Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Chicken Pad Thai
Resep kali ini dipilih sama Erlica, cuman sayang gue yang salah ngerti atau gimana yah..
Diresep di tulis pake 8 ons Thai Rice Noodles, gue beli 1 pak isi 3 itu beratnya 375 grm, trus bumbu gue sesuaikan dengan resep.
Itu aja udah banyak, secara bumbunya gue pake sesuai resep, ternyata tawar, dan hasilnya kurang coklat ya.. Tapi masih bisa dimakan sih, gue tambahin bumbu biar ada rasa, dan makannya pake sambal Lily, biar nafsu wkwkwkwkkwkk..
Kayaknya ga mau bikin lagi deh, karena pertama ngerasain rasa kwetiaw kurang bumbu, jadi illfill hehhehe..
Gpp yang penting udah buat PR, tetep semangatttt!!!!!!!!!!
Cooking 8 Udon Pad Thai
15 april 2010, Kamis
Sebenernya mo libur bikin PR kali ini coz bahan susah didapet tapiii kalo ga bikin kok jadi kepikiran ya?? haha, pas kebetulan hari ini liat blog nya Elisa, dia pake kwetiao biasa, jadi kepikiran kenapa gw ga pake udon aja ya?? Bahannya kan dari beras juga, sama aja kayak kwetiao..cuman beda bentuk. Trus nanya ke Belinda, pengganti asam jawa ternyata bisa pake cuka. Yah uda deh, pagi2 siap2 belanja.
PUlangnya ternyata uda agak siang, uda mau jemput Mei skolah. Langsung siapin bahan2 n bikin, ternyata praktis n gampang. Hasilnya semua pada doyan..termasuk ank gw yg kecil yang susah makan.
Resepnya terpaksa harus gw modif lagi
2 bungkus udon basah
100 gr udang
100 gr tauge
3 siung bawang putih iris
1/4 bh bawang bombay iris
4 sdm minyak goreng
Saus :
3/4 sdm cuka
3 sdm gula
8 sdm kecap ikan
1/2 sdt garam
Campur semuanya
kacang tabur
kani kamaboko
cara :
1 Panaskan minyak goreng. Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih. Masak hingga harum
2. Masukkan udang, tunggu hingga udang berubah warna
4. Masukkan udon, tambahan sedikit air, aduk rata
5. Masukkan saus, aduk rata
6. Masukkan tauge dan daun bawang
7. Sajikan hangat dan taburkan kacang n kani kamaboko di atasnya
Hasilnya enak, yummy banget, boleh nyoba ni resep kalo bosen bikin yaki udon ato yaki soba. Nyam nyam dah. Thx buat resepnyaa...ayo semangatttt buat PR berikut!!!
Sebenernya mo libur bikin PR kali ini coz bahan susah didapet tapiii kalo ga bikin kok jadi kepikiran ya?? haha, pas kebetulan hari ini liat blog nya Elisa, dia pake kwetiao biasa, jadi kepikiran kenapa gw ga pake udon aja ya?? Bahannya kan dari beras juga, sama aja kayak kwetiao..cuman beda bentuk. Trus nanya ke Belinda, pengganti asam jawa ternyata bisa pake cuka. Yah uda deh, pagi2 siap2 belanja.
PUlangnya ternyata uda agak siang, uda mau jemput Mei skolah. Langsung siapin bahan2 n bikin, ternyata praktis n gampang. Hasilnya semua pada doyan..termasuk ank gw yg kecil yang susah makan.
Resepnya terpaksa harus gw modif lagi
2 bungkus udon basah
100 gr udang
100 gr tauge
3 siung bawang putih iris
1/4 bh bawang bombay iris
4 sdm minyak goreng
Saus :
3/4 sdm cuka
3 sdm gula
8 sdm kecap ikan
1/2 sdt garam
Campur semuanya
kacang tabur
kani kamaboko
cara :
1 Panaskan minyak goreng. Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih. Masak hingga harum
2. Masukkan udang, tunggu hingga udang berubah warna
4. Masukkan udon, tambahan sedikit air, aduk rata
5. Masukkan saus, aduk rata
6. Masukkan tauge dan daun bawang
7. Sajikan hangat dan taburkan kacang n kani kamaboko di atasnya
Hasilnya enak, yummy banget, boleh nyoba ni resep kalo bosen bikin yaki udon ato yaki soba. Nyam nyam dah. Thx buat resepnyaa...ayo semangatttt buat PR berikut!!!
latest update of this week & last week.
7th april 2010, wed- pergi UPSI, tanjung malim. teman mama ambil slip exam. dgn kma + kak sally. sy puasa. ngeh3... then, time otw tu, dpt phone call dr BERNAMA, dpt practical dkt ctu. senanglah hati sy. sbb risaw x dpt tmpt dkt mane2..
and, ble semua settle, mereka mkn laksa. sy puasa. and sy taw laksa tu sedap. hua3...
