Saturday, August 1, 2009

last day of july 2009

31st july 2009
alhamdulilah. sampai da dkt kuching. sarawak. okay. 2 things yg sgt x best jadi.

1. few days ago. my own lappy d-repair. with my broadband. sbb x leh gune broadband dkt lappy sdiri. hukk~ then. uncle tuh pulangkan mlm b4 blk srwk sbb mama nak gune laptop dkt srwk. lappy lame die slow skit. then...time pulangkan lappy tuh, baru uncle ckp, die reformat lappy. but, die dah save semua folder under 'nur aqilah'. di KLIA. sy saje buka lappy time boarding. documents n my music je ade. sy carik 'my pictures' and 'my videos'. TAK DE! sy cari dgn 'search'. haram x de. sy cari di local disk C & D. mmg sekeping pon x de. sumpah sy terkilan + sdeyh sgt3 + marah sgt3.

time tu... tgh boarding so ramai la other passenger. dpn2 tuh air mate mcm air terjun. mama da suruh stop sbb ramai pandang. like...x leh control kot! terus sy msg uncle tuh. 1st time la cam nak marah jgk. sy ckp "uncle. uncle ckp uncle buat back up copy. tp x de. ade documents n music je. kalo uncle ckp awal2 nak reformat, sy blh save semua dlu" then terus off hp. lgpon nak naik plane kan mmg kene off hp. dlm plane, terus pasang earphone, tgk luar tingkap, nangis x ingt dunia. yes, i cried like a baby. ingt x post 'memories fade with time' terang2 sy ckp 'all i have now... is just a picture'. maksudnya mmg gmbr, sgt berharga buat sy...

sy terkilan sgt. sbb ade gmbr bnykkk sgt. beribu kot. dr sy skola menengah. dlm 5 tahun pnye koleksi. mmg la ade skit yg save dlm pendrive. tp skit sgt sbb 4gb x muat... x sempat nak update save sume dlm hard disk. haih~ terkilan amat sgt. dlm plane tuh sy nangis ade la 40 mins. 1st time x tdow langsung dlm plane. hukkk~ sy sdeyh... gmbr fmly bnykkk sgt. gmbr raye utk berape tahun berturut2. ade gmbr skola. gmbr dkt asrama. gmbr dgn geng2 d12. gmbr kwn2 kolej dr sem1 - sem5. gmbr dgn BH. gmbr sy dgn TTM. random pixca yg sy snap ske2 n mmg ade yg syggg sgt. esp yg sy g vacation mane2... terkilan. sumpah. amat sgt... ={ akibat mate yg terllau bengkak tu jgklah. pramugara tuh tgk pon cam terkejut. uhukk.

2. sampai2 je kuching. excited la nih nak main anak kucing... mmg turun je dr kereta, terus tgk kucing!!! yeayyyyyyy. dpt tgk all the 7 kittens. pnye la excited, sampai lupe sy pnye allergy. owh yess, i did an allergy test dkt HUKM 3 years ago. and it ends up with -

allergy sy ;

  1. catsss [super duper sdeyh...sbb tu la binantang plg sy skeee]
  2. habuk / debu
  3. lipas
  4. aaa... x ingt dah. huhu.
  5. then ade lg slain skit2 yg x penting...

then cam semlm. jmpeee je terus la peluk2 cium2 kan. pastuhh. terus mate gatal, hidung gatal. mate muleee la merah. bsh tgn cepat2 pon x jd ape daaa. buh minyak angin pon still gatal... tgn semua jd cam kene gigit nyamuk. bebnyk~ haih. sdeyh btol... x sngka allergy kucing lg. ni pon gatal2 mate lg. sian x dpt main kucing puas2... hurm. i'll update pixca later.

btw. ni on9 gune laptop baru mama. baru dpt td. hurmm~ mkn bnyk amat. berat badan pon da naek. ahah... da timbang. grrr~ that's all 4 now.

Lunch ant work and foam party!

Yesterday we had lunch at work because two of our friends were leaving the office, so we did a small and cute party! We ate chips, cheese and a lovely cheese and ham pie that was delicious! And we had lots of drink too!

