Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stay Cheerful and let love take care of the rest

life is a journey,
 and in this journey there are good times and there are hard times. 
   whatever the situation, stay cheerful and let love take care of the rest.

this video is a good reminder to all of us, that with love and some positive mindset we can endure our journey of life together. have a Wonderful CNY 2010 =)

 Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!

Getting A Bad Rap

I didn't think I really liked cabbage. Maybe it was a childhood influenced by Cabbage Patch Kids. I mean, what about a baby growing in a cabbage patch is appealing to my taste buds? Then there was the goopy, mushy coleslaw that comes as a side with fried chicken or hamburgers, stuffed into a translucent plastic cup on the side of the plate, the limp cabbage attempting to stand up for the vegetable team but crowded out by a plethora of fries and weighed down by an abundance of mayonnaise.

I admit the Napa version of cabbage does its part in making a solid potsticker. But most of the time I envisioned cabbage, particularly cooked cabbage, as a smelly, dark, tasteless dish doled out to poor orphans or homeless people.

It turns out that cabbage had been getting a bad rap all this time.

I don't know what changed my mind, but two things happened within a 24 hour period. I spotted a recipe for cabbage salad that was reminiscent of the flavors of guacamole, and I ate some cabbage salad by default because it was the only vegetable served at a dinner party. The salad I spotted looked so simple, with mostly ingredients that I already had in my house (other than the cabbage): cilantro, scallions, chilies, mayonnaise, lime juice. The salad I ate was light and crisp, dressed only with olive oil and salt, and when I ran back for more it had been cleaned out. Suddenly cabbage was no longer a bitter, ugly vegetable associated with patches of babies, no longer a limp accessory.

And yes, it's another salad, that's two in a row from me, so where's the dessert girl you know and love? There's no doubt she'll be back, but in the mean time, continue to follow your resolutions.

Winter Cabbage Salad
Yield: 4 servings

Half a head of green cabbage
Handful of cilantro leaves, washed, dried, and chopped
4 - 5 green onions
1 serrano chili
4 tablespoons light mayonnaise
Juice of 1/2 to 1 lime
salt to taste

Slice the cabbage. Slice the white part of the green onions and discard the rest. Slice the chili in half lengthwise and remove the ribs and seeds. Chop the chili. In a small food processor, blend together the mayo, lime juice, half the chopped chili, and half the cilantro. Toss together the cabbage, green onions, remaining chili and cilantro. Add mayonnaise dressing to the salad and combine well. Salt to taste.

Makanan Kaya Antioksidan Selain Buah Dan Sayuran

ternyata,, antioksidan bisa juga didapat dari makanan selain buah dan sayur yaaa... menambah daftar kamus kesehatan alias healthy dictionary ;)

  1. Biji serelia utuh. Makanan olahan dari whole grain (biji serelia utuh) mengandung antioksidan tiga kali lebih tinggi dibanding sumber karbodhirat yang sudah digiling.

  2. Popcorn. Makanan ringan ini mengandung polyphenol, senyawa anti kanker, empat kali lebih tinggi jika dibanding jumlah yang bisa kita temui dalam sayuran.

  3. Telur. Menurut penelitian, kuning telur mengandung lutein yang mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Lutein adalah zat pelindung mata dari katarak. Kuning telur diyakini dapat membantu tubuh kita memproses antioksidan dengan lebih baik.

  4. Yogurt. Secangkir yogurt rendah lemak mengandung 25 persen kecukupan harian akan riboflavin atau setara dengan secangkir sayur bayam. Meski bukan antikosidan, namun riboflavin (Vitamin B) sangat penting untuk mendukung kerja antioksidan. Tanpa riboflavin, antioksidan tidak bisa menghancurkan radikal bebas.

  5. Minyak kanola. Minyak kanola kaya dengan kandungan alphatocopherol. Alphatocopherol adalah satu dari delapan jenis antioksidan dalam vitamin E.

  6. Susu organik. Segelas susu yang dihasilkan dari sapi yang diternakkan secara organik (dibiarkan makan dari rumput di tanah) mengandung antioksidan, vitamin E dan beta karotein serta lutein yang lebih banyak. weits, jangan takut dulu minum susu bikin gemuk.. mau tau? baca aja ini.
source dari sini ;)

Romantic Sugar Punks

Yesterday night I was looking at the March Kera Issue, and I found a lovely editorial that I want to share with you. It's called Romantic Sugar Punks.



