Monday, September 27, 2010


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basic make up sy... tu pun kire rajin la tuh.

ok, hari ni ambil EL since pergi bank, settle down to clinic, melayang duit beratus sbb ambil segale ubat. ubat cacing *semua org perlu mkn setiap 6 bln*, then demam + sakit tekak + selsema. mama ambil ubat migrain. apetah lg. howaaa. duit mcm air! and beli mjlh just sbb ade fatin suhana :)

and, saje gedik nak tunjuk ape je basic sy pakai, tu pun sbb org kate makin pandai melaram. sesungguhnya percayelaaa sy sgt ta reti make up mahupun menjage personaliti diri. dan maaflah gmbr shot lebih kurang je sbb ambik gmbr sdiri. wahaha.

1st of all. pakai moisturizer. sy ta pernah pakai sun block, since i dont have one :P

2nd - contact lense. hari ni merasmikan contact lense amethyst from fresh look.

3rd - bedak muke! atau ade org lain pakai compact powder, mineral powder, or foundation.


4th - blusher. body shop.


5th - eyeliner. sy pakai liquid eyeliner revlon. tgk ni belah kiri dah apply, kanan belum.


6th - da siap dua-dua belah mata. dgn tudung. namin kate tudung mls :P


7th - lip gloss saje. from victoria secret.


itu je lah. itu kalau rajin! kdng2 keluar pakai lotion je dkt muke. lip balm, sbb bibir merekah mcm tanah gersang. ke-2 rajin just bedak, blusher, lip gloss. ke-3 rajin baru mcm dkt atas. ke-4 rajin, tambah mascara. itu saje haaa! eyeshadow bagai ta reti pakai. :P

KBB # 19 Birthday Edition - Chocolate Mouse Cake

Happy birthday KBB yang ke 3 semoga selalu sukses dan tiada bosannya mempunyai member seperti akyu yang senantiasa telat "nyetor" dan membuat jenggot ibu kepala sekolah tercintah "Arfi B" semakin panjang.....qiqiqiqiqiqiqi....

Selama gabung di KBB jadi tambah wawasan di dunia perbakingan meskipun ada beberapa tantangan yang belum berhasil aku taklukan....tapi tantangan itu tak jua menyurutkan niatku untuk tetep baking....

Di usia yang ke 3 ini ternyata tantangannya cukup "mengenakan " untuk semua member dimana member bisa bebas memilih resep dari tantangan 1 s/d 18 dan kali ini pilihan aku jatuh pada tantangan ke 2 yaitu " Chocolate Mouse Cake ". Kenapa aku pilih ini ? karena waktu itu aku masuk member pada saat tantangan ke 3 dimulai jadi aku mau mencoba resep yang ke 2 ini saja karena ditilik dari cara pembuatannya lebih mudah xixixiixixixxixi....dan semua bahan bahannya tersedia dirumah, meskipun hanya satu yang minus adalah oven baru selesai di betulin minggu lalu dan aku harus menggauli panas ovenku dengan baik dan benar dan tarraaaaa emang suhu oven panasku berubah jiahhhhhhhhhhhh aku harus mulai belajar lagi dari awal...tapi tak apalah yang penting tetep bisa menghasilkan cake dan cookies yang tetep yummy dan crunchy.....

Setelah pilih resep ini akhirnya aku pelajari lagi dan ternyata haiyaaa takarannya pake "cup" nah ini bikin keder juga secara dirumah juga ada cup cuman sering gak yakin juga akhirnya mulai deh blogging ke blog masing masing member kali aja ada yang sudah konversi resep ini ke gram dan ternyata ada di blognya neng cantik "Widya" thanks ya Wid udah tulis dalam gram muachhhhhhh.....kan akyu jadi lebih cepat nih....(

Cake ini mudah bikinnya mudah sekali dan non butter ....nah sangat ekonomis sekali....seperti biasa untuk resep ini aku hanya cukup bikin 1/2 resep saja dan hasilnya cukup kok mana sampai dengan saat ini masih 1/2 bagian duduk manis di kulkas.....yuks ah daripada berlama lama bercerita simak resep ini ya :

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Sumber: Penny Oliver. Cuisine.


