Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Perkembangan Bayi bulan 15-16

Lanjutan dari perkembangan bayi bulan 13-14 ...

Bagaimana aku tumbuh:
  • Aku senang manjat benda2 dan biasanya aku suka melakukannya sendirian.
  • Aku dapat memanjat tangga menggunakan tangan dan lututku.
  • Aku dapat memanjat keluar dari kursi tinggi dan kereta bayi, bahkan dari boks bayiku.
  • Aku selalu bersiap untuk bergerak. Aku dapat berlari sedikit.
  • Aku sedang belajar berjalan mundur.
  • Aku senang membawa sesuatu di masing2 tanganku.
  • Aku dapat membalikkan halaman buku, namun hanya beberapa halaman saja dalam sekali waktu.
  • Aku menunjukkan padamu betapa mandirinya aku dengan melakukan hal2 yang aku mau, bukan yang kau inginkan lho yaaa ;p
Bagaimana aku berbicara:
  • Aku mengucapkan 3 atau 4 kata yang sederhana selain "Mama" dan "Papa".
  • Aku belajar menjalin percakapan yang sesungguhnya dengan orang lain.
  • Aku dapat mengikuti permintaan yang sederhana seperti "Berikan bolanya padaku".
  • Aku dapat memahami petunjuk yang sederhana seperti "Tidak", "kesini deh", "itu lihat"
  • Aku dapat memberitahumu apa yang aku mau dengan mengatakan atau menunjukkan sesuatu padamu.
  • Aku dapat menunjukkan gambar yang kau sebut, jika benda dalam gambar tsb akrab denganku.
  • Aku biasanya tidak terlalu suka bila kau membacakan seluruh isi cerita padaku. Aku lebih senang menunjuk gambar2 dalam buku, dan memintamu untuk bercerita tentang mereka.
  • Aku mulai sering mengucapkan kata "tidak".
Apa yang aku pelajari:
  • Aku senang merasakan bermacam2 benda yang berbeda, benda yang kasar, halus, lembut. aku tidak suka benda2 yang menempel di jariku.
  • Aku dapat melemparkan bola kecil, namun belum bisa melempar dengan lurus.
  • Aku dapat membuat goresan dengan pensil atau krayon.
  • Aku barangkali mampu membangun menara dari dua balok.
Bagaimana sikapku ketika bersama dengan orang lain:
  • Aku senang diperhatikan.
  • Aku sangat mudah untuk dibuat senang.
  • Aku dapat mengenali diriku pada bayangan kaca ataupun pada foto.
  • Aku senang menirukan gerakanmu ketika melakukan sesuatu, seperti menyapu, lap meja, atau sulak2.
  • Jika kau memberitahuku bahwa kau senang dengan apa yang aku lakukan, maka aku akan sering melakukannya.
  • Aku akan mengambilkan benda2 untukmu, namun kadang2 saja.
  • Aku selalu ingin tahu dimana kau berada.
  • Aku mungkin belum dapat memberikan sesuatu dengan baik, namun aku senang mengambilkan barang2.
  • Aku lebih senang melakukan segalanya dengan caraku. aku agak sulit diajak bekerja sama.
  • Aku cukup egois.
Apa yang bisa kulakukan untuk diriku sendiri:
  • Aku senang melakukan hal2 sendirian, namun aku belum dapat melakukannya dengan baik.
  • Aku dapat memberitahumu ketika aku ingin pipis atau buang air besar. namun aku masih terlalu muda untuk diajari menggunakan toilet.
  • Aku sudah sedikit bisa menggunakan sendok, namun aku mungkin masih akan belepotan menggunakannya.
Permainan yang aku sukai:
  • Aku senang memutar2 tombol.
  • Aku senang melempar, mendorong, dan memukul benda2.
  • Aku senang memutar roda.
  • Aku senang bermain dengan sendok2, cangkir2, dan kotak2.
  • Aku senang membawa boneka atau mainan kesayanganku kemanapun aku pergi.
  • Aku senang bermain kotak pasir.
  • Aku senang bermain bola denganmu.
  • Aku hanya bermain sebentar saja dengan setiap mainanku.

