Wednesday, November 12, 2008


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Whither Tony Aiazzi?

November 12

Avid followers of the New York City restaurant scene have known for more than 30 hours that Christopher Lee is leaving his post as chef of Gilt to take over the kitchen of Aureole. It’s big news. Chris is an alumnus of Oceana from when Cornelius Gallagher was executive chef there, and then he built a name for himself in Philadelphia at what at the time was one of that city's landmark restaurants, Striped Bass.
He recently picked up two Michelin stars at Gilt, where he replaced Paul Liebrandt, and got other good press for himself there as well. Still, Aureole has one of the most respected kitchens in New York City and it’s a big move for Chris, who also has a newborn at home to take care of. Exciting times for the chap.
But I wondered what was going to happen to Aureole’s current executive chef, Tony Aiazzi, and so when I got the press release this morning — long after The New York Times broke the news online, the blogs went nuts and the scoop in print media for The Times was assured — I asked the publicist what Tony was going to be doing.
My question apparently cost him a bottle of wine, because he had bet the publicist that no one would ask.
Turns out he’s going to be taking some time off and traveling. He said he hopes to check out North African cuisine, as it has always interested him. He also expressed an interest in getting back to Paris, though, so if you happen to know of any restaurants there looking for an over-qualified stagiaire, let me know.

I talk turkey, literally

November 12

What a strange place Paris Commune is — a French bistro owned by a Chilean, an Englishman and a South African that for more than 20 years has managed to stay afloat in the West Village, largely, it seems to me, through robust weekend brunch business (which it recently started serving the other five days, too) and a neighborhood base whose loyalty transcended the 2004 move to a new location.
For the past six months, the restaurant’s owners have tried a new, long-term marketing scheme: The Red Rooster Club.
The concept was explained last night, at the sixth Red Rooster Club dinner, by the restaurant’s British owner, Laurence Isaacson.
Mr. Isaacson was once a multiunit restaurant operator, owning a bunch of British restaurants that specialized in steak frites. Back then he realized that it was very difficult to get press for a restaurant that isn’t doing anything new, so he created a Carnivores Club. He held regular dinners and showed up on television arguing with vegetarians and so on.
Seeing a similar dilemma for Paris Commune — an old place whose focus is more on having good rapport with its guests than on serving extraordinary food — he started the Red Rooster Club, to which an eclectic array of press and amusing people are invited for a brief lecture on poultry and a meal.
For the first such meal I attended, last month, Josh Ozersky gave a brief and entertaining analysis of duck in the American zeitgeist.
The second such meal I attended was last night, and I was the featured speaker. It being November, I had been asked to talk about turkey.
So I found Benjamin Franklin’s quotation about turkey, which he famously wanted to be our national symbol rather than the bald eagle, and I shared my own observations about turkey and our dual image of it as the centerpiece for our most decadent feast and also as the protein of virtue that we have instead of beef or pork in turkey burgers, turkey bacon, turkey sausage etc. And I concluded with the story of when I made Thanksgiving dinner for my American classmates as a student in China. If you’re good, I might share that story with you someday, too, deer reader [or rather, dear reader; sorry, Mark (see comment #1 below)].
This is what Benjamin Franklin said about turkeys, in a letter to his daughter, after disparaging the bald eagle as a scavenger and “a bird of bad moral character”:
“The turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America. … He is besides, though a little vain and silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on.”

What I ate:

Cranberry foie gras brûlée with toast points
Butternut sqush soup with cream, almonds and cinnamon
Orange-glazed smoked ham with creamy honey mustard sauce, oven roasted turkey with homemade gravy, stuffing and sweet pumpkin with candied walnut
Individual pecal tart with vanilla, Cognac and whipped cream

NASCAR at the Beard House

November 12

Did you know that NASCAR originated as a group of moonshiners trying to out-race law enforcement officers?
That’s what Peter Grills, food & beverage manager of Ballantyne Resort in Charlotte, N.C., told me the other night. I have no idea if it’s true, but isn’t it a great story?
And it makes sense, really.
Isn’t Peter Grills also a great name for an F&B manager?
The chefs of Gallery restaurant at the Ballantyne Resort, executive chef Kirk Gilbert and chef de cuisine J. Kelly Morrow, were cooking at the James Beard House. In an unusual move, the only wines served at the event were from Childress Vineyards, a North Carolina wine company that grows all of its own grapes and was founded by NASCAR star Richard Childress.
It’s not unusual for a Beard House dinner to be sponsored by a wine company, but I’ve never seen one from North Carolina represented, so that was cool.
In another interesting move, Childress Vineyards is mentioned all over the menu and is also mentioned on the invitation that was sent to me, but the chefs’ names are nowhere to be seen. I had to look them up on the Beard Foundation’s web site.
Also on the menu, the wine was mentioned first, in bold, followed by the food, in plain text. But I’ll list it as I usually do.