4 btr telur,
¾ cup gula kaster,
2/3 cup tepung terigu,
1/3 cup tepung maizena,
1 sdt baking powder

Kocok telur menggunakan mixer hingga naik dan kental. Tambahkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok hingga adonan putih dan sangat kental. Ayak semua bahan kering lalu campurkan ke dalam adonan telur hingga rata. Tuang ke dalam loyang ukuran 26-28cm yang sudah diolesi mentega dan ditaburi tepung. Panggang dengan oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu suhu 190C selama 25-30 menit. Keluarkan cake dari loyang dan letakkan ke atas rak, dinginkan. Letakkan cake ke atas piring saji. Eratkan aluminium foil ke sekeliling cake (kalau mau bisa pakai baking paper tapi digandakan, supaya bisa tegak dan lebih kukuh kalau disiram dengan mousse nantinya)


250g cooking chocolate (saya memakai Cadbury Old Gold 70%),
6 kuning telur,
250g mentega lunak,
6 putih telur

Tim coklat hingga leleh. Kocok kuning telur lalu campurkan dengan coklat, aduk rata. Tambahkan mentega sambil dikocok. Kocok putih telur hingga kaku. Masukkan adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan coklat. Tuang adonan ini ke atas cake. Tutup dan dinginkan selama 4 jam atau semalaman.

(Jika menggunakan thickened cream, pakai 250g lalu kocok dan campurkan ke dalam adonan coklat).


300ml krim, kocok,
100g cooking chocolate dilelehkan dengan 50ml krim dan 3 sdM brandy (brandy bisa dihilangkan atau diganti dengan vanili—meskipun tidak sama setidaknya ini memberi flavour ke coklat)

Tutup cake dengan krim kocok lalu tuangi coklat leleh tadi. Potong dan sajikan dengan sedikit tambahan coklat leleh di sisinya.

Busy days a go-go

Hi everyone, how's going? I'm a little busy with the work these days because I'm learning lots of new things, and if everything is going on, I'll announce something soon ;)!

On friday, Esther, Laia and I had a coffee at Laia's and ate some delicious macaroons that she took from France... delicious!!

The rose macaroon was so great, yaw!

On saturday I had to work, but the sky was so great that day...

And today my friend Felipe came and we had lunch, because tomorrow he's moving to frankfurt, Germany. And Nati moved today too to Germany... everybody's moving to Germany, God!!

Anyway, this is how I looked today:

Yes I know (as someone said at my formspring) that my coordinates are so weird (he or she said some unpleasant things too, anyway); but fashion is funny, isn't it? ;) And if I can't play with it... well, it would be so boring.
And if I can't dance, I don't want your revolution!!

Live Life

Menu Plan Monday

Here is what we are having this week for meals. A couple of them are carry overs from last week because I didn't get to them.

Mon - BBQ Choplets and Mash Potatoes
Tues - Veggie Meatload
Wed - Potato Soup
Thurs - Veggie Pizza (Pampered Chef recipe I am trying)
Fri - Haystacks
Sabbath - Burritos
Sunday - Leftover Buffet

Have a great week!!