11th april 2010, sunday - sepang. mama ade kursus, abah ajak ikut sbb dkt area bagan lalan, ke bagan lalang tah, ade pantai. abah taw sy ske pantai. time dkt ctu, sy jakun jap nmpk ikan duk lompat2. rupenye ikan tembakul. mcm cerita batu belah batu bertangkup tuh...
luka kaki sy duk main air dkt batu2 tuh.
celebrate belated bday ayie. mkn steamboat di ampang.
bayar time masuk, ikot kepale. then mkn sampai puas.
tp, kalau kte x abis, kene denda! 100g = rm10.
jd, jgn membazir! semua ade, including dessert.
this is mine.
12th april 2010, monday - bermulalah hari pertama practical. sy practical di BERNAMA. dan 1st day, sy & leon ikut senior keluar, dan tgk beliau cover berita sukan. hari tu, sepak takraw. pheww~ pemain sepak takraw negara tnggi2 ok. blh main basketball dah '-___-
working hours - 9am til 8pm
13th, 14th APril 2010, tuesday & wed- sy pindah ke malay desk. as AP - assistant producer. sy kene edit berita wartawan lain, edit berita dr luar negara, utk tgk dr perspektif org melayu, and translate jgk dr BI ke BM, sy masuk konti utk berita live pukul 12pm, 1pm, 3pm, 8pm, 1130pm. buat mase ni sampai 8pm je. sy belajar mcm mane buat name dkt berita - supering. mcm kalau PM berucap dlm berita, kan ade kuar name die kan? haaa. sy belajar camne nak buat bnde tuh.
ermmm... bnyk gileee bnde sy blaja. buat ending credit - yg ble abis berita or cerita, kuar name pengarah pe sume tuh. then sy kenal dgn make up artist, tgk pembaca berita lalu lalang pun x de rase ape, sbb 1 office. ngeh3... tp, seriously baru 3 hari tp bnyk gle bnde sy blaja. n sy sumpah pelik camne kuar isu dkt paper ckp budak practical just tukang buat kopi? oh dang, dtg cnilah. keje kami non stop! leteyh, nervous, takot, tp enjoy!!! =)) sbb sy minat.
13th april 2010 - 9am, abis around 7++ pm
14th april 2010 - 9am, abis around 7pm.
sbb terlalu rndu dkt barney, sbb dah mcm lame x jmpe, n dah jrng nak contact2 sbb sy x tgk hp sgt ble keje, 13th april hari tu, abise je keje, for the 1st time, sy drive sendiri dr BERNAMA ke cheras perdana area balakong tuh. skali, dah nak sampai!!! kereta sy mati tgh jln. tnggu la barney dtg. skali die start, ok. mengong ja! 1st time la die tgk sy pakai spek *sy rabun x seda diri pakai ble drive mlm je* then da tetdow2 time jmpe die. huaaa. mama & ayah, aqilah x malu an. leteyh ok! bgn, gi makan, balikkk. drive sdiri. barney risau tgk sy da lemau, tp sy ckp x pe sy blh drive, then rupe2 nye die follow sy dr blakang naik moto. x perasn. thank u syg =)))
dan semlm, ketua department sy baru ade. die da susun schedule sy T_______T . this week. ye this week tuan dan puan, sy TIADA cuti. sy kerja isnin - ahad. terima kasih. huaaaaaaaaaaa.
dan, sy dah dpt shift baru.
pagi - 11am til 8pm
ptg - 4pm til 12am
dan utk APRIL 2010 ni... sy hanya ada 4 hari OFFDAY
iaitu pada - 19, 20, 24, 28 APRIL 2010
itu saje timing sy free. sbb tu sy jarang on9, jarang update blog ke ape sume dah. mostly, sy balik rumah, sy mandi, makan, tidur. zzz. leteyh wooo! hari ni sy masuk kul 11am. jd sy memaksa diri update blog. sbb nnt lupe sume bnde.
owh ye owh ye. since practical, sy dah belajar pakai make up. wahaha. tgk me-reti-kan diri. pakai biase2 saje. tahun 2010 ni baru start pakai blusher~ haha. =P
baiklah. sampai jmpe lg. insya allah~
Sweet Nothing...
Today I've spent the day with lots of lovely people around me. First of all, my lovely friend Cristina came to my house, and we walked our way to Eric's place, where Omar, Jordi and Yuki were waiting for us just for having lunch... and we ate this delicious curry!
Seriously, one of the best I've ever had, it was so delicous!
Eric and Omar.
Jordi, Yuki and Cristina.
The dessert were the gorgeous strawberries from the top of the post... yummy! And after all this delicious meal, we went into the city center, searching for some trainers for the guys, but unfortunately we didn't find the rights ones...
The good part is that we stopped into Demasie Cafe, a place you all know I love... and Eric too, because he was the one who discovered me that place!