Kera is a japanese issue that I love to read, because they show lots of pictures of streetsnaps and cool fashion from Japan. I like to be well informed about fashion all around the world, but not only commercial, but also alternative fashion. 
As almost all of you may know, I sometimes dress as a Lolita, the japanese fashion style. My favourite subcategory inside the Lolita style is Punk Lolita (because I love punk, you know about that too); and when I saw the Kera's editorial I was really pleased, I think it is so beautiful... and I normally don't like the sweet things, but this one is so cute!

So I looked for some other pictures like this, maybe more punkish, in this Kera and in Alice Deco vol. 3; and this is what I found: 

Actually, this i gorgeous!
Actually, this is more punk, but Uri, the model with pants, is gorgeous (one of my favourite); and in some kind of way I found this image so cute. 

From Black Peace Now, this is so my style!
This one reminded me to Laia... isn't lovely?

So today I felt a little Romantic Sugar Punk, and decided to use my redxpink skirt... 

It wasn't so much striking, but on friday I'm dressing like this again for an interview with a girl who wants to make a report about Lolitas... and I'll do better, of course!!
T-shirt - Handmade
Cardigan - Mango
Skirt - Bodyline
Socks - Secret shop
Boots - H&M
Bag - Shirley Temple

In other matter of facts, yesterday I started my Trend researcher classes!! Oh, I'm so excited about this and I want to do a lot of things related with it... it's like finding your way, you know? I mean, for the first time I'm studying what I want... I'm so happy!!

And this friday we could see here in cinemas "A single man", by Tom Ford... did anyone saw it yet? I can't wait for it!!

Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comments, in the last entry some of you said that I remind you to Enid... wow, well, thank you!! *Blushes* For me that's so cool!!

Oh, I almost forgot!! Check Laia's blog, she's made a wonderful Barcelona guide!!

Beautiful Sunday with MANTRA

Sunday, February 7th 2010.
watched me.

disalah satu toko di lamandau yang bernuansa etnik. gue suka aksesoris disini.

Waktu sampai rumah Zeke, enggak langsung manggil malah dandan dan foto-foto dulu, ganjen!

Ini di mobil zeke dengan semua absurd yang dilakukan, sebelum berangkan=t ke acara friends to Friends di bulungan. Di mobil bersama zeke dan joko anwar.


Ini waktu Mantra manggung kita di depan stage berdua, berisik sendiri.


Gue berlatarkan senpai Zeke dengan aksinya bersama keyboardnya. 

Ini aksi Setoy Joko dan kak Mutia on stage.
Mantra on fire!!

Di lagu terakhir, senpai menyentuh gitarnya.
Dan aksinya gila-gilaan.
Keringat enggak berhenti menetes.
Full of power.
benar-benar aksi seorang artist.

Penasaran sama Mantra?? Tunggu kabar berikutnya, gue akan kasih tau kalo mereka manggung lagi.
Dan yang pasti Mantra adalah band yang enggak bakal bikin lo kehilangan selera soal musik.
trust me! 

weekend plans

Hi guys, kalian sudah punya acara weekend ini?
tentu buat yang merayakan seperti gue, hari Minggu ini sangat dinanti, shincia, atau dikenal dengan imlek.
Siapa yang tidak rindu suasana tahun baru itu?
Makanan enak yang berlimpah, pesta, lalu angpao, dan tentu kumpul keluarga besar.

Gue pun begitu.
Enggak sadar, sekarang umur gue sudah 17 tahun jalan 18.
Dulu wkatu gue SD shincia lebih menyenangkan dan berarti daripada lebaran Idul Fitri. Konyol ya? hehehe.
Tapi itu dulu, saat gue masih ingusan.
Nah sebelum menjumpai imlek, gue mendapat undangan yang menggoda.
Apakah itu???

Hmmm, gue pengen banget dateng. Ada yang diundang bena jugaaa?
Pasti bakal jadi malam Minggu yang sangat menyenangkan.
Okay gals!

Apapun rencana kalian di weekend, apalagi valentine, jangan rusak mood kalian.
Spread your smile with love.