What I ate and drank:

Neapolitan of parsnip with roasted baby beets, English peas and butternut squash
House-made cheese and charcuterie, including pork soppresata and Long Island duck coppa
Chicken liver mousse truffle with branded cherry and spiced pegan
Tayler Bay Scallop and Langoustine “Rockefeller”
Gallery’s house cocktail, which is Prosecco, Aperol and soda

Checkerboard of ahi tuna and hamachi with jalapeño and kumpquat escabèche and micro cilantro
2006 Childress Vineyards Signature Series Reserve Chardonnay

Duo of Barbecue glazed squab breast, Grateful Growers pork ham hocks, white stone ground Anson Mills grits and caramelized Vidalia onion preserves
2004 Childress Vineyards Allegro Shiraz

kaffir lime & coconut pâte de fruit, and Valencia orange and cream pâte de fruit

Pot au feu of beef short ribs, lamb merguez and poussin torchon with beta sweet carrots, cipollini and salsify
2005 Childress Vineyards Signature Series Meritage

Roasted Forelli pear with cardamom cake and Poire William sabayon
Pear-star anise ice cream
Pear crumbles with black mission fig and muscovado sugar
2007 Childress Vineyards Polar Late Harvest White Wine

Petits fours, coffee and Childress Vineyards Starbound Red Dessert Wine


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Suncheon cooking night ... Lasagna.


For this you will need
Tomatoes fresh or canned , onion, peppers, mushrooms,Beef and pork (ground )
garlic, basil, black pepper balsamic vinegar,oregano, Parsley, rosemary, bacon and bacon fat.
Lasagna noodles ,
Cheese sauce
milk, cheese , nutmeg, flour and butter
I know American Like Ricotta in their Lasagna you can make this in Korea. Its not to difficult check out here . I am pretty sure my mother only put cheese on the top and the White sauce was just that a flour butter milk sauce. So make your tomato sauce add you meat. Make you "WHITE SAUCE "add your cheese . Layer it tomato meat, noodle, white cheese sauce, meat, noodle, till you have you dish full, finish with white cheese sauce on the top. Cook at 210 for 20mins or till the noodles are soft.
I like lasagna best the next day.
To go with this I made some Garlic bread.
I just got a baguette from the bakers . Cut slices into it and filled with garlic parsley butter. Wrap in foil and place in the oven . This garlic bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside (with no sugar Koreans like sugar on their garlic bread)
Another very enjoyable Suncheon cooking night.

Invigilation again.

Just a short one. Something i want to share so that i would not forget later.

When i invigilates an exam, other than walking and watching the students work their asses out to answer the question and find any possible ways to copy from their friends, i usually read the question papers, and try to answer some of the questions. Just to see, if there is any mistake, and at the same time to challenge my knowledge on a subject matters that have relation to my expertise.

wahhhhhhhh, expertise katanya.

Expert le jugak sikit-sikit

Anyway, one of the paper i got to invigilate was a macroeconomics paper. I just love macroeconomics when i did my undergrad, because unlike unit based analysis of microeconomics, macro look at the overall pictures of an economic situation and it is very dynamic and confusing since we have so many schools of thought discussing on the same matters, with different explanation but getting the same answers and solution.

So as i was reading, i came across a question which i think is funny.

The question was,

Q. Which of the following is true about the effect of inflation?

And one of the possible answer was,

A. Inflation promotes social harmony by uniting people against the government.

Of course the answer is wrong, but it is true in a way. The lecturer setting the question must be voting for an opposition party or someone very witty.

When we think about it, many government was toppled when a citizen revolution or coup de tart happen when they are not satisfied with the economic condition, especially when the price of goods increases and there are no goods to consume in the market, i.e inflation.

We have so many creative lecturers and students here.

Speaking about creative students, once in my tutorial I asked the students how knowledge management can be used by the government to integrate and streamline their service delivery. So I asked them the relationship of the government and how many type of government we have.

Most students answered 3, but there this one particular student who answered 4!

So I asked him again, how come there are 4, where does the other one come from, and he answered,

“Yes, sir, there are 4, which is The Federal Government, the State Government, the Local Government and last but not least The New Government

Of course he was just joking, but I just love creative students; they make the class livelier.

Another thing I realized is, every time i read the instructions to the students, and before I let them write anything, I would end the instruction with a statement “dengan lafaz Bismillah anda boleh bermula”

I have been doing that since ages, and when I work here, I started to do the same thing. After a few semesters, I realized that most invigilators now, when it is time for them to read the instruction they will end with the same sentence,

“dengan lafaz Bismillah, anda boleh bermula”

I am not saying, I started it, but then again I never heard it said before in the previous exam. So I guess, dan dengan perasannya, said, I did have an effect to some of the colleagues here.


I am so proud of myself.

Hik hik.