Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Seasonings tea Serai

1 ltr water10 stalk lemongrass, take part white, crushed 

3 pandan leaves LBR100 gr ginger roasted, peeled, crushed2 tablespoons of tea leaves 
200 gr sugar cube

How To Served:

1. Boil water, ginger, lemongrass, pandan leaves over low heat, cover pot and cook until boiling. Add green tea leaves, set aside. 

2. Strain, add sugar cube. Serve while warm.For 5 cups

indonesian Language

Teh Bumbu Serai

1 ltr air
10 btg serai, ambil bagian yang putih, memarkan
3 lbr daun pandan
100 gr jahe bakar, kupas, memarkan
2 sdm daun teh
200 gr gula batu

Cara membuat:

1. Rebus air, jahe, serai, daun pandan dengan api kecil, tutup panci, masakhingga mendidih. Masukkan daun daun teh, diamkan.
2. Saring, tambahkan gula batu. Sajikan selagi hangat.

Untuk 5 gelas

The Cat's Away

That means Henry is out of town for a couple of days. Woohoo! Freedom to hang out in bars, party it up and ditch the usual boring routine!

Yeah, right.

In truth, it’s 8pm and I am hanging out in my sweats, hunkering down in my warm, cozy kitchen because it’s freakin’ cold outside. Even for Atlanta. I just finished some leftover chicken and am nursing a glass of red wine that remained from last night’s dinner. Liz, you party animal!

I know that many of you live in much more frigid climates than I do. How in the heck do you do that, anyway? Down here, when the temp dips below 50-degrees, we can barely stand it. All we can think about is soup, wonderful and warming soup.

Lest you think I am going to give you a recipe for a hearty, healthy, soul-warming and savory soup, forget about it. Nope, I’m giving you the recipe for something much, much better. You can whip it up in an instant and this is the best time of the year to make it because you can easily find panettone in your local market. Huh? What does panettone have to do with soup?

Well, everything. That’s because we are talking about CHOCOLATE SOUP. Yep, you heard me right.

This was originally on the menu at Sotto Sotto, a wonderful Italian restaurant here in the ATL.

Our local paper published the recipe for it a thousand years ago. Ridiculous person that I am, I clipped it and filed it in my ever-expanding quantity of recipe notebooks. Just be happy I did that so I can now share the recipe with you.

CHOCOLATE SOUP  (adapted from Sotto Sotto)

1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 teaspoons espresso powder
11 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1 tablespoon dark rum
Pinch of salt
One 3.5 oz. loaf panettone, sliced
Granulated sugar, for sprinkling
Whipped cream, for serving
Cocoa nibs and ground cinnamon, for serving

In a heavy pot, heat cream, sugar and espresso powder over medium heat. Bring to a gentle boil then reduce heat to low and add chocolate. Stir over low heat until chocolate is melted. Add rum and salt, then stir to blend and remove from heat.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350-degrees. Cut panettone into circles which will fit into four small 4-inch ramekins or dessert bowls. Sprinkle them with granulated sugar, place on a baking sheet and bake until just lightly toasted, about 5 minutes.

To serve, place a slice of toasted panettone in each ramekin. Pour equal amounts of reserved chocolate mixture over each one then top with freshly whipped cream. Garnish each one with a few cocoa nibs and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Serves 4

We folks here in the south don't mess around with our soup.  Now you know.

Wisdom Wednesday

I need to keep this quote in mind, especially with the holiday season upon us! 

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man [heather edit- and woman :) ] healthy, wealthy and wise. - Benjamin Franklin 

Have a great week!



400 grams white rice 
200 g wet noodle3 eggs, 
beaten off 100 grams of fried chicken, tear it to pieces
5 cloves garlic, crushed (punch / rape) 
5 tbsp tomato sauce3 tbsp chilli sauce3 tablespoons soy sauce1 teaspoon salt2 tablespoons cooking oil

HOW to Cook:
  1.  Heat oil and fry garlic until fragrant. Enter the beaten eggs and stir until cooked. 
  2. Enter consecutive rice, wet noodles, fried chicken, tomato sauce, chili sauce, soy sauce, and salt.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly until blended and cooked. Serve while warm with crackers, pickles and starch.

