Hari ni ain telah deactivate my FB account.
Kenapa? Biar lah rahsia. Nobody will miss me la.
Besides, it's temporary only. I'll be back soon.hihi =)
So, pasni ain update status in my blog je la.
Td ain buat stocktake kt the ZON.
ain belikan mak chocs Hershey sbb mak teringin.
hehe =) ain beli Ferraro Roche sekali.
Last weekend ain balik kg.
Ain nk upload gmbr ain n adik tp ain takde kabel HP.
Ain da pinjam kt Aminah.hopefully die bwk sok.hehe
Wahhh..byk sgt keje nk kene buat.
ain ingat nk amik last paper ACCA.
ain pun tak pasti lagi ape ain nk wt in the future
ain harap tuhan bg ain petunjuk..=)
Kepada seseorang yg ain ingati selalu,
take care of urself..
I will always pray for u and for us.