Friday, October 9, 2009

Grilled Salmon Rainbow Sauce

Bahan : 

Sauce merah : 
1 buah Paprika merah diblender 
1 1/2 sdt Cuka balsamico 
1 sdm Minyak goreng 
1/2 sdt Gula 
1/4 sdt Garam
Sauce kuning : 
1 buah Paprika kuning diblender 
1 sdt Cuka balsamico 
1 sdm Minyak goreng 
1/2 sdt Gula 
1/4 sdt Garam
Sauce ungu : 
75 gram Beetroot diblender lalu diperas diambil airnya 
1 sdt Cuka balsamico 
1 sdm Minyak goreng 
1/2 sdt Gula 
1/4 sdt Garam
Sauce hijau : 
2 genggam Daun kemangi yang sudah dipetik 
2 siung Bawang putih 
50 gram Kacang mede 
1 sdm Parmesan cheese 
5 sdm Minyak goreng 
1/2 sdt Gula 
1/2 sdt Garam 
50 gram Keripik kentang/keripik jagung 
400 gram Salmon fillet (2 potong)

Cara membuat: 
Campurkan masing-masing bahan saus dan aduk hingga rata lalu pisahkan menjadi 4 macam sauce. 
Grill galmon dengan dioles margarine dan minyak goreng hingga berwarna kecoklatan. 
Hidangkan 4 macam sauce diatas piring lalu letakkan kripik diatasnya dan terakhir letakkan salmon yang sudah digrilled.

Red Sauce: 
1 red bell pepper fruit blender 
1 1 / 2 tsp Vinegar Balsamico 
1 tablespoon cooking oil 
1 / 2 tsp Sugar 
1 / 4 teaspoon salt 
Yellow Sauce: 
1 yellow bell pepper fruit blender 
Balsamico Vinegar 1 tsp 
1 tablespoon cooking oil 
1 / 2 tsp Sugar 
1 / 4 teaspoon salt 
Sauce purple: 
Beetroot 75 grams of blended and then squeezed the water taken 
Balsamico Vinegar 1 tsp 
1 tablespoon cooking oil 
1 / 2 tsp Sugar 
1 / 4 teaspoon salt 
Green Sauce: 
2 handfuls of basil leaves that have been learned 
2 cloves garlic 
50 grams Cashews 
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese 
5 tablespoons cooking oil 
1 / 2 tsp Sugar 
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 
50 grams of potato chips / corn chips 
Salmon fillets 400 grams (2 pieces) 

How to make: 
Mix each ingredient sauce and mix well and separate into 4 kinds of sauce. 
Dioles Grill galmon with margarine and cooking oil until brown. 
Serve sauce over 4 of the plate and put chips on top and the last place the salmon which had been grilled.

Pelecing Ayam

Bahan : 

1 ekor ayam kampung yang muda dibekakkan 
2 buah jeruk limau 
50 ml minyak goreng 
1 sdt gula pasir 
500 ml minyak goreng untuk menggoreng
Bumbu yang dihaluskan: 
7 buah cabe merah 
5 buah cabe rawit 
3 siung bawang putih 
3 butir kemiri 
1 sdt terasi 
1 1/2 sdt garam
Cara Membuat : 
Ayam dilumuri dengan air garam, diamkan 15 menit. Kemudian dibakar hingga 3/4 matang. 
Panaskan minyak goreng. Kemudian goreng ayam yang sudah dibakar hingga matang, sisihkan. 
Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum dan matang. Kemudian masukkan gula pasir dan 50 ml air aduk-aduk. Terakhir masukkan ayam dibolak-balik hingga bumbu meresap. Angkat.

1 tail young chicken dibekakkan 
2 pieces limes 
50 ml cooking oil 
1 tsp sugar 
500 ml cooking oil for frying 
Spices are blended: 
7 pieces of red chilli 
Cayenne fruit 5 
3 cloves garlic 
3 eggs hazelnut 
1 teaspoon shrimp paste 
1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 
How to Make: 
Chicken covered with salt water, let stand 15 minutes. Then burn up to 3 / 4 cooked. 
Heat the cooking oil. Then the fried chicken is baked until done, set aside. 
Saute the blended ingredients until fragrant. Then enter sugar 50 ml water and stir. Finally enter the inverted chicken until spices to infuse. Lift.

