Monday, July 28, 2008

Dinner for 2 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAI !

Yesterday was Sai's Birthday, and Jackie, 2 days before, cooked this dinner for her:

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Composed of:


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Thanks to Jackie and Happy Birthday Sai!


The White Hat Marketing Manager Eric Chao sent me this so I can spread the news to everyone. Soon I'll visit their store in MOA to taste my favorite "ITALIAN FROZEN YOGURT" and I'll share it with all of you. Don't worry.

Rojo rubí

Contoneándose, bailando entre las sombras, flashes de luz y Lágrimas de San Lorenzo; un movimiento, otro, y otro... susurrando palabras sin llegar a pronunciarla, bailando sola con los espectros de la muerte... Calíope suspira, emocionada; escucha sus palabras, siente el frío de sus latidos, la humedad de sus transparentes lenguas sobre su espalda, los latigazos obscenos de sus inertes manos... y no se arrepiente de nada en absoluto, de nada de lo que ha podido decir, de nada de lo que ha podido hacer.

Jamás pensó que bailar con un escalpelo en sus manos fuera tan enriquecedor, que cortar la carne produjera tanto placer... carne humana que desearía llevarse a sus labios y comer... pero aún no sentía predilección especial por el canibalismo y ése tipo de filias culinarias.

"¿O tal vez sí?"

No me tientes, Oniros... o sólo querré morder lo que hay bajo tu piel, aquello que existe dentro de ti, aquello que ansío, entre jadeos, cada vez que te siento cerca de mi nuca; cada vez que muerdes mi cuello y te apoderas de mi ser. Podré entonces crear figuras vivas de materia inerte, podré entonces ver más allá de todos los velos, sentir lo que hay al otro lado, oler la humedad que allí se acumula, expectante de ser respirada por mi cuerpo.

¿Dónde quedaron las grandes esperanzas, dónde se ocultan los pequeños sueños?

Un corte más del bisturí, unas pinzas... ahí, en tu rubí rojo guardado en el pecho. Justo ahí está lo que más deseo lamer.

Algún día viviremos en un mundo rojo rubí, y entonces oh, todo será tan bonito... tan bonito y tan vacío que no nos hará falta nada más.

Aw shucks

I’m delighted to announce that I have been presented with my very first award. Dave Sacerdote, from the excellent blog Dave's Cupboard, deemed me worthy of the Arte e Pico award (details here) passed on from blogger to blogger and given to those who ‘display creativity, present interesting material and contribute to the blogging community in some way.’ As a result, I am honoured and get to pass on the award to five like-minded foodies. And so, in no particular order:

Matt from Wrightfood is clearly a talented chef and his photographs do justice to some wonderful creations. I am always delighted when I see he has updated his blog.

I discovered Kate’s blog, A Merrier World, when she invited me to write a post about free-range chicken. The post hasn’t (yet) been written but it did allow me to discover a great blog.

Taste Bud Travels is a great blog from Cheeky Spouse who documents her adventures on the ‘grow-your-own’ front, many of which strike an eerily familiar chord with me.

Darlene from Portland, Oregon is the author of Blazing Hot Wok– an awesome blog which I always delight in reading, thanks in part to her love of Thai food.

And finally Foodycat, is a London based Aussie who write about some of the finer things in life including, amongst other things, pork scratchings. Anyone who respects pork scratchings deserves an award (plus it's a really good read).

Oh, and the rules are:

1. Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award with their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogger community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog.
3. Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award
4. Award-winners and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Display these rules on your blog.

I'm also going to take this opportunity to mention again my new blog where you will be able to read musings of all descriptions. It is here


Food dominates life in Bangkok in a way I have not witnessed in any other city. The residents of this vast urban sprawl appear to be engaged in a near perpetual hunt for the next meal. A while back I was discussing the nature of being a ‘foodie’ with my girlfriend. The conclusion we reached was that a ‘foodie’ is one who is thinking about their next meal even before they have finished the one they are eating. If this is the case then Bangkok is a city of six million bona fide foodies.

Couple this desire for eating with an almost natural entrepreneurial bent and you have a city where it is possible to sample a new taste or textural sensation every five metres, or so, whatever the time of day.

Restaurants and cafés per se don’t really exist. This is a city that ebbs and flows like a vast ocean and the food carts and nomadic street vendors are the living embodiment of this philosophy. Even the markets, which appear stationary, evolve and shift, tide like. It is, in short, a paradise for any gastronome.

We headed straight for Chinatown. A heaving, sweaty, tightly packed part of the city next to the river. There is no centre, as such, to Bangkok and it is easy to get hopelessly and wonderfully lost in this alien world. So that is exactly what we did. The market here swallows you hungrily, quickly enveloping you in a seemingly endless collection of stalls. The streets are narrow and covered making it even more difficult to navigate your way through the labyrinthine warren.

