Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I wish you all a Happy (and safe!) Halloween! Yesterday at work, a few of us dressed up and snapped a shot. I, am the banana. Not the most flattering of looks on me, but all too appropriate seeing as I'm a dietitian :)

Before I settled in for college football and trick-or-treaters, I got in a good run and dashed out to do my errands. And of course, that included not only a trip to the grocery store...but also to the health foods store! Needless to say, I got lots of goodies. With husband gone most of the week, I wanted some easy meals for one and enough balanced "snack foods" that I could just snack for dinner since I'm flying solo. Check it out!

 Here we see: USDA organic Acai juice (can't wait to try it!), all-natural Pineapple Coconut juice (it's low in calories, surprisingly and I also cannot wait to try it!), Apricot Pumpkin Butter (my new favorite food -- AWESOME in oatmeal!), fat-free cottage cheese (I was CRAVING cottage cheese and pineapple!), 100% resveratol juice (only 130 calories for 10 ounces!), POM (per the recommendation of Candid RD!!), and skim milk way back there (next to the beer, haha!)

Moving over a bit in the fridge you can see...

USDA organic Oregon Chai (yummmm! I haven't spoiled myself with any in QUITE some time!), fresh salsa, and my favorite hummus: Sabra Classic Hummus (I'm making falafel at some point this week!)

I also got: low-calorie/high-fiber noodles, Terra chips (YUMMMMMMM!), USDA organic wheat pizza crust, organic old-fashioned oats, lots of ZEVIA!, a HUGE mango, kiwi, pears, bananas, limes, salmon, pumpkin puree, and HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!!!

My (cheap) husband bought Nerds, Bubba gum, Smarties, Jaw Breakers, and Lemonheads. I was afraid our HOUSE would get EGGED if we didn't include any CHOCOLATE!!!!! So, he left town and I bought chocolate : )

Anyways...Lily and I are ready for trick-or-treaters, as you can see!

And my fruit basket is looking ready for the week, as well...

And just as I was getting ready to press "Publish Post" doorbell rang. Package for Nicole. It was my Nutridel cookies! After reading about Nutridel cookies on Jenny's blog, I just had to try them. 

And they are DELICIOUS! I ordered the assorted pack of 28 packages (2 cookies per package). The flavors are: pecan, flaxseed, almond, and oatmeal. I tried the flaxseed and it was SOOOO good!! 57 calories a cookie! They are all-natural, cholesterol free, contain no trans fat, are dairy-free, and contain no refined sugar. The cookies are high in fiber (3 grams!) and contain antioxidants and omega-3's. And, they are GOOD!

Welp, it's time to commit my full attention to football. Yesterday's diet was about the same as the day before, so I will spare you! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

a minute b4 the end of the day

bukan ceramah agama / motivasi
cuma asam garam hidup

dulu... wkt kecik.
sy pernah tanye ustazah. i was 9 back then.

kenapa kita ada 10 jari?
kenapa dlm bnyk2 nama yg ada, sy ditakdirkan bernama 'aqilah'?
kenapa bila sy rasa nak gerakkan jari, jari sy bergerak?
kenapa muka sy ditakdirkan jgk, mcm ni?
macam mana Allah tentukan... dan ciptakan semua?

ustazah ckp...
dari sudut sains, nanti mcm2 awk belajar...
dari sudut agama, awk jgn pk terlalu melebihi batas.
nnt boleh buat awk gile. lagipun, tu semua kekuasaan Allah.

i was a student of St.Mary kuching, sarawak...
and, uztazah. ustazah asmah. if i'm not mistaken =]]

i heard another ulama' said ;
lelaki yg baik utk wanita yg baik

i asked abah.