And then by night we went to a disco party at Jerez called "Fangoria". They were having a foam party, so we had a great time making crazy things and dancing between the foam. There weren't lot of people, but for me was perfect...

This is what I wore:

Blondie T shirt from H&M
Shorts from Zara
Spike belt from Primark (it's very old!)
Leopard tighs from Calzedonia
Leopard necklace from a pet's shop XD
Chain belt from a pet's shop (more XD)

And the pictures...

My boots ended like this... wow XD

What about your weekend? I hope you all are having fun!

One RD's take on your failing diet...

Why does your diet fail? Lots of reasons, probably...

Reason 1: You follow the plan that worked for your friend.

There’s not ONE “right” diet…you have to do what works for YOU. Last year a study completed by the New England Journal of Medicine found that when compared, the Mediterranean diet, low-fat diets, and low-card diets all produced weight loss. Some say, "Pass the bread basket!" while others shout, "Give me the MEAT!" -- to each their own, and same goes with their diet.

Reason 2: You eat a small breakfast.
Check THIS out: one study including 94 women showed that eating a larger (610 calories!) breakfast produced more weight loss in women when compared with those consuming a smaller breakfast (290 calories!). How much of a difference, you ask? The big breakfast eaters lose an average of 40 pounds, while the nibblers lost a pathetic 10 pounds! For the record, I completely agree with this one! Bring on the breakfast - yum!

Reason 3: You’re clueless about calorie counting.
Yep, that’s right…they’re calling you out. Did you know that an additional 100 calories each day leads to a weight gain of 10+ pounds a year? That’s a glass of fat-free milk or slice of 2% cheese too much in a day. Ouch! Add on a can of regular pop for an afternoon caffeine jolt, and you can count on an excess 25 pounds a year. Eek! So, write down what you eat by keeping a food log. A 2008 study found that recording your intake can DOUBLE your weight-loss.

Reason 4: You skip meals.
Extending the time between standard meals by 4-5 hours to “save up” for a special occasion can cause you to consume substantially more. And, you’re more likely to choose less healthy options, too. What to do? Eat every 4 hours as to not set yourself up for disaster at your next meal.

Reason 5: You load up on superfoods.
Nuts, avocados, and dried fruits are healthy, right? Yep! But, those are superfoods that are extremely easy to over-indulge in. While they’re PACKED with nutrients, they’re also extremely calorically-dense – it doesn’t take much to get the benefit before you’ve gone over-board! Your body loves the healthy stuff, but losing weight boils down to consuming LESS calories than we need. The body doesn’t care whether the excess calories are coming from fruit or candy – excess calories will lead to excess pounds.

Reason 6: You’re canceling out the benefit of your workouts.
Workout to pig out? Not wise rationalization… unfortunately. We tend to under-estimate our intake while over-estimating the number burned during exercise (Psssst: DO NOT get duped into thinking the elliptical accurately measures the number of calories you burn!). To burn off that 1 slice of 2% cheese we talked about earlier, you would owe the treadmill another mile of running. And with that additional can a pop, an ANOTHER 1 ½-2 miles of running. Walking, biking, and other aerobics will cost you even more time working away. Reward hard work at the gym with something other than food. Manicures, anyone?

Reason 7: You watch what you eat Monday thru Friday only.
Splurges ought to be reasonable and the weekend need not bring your weight loss efforts to an entire 2-day hault. And if you go really over-board, you've undone the results of scheduled, predictable (and probably good!) eating patterns the work week brings. Plan your weekend and act accordingly. A weekend, every weekend, is not a right to binge! (Duly noted. I do love the weekends...)

Reason 8: You don't plan for stress.
Food is not a licensed therapist or source of entertainment -- it's fuel for our bodies. When you're having an emotional moment or a mental uprooting, think about the situation at hand and devise an appropriate means of dealing with the situation. The right response to stressful situations does not involve fast food, refrigerators, or ice cream. Stress happens...learn to cope without using food as an answer. It won't solve your problems, I assure you!

Ansel, Karen. 8 Reasons Your Diet Isn’t Working. Family Circle. August 2009.