Chicken Paella

Bahan : 

1/2 buah Bawang bombai dirajang kasar 
3 siung Bawang putih dicincang 
1 buah Paprika hijau diiris memanjang 
50 ml White wine 
250 gram Beras 
50 ml Minyak goreng 
400 gr Ayam dipotong-potong 
1/2 sdt Lada bubuk 
Garam dan gula secukupnya

Kaldu Ayam : 
700 ml Air 
1 sdt Kunyit bubuk 
3 batang Seledri 
3 batang Daun bawang 
1 buah Wortel dipotong-potong 
2 cm Jahe dimemarkan

Cara membuat : 
Rebus potongan ayam dengan 700 ml air ditambahkan 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk, 3 batang seledri, 3 batang daun bawang, 1 buah wortel dipotong-potong dan 2 cm jahe dimemarkan lalu rebus dengan api kecil hingga mendidih selama kurang lebih 1 jam. 
Tumis bawang bombai, bawang putih lalu masukkan potongan ayam yang sudah direbus, tambahkan white wine, kemudian masukkan berasnya sambil disangan hingga aromanya menyerap kemudian masukkan kaldu sedikit demi sedikit hingga menyerap dalam beras hingga menjadi nasi, dimasak dengan api kecil. 
Sebelum diangkat bumbui dengan lada, garam, gula dan masukkan paprika hijaunya.

1 / 2 fruit coarsely chopped onions 
3 cloves garlic minced 
1 piece green bell pepper sliced lengthwise 
50 ml White wine 
250 gram Rice 
50 ml cooking oil 
400 gr Chicken cut 
1 / 2 tsp pepper powder 
Salt and sugar to taste 

Chicken Broth: 
700 ml Water 
1 tsp Turmeric powder 
3 stalks celery 
Stem leaves 3 onions 
1 piece of carrot cut into pieces 
2 cm Ginger crushed 

How to make: 
Boil chicken pieces with 700 ml of water added 1 / 2 tsp turmeric powder, 3 stalks celery, 3 leeks, carrots 1 chopped 2 cm ginger and crushed and then boiled with a small fire to boil for about 1 hour. 
Saute onion, garlic and enter the chicken pieces that have been boiled, add the white wine, then enter the rice with aroma disangan to absorb and enter the stock little by little until the rice to absorb into the rice, cooked with small flames. 
Before the appointed season with pepper, salt, sugar and add green peppers.


1 ekor ayam 750 gr dipotong 12 bagian
1 kelereng asam diremas dengan 1 sdm garam
500 ml minyak goreng untuk menggoreng
3 sdm kecap manis
5 buah tomat dipotong 8 bagian
50 ml minyak goreng untuk menumis
2½ sdm gula pasir 

Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
10 buah cabe merah
6 buah bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
3 cm jahe
2 cm kencur
1 sdt nasi putih 

Cara Membuat
Remas ayam dengan asam hingga terlumur rata diamkan 20 menit
Panaskan minyak kemudian goreng ayam hingga kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan.
Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum dan matang, kemudian masukkan ayam, kecap manis, tomat dan gula. Masak dengan api kecil hingga tomat hancur dan bumbu mengental


1 chicken cut 750 gram 12 parts 
1 marbles acid with 1 tablespoon crushed salt 
500 ml cooking oil for frying 
3 tablespoons soy sauce 
5 plum tomatoes cut 8 parts 
50 ml cooking oil for sauteing 
2 ½ tablespoons sugar 

Spices are blended: 
10 pieces of red chilli 
6 pieces red onion 
3 cloves garlic 
3 cm ginger 
2 cm kencur 
1 tsp white rice 

How to Make 
Squeeze sour chicken with flat terlumur set aside until 20 minutes 
Heat oil and fry chicken until brown, remove and drain. 
Saute the blended ingredients until fragrant, then enter the chicken, soy sauce, tomatoes and sugar. Cook over low heat until the tomatoes and seasonings thickened destroyed


ever remember the time when you where younger and you imagine yourself to be part of a commando / swat team, being a hero and saving the innocence and destroying evil.

You may also recall some of the item's or toys you may have use in this role play like, cherygun, rubber ban gun, using straw to shot pea, sling shots, paper lastick, and many more. i know it bring back memories, but I'm sure you will not be able to see yourself using or playing this games anymore.... or will you??

WAR GAMES that have some sort of role play using combat skills as a team and as a individual. today there are two very popular medium in which teens and adults enjoy and they are called Paint Balls and Airsoft Guns.

Paint Balls are mainly know as a game that uses CO2 gas powered guns with paint bullets. Airsoft Guns are real life replicas or many popular guns that shots BB bullets (Ball Bullets/ Baby Bullet) powered by either spring (manual and electric) and Gas (CO2).

well abit more details about the two games, watch the video below.

Paint Balls


Thanks and enjoy.

Three Words

Eight pounds. Gone.

Seventeen more to go, but this is okay.

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful support.

I will post more over the weekend, but for now it's all good. Headed for the gym tomorrow!

Cup Game =)

This is a very interesting game that uses cups, at least 2 and more people and lots of rhythm.

AWESOME right!!!

The Awesome team game "Captain Ball"

This is an Awesome sport for a group of people from all size, age, height, looks, religion, and race. its trains each individual to stretch ones potential and expend self esteem at the same time build friendship , teamwork and brotherhood/sisterhood =)

all this comes with lot and lots of fun!!!

