Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I won the Jamie Oliver video Contest!

To my family, friends, officemates, Artist Chef fans, Thank you so much for all your support in rating my video for the Jamie Oliver Valentine's video contest. I think I made most of them now a registered youtube users just to vote for my video. I am very touched. I thought I wouldn't make it but your immediate response and support helped me made it. I do believe dreams do happen and they existed for us to make it real.

Thank you also to Angelo Suarez for helping me out with the beautiful supers. I have to tag him for that.

Again cheers to more blessings in life!

joanie xxx

Indian in Itaewon

Taj Palace

On many peoples recommendation I visited the Taj Palace in Itaewon across from the foreign market . We went for the meal for 2 . 42000 won for
2 starters Samosa and tandoori chicken
3 curries One lamb, chicken and vegetable, Garlic naan and rice.
It was all very good my only complaint was there was a huge lack of meat the curries consisted of 3-4 tiny pieces of meat. The curries were tasty. I have had better but its was worth the visit.

Pizza in a cone comes to Suncheon

To taste this fine product go to the bus station in Suncheon.
No ice cream to be found.

Gori gomtang- Ox Tail Soup

Next to the office of education Suncheon there is a nice little restaurant with ox tail soup .
Description on the menu calls it Internal soup and rice(beef tail).
Its 9000 won per person .

Its a great winter cold day soup.

Ox Tail Soup (Gori gomtang)
Total prep/cooking time: Up to 5 hours
Makes 4 or 5 servings


Basic Ingredients

4 pounds beef oxtail
8 cups water*
1/2 inch ginger
5 cloves fresh garlic, peeled
1/2 teaspoon salt

* may use 3 cups beef broth and 5 cups water

Optional Ingredients

1 medium onion
1/4 small Daikon radish
Korean sweet potato starch noodle (glass, cellophane, or clear noodle)

Basic Garnish

4 green or spring onions

Optional Garnish

8 cloves fresh garlic, peeled



Ox Tail
If whole, seperate the ox tail at the joint.
Hand trim excess fat from the segmented ox tail. Set fat aside in a small container.
Put ox tail in a large pot and completely cover with cold water. Let soak for one hour and discard water.
Rinse thouroughly.

Garlic And Ginger
Trim the hard tops from the garlic.
Slice garlic cloves in half from top to bottom.
Slice un-peeled ginger in thin diagonal slices.

Onion if used
Cut onion in half from top to bottom.

Starch noodle if used
Soak noodle in cold water for one hour (do this two hours into the cooking).

Daikon if used

Wash well and thinly slice.
Put in a small bowl and lightly salt.
Mix well and let stand ten minutes. (Do this about twenty minutes before the end of cooking)


Place ox tail and trimmed fat in a large cooking pot with 8 cups water (or water/broth) over high heat and bring to a boil, skimming off oil and foam as needed.
Reduce heat to medium and add salt, garlic and ginger (add onion now if used).
Simmer for 3 to 4 hours, skimming as needed (until meat is almost falling from bone and broth is a milky color).
(If used, add sliced Daikon about ten minutes before end of cooking)
Remove the soup from heat.
Remove ox tail from broth with a slotted spoon and place into serving bowls.
Using a hand held strainer, remove onion and garlic solids from soup and discard.
(if used, add noodle to serving bowls)

Garnish and Serve

Chop the green/spring onions (if used, thinly slice the garlic cloves from top to bottom).
Ladle soup into serving bowls, add garnish, and season with salt/pepper to taste.


woke up early today. mane taknye. ingt pas subuh nak tdow blk.
kambink msg. ajak kuar. i've to say no 4 da very 1st time.
i mean,say no towards him. since da plan nak hang out dgn fatin.
sejak 2 weeks ago! time study week lg da plan! haha XD.
exam x habis lg, sy dah berpk ttg holiday.
baru nak tdow smule. sherry plak msg. aiyoo. dah nak dkt kul 8.
sherry nak dtg kl n lepak umah sy next week! yeayyy!
since, pas abis spm. kte org baru jmpe skali. yerr.
tu pun time dia d matrix. wahhh. lame sudah!

last2. bangun jgk tdow. as if x tdow blk pas subuh. huhu.
bangun. berlari lagi. n settle sume pukul 10 setgh. makan.
n 3x tukar baju! haha. baru nak dating dgn kwn.
kalo dgn future husband xtaw ah! XP wakakaka...
almost 1 o'clock, baru sampai mid valley. tnggu fatin kejap.
then we all beli ticket wyng dulu.
the curious case of benjamin button.