"habis tu. kalau wanita tu baik, baik sgt, tp dpt lelaki jahat jg, kenapa? lelaki pun sama. lelaki baik, kenapa dpt wanita yg jahat? kenapa... lelaki/wanita baik tu x dpt wanita/lelaki baik jgk?"

abah told me.

tuhan tu adil. maka. insya Allah lelaki baik utk wanita baik. tp, utk golongan yg baik tp masih dpt suami / isteri jahat tu, mereka terpilih. mereka terpilih utk diuji oleh Allah. bukannya tanda mereka jahat. bukannya tanda hidup ni tak adil. cuma, mereka terpilih dan Allah tahu mereka mampu.

dan percayalah di sebalik kekuatan / kesakitan mereka tu. ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian. ada hikmah dalam hidup mereka. antara mereka lihat dengan mata kasar, atau mata hati.

sy diam. berfikir lagi. org kata, hidup ni ditakdirkan oleh tuhan.
tapi sy yakin dan percaya sgt, hidup ini ditulis oleh kita sendiri.
apa yg kita buat, fikir, dan pilih adalah jalan hidup kita skrng.
tp, bila berlaku bnda malang. kita tak habis - habis salahkan takdir kan?
tp, sy ada terdgr dlm sebuah english drama baru - baru ni.
"mistake u've done, is the best thing that u did by that time"
maksudnya. kesalahan yg kita pernah buat tu = mengajar kita skrng.

kesalahan kita tu, bukan satu kesilapan. bkn satu, bnda yg, terlarang.
tp kesalahan yg kita pernah buat tu, yg jadikan kita manusia, berguna.
manusia yg belajar ttg erti hidup. belajar utk jd, manusia yg berpk selalu.
bagi sy. antara kegagalan dgn kesalahan, nmpk sama tp tak serupa.
sy rasa kesalahan tu, lagi bnyk mengajar sy. kegagalan... mengajar jgk.
tp kdng2, sy ni lambat serik. tp,kesalahan? sering menghantui sy...

"bukan bidadari"

some ppl, who rarely knows me, might think...
sy ni budget baik, tp x baik. budget bagus, tp x bagus.
might think i'm totally naive. might think i'm a pretender.
and pendiam, alim, skema, sombong, and etc.
tapi kan... semua org ade rahsia hidup masing -masing kan?

org yg benar - benar kenal sy. sepupu sepapat. D12.
kwn2 kelas dulu. sekolah rendah n menengah, taw sy mcm mana.
i will be the craziest girl ever, the loudest girl, the most unpredictable too.
i can be the most-easily-excited, the funniest, and ....
u guys just dont-know-me-YET. try me =P

i'm that open minded girl. that, u can talk anything with. full of dream.
i can keep a secret, even when u didn't keep mine. i can keep on praying 4 u,
dreaming bout u, even when u begin to forget me. i can always be there.
the listener. the advicer. even when i'm not replying any of ur SMS or call.
i'm the one who thinks bout u, b4 i sleep and still, hoping that u're happy,
even when i'm not with u. but don't u ever 4get... don't u ever judge me.
cuz, remember, 1 thing for sure...

i'm only human. i made lottt of mistake. only god knows all the stupid things i've done.
i was full of sin. WAS and still AM. but, only me, myself, knows... how much.
i tried to be better, in every way of life. i'm trying, even when some time,
i'm truly madly deeply --> not in the mood / lazy. owhh yesss...

org kata
"benda yg negative ni, memang best. sbb tu org suka.
benda yg positive, memang susah. sbb tu org x suka."


org kata jgk
"benda yg positive tu, lama - lama, manis sangat.
sbb benda yg postive tu, manis dia kekal sampai bila - bila"

maka. mmg susah taw, nak buat benda baik ni. memang susah.
buat bnda jahat mmg best. contoh plg senang. kita mula dgn makanan.

makan maggie / fast food ;
sedap la weyhhh!!! tgkla kfc. mc d. ice cream. chocolates. cakes. whoaaaa.
tp. cuba pk jgk, kandungan die tuh, bnykkk sgt membunuh manusia.
bila manusia da over-addicted + tak seimbangkan pemakanan.
best, tp bahaya kan? sbb best die sementara.

makan sayur / buah ;
tak dinafikan, skrng mmg bnyk sayur + buah tu best. tp, kita bygkan...
yg pahit + susah nak ditelan tuh. contoh. buah peria. lala~
susahnya nak biasakan diri, dr lidah + mulut tp. khasiat die?
pahit, tp lama - lama best kan? best die kekal plak tu.

mcm tu juga perbuatan. buat bnda baik tu mmg susah kan?
buat bnda jahat tu mmg senang + best tayah ckp la an...
tp. bnda baik tu, bkn susah mane. and, tuhan tahu.
niat kita. hati kita. biarlah. apa org nak ckp. kan?
apa pun. ingt. hanya tuhan yg taw. =]