Check out the video below, as it shares the rules of the game.


And a short game preview.

Hm, is that -really- what I ordered?

When you order this....

...are you disappointed when you get this...?

Are YOU disappointed when your indulgence is sub-par in appearance when compared to your envisioned order?

I'm tellin' ya...advertisement is moooooney in the literal and urban sense of the term. 

The objective: sell, sell, sell.
The result: Chew, swallow, repeat. *Head scratch and guilty eyes*

I have had patients tell me that they've been sitting at home, in for the night, see a commercial advertising xyz fast food item come across the TV screen, and before they know it...they're on their way to go get said xyz fast food item! Voila. Advertisement is MONEY, as in the literal and urban sense of the term.

Growing up, I babysat for a mother who worked in food photography, or "food modeling," as she called it. Just as models aren't naturally primped and primed...nor are burgers or burritos, PEOPLE! And let's just say, this mom was in one heck of a well-paid position and could readily point out the commercials featuring her "models". As I recall, I was paid $8 an hour -- big bucks way back when, ya know. She hit the jackpot in her career, especially with the continual economic return fast food brings to the world, wouldn't you say?

I am a believer in knowledge being power. So maybe, just maybe, with the following knowledge, you can reach deep for the power to just say...NO! 'Cause as you'll see, that burger you see isn't even edible...

How to photograph a (nearly) irresistible burger:
· When shooting a bun with sesame seeds, carefully arrange them with glue and tweezers.
· Use waterproof spray on the surface so it won't get soggy.
· Cook just the outside of the meat and leave the center raw to keep it plump and moist.
· Paint the burger with oil and brown coloring.
· To make grill marks, brand the meat with a hot metal skewer.
· Use paper towels to make a diaper for the meat so no juices leak on the bun.
· Find an attractive lettuce leaf with no brown spots.
· Use only center slices of the best tomato.
· Spray the tomato with a mist of water and glycerin to keep it looking fresh.

And on a completely unrelated note...

A new study out states that stressful times can produce favorable change, negating the "comfort food" theory. Increasing levels of stress and change actually caused people to choose unfamiliar products. It's a really interesting study, read more here.

Yesterday's intake ended up like so:

1 1/2 cups Cheerios (2 carbs)
1 cup skim milk (1 carb)
QT fat-free cappuccino/coffee (1 carb)
     Total: 4 carbs

Lean Cuisine Shrimp Stir Fry (2 carbs)
small apple (1 carb)
1 wedge Laughing Cow Light (0 carbs)
1 cup Waldorf Salad (1 carb)
     Total: 4 carbs

1 pear (1 carb)
1 Vita Brownie (1 carb)
     Total: 2 carbs

2 cups tossed greens (0 carbs)
1 Tbsp Asian Sesame Ginger Dressing (0 carbs)
1 cup whole wheat rotini (3 carbs)
3 ounce chicken breast (0 carbs)
3/4 cup organic marinara sauce (1 carb)
1 ounce mozzarella cheese (0 carbs)
     Total: 4 carbs

1 cup skim milk (1 carb)
2 graham cracker squares (1 carb)
     Total: 2 carbs 

Happy weekend to all and to all a Happy Friday night! Go Illini!

P.S. Thanks for the blog idea, was fun!

Magic Box is available at book store!!!!!

Congratulation for me!! Congratulation for CCW2008!!
Finally.... Setelah proses panjang nan melelahkan dan penuh tantangan  berkesan sambil beringasan, Antalogi cerpen gue dan teman-teman seangkatan gue di CCW (coaching cerpen KaWanku) terbit jugaaaa!
Tepatnya pada 6 Oktober 2009. Di Gramedia Jakarta dan sekitarnya sudah mejeng si eye catching, "MAGIC BOX" waw waw waw!
Dengan harga yang cuma 30.000 rupiah saja, lo lo pada yang beli bakal dapet banyak kejutan. Let the stories spell cast. 

Aslinya itu tagline Magic Box, tapi kini hanya tercantum di tongkat sihir yang ada dalam magic box. So you shouldn't miss that book! REALLY. Baca juga komentar dari Raditya Dika--penulis kambing jantan--, Caesar Gunawan--penyiar Prambors, pembawa acara mata-mata--, Imam Darto--penyiar Prambors, penulis script--, Reda Gaudiamo--musisi, penulis, editor et large kaWanku--, Farida Susanti--penulis Dan Hujan pun Berhenti--, Adya Ari Repati, Aurullius Avrisco, dan Fernando Fen Lee mengenai buku ini. And you'll find the magic by yourself. Ini buakn buku sulap atau sihir loh, ini sebuah kotak cerita yang penuh keajaiban.

Soooo, let's go to book store, and buy it! Get it now. You'll never regret.