Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Yellow Pea Soup
Mmm, comfort food. Last night, I was actually in a good place and wasn't thinking I needed a boost from the inside out, but I came across a package of yellow split peas and my inner blanket reflex kicked in. All of these split pea recipes are similar, and I posted one last year on split green pea soup. Yellow peas have a little bit different flavor. I actually love yellow peas cooked in an Indian curry. Either way, they are less grassy than green peas. I also love Indian dal that uses the little black french lentils, another good ingredient presented as lentil soup. The French sometimes serve their lentil soup with a traditional pork sausage. I think kielbasa works best here with its smoother flavor. I like to brown the kielbasa first and then finish cooking the onions and eventually the soup in that oil. In this recipe I also added a bay leaf and herbs de provence. You can substitute your own spices, in addition to adding celery and carrot if you like. As always, make it your own and enjoy. Serves 2.
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 an onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
8" long link of polish kielbasa, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
1 tsp herbs de provence
1 bay leaf
8 oz or half a standard bag of yellow peas
3 cups of chicken broth
Heat the oil over medium heat in a pot. Add the onion and soften for 4 minutes. Add the kielbasa and brown, approximately 4 minutes. Add the garlic, bay leaf and herbs de provence and allow the flavors to release, approximately 1 minute. Add the peas and broth, stir and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour. If needed, add more broth or water if too much liquid boils off. Season with salt and pepper.
Homemade Playdough
I recently taught a class about inexpensive family fun; I sent everyone home with a homemade playdough recipe and samples to play with at home. This recipe comes from Mom, and it's the playdough we kids played with all those years.
I've tried several different recipes for homemade playdough, and many of them leave your hands salty and the dough dries out quickly. This recipe doesn't do that; it's still the best. Enjoy!
Homemade Playdough
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 Tablespoons alum (find this in the spice section)
3 Tablespoons of oil
2 cups boiling water
food coloring
Mix flour, salt, alum and oil. Add water and knead to desired consistency. Add food coloring. Add more flour if dough is sticky (between 2-4 Tablespoons). Store in a sealed container, in the fridge.
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Cooking Mama 1 : Spicy Korean Noodle
Cooking mama, sebuah gebrakan baru dari game masak yang terdahulu, dipelopori oleh Belinda bersama kawan2 yang lain..
Kali ini bukan tiap minggu yah.. tapi tema nya dilakukan dalam 1 bulan sekali.
Huihhhh.. senangnya secara tahu sendiri yah kalo semua dibebanin sama game masak yang tiap minggu, apa ga tambah stress.. dan capek tentunya, hehhehe
Tapi syukurlah, ada Cooking Mama blog, sehingga hoby dan rasa ingin belajar memasak masih bisa tersalurkan. Thanks for this idea...
Kali ini gue mau masak Spicy Korean Noodle
Bahannya :
1 cup ko iris *gue pake cai sim*
2 sdm soy sauce
1 sdt bawang putih cincang
1 sdt minyak wijen
2 sdm cabe bubuk atau cabe kering yang digiling kasar *gue pake cabe rawit potong*
4 cup kaldu ayam
1/2 buah daun bawang *gue gak pake*
3 buah cabe jepang kering (boleh pake boleh gak)
1 sdm saus sambel manis *gue gak pake*
2 telur kocok lepas
mie kering / mie basah *gue pake mie kering*
daging ayam, babi, atau udang *gue pake udang*
Cara membuat nya :
1. Rebus mie sampai matang (kalo pake mie kering)
2. Tumis bawang putih, minyak wijen, cabe, sampai harum
3. Masukkan udang tumis sampai matang
4. Masukkan air kaldu lalu didihkan
5. Masukkan telur kocok, lalu aduk cepat sehingga telur berbentuk benang
6. Terakhir masukkan mie yang sudah direbus, lalu tambahkan garam lada sesuai selera
Hasilnya gue liat kayak indomie yah, hahahaha..
Tapi mmg pedas rasanya, huhuhuu.. makan nya sampe bibir jontor, habis gue ga kira2 masukin cabe rawitnya.
Black Pomfret stuff with Lemongrass spice (Ikan Bawal Goreng Bumbu Serai)
370 grams black pomfret, washed, pat dried and innards removed
2 cups cooking oil, for deep frying
Spice stuffing
25 grams red chilies
6 (25 grams) shallots
2 (10 grams) garlic cloves
3 whole candlenut, toasted
1 centimeter fresh turmeric root
3 kaffir lime leaves
2 stalks lemongrass
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
Grind all spices ingredient in a food processor or pound in a mortal and pestle
Make a deep cut on the top side of the fish. Insert the stuffing as much as you can
Deep fry the fish in hot oil for 10 minutes each side, till both sides are cooked.
Serve with steamed rice.
Black Pomfret stuff with Lemongrass spice (Ikan Bawal Goreng Bumbu Serai)
370 grams black pomfret, washed, pat dried and innards removed
2 cups cooking oil, for deep frying
Spice stuffing
25 grams red chilies
6 (25 grams) shallots
2 (10 grams) garlic cloves
3 whole candlenut, toasted
1 centimeter fresh turmeric root
3 kaffir lime leaves
2 stalks lemongrass
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
Grind all spices ingredient in a food processor or pound in a mortal and pestle
Make a deep cut on the top side of the fish. Insert the stuffing as much as you can
Deep fry the fish in hot oil for 10 minutes each side, till both sides are cooked.
Serve with steamed rice.