Berry crumble and coffee.
Eric with his cookie and Omar.
Jordi and I, just adore this picture!
Thanks to all the people who commented in my last entry, the interview to Lulu Letty... if you didn't read it, please, do it! It was really nice!
Weekend is coming... have you got any good plans for it? Because I have some good ones!
By the way, I've got a Weardrobe now! Have you got one yet?
By the way, I've got a Weardrobe now! Have you got one yet?
Chris Cheung update
April 14
I just got an e-mail about my old friend Chris Cheung.
It seems he’s teaming up with Wally Chin, the co-owner of Chin-Chin, to open a restaurant called Walle in Midtown East (in the former Il Nido space at 249 E. 53rd St., between second and third avenues). It’s scheduled to open in mid-May.
It sounds like it will be Chris Cheung food, which is to say American with Chinese influences, although the sample items listed in the e-mail from Chin’s publicist are really pretty American: a Burger served on a Shanghai pancake bun, using Pat Lafreida beef, with a side of shoestring potatoes; Macaroni and Bleu Cheese; Bacon Crusted Black Cod with Stewed Tomato.
I’m waiting for the full menu, but I imagine that Chris, with his history of foie gras dumplings and short rib spring rolls, will Chinese the food up a bit.
It will be a moderately priced restaurant, with appetizers ranging from $8 to $14 and main courses selling for $18 to $26.
Chris most recently was chef at Fushimi, which has locations in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bay Ridge as well as Staten Island and Vue Restaurant and Lounge at Hotel Le Bleu, on the western edge of Park Slope in Brooklyn. But he tells me he’s phasing himself out of those operations to focus on Walle.
So there you have it.
I just got an e-mail about my old friend Chris Cheung.
It seems he’s teaming up with Wally Chin, the co-owner of Chin-Chin, to open a restaurant called Walle in Midtown East (in the former Il Nido space at 249 E. 53rd St., between second and third avenues). It’s scheduled to open in mid-May.
It sounds like it will be Chris Cheung food, which is to say American with Chinese influences, although the sample items listed in the e-mail from Chin’s publicist are really pretty American: a Burger served on a Shanghai pancake bun, using Pat Lafreida beef, with a side of shoestring potatoes; Macaroni and Bleu Cheese; Bacon Crusted Black Cod with Stewed Tomato.
I’m waiting for the full menu, but I imagine that Chris, with his history of foie gras dumplings and short rib spring rolls, will Chinese the food up a bit.
It will be a moderately priced restaurant, with appetizers ranging from $8 to $14 and main courses selling for $18 to $26.
Chris most recently was chef at Fushimi, which has locations in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bay Ridge as well as Staten Island and Vue Restaurant and Lounge at Hotel Le Bleu, on the western edge of Park Slope in Brooklyn. But he tells me he’s phasing himself out of those operations to focus on Walle.
So there you have it.
Day 3: London to Oxford
We had an amazing dinner at Fifteen last night. Fifteen is a restaurant which Jamie Oliver (yes, him again—you might think that I am spending all my time in London chasing after him like a teenage groupie; you wouldn't be far from the truth) started seven years ago in order to train at-risk English youth to be chefs and kitchen workers. All the profits from the restaurant go into the Fifteen Foundation to support the teaching efforts. So it is a very worthy cause. And it was a very worthy dinner. It was a tasting menu. I’m not going to tell you the cost. If it were in dollars, you would think it reasonable.
I’m only going to tell you briefly what I tasted. If I told you everything, I would vastly exceed the time I have at this internet cafĂ© in Oxford. I had burrata, zucchini and ricotto cheese-stuffed ravioli, a pollack (fish) for the main course, and panna cotta with rhubarb for dessert. Just great.
I’m in Oxford now, just down the street from All Souls College. The new and the old side-by-side. We had a lovely lunch at our hotel Malmaison, a refurbished prison in the Old Castle. Small rooms (Katherine reminded me that they were originally cells after all) and ours must have been inhabited at one time by Robert Ogilvie. His name is on the door. Lunch was a smoked haddock chowder and a spring vegetable crumble. Just what we needed on this very chilly spring day.
Can you tell we're having a good time?
I’m only going to tell you briefly what I tasted. If I told you everything, I would vastly exceed the time I have at this internet cafĂ© in Oxford. I had burrata, zucchini and ricotto cheese-stuffed ravioli, a pollack (fish) for the main course, and panna cotta with rhubarb for dessert. Just great.
I’m in Oxford now, just down the street from All Souls College. The new and the old side-by-side. We had a lovely lunch at our hotel Malmaison, a refurbished prison in the Old Castle. Small rooms (Katherine reminded me that they were originally cells after all) and ours must have been inhabited at one time by Robert Ogilvie. His name is on the door. Lunch was a smoked haddock chowder and a spring vegetable crumble. Just what we needed on this very chilly spring day.
Can you tell we're having a good time?
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