Makes 4 servings



400 gr nasi putih
200 gr mi basah
3 btr telur, kocok lepas
100 gr ayam goreng, suwir / suwing
5 siung bawang putih, memarkan (tonjok/diperkosa)
5 sdm saus tomat
3 sdm saus sambal
3 sdm kecap manis
1 sdt garam
2 sdm minyak goreng 

Cara membuat: 1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan telur kocok, aduk-aduk sampai matang.
2. Masukkan berturut-turut nasi, mi basah, ayam goreng, saus tomat, saus sambal, kecap manis, dan garam.
3. Masak sambil terus diaduk sampai rata dan matang. Sajikan selagi hangat dengan acar dan kerupuk kanji.  
Untuk 4 porsi 

Free Online Photo Editing Website

I found a new web-site that you can edit from and make awesome graphics and headers for your blog! It is called I made my new header on this site and also made a new OT Tips button and Wisdom Wednesday button! I am now in the process of making a new Recipe of the Week button and possibly a new blog button! It is so easy and fun to use! Check it out and give your blog a new make-over! Here are a couple of buttons that I made with it.

Thanks to i love the way she blogs for the tip! If you want to read over a tutorial, here is a good one that will help you out!

Also, for those of you wondering where I get my signature from, seen below is a free site to make a personalized blog signature!



Besan ............. 1/2 cup

Methi seeds .... 1 tbsp.

Cumin seeds .... 1 tbsp.

Asafoetida ....... 1/4 tsp.

Turmeric powder ... 1 tsp.

Chilli powder ........... 1-2 tsp.

Green chillies .......... 3-4 chopped

Ginger paste............ 1 tbsp.

Curry leaves ........... 1 sprig

Potatoes ................. 5-6 (small) peel and cut into halves

Carrots ................... 1 peel and cut into round pieces

Beans .................... cut into 1 inch pieces

Drumsticks ......... scrape and cut into 2 inch pieces

Bhindi.................... 8-10 Slit them and half fry.

Tamarind juice ....... 5-6 tbsp

Sugar .................... 1 tbsp. (or) Jaggery

Salt taste




1. Heat 5-6 tbsp. oil and add the methi and cumin seeds. When they splutter add the asafoetida, ginger and curry leaves. Stir it and then add the besan.

2. Fry it for 5 minutes on low flame till you get a nice aroma.

3. Now add water and keep stirring to avoid lumps.

4. Add all the vegetables except bhindi. Add the salt, sugar, chillies, turmeric powder and tamarind juice.

5. Simmer it till the kadhi is thick and the vegetables are done. Usually it has to boil for at least 1 hour. Finally add the fried bhindi and coriander leaves.

(Serve with plain rice)

Link of the Day

If you haven't read the excellent The Economic Incompetence of the Political Class yet, you should. Here's a tidbit.
In the U.S. at least, the looming debt crisis among states and municipalities also reflects a lack of diligence on the part of the citizenry. This can be attributed in part to a naïve assumption by the electorate that those in government, freed from the profit motive, could be trusted to do what was "right" for the community as a whole.

Instead, what we now can see is that elected officials, following a power motive, can be as greedy and irresponsible as anyone in the private sector. In many cases, officials from both parties have been captured by powerful interests, including public sector unions and recipients of transfer payments. As a consequence, they have willfully committed current and future taxpayer money to benefit those with political power at the expense of the community as a whole.
Emphasis mine, placed there to reinforce the notion that the election of Jerry Brown will be the high water mark for progressives and liberals. The notion in italics is at the heart of the philosophy that lead us to endlessly grow the size and scope of government.

More and more and more and more leads to a POP!

Give Peace a Chance

Hi there everyone!
I haven't been able to post something since last saturday, sorry! But lots of things happened in the past few days, and at the moment I'm not at Barcelona... I'm at Algeciras, spending this week with my family, as next week I'm starting to work again and it wouldn't be able for me to come home for Christmas!

Today it's a very special day for me. As some of you may know, tomorrow (9th of December) it's my birthday... but today is the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's death.

Since I was a child (and I was born one day and one year after his death, something that my parents always told me) I've always loved John Lennon's art. The Beatles was one of my first favourite groups, as my father was playing their records for all the day everytime I was at Barcelona when I was a child... One of the first songs I singed in english was "Please, Mr Postman".

My father was a huge Beatle's fan, and he really admired John Lennon. So my mother used too. But it wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized how much I like is music and the messages he was trying to send.

Give Peace a Chance is one of the most beautiful songs ever, full of hope and with a pure energy for life, so so powerful that makes you sing and wish that, for sure, people would give peace a chance.

It's a simple message, so simple that maybe the ones who control this world doesn't understand. Or maybe they don't want to understand it. Or listening to it. The point is that the world is full of shit, of course... but I still believe in humans, and I still believe that we can leave a good world to our children when we're gone. I still believe in peace.

