it may be, will generate some level of stimulus and recovery.

"Obviously the human toll is the most important thing," said Nicholas Colas, chief investment strategist at ConvergEx in New York. "Generally afterward you get a big rebound in economic growth. Rebuilding creates a lot of jobs for a lot of people and a lot of new wealth creation."
Sigh. The money to rebuild will have to come from somewhere. Individuals are going to liquidate assets to pay for the damage done to their lives by the disaster. The Japanese government is going to have to borrow or liquidate holdings (Japan owns $800B or so of US Treasuries) to pay for the reconstruction. Alternately, the Bank of Japan will simply print Yen and hand it out leading to inflation.

Given the state of Japan's finances - a national debt equal to two full years of the entire nation's earnings - this is not going to lead to growth or jobs.

Update 2: Japanese government bonds are held almost entirely within the nation of Japan. That might be something that companies and individuals liquidate in order to get operating cash as they recover. That could be the start of a very ugly run on Japanese bonds.


Nowadays, Blackberry (bb) as smartphone is more common in Indonesia. Almost 50% people in Jakarta using bb. It is totally different with trend in another country. Blackberry becomes a "need" on Jakarta people's style to create a good image and pride. Unfortunately, many people of them (bb users) are misunderstood with some functions in bb.

Firstly, for bbm (black berry messenger) there is BM (broadcast message) supposed to broadcast important informations, but many people in Indonesia use it for wrong purpose. Further, as a bb user, sometimes I feel annoyed by people who does BM for useless thing. For instance, they broadcast a provocative message, which is not smart compared with the handheld they have. Another example is they broadcast hoax information, like RIM will blockir the bbm if we do not want to broadcast that message again. That is pretty stupid! Not only that, most of them often broadcast to say "check contact, ignore please" WTH?!?! To make it clear, I feel okay if they only do that for once, but how about they do that everyday? Annoying! Absolutely annoying!

However, BM is useful too when people broadcast latest news such as tsunami in Japan, scholarship from university, promoting an event or product, or asking for help. I did BM too, I had broadcast information about my book, my event, and greeting for special occasion.

Secondly, group on bbm, some people can not think wisely about what is group on bbm made. They spamming something not important or worse to disturb people on that group when they are hectic with their activities. Really not smart, fool!

Overall, I do not forbid you as a bb user to do BM or greeting on group, just be clever when using those facilities. Blackberry made to help our communication easier, not to disappointing friends or colleagues. I suggest you to check all the information before you broadcast. Based on my experience, I got a link about government activities, but when I open the link it is about pornography. Well that is not funny. So watch your activities. Think twice before do!

Last but not least, blackberry is one of the best things I have, it is not only help me in my job, also makes my relationship and friendship easier.

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