Have u felt like stupidest ever? I have! Well, that is what I feel today. It is really really bring me down. Even at the same time I slapped to be better very soon! What is it about? Well the only thing that could makes me like a yoyo is IELTS test. Ironic! *yes it is*
Several times I asked to my monsy, he said I'm not stupid, but I feel stupid. Why? It is easy! I just can't answer correctly for many practices that I did today as much as before when I took ielts course. Means my score was decrease. Pretty bad, I know...
Because of that, I promise to my self that it will never ever happen again, no reason exception. In addition, my test is getting close, on this Saturday. Fiuh!
However, I do not mean this post as a trashbin of my feelings. I just want to share, my own experience that guided my self to a deep fallen because of my unawareness. For you, all of you, who will face an exam even national exam, ielts, toefl, university test, or many other types of test, just remember : when you planning to be success, do not ever let your self flow the laziness or giving yourslef less-discipliness in anyway. Just do not!
It only four days to go, and I realised I become more not ready. The only way to make up this hot mess only super duper discipline practices! Another tips or advice or whatever u call it; do not let your self stuck on sadness, frustrated, downess, that is harmful!
What I really believe is when we have failed for once, second, third, and so on does not mean we are loser. We are failed for success. On the other hand, when more than three times you have failed, you need to take a time, think carefully, there is something totally wrong on you that is necessary to be changed. The key is never give up!
I love people who wants to fight for his/her dreams does not matter how impossible it looks like. In fact that my Almighty God proved has no limits. People who says impossible only people who scared of miracles and enchanting possible, for me.
Life is about choices. You choose for your own self. Freedom to choose is the greatest thing that given by God for us. Did not mean to be so-fuckin-religius just tell what I thoughts.
Over all, life is ups and downs. You choose your future. When your down, don't forget to wake up quickly, because time will never wait.
Monday's tips : 1. Try to love Monday, then your Monday become lovely.
2. A simple smile able to makes a significant changed.
Ketty Tressianah
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