Saturday, July 31, 2010

I wish Halloween would come really soon...

On friday I had a really nice day!! In the morning, I had a interview for working at the Barbie Shop here at Barcelona... there are only 3 in all around the world! I'll know about this next week, wish me luck! After having lunch, I prepared myself and went to Plaza Catalunya for meeting some gorgeous people and take some coffee with them... 

Yes, the people from Skins' blog had a meeting! We played with the happy baloon, talked and laugh a lot! I adore these guys! And it was really special because Olivia, a girl from Madrid, was staying here for the weekend, so we could meet her!!
Isn't she beautiful?
Ari with a ribbon I made!

And for dinner, I went to Mario and Javi's house, at Plaza Espanya, and ate meatballs. javi made them by himself and they were really delicious!!

We played with fake meatballs, drunk some delicious drinks and had a great time!

Did you had a good friday? I really hope so!
Next week i'll be writting from my home at Algeciras , I'm taking a flight to Malaga on Tuesday... yaw!


Kali ini tantangan tersulit dan gatot time pingin aku coba siapa tahu berhasil, ditantangan ini baru sekali mencoba karena awal juli liburan sekolah setelah itu lanjut acara retret kemudian lanjut kemping....setelah kemping malah flu berat dan tak bisa mengulang juga sungguh ini bulan yang panjang rasanya. Tanpa berlama lama simak resep berikut ya :


Untuk 12 sandwiched macarons

(Resep dari bu hosting "Arfi")


2 putih telur

2 sendok makan caster sugar

100g icing sugar, ayak bersama 60g almond powder (3 times)

1 sendok makan grue de cacao (saya skip untuk yang ini)

Cara membuat :

Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, lalu tambahkan caster sugar sedikit demi sedikit, sambil terus dikocok sehingga menghasilkan stiff peak. Matikan mesin. Masukkan sekitar 2 sendok makan ayakan icing sugar dan almond powder ke dalam kocokan meringue. Aduk untuk ‘melemaskan’ adonan, lalu masukkan sisanya dalam dua tahap. Aduk, lalu masukkan grue de cacao. Terus aduk sehingga menghasilkan adonan yang makin lemas (ketika diaduk, akan merata dengan sendirinya, meskipun mengaduknya masih di dalam mangkuk). Masukkan adonan ini ke dalam piping bag dengan nozzle plain round. Semprot setiap bulatan ke atas baking tray yang dilapisi baking paper (or silicone paper, whatever convenience for you). Biarkan selama 1 jam. 15 menit sebelum 1 jam, panaskan oven dengan suhu 150C (oven saya pas untuk macarons segini, tapi sesuaikan dengan panas oven masing2 ya). Panggang selama 8-12 menit, atau jika sudah kelihatan ada kaki dan berwarna kekuningan. Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan sekitar 2-3 menit di loyang, lalu kelupas dari baking paper. Jika matang sempurna, maka macarons tidak akan lengket, tapi jika kurang matang atau terlalu lama dibiarkan di atas loyang panas, maka macarons akan lengket. Transfer kepingan macarons ini ke atas rak pendingin. Rekatkan dengan

Coffee cream filling.
Coffee Cream

50g white chocolate

1-1 1/2 sendok makan fresh/whipping/pouring cream

1 sendok teh coffee powder/instantcaramel essence (non alcohol) / butter rum essence

Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam heatproof bowl, jerang di atas panci berisi air panas (simmered). Biarkan hingga chocolate meleleh, lalu aduk. Segera angkat dari panasnya panci. Aduk terus hingga dingin dan filling mengental.

Tambahkan essence jika pakai.Extra, cream Chantilly atau sweetened whipped

Penyelesaian :

Ambil satu keping macaron, lalu sendokkan coffee cream ke atasnya. Sendokkan sweetened whipped cream, taburkan sejumput grue de cacao jika suka, tutup dengan kepingan macarons yang juga sudah diolesi coffee cream.

Avocado Cheese and Sausage Omelette (Omelet Alpukat Keju Sosis)

Avocado Cheese and Sausage Omelette (Omelet Alpukat Keju Sosis)

eggs, beaten with a little milk
salt and pepper
sausage, cooked and cut into pieces
avocado, sliced
fresh tomatoes, diced
cheddar cheese, shredded (also good with pepper jack)
sour cream
green Tabasco sauce (optional and delicious)

Basically, pour the eggs into the skillet and cook like you would normally cook an omelette. Add salt, pepper, sausage, avocado, tomatoes, and cheese onto half of the omelette.

Fold over and cook until cheese is melted. Serve topped with cheddar cheese, tomatoes, avocados, and sour cream.


Avocado Cheese and Sausage Omelette (Omelet Alpukat Keju Sosis)

Avocado Cheese and Sausage Omelette (Omelet Alpukat Keju Sosis)

eggs, beaten with a little milk
salt and pepper
sausage, cooked and cut into pieces
avocado, sliced
fresh tomatoes, diced
cheddar cheese, shredded (also good with pepper jack)
sour cream
green Tabasco sauce (optional and delicious)

Basically, pour the eggs into the skillet and cook like you would normally cook an omelette. Add salt, pepper, sausage, avocado, tomatoes, and cheese onto half of the omelette.

Fold over and cook until cheese is melted. Serve topped with cheddar cheese, tomatoes, avocados, and sour cream.