This post is part of Menu Plan Monday link up @ 

Ancho Tequila Salsa

I believe a life well lived is a life where we strive to do better.  Doing good is of course always important, and doing well is important to many, but doing better is important to making our lives more interesting, more entertaining, more enriching.  How much more fun is life, how much happier are we, how much better to do we and our friends feel when we take the time to do something a little more special, a little more interesting, a little more fun than the normal and original?
Food is definitely in that category.  We can always do the same, the routine, the normal.  Sometimes we must do quick and easy, but many more times we should do better.  For me, I try to think of what I am doing, and how I can make it more adventurous, more entertaining, more challenging.  Cooking from foreign destinations visited or waiting helps me bring adventure home.  Trying new and interesting cocktails and dishes is always a more fun and stimulating way to entertain.  And taking on the ingredients and techniques of a fine chef or restaurant challenges me intellectually and as a craftsman.
Take salsa for example.  How easy is it to put out a jar of salsa with whatever chip or taco dish you are contemplating?  But how much more boring and underperforming can you be?  Why not do something totally different than what you have ever done or what your guests have ever tasted?  This recipe from from Marcella Valladolid's Fresh Mexico may be something you've never encountered, and yet will not be too unfamiliar.  Ancho chiles go into into the adobo sauce that complements our now popular chipotles.  Tequila is familiar to all, at least in idea and style.  Garlic and orange juice, opposite in the taste spectrum - how can you get more familiar than that?  These ingredients go into a salsa that will have your guest talking and you smiling.  The best part?  It's really quick and easy.  Serve it with a feta type cheese if you like for dipping, or just spoon it straight onto pork, chicken or beef in mini soft tacos.  Makes about 1 cup.
8 dried ancho (sometimes called pasilla) chiles
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup golden tequila
1 garlic clove, minced
4 tbsp olive oil
Cut open lengthwise the chiles and scrape out the seeds.  Tear the chiles into pieces and put into a food processor along with the orange juice, tequila, garlic and 2 tbsp of oil.  Puree the salsa until smooth.  In a medium saute pan over high heat, warm the remaining oil.  Add the salsa and cook for a few minutes.  Season to taste with salt and pepper and let cool.  Serve.

We call it catching, not fishing.

A low-key weekend around here...did some design work, and went a little nuts at the craft
store on scrapbook stuff.  Nathan got up early Sunday morning around 6 to go fishing with
Ron, a co-worker on NASA's exclusive beach. 

I told him not to come home unless you have this is what we brought...

A 4.5ft. Black tip shark. 

I Was thinking of putting the head in the mailbox with the mouth open...but
I don't really want to piss off the mail lady that bad. It'd be a funny joke though right? 
He has REALLY sharp teeth, just like tongue, no bones in this creature. Their
skin feels like a cat's tongue, very fine sandpaper texture.

Who's coming for dinner? Shark steaks are very good and a delicacy here.

Hope ya'll had a good weekend!

terima kasih sbb hapuskan air mata dan buat sy tersenyum!

assalamualaikum. hye. seperti yg sedia maklum, siapa2 yg tgk status FB yg latest. tentu terkejut. tskk. sy tak pernah guna perkataan B*B* sepanjang dkt FB tuh. tadi yg pertama kali! status itu lebih kurang begini bunyinya

harimau jd b*b* - maybank. terima kasih la telan duit ak camtuh jerh. bodoh!

aiyaa. buruk betul perangai tp mestilah emo tak tahan! bukan 10 hinggit, 50 hinggit ko telan. beribu. habis rosak hari, rosak plan, rosak semuanya. penyudahnya hujan dlm bilik dr 7pm-830pm.

kemudian. ada kwn yg prihatin, call on the spot. thanks awk! dan kemudiannya namin terus msg supaya jgn risau. sy hanya bls -- jom mkn mc d :(

walhal namin perlu siapkan kerja sekolah yg perlu dihantar esok! tp beliau ttp berkorban dan dtg ke rumah utk mengambil sy utk makan mlm di mcm d.

sewkt keluar rumah, abah & mama baru balik entah dr mana, & berikan sy 5 biji belon! YEAYYY. terus sengih sampai ke telinga, kalah kucing alice in the wonderland. turun jmpa namin dgn 5 biji belon tersebut. buka pintu lif, terus berjalan ke arah Namin dgn tgn pegang belon dan tersengih2 mcm ratu dunia menang award. :D tak lupa, mama bagi big mac!

terima kasih mama, abah, dan namin sbb berusaha utk buat sy tersenyum semula. suka! :)