Rain had leaked through the canopy during the night making the ground underfoot dirty and treacherously slippy, especially for any idiot wearing flip-flops with little grip. Unfortunately that idiot was me. Thankfully, the sheer busyness of the place made it impossible to fall over. I was also a good foot taller than the vast majority of people around me allowing me to be able to see when an impossibly laden cart was heading directly for us, seemingly bending the known laws of physics with its ability to slip lithely through the throng.

The market appeared to be loosely organised into sections although at each junction, and at many places throughout, the system deviated and a wandering hawker would be proffering some tasty treat or other: sliced fruit on ice pepped up with chilli and sugar, skewers of non-descript meats grilling over hot coals, chicken frying in vast woks of spitting oil, steaming bowls of noodles complete with various bits of duck or pig – the choice was so vast as to be almost paralysing, as long as one wasn’t too concerned about the apparent lack of health and safety and basic hygiene precautions.

I take a philosophical view when it comes to such matters. Here in the UK, as in much of the western world, we live in a disinfected cotton wool shroud that appears to be doing us more harm than good. The human body is much more resilient than we give it credit for and if being seared in boiling fat doesn’t kill whatever bugs might be residing in my plate of rice or noodles, then maybe it deserves to have its fun inside my gut.

Suffice to say I am not squeamish about street food. Far from it. I simply adore it and think it gives a better indication and insight into a nation’s culinary culture than any three star restaurant or sanitised hotel kitchen. The streets are where people eat. Together. There is something wonderfully democratic about individuals from all walks of life heading to the same cart to get their Khao Phad or noodles. Street food is the soul of a city and I have never, not once, fallen victim to any malevolent bug caught from a roadside eatery.

In Thailand, street food is an institution. It isn’t a whim dreamt up to please the hoards of tourists that descend upon the country, many of whom refuse to eat anywhere other than their hotels – it is a 500-year-old tradition that exists because the Thais love to eat and they love to share this base pleasure with as many people as possible, as often as possible. The notion of three square meals a day is as alien to the Thais as the idea of near constant grazing is to us. Well, most of us at least.

For our first taste of this gloriously simple food we went by smell alone. It was nearing lunchtime so the fried eggs that appear at carts all over the city first thing in the morning had made way for more savoury and filling wares. It was too early for Phad Thai - more of an evening dish cooked when the sun has set – and we didn’t quite feel confident enough to test the noodles yet. Amid the heaving market was a tiny woman knelt by a large flat pan in which she was frying cubes of what looked like green jelly. We had no idea what it was but the smell alone was enough to convince us to part with thirty baht and sample the strange foodstuff.

Ten of these cubes, each one a large mouthful, were piled into a small plastic tray and sprinkled liberally with dark soy sauce, flecked throughout with the deep red of dried chillies before a wooden skewer was thrust into the steaming pile and we were sent on our way.

I have no idea what we ate (the first of many times during our holiday) but it was delicious: a crispy outside and a savoury dark green jelly inside with an intense saltiness thanks to the soy sauce. But they were filling and we struggled to finish the tray. I closed the clear plastic bag around the remains and we carried on through the market, pondering what we just ate in a happy and content fashion.

That was until heavy traffic forced us to stop outside a stall. A young Thai man, presumably the proprietor of the shop, looked at the bag in my hand, pointed at it then glanced up at my face before breaking into uncontrollable laughter. Still, it tasted good.

sPaghetTi BologNessE

Hari minggu, sebelum pergi ke gereja gue buat spaghetti dulu.
Bahannya : 225grm spaghetti kering (1 dus 500 grm = Rp. 13.000 => 225 grm Rp. 6.500,-), 200 grm daging sapi cincang ( Rp. 13.000,- ), tomat 250 grm (Rp. 2500,- ), 1 buah bawang Bombay (Rp. 1.000,-), ½ sdt the gula pasir, 1 sdt garam, ½ sdt oregano, ½ sdt merica hitam, 2 sdt tomat pasta, 1 siung bawang putih, keju parmesan secukupnya.
Caranya: rebus spaghetti ke dalam 2 liter air yang sudah diberi 1 sdt m
inyak sayur dan 1 sdt garam, sampai matang, angkat lalu tiriskan.
Masak saus spaghettinya, lelehkan mentega lalu masukkan bawang bombai, bawang putih, sampai layu, masukkan daging sapi cincang masak sampai berubah warna.
Lalu masukkan bahan2 lainnya masak hingga matang (kalau suka hingga mengental).
Lalu sajijan, cara penyajiannya : taruh spaghetti ke dalam piring, tuang saus-nya lalu taburi dengan keju parmesan.

Rasa spaghetti-nya enak, kalau pake daging sapi lebih berasa dari pada yang kalengan.
Ditambah rasa oregano jadi enak dan wangi rempah2nya dan rasa keju parmesan yang menggugah selera.
Sayangnya gue cuman makan seporsi kecil (seperti yang gue foto), sisanya habis totalllll
Kata husband gue enakkkk, dan minta gue bikin lagi (oc dehhh…. )
Total biaya yang dikeluarkan = Rp. 23.000,-