So that's why, today, I want you all to give peace a chance. Because it deserves it. And John too.


Today it was a good day around here. I saw my grandparents and some of my friends, and I walked around the city seeing how some things have changed... but it's the same. 

This morning I had the privilege to attend a private play that my friends are premiering next week. It was beautiful, more than beautiful, and I feel so lucky for seeing it... thank you guys!

As I can't show you any pictures until I have the permission, I leave you today with my outfit... the shoes are from Blanco, I bought them yesterday (as I would need them for work) and I'm in love with them... I call them "my gentlemen shoes"... aren't they great?

 Hat - H&M
T-shirt - Zara
Skirt - H&M
Tights - H&M
Shoes - Blanco

I Blame the Pie

After letting our Maximum Leader out for her nighttime snack and stroll, I, too, had a late-night snack last night and then slept like a baby until 6:30. There was no time to blog when I got up.

It's all the pie's fault. It was down there in the kitchen, calling to me. I'm a victim of the oppression of Baker-Americans.

genting highlands, percutian pertama sendiri.

salam. hye semua. i miss my blog. this blog. tp macam, tah ta de prasaan plak nak hupdate. muahaha. padahal dah tak kerja, dah start musim rehat, tp kalah time kerja plak. perghh.

btw ak cam bnyk berfikir la these past few days. meeting with a lot of ppl, talking with the adults, trying to understand more bout respect towards each and everyone of us. hurmm. serious shit ak rase cam ak mati time kiamat. get it? ak rase amat x lame je lg kiamat owh. gle bnyk lg kekurangan ak. hurm.

by the way, last monday & tuesday (yesterday) i went to genting. bajet sendiri, pergi sendiri dgn kwn-kwn je --- utk pertama kali dlm life aku. and baru aku faham, kenapa ramai ibu bapa yg berkemampuan sederhana, sentiasa berfikir utk pergi bercuti. kanak-kanak, try faham ibu bapa anda ye :') i love you mama abah. ok back to the topic, duit minyak, duit tol, duit hotel, duit makan, duit souvenir. bukan murah taw taw. marilah berjimat! (kempen oleh shopaholic)


ak tak pergi outdoor park pun. since sampai, nak tunggu check in counter je dlm 2 jam. perghhh. berjanggut owh. habis cite mr bean tu dkt TV ak tgk --- first world hotel, deluxe room RM 245 (peak season) tp kte org bayar RM 90 je sbb kte org gune voucher. bijak kannn. kulit aku gebu je sejak balik dr cameron & genting nih. muahaha. sekarang tak dah la. oh KFC die mahal sikit dkt sana, snack plate & dinner plate pun lain sikit, ade add on wedges.

btw it was cool. i did spend a great quality time with loves one. :)

esok aku maybe pergi tgk motorshow dkt PWTC, then kalau ada rezeki aku nak tgk Narnia, which aku rasa tak dapat pun. sobbb. tu je lah buat mase ni. aku banyak lg nak celoteh, lain mase yerh! take care, till then people!



2 tablespoons vegetable oil
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 leek, sliced
2 large red peppers, discard the contents, oblique slices
250 grams of beef tripe cooked, diced

4 plates of white rice
4 tablespoons green peas
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
50 salt bean sprouts, siangi
Complement: egg, tomato and lettuce

How To Cook it:

  1. Heat oil and saute garlic, scallions and red pepper until fragrant, put tripe and stir well. 
  2. Add rice, soy sauce, and soy sauce and stir well. Cook until the seasonings evenly. Enter the bean sprouts, cook briefly, remove from heat 
  3. Serve the fried rice with egg, tomato and lettuce.

Serves for 4 



2 sdm minyak sayur
5 siung bawang putih, cincang
1 batang daun bawang, iris
2 buah cabai merah besar, buang isinya, iris serong
250 gram babat sapi matang, potong dadu
4 piring nasi putih
4 sdm kacang polong
2 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm kecap manis
50 garam tauge, siangi
Pelengkap: telur mata sapi, tomat dan daun selada

Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih, daun bawang dan cabai merah hingga harum, masukkan babat, aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan nasi, kecap asin, dan kecap manis, aduk rata. Masak hingga bumbu merata. Masukkan tauge, masak sebentar, angkat.
3. Sajikan nasi goreng dengan telur mata sapi, tomat dan daun selada.

Untuk : 4 orang