Cinta Matiku sound track RUMAH DARA

Siapa yang sudah menonton RUMAH DARA atau MACABRE???
Tunjukkan darahmu! ahaha. Ya, film ini dahsyat banget!!!
Dari awal sampai akhir enggak berhenti darah semua.
Dan ini salah satu film Indonesia yang wajib di tonton.
Why oh why? don't ask why, you should watch it first baru tau.
Wakttu gue nonton pas premier, pagi-pagi laper, dan dengan rakusnya membeli popcorn caramel jumbo, pas nonton enggak kemakan looooh. Enggak nafsu!
Setan banget!
Tapi enggak cuma itu, setiap adegannya suka menyusup kedalam ingatan gue tanpa diundang tiba-tiba.
Nah, seperti kita tahu, tanpa musik dan scoring yang dhasyat, film ini akan terasa kurang.
So. gue mau ngebagi-bagu lirik salah satu soundtrack film ini.
langsung dari notes si empunya lagu.
Okay, enjoy the song!

and watch it too sambil mendendangkan liriknya video cinta matiku

"Cinta Matiku" -Mantra
Duhai sayangku betapaku
Menginginkanmu sampai mati
Parutkan luka yang teramat dalam oh kasih

Semua hangatnya oh dirimu
Berikan aku arti hidup
Suguhkan segala raga dan jiwamu untuk ku

Dendangkanlah tangis itu sayang
Manis rasa perih dirimu

Duhai sayangku betapaku
Menginginkanmu sampai mati
Parutkan luka yang teramat dalam oh kasih
Suguhkan segala raga dan jiwamu untuk ku

Dendangkanlah tangis itu sayang
Manis rasa perih dirimu

Semua hangatnya oh dirimu
Berikan aku arti hidup
Suguhkan segala raga dan jiwamu untuk ku

Ragamu untuk ku
Jantungmu untuk ku

Song: Mian Meuthia- Anda Perdana- Zeke Khaseli
Lyrics: Mian Meuthia
To hear the song go here

Lagu ini dibuat khusus untuk film Rumah Dara (Macabre) sutradara Mo' Bros.
Buka link ini untuk lihat seperti apa produksi filmnya.

A Week (and a bit) of Chilli

On Monday we were invited out to dinner.

After surviving on Chilli con carne in various guises for the previous week, it was a relief to be out of the kitchen and away from the Mexican ragu which had finally been finished off spooned over a bowl of nachos and laden with vaguely luminescent cheese.

The Le Creuset was washed down, the crusted edges scraped clean and we left it drying on the rack beside the sink as we drove the half hour towards Bedfordshire.

‘We thought about getting a curry tonight,’ he said as a cold lager was passed towards me ‘but the Indian is closed on a Monday. So we’ve cooked a chilli instead.’

The giggles were stifled until the GF and I were alone in the dining room when we simply had to embrace the irony and laugh silently and uncontrollably, resigned politely to enjoy just one more, like the erstwhile butler James in the magnificent Dinner For One.

But it was a very good chilli. Even after the following incarnations

Monday - Burritos

I won’t patronise by offering a recipe for chilli con carne. You have one. I know that much and it would be foolish to think you would change it in any way. It matters not whether it is a genuine Texan number with chuck steak or a basic ragu pepped up with kidney beans and spices.

A burrito should be aching at the seams, the contents desperate for liberation, hence the need to employ a foil girdle. The meat sauce sits atop a layer of Mexican style rice and is piled high with grated cheese, chopped salad, sour cream, guacamole, salsa and as much hot sauce as you can handle.

Tuesday – Enchiladas

The chilli was stuffed into toasted tortilla wraps, rolled and topped with a reduced passata pepped up with a little garlic and chilli pepper. The whole lot was then baked for 25 minutes until steaming hot to the core. Sliced avocado was the ideal accessory.

Wednesday – Keeping it simple…

We got drunk. Accidentally. Returning home with the munchies we ladled the sauce and leftover burrito rice into a bowl, put the microwave on high and shovelled it into our mouths in an effort to soak up excess cheap white wine. It was nigh on perfect. There is no photo.

Thursday – Chilli and Cornbread

Cornbread is one of those items that has a shiny stars and stripes mystique. A hallowed national dish from across the pond that until last week remained a mystery, like a sloppy Joes or Jambalaya or grits.

It was with caution I tipped the recommended amount of baking powder into the batter mix (cornbread is more of a cake than a standard loaf) and as expected it was the overriding flavour to a deeply unpleasant degree. Such excitement, such expectation, such disappointment. Sorry, America, I remain unconvinced on this one.

Friday – Nachos

What better way to end the week than with that Brit pub/diner classic/lazy fallback of last decade, nachos?

Clearly the best part of this dish is the slew of lurid orange cheese that seeps between the crispy tortilla chips and covers the fingers with a layer of tasty grease. But the cooling elements of guacamole, salsa and sour cream and chives were a welcome addition too.

A satisfying and fun experiment in thrift. The cost of the chilli itself? No more than £4, the sundry additions another fiver. Two of us ate for a week (including lunches comprised of the previous night’s leftovers) for about ten pounds.

Now to get some bloody steak…

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