Pinku Jisatsu and the Pinku grrrrl!!

So, today I want to share with you some beautiful pictures that Ro made last friday in the VK Festival, where Pinku Jisatsu were playing... with me and Cris as performancers!

Esther with Cris and me!
(read more)

The festival was really funny and I saw some people that I haven't see in a long time, it was goot to see them again!

We dance during all the show the para paras from the band; we gave candies... it was really great; the band loved what we did and so the public did too!

So, everybody had a great night, and that's the important thing! It was the last live show for Pinku Jisatsu, but now they've got a new band called Kaiser and we'll see them on April!

By the way, I wrote a little new about this in a digital magazine, you can read it here (in spanish, sorry!).

All pictures by RocĂ­o Ponce.

And I want to mentioned this again: yesterday, after thinking about this... I made my own so you can ask me whatever you want? You can fin it in the sidebar or simply ask me something in the form below!

Have you got a What kind of internet tools do you use?

Pan Fried Fillet of Scottish Rainbow Trout on Fresh Salad Bed with Dill Potatoes

Pan Fried Fillet of Scottish Trout with Salad and Dill PotatoesAlthough I love cooking and love eating what I cook, it is rare for me to enjoy something so much that I actually contemplate having the very same thing again the following night! I am writing this blog post less than half an hour after eating this pan fried Scottish rainbow trout with salad and dill potatoes but that is exactly what I am considering.

It may seem like a strange thing for a Scot who loves fish and seafood to say but salmon and particularly trout could never be classed among my favourite types of fish. I have for some reason always preferred the sea fish that are the likes of cod, haddock, whiting, herring and mackerel. When I used to go fishing on a regular basis, it was almost always sea fishing which I did, almost never freshwater fishing in Scotland's inland lochs or rivers. I am not sure whether going sea fishing was because I preferred to eat sea fish, or preferring to eat sea fish is because I preferred sea fishing. That conundrum is a bit like the chicken and the egg for me!

Regardless, perhaps I have now changed my mind about trout. Although I have cooked salmon in precisely this fashion many times, I have for some reason never before tried it with trout. I hope that my enthusiasm is infectious, however, and that you will try this out for yourself.


1 Scottish rainbow trout fillet, skin on (wild brownies are equally acceptable)
2 medium potatoes
1/2 small onion (very thinly sliced)
4 lettuce leaves (shredded)
1 tomato (for garnish)
Pinch of dried dill
Tbsp of plain flour
Sunflower oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Splash of white wine vinegar


The first step is to get the potatoes on to boil. They should be peeled, chopped and added to a pan of boiling, salted water, to be simmered for twenty to twenty-five minutes until moderately soft. They should then be drained, added to a bowl with a little butter and the pinch of dill, stirred carefully and left to cool slightly and the flavours to infuse while the trout fillet is cooked.

The flour should be placed on a flat dinner plate and seasoned with salt and pepper. The skin side only of the trout fillet should then be placed flat down in the flour to be lightly coated. Any excess may be gently shaken off prior to adding the trout fillet to the pan.

A little sunflower oil should be added to a non-stick frying-pan and brought up to a medium heat. A little butter should then be added before the trout is placed in the pan, skin side down. The heat should be turned up to medium to high and the fillet cooked for three to four minutes until it can be seen to have cooked almost all the way through. The heat should then be turned off completely and the fish turned over to finish cooking while the salad is quickly assembled.

The sliced onion and shredded lettuce should be added to a small bowl and seasoned with salt, pepper and a tiny splash of vinegar before being mixed well together. Preparing the salad too soon in advance will cause the lettuce to go limp and spoil the final effect. The salad should then be arranged on the plate as a bed for the fish before the remainder of the ingredients are then assembled, the trout being plated skin side up.

At the top of this post, I have included a photograph of this recipe with the skin still on the trout. It is down to personal preference whether you wish to serve it this way or to remove the skin prior to doing so. In order to remove the skin, simply catch one end of it and gently peel it free. The assistance of a knife may be required at this stage but I found tonight that it was not and the skin peeled away perfectly cleanly and easily.

The dish is featured again below with the skin this time removed.

