this post was written bout few days ago, or a week ago, maybe T_T
thee. bnyk gle post tertangguh owh! seriously bnyk bnde nak cite. aih. seronok. haha. ok ok. lets talk bout what happened on 23rd dec 2009 1st - wednesday.
4am - 7am = sleep. solat.
7am - 11am = settle down fmly matters. bath. sengih2 koya.
11am - 1220pm = lrt 2 kl central, ktm 2 mid valley.
1220pm - 215pm = zaid arrived early, he bought the movie tickets - avatar. thanks zaid utk movie! and shahli arrived at the same time with me. i saw him. from the backside. guess what i did? hee. stop walking, standing, looking at him with my face smiling. haha. excited sorang2 dlu dkt belakang. baru approach shahli. when we were about to go to escalator, shahli tegur, "cantik flip flop" wahhh. mestilah. die yg kasi. 9 months ago~
went to carre4 2 met zaid, carl's junior 4 lunch. that was zaid suggestion. both ordered medium size sets, and i just-dont-know-the big size-isverygiantsize. last2 mkn fries n habiskan air ice lemon tea shja. burger campak dlm handbag. haha '-__- mesti x de pompuan lain buh burger besar gedabak tuh dlm handbag kan? lalala~~~ btw. thanks shahli utk lunch!
solat. rush 2 cinema. since both shahli + me da tgk cerita tu, maka kami bosan2, lenguh2, ngantok alam skit la sbb ddk 2nd seat from the front. gaaaa~ demimu zaid. haha. i sat on the left, shahli in the middle, and zaid at the right. at the last hour of d movie, shahli was sleeping. and, i turn to my right, look at his face, and smiled slightly. hahahahaha... OG. (org gila)
5pm - 830pm = tea time! they both went to the toilet 1st, and that's when i met nana, collegemate. die ckp shahli handsome. hahahahahaha... and so, pergi big apple! 3 beverages / 6 donuts. n i've got 3 plain donuts 4 free + a free chipmunks notebook! yeay! berebut dgn shahli. sob3... die maw bwk blk indon, tp tammo kasi! haha.
ate a few donuts, semua gg jd rongak! haha. solat asar, and terus tnggu maghrib. tnggu wkt solat dkt luar surau.
bout almost 30 mins later, solat maghrib and went to MPH while waiting 4 s.a.b.i a.k.a wan dtg ambik. maw g lepak minum2. MPH, tmpt wajib shahli mesti pergi. otw there, terjmpa ainaa amira plak. kwn ku di lipis~! x mcm maw terjerit jmpe die sampai mrka 2 terkejut. haha... excited jmpe die! and ainaa trus ckp "aku bace blog ko!" haha. at last, ainaa dpt jmpe mereka face2face. hee. and ainaa ckp, nmpk muka ini berseri - seri. XD
and so, teringtlah pernah bgtaw die, "qla nak novel p/s; i love u tu dr shahli je." i've told him almost a year ago. then ternmpk lah novel tuh... ambik. tunjuk dkt die. zaid ade, segan2 skit la. haha... he tooked that novel from me. i went to the toilet, and saw a MPH plastic bag on his hand. gaaaa~ outta from MPH, and that's the moment he gave me the novel. ble zaid jauh skitt... waaaaaaaa. erm. sudahlah. haha. then, went near KTM station and waited for sabi.
830pm - 1130pm = sabi drove us 2 bangsar area. near bangsar village. and they had their dinner. korang ckp aku diam an, nmpk sgt selama ni mulot aku cam pop corn an... haha. xdela. diam tp, dlm hati mcm2 aku ckp. lgpun aku nak ckp pe sgt, da korang pun ckp x berhenti. haha.. skeee tgk korang. ngan lawak mengong korang. and and, bkn senang nak jmpe korang an. fhm korang da de awek masing2~~~ haha. plus dgn study pe sume jauh2... so aku tgkla muka korang puas2. ahah...
habis mkn, gi je dkt kereta, sabi x jmpe kunci. skali, kunci ade dlm kereta. baikkk pnyeee~
tnggu almost half an hour jgk mereka settlekan. sy? bace notes. esoknya exam! terbaikkk pnyeee~ grrr... taw. berani mati. tp zaid, wan, shahli, korang patot terharu taw. nak jmpe korang pnye pasal, sanggup aku study awal2... haha. pdhal. taw je la sape plg utama aku nak jmpe kan. *wink wink*
and for the very 1st time, mereka ber3 hantar sy betol2 dpn rumah. so, korang da taw rumah aku an, dtglahhh beraya ke suka suki an... bwk akak2 ipar aku. haha. and, shahli sempat ckp "i hope u enjoy da novel" thee. of course i'll. it's a lil something from u. siap semua nak berebut touch&go aku. hahahaha... lawak lah korang nih! btw. lots of simple things happened, tp, malulah maw cite. haha. x de bnde pon, cuma ye lah,
sy yg hargai setiap detik bersama die =]]
overall, here's another pixca of us. and, ade lg simpanan sdn bhd + d fb! yg de d blog ini tiada d fb! =]
wan @ sabi
to u. BH. thanks 4 spending ur time. lunch. novels. smile. joy. memories. u just dont know how happy i'm. i might be, a lil bit silent than b4, but, seriously, i cant stop talking, deep in my heart. when u were talking, walking, laughing, sleeping, erm... everything larh! i just cant stop saying, how i miss you so much. yes yes, i miss u even when u're standing in front of me, less than a meter. i miss you even when u're looking into my eyes at the very moment. i miss you so deep even when i can feel ur hand beside me. i just, i really miss u. every moment, everyday, for this 2 years. hurmmm... 2 years already.
i might found some1 new. not some1, few ppl. i might b closer to them, than u, that i keep in touch with them, like very often, and we're rarely in touch. but... u just don't know how madly i'm that imy more than any1 else could imagine. that i tried my best 2 keep it 2 myself, and fight with myself, no to bother u, even i just don't want u 2 4get me, like i always do. wondering what u're doing, everynight b4 i go to sleep. and everytime i look up into the sky, looking at the moon and star, there's only a name in my heart. it's ur name. even when u're far away, u're still close to me. with me. in my heart.
that sometimes imy so bad that i cry in the middle of d night, send u a good nite msg like once a month, or two, and never hope that u'll reply. no, not hoping 4 that at all. that's y i'm soooooo happy when u did reply. cuz it was unexpected. btw... idk if u had some1 new, but, if u do, don't hesitate to tell me. u know i can accept it. u know i'm gonna b happy 4 u. and i know, that i can count on u, that u're gonna make sure she's way better than me. in every single way... and by that time, i'll 100% let u go. insya Allah...
sometimes i do wonder, keep on asking myself, and a few friends, what the heck is wrong with me. that i can't 4get u. seriously, there's ain't a day without thinking of u. but, me myself, i don't have any answer for that yet. but i know everything gonna be all right. cuz i know, it's all made by Allah. there's a story behind everything. aite? aihhh. sudahlah. takkan habis 1 hari kalau mahu diceritakan semua dlm hati kecil ini. that's all.
p/s ; terima kasih tak terhingga lg skali jgk ye zaid n sabi. =]]