Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lebaran telah tibaaa!

Hari ini...
Ketika semua orang terus menyebut nama Sang Khalik
Menyambut kunjungan si kemenangan
Gue terus terdiam
Sesengguk tangis dalam hati meriba
Berharap Sang Esa masih mengizinkan hambaNYA (gue) bersua dengan bulan penuh keindahan di tahun esok
Dan gue terus berusaha, memaafkan semua orang yang bikin gue mengabsen kebun binatang
Memaafkan semua kesal yang pernah orang timbulkan
Dan tentu saja berusaha, agar orang lain juga maafin gue
Demi Allah Yang Maha Segalanya, gue sedih meninggalkan bulan terindah dari seribu bulan *nyampe ga ya seribu bulan*
Demi Allah Yang Maha Penyayang, gue mohon maaf lahir batin untuk semua orang yang gue kenal atau enggak, yang normal ataupun enggak, yang baik atau enggak, yang keren atau , yang penting orang, maafiiiin gue yaa!

Lebaraaaaan lebaraaaan...
Mari mari semuanya berjabat tangan!

NB # Akan ada satu hal yang belum bisa gue maafin. Orang (tetangga gue) yang pernah kurang ajar sama gue sampe gue takut pulang beserta keluarganya. Cerita lengkapnya bisa di baca di notes fb gue. Atau, nanti kalo mood gue akan jembrengin semuanya disini. Sekalipun lebaran, gue belum bisa. Sueeer. Ampun Ya Allah! 

Hop House and KimChi Restaurant

This is my new favourite place in Dublin . It has a great Korean beers and Soju. It has the best Kimchi I have had since leaving Korea . I ate the Kimchi chi gae (kimchi stew but with beef not quite as good as pork but still great all the same )it was YUM . I have also had the Jae yuk bo kum . (spicy pork stir fry ) I ordered some lettuce and Dwenjang to go with it . It was like stepping back into Korea. The staff and the owner are really friendly . If your missing real Korean food this is the closest you may find .

Contemporary Korean

Fat man tell us about this most amazing contemporary Korean food.
Check it out

julie and julia

This is a fun Movie . Must for a foodie

Julia Child (August 15, 1912 – August 13, 2004) was an American chef, author and television personality. She introduced French cuisine and cooking techniques to the American mainstream through her many cookbooks and television programs, notably The French Chef which premiered in 1963. Her most well-known cookbook is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, published in 1961.

WATCH the original Julia Child

this is great

Hold the acrylamide, pease!

Here's just one more reason America's vegetable of choice (in the form of chips or fries) needs a closer look.

In addition to the excessive fat and sodium content of potato chips and french fries, a chemical called arcylamide is also found -- a possible cancer-causing agent. Because acrylamide is found in carbohydrate foods which are cooked at high temperatures, acrylamide is also found in foods such as cereals, baby foods, breads, and crackers [1].

In lab animals, acrylamide is shown to cause tumors and neurological problems. Consumer's in the US are not seemingly phased by the recent discovery of the possible carcinogenic effects of acrylamide. Many

American's are yet to hear about acrylamide despite its presence in nearly 40% of foods. Federal governing bodies in the US, Canada, and Europe are stepping up efforts to reduce the levels of acrylamide in foods [1].

Acrylamide forms when sugars and asparagine (an amino acid) are heated together at temperatures more than 248 degrees Fahrenheit. This effect, which is partly a "Maillard reaction," enhances a food's color, texture, aroma, and flavor [1].

What to do about it? Continue eating a healthy, balanced diet that is low in fat, cholesterol, salt, and added sugar and rich in high-fiber grains, fruits, and vegetables, says the Food and Drug Administration. Joe Schwarcz points out that there is acrylamide in certain foods just like there are aflatoxins in peanuts, ethanol in wine, urethane in sherry, styrene in cinnamon, and hetreocyclic aromatic amines in beef bouillon [1].

It's also important to know that acrylamide levels vary greatly between identical products such as Krispy Kreme donuts and McDonald's french fries.

Just like anything and everything else, watch it. No food should be over-consumed in the diet -- balance is always the goal.

[1]. Deardorff, Julie. Acrylamide: Why french fries shouldn't be overheated. Chicago Tribune. September 18, 2009.

French Fries on Foodista

Leftover Stir Fried Pork with Fried Rice

Last night, I found myself wondering, "What should I have for dinner tonight when firstly I forgot to eat lunch and secondly I forgot to go to the supermarket?" Yes, it was a long, hard day at the PC and my concentration was absolute, so when my stomach started to growl around 8pm, I faced a bit of a dilemma.

I soon remembered, however, the leftover pork from the previous night which I had intended having on sandwiches for lunch and decided to get the wok out and create a leftover stir fried pork recipe. As the rice has to first be boiled and cooled, however, last night's was a very late dinner!


2 thick slices of leftover roast pork
1 onion (quartered and separated from layers)
Pinch of Chinese five spice
2 tsp dark soy sauce
2 oz basmati or long grained rice
Corn oil for stir frying


The first step is to boil the rice as one normally would - per the instructions on the packet - and leave it to cool completely. I like to assist this process by running it under some cold water when I'm in a hurry.

When the rice is cool, add around one tablespoon of corn oil to a hot wok and subsequently the rice. Stir fry for two to three minutes until the rice just begins to take on a little colour. Transfer the rice to a warmed holding dish while you prepare the stir fried pork.

Add some more oil to the wok and then the chopped onion. Stir fry until the onion begins to colour, then add the pork until it too takes on a dark, roasted colour. Add the Chinese five spice and the dark soy sauce and stir fry for another thirty seconds to a minute before plating the rice and the leftover stir fried pork on top. Garnish if desired with such as a chopped tomato or some fresh herbs.

Do you want to prepare your own Fantastic Chinese Recipes at Home?

Chinese cooking is widely recognised as being one of the healthiest styles of cooking on the planet. This is chiefly because the food is most often cooked very quickly, at very high temperatures, and the nutrients and vitamins are therefore not lost in the process.

Nicholas Zhou is a Chinese Chef who has compiled this e-book of more than 500 Chinese recipes of his own creation and is willing to share them with you today. This cookbook is presently fully downloadable from the totally secure digital retailer, Clickbank, at the incredibly low price of just $19.97, or local equivalent. Why incredible? Because not only does it normally retail for circa $35, the bonus items presently on offer with it take the value of the package up to an amazing $143!

Click Here! to order your copy today, accept your free bonuses and treat your family to some authentic Chinese cooking for dinner tonight.

Food Tip of the Day - Saturday, September 19th, 2009: How to Grill a Pork Loin

A pork loin can be grilled just as well as any beef steak but it is vital that we know the difference in cooking requirements. Unlike beef, pork is a meat which must never be under-cooked and grilling it therefore is full of inherent dangers.

How to grill a pork loin