Fillet of Scottish Rainbow Trout with Salad and Dill Potatoes

Beef Cheek Ragu

Beef cheeks can be a little hard to find. Legislation passed in the wake of the BSE scare of the mid 1990s meant they were completely off menu for quite some time and even now a quiet word in your butcher’s ear will likely be necessary to score the bounty.

A general rule of meat cookery runs thus – the more work it does, the longer it cooks. A beef cheek is probably the natural end point of the scale. There aren’t many calories in grass so – being a ruminant – a cow has to get through an awful lot before it feels full and it’s all got to be chewed. At least twice. That’s a lot of work.

The upshot of this is a supremely tasty fist-sized nugget of meat that can be braised in red wine and stock until it’s ready to be balanced on a heap of mashed potato and covered in a rich sauce. The slightest prod with the tines of a fork should have it collapsing into tender meaty strands.

It also makes a staggeringly good and achingly rich ragu. Done this way, two cheeks should be enough for four people.

Trim any excess fat or sinew from the meat, cut into chunks, season with salt and pepper and brown in hot fat in a casserole. Deglaze the pan with white wine vinegar then sweat down some finely diced carrot, celery and onion in olive oil.

Return the meat to the pan with the vegetables, add a large glass of red wine and a carton of passata and cover with a cartouche. Braise the whole lot in a very low oven for six hours by which point the volume of liquid will have halved and the meat should be falling into the sauce.

Serve stirred into pasta and be ready to pledge not to use minced beef again.

Perang lawan Hujan n Angin ribut

10 maret 2010, rabu

Semalam liat ramalan cuaca buat hari ini hujan disertai angin. Ternyata bener aja, dari pagi uda hujan tambah angin yg bunyinya ribut banget...mana dingin, mpe 5 drajat.
Emang cuaca lagi aneh banget, padahal minggu lalu tuh uda mulai panas, matahari bersinar terang, cuaca uda ga dingin, uda kayak masuk musim semi deh. Gak taunya minggu ini cuaca berubah bner2 kayak balik ke musim dingin dah..untungnya baju2 musim dingin blom gw packing...uhhhhh...
Begini deh tinggal di negara 4 musim, baju bisa berjubel2 banyak banget. Baju dingin, baju musim panas, baju musim semi, baju musim gugur...udah kayak butik deh koleksi baju. Masih untung anak gw cuman 2 n ce duaduanya, jadi masih bisa diatur deh bajunya..coba kalo anak 5, ce n co?? Gimana mo nyimpen tuh baju2 musim ya??

Pagi ini Mei jam 7.30 udah dijemput bis sekolah, hari ini jadwalnya pulang cepet jam 11.30, tapi berhubung hujan n gw ada urusan di sekolahnya sore hari, gw titipin aja dia mpe jam 4 sore, daripada gw bolak balik kan?? Untungnya Mei seneng juga dititipin gitu, coz dia bisa maen ma temen2nya yang ikut dititipin juga.

Sore jam 3.30 gw da siap2 nih pake baju perang eh baju jaket n jas hujan, Xiang juga pake jas hujan, pake topi, pake sepatu boot. Gw bonceng aja Xiang naik sepeda, daripada gw harus gendong2 dia jalan kaki. Begini dah kalo ga ada mobil, coz mobilnya lagi dipake laki gw huhuhu, alternatifnya cuman jalan kaki ato naik sepeda.

Nyampe di skul, da sekitar jam 4 sore, langsung jemput Mei di kelasnya, trus pergi ke hall nya liat foto2, urus di kantor adminnya baru pulang. Pulangnya perang lagi lawan hujan n angin n dingin...bzzzzzzzzzzz...buset dingin banget dah mana anginnya kenceng banget, serasa mo terbang huhuhu...Gw bonceng 2 anak depan n belakang, ga kebayang dah kalo jatoh...uhhh...serem juga.

Akhirnya selamat mpe di rumah, dengan catatan..baju basah semua, harus mandi cepet2, harus cuci baju tapiiiii ada kabar gembiranya...tadi urus admin nya di skulnya, coz kita dapet kelebihan bayar uang sekolah..lumayan, dapat sekitar 2 bulan uang sekolahnya Mei..sip kan??