at 1st dah blur2. tataw nak tgk cite nih or punisher. then.
cite nih! haha. even cite ni da agak lame [12th feb d mlysia].
jam baru pukul 1:10pm. fatin ajak g JJ. sbb die tgk sgt ramai org.
[akid n nora. mcm tataw plak aku duta JJ kan? haha =P]
owhhh. skali rupenye ade JJ member card SALE!!! 24-25 feb only.
and special utk JJ member card holder sahaje. die pnye sale.
SUPERB n gile babeng okay? sgt ramai org!!! wahaha.
i didn't plan to shop at 1st. but then. huh? 70% sale.
dont blame me 4 buying 7 pieces of t-shirt! haha =D

anyway. it's a nice movie. brad pitt handsome nak mampos!
time die mude ah. tp, lame2 sy dah hilang focus! sbb cite nih lame!
2 hours & 40 minutes. ++ iklan = 2 hours & 50 minutes. beku!
freezing dah mcm ape! fatin pon dah lapar. wahaha... asyik tgk jam.
bkn sbb cite nih x best. cite ni agak menarik. its 1 of a kind.
tp sebab dah almost 3 hours dlm hall, hukkk. jd ais~

then. we went to foodcourt. talk3. it's 6 already.
went to F.O.S 4 a while. and. OMG!!! cute t shirts again.
okay. and then. buy 1,free 1. huu? 1= rm30.
so, if two = rm30. sooo. 1 = rm15? okay!
i take it. haha. yerrr~~~ 9 pieces of t-shirt already.
then. we waited 4 the ktm. as usual~ lambat! aiyoo.
and i arrived at setiawangsa at 7:30 pm.

balik je umah. rehat jap yg amat. x tukar baju pon.
terus g carre4 wngsa maju. aiyoo. mama la. maw beli brg.
ishhh. ade baju cantik lg. tp. huu. abaikan~ wahaha.
then. ade t-shirt lg. i dunno. all of sudden nmpk.
mama beli. n... i take another 2! wahaha. it's cheap ok!
i mean, reasonable. so. total = 11 t shirts 4 2day!

haha. sudah. esok. sy ke TS plak. bersame khalida.
kwn lame 1 kolej. die ade d kolej sy sem1 je.
then die pindah UNITAR. lame x jmpe!
owhhh. sy kwn dgn sume org.
yg nak berkwn dgn sy. thats it.
hee. sape nak kuar? meh jom2! haha.

FATIN. thanks 4 spending some times with me.
even. mcm agak rushing. haha.
yerlaa. movie tu buat kte beku! haha.
thanks 4 listening too. love ya!

owhhh. take care everyone.
have a nice day. =]

Nature's Pleasure

There is a scene in the first season of Mad Men where Don Draper (my new third favourite TV character. The top two being Omar Little from The Wire and Josh Lyman from The West Wing) is talking to his client, Lucky Strike.

Stymied by medical research into the detrimental effects of cigarette smoking - the show is set in 1960 – new rules from the FDA mean that they can no longer advertise Lucky Strike with health claims.

Draper, after asking his client how the company make their cigarettes, comes up with the slogan ‘It’s Toasted.’

I was reminded of this when I was sent a rather large package containing four sample boxes of Kellogg’s new muesli, Nature’s Pleasure.

Muesli is one of those things that I tend to make myself. It’s great being able to leave out what you don’t like and focus more heavily on the bits you do. Out go the nuts, in come the chopped dates, that sort of thing.

So I was intrigued when I opened the box to find that Kellogg’s new muesli isn’t really a muesli at all – instead, it’s baked which gives it the satisfying bite of a granola rather than the mushy squelch of a Bircher.

According to the box, oats, wheat and barley flakes are coated in raw cane sugar and honey with a little sunflower oil and then baked before being paired with a (quite generous) amount of dried fruit and nuts.

The result is a faintly sweet and completely delicious muesli that goes very well with Greek yoghurt as well as the more usual milk. It retains its crunch and was as good at breakfast as it was at two o’clock in the morning when post pub hunger struck.

Nutritionally, too, it’s pretty good. 9% RDA of calories, 10% RDA of sugars, 3% RDA sat fats, almost no salt. Although you do have to watch the suggested portion size – 45g would fail to satisfy a hungry hamster and I found myself doubling the amount in my bowl.

Perhaps the best thing about it? The box even tells you how to make your own. ‘It’s like open source cereal,’ quipped my girlfriend, something I will definitely be trying once we’ve finished off the final box (the other three disappeared in a matter of days).

It comes in four flavours (Almond Pecan & Cashew, Apple & Blackcurrant, Raspberry & Cherry, and Almond, Pecan & Raisin), costs round about £2.49 for 500g and will be available to buy from April in most supermarkets.

And from now on, muesli…it’s toasted.

For more info go to www.first-taste.co.uk or Kellogg’s web site.

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Modernidades de la educación actual.

El perfil del abusador o maltratador ha experimentado un cambio notable durante las últimas décadas. Si bien es un rasgo que anteriormente se asociaba a hombres de entre unos 35 a 45 años, la edad media del maltratador a descendido en la última década hasta la primera juventud y adolescencia (esto es, desde los 14 a los 21 años aproximadamente como media). Cada vez son más los casos de jóvenes que maltratan e incluso acaban con las vidas de sus parejas, sin mostrar en muchas ocasiones un ápice de remordimiento ante ello y siendo éstos, además, menores de edad. Estos datos enfatizan el hecho de que algo está fallando en la educación de nuestros jóvenes que, sobreprotegidos y mimados por las leyes que los amparan, se sienten superiores y creen con el derecho de imponer ante cualquiera su “santa voluntad”; sea un adulto, un anciano, un niño o un igual. Éste hecho, sumado al todavía permanente concepto machista de la mujer que sigue arraigado en nuestra sociedad, provoca situaciones de violencia de género entre los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad, muchas veces con resultados trágicos para la víctima y sus familiares.
-Tomado de un proyecto que estoy realizando sobre el maltrato entre adolescentes-

Cuando yo era pequeña, me sentía incapaz de levantar la voz a un adulto o a alguien sencillamente mayor uqe yo, porque el guantazo que podía llevarme sonaba descomunal. Tampoco se me pasaba por la cabeza que alguien que dice que me quiere pudiera pegarme; no, si un niño me pegaba era porque me llevaba mal con él, o porque se había metido conmigo o mis amigas y yo le había plantado cara. En el colegio, por muy imbécil que fuera el profesor, siempre le respetábamos (al menos delante suyo) porque al fin de cuentas era el que nos estaba enseñando y el que me iba a aprobar o suspender a final de curso, el que me ponía la nota e iba a determinar si repetía o no. En casa, por muy tontoq ue tuviera el día mi madre, aguantaba el chaparrón, aunque a veces fuera injusto. Con el tiempo aprendía protestar educadamente, pero la mayoría de las veces aprendí a callarme porque, para qué me voy a llevar mal con alguien que convives; es mejor callarte o expresar tu opinión entre dientes a recibir un sopapo.

Y hoy en día parece que estamos jugando al mundo al revés. Los adolescentes maltratan a sus padres, profesores, parejas e iguales sintiéndose todopoderosos gracias a las malditas leyes del menor. Oiga, me parece muy bien que se pene a quien pega un día sí y otro también a un niño o adolescente; pero siempre se ha sabido que una torta bien dada en su momento te previene de muchas cosas: faltas de respeto, agresiones, palabrotas, insultos... y hoy en día, un padre no puede ni hacer esto, porque el niño te levanta el dedo amenazador y te dice Te voy a denuciar si me pegas, cabrón.
Violan, pegan e incluso matan a sus compañeros homosexuales, compañeros de clase y parejas sentimentales cual Jack el Destripador porque claro, son menores, y lo peor que les puede pasar es que estén en un reformatorio hasta la mayoría de edad, y luego la cárcel un par de años (porque te sacan de ahí por buen comportamiento). Y lo cool que queda decir después Yo estuve en un reformatorio; como si fueran James Dean o algo (que por cierto, la mayoría no saben quién era éste actor, bendita inculticia).

Y mientras, los que intentamos enseñar algo de valores, algo positivo a estas futuras generaciones que algún día gobernarán el país en el que vivíamos; tenemos que aguantar chulerías y malas palabras en las clases porque al niñato de turno no le sale de los wevos estar calladito escuchando, o participar como es debido en la actividad. Si le instas a que se calle te dice que no le da la gana, y cuidadito con castigarlo que luego viene su padre y te mete cuatro ostias, o él mismo vaya.

Pero no, hay que luchar por los derechos del niño, hay que ser buenos con ellos, pobreticos. ¿Que le niño miente, insulta, chulea? Eso es porque en el colegio no lo enseñan bien, desgraciaos. ¿Que pega a su novia o a su amigo, que lo mata de una leche? La culpa seguro que era del otro, vamos, qué cojones; si el niño se quería follar a esa guarrilla de 14 años es por culpa de ella, no de la educación casera inexistente. ¿Que se pasa en el colegio? La culpa es del centro, que no saben controlarlo. Pero a mi hijo, ni una ostia, oiga.

Hace unos años, unos abanderados "padres modernos" decidieron luchar por las leyes del menos, por evitar que a los niños se les de un guantazo. Me gustaría ver a los maleducados de sus hijos hoy día, listillos.