Tuesday, December 7, 2010


 Fried rice is suitable to be made in the provision of work or college, considering this year will be to tax food. what's wrong with us trying to save
Good luck .....
Hope you enjoy this stock while you are not in visited by the "IRS" (co-workers or classmates who want to tasted it)

250 gr white rice2 pieces of beef sausage, sliced thin round2 eggs, scrambled for

4 cloves garlic, crushed chopped6 pieces of red onion, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon soy sauce2 pieces of red chili, thinly sliced 

1 stalk spring onion, thinly sliced 
1 / 4 tsp pepper powder 
1 / 4 tablespoon saltcooking oil

8 eggs 

1 / 4 teaspoon salt 
4 tablespoons water 
2 tablespoons flour, melted

How To Cook it:
  1. Heat oil and saute onion and garlic until fragrant, put sausage stir well. Add soy sauce, red pepper, green onion, pepper and salt, mix well, put the rice, stirring until well blended. Lift.
  2. Whisk the eggs, pour the liquid flour and stir well. Make a thin omelet diameter of 20 centimeters, scrambled until the dough runs out. 
  3. Take one sheet of pancakes, fried rice 2 tablespoons content. folding box, turn and slice the top with a cross.
  4. Ready to take a picnic or for lunch.

Serves 14 people


Nasi goreng ini cocok untuk di jadikan bekal kerja ataupun kuliah mengingat tahun ini warteg akan kena PPN hwhwhwh....
Selamat Mencoba.....
Semoga selagi anda nikmati bekal ini anda tidak di datangi oleh Dinas Perpajakan {rekan kerja atau teman kuliah yang minta uehauheuhae}..........

250 gr nasi putih
2 buah sosis sapi, iris bulat tipis
2 btr telur, buat orak-arik

Bahan : 

4 siung bawang putih, memarkan cincang
6 buah bawang merah, iris halus
1 sdm kecap asin
2 buah cabai merah, iris tipis
1 btg daun bawang, iris tipis
1/4 sdt lada halus
1/4 sdm garam
minyak goreng

Pembungkus : 

8 btr telur
1/4 sdt garam
4 sdm air
2 sdm tepung terigu, cairkan

Cara membuat :
  1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan sosis aduk rata. Tambahkan kecap asin, cabai merah, daun bawang, lada dan garam aduk rata, masukkan nasi, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Angkat.
  2. Kocok telur, tuang tepung terigu cair, aduk rata. Buat dadar tipis diameter 20 cm,dadar hingga adonan habis.
  3. Ambil satu lembar dadar, isi 2 sdm nasi goreng. lipat segiempat, balikkan dan kerat bagian atas dengan tanda silang
  4. Siap untuk dibawa piknik atau buat bekal.

Untuk 14 Buah


Today I will share about the cooking or LEARN TO COOKING suitable definition of a young mother's boarding house or any child who wants to create his own cuisine ... Hopefully useful.


2 plates of white rice 

2 tablespoons cooking oil 
2 eggs, beaten off
 5 grains of red onion, 
3 cloves of garlic, 
1 teaspoon shrimp paste cooked, puree2 tsp salt
1 teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons honeY
1 tbsp oyster sauce1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder flavor
3 tablespoons green peasComplement: fried shrimp, lettuce, cucumber and tomato


  1. Heat the cooking oil, put the eggs and make scrambled, remove from heat. 
  2. Heat cooking oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Add salt, pepper, honey and oyster sauce, stir well. Add white rice, bouillon powder, and peas and cook until spices and cooked evenly.
  3.  Enter scrambled into fried rice, stir well and cook briefly, remove from heat. 
  4. Serve warm and complete with fried shrimp, lettuce, cucumber and tomato.
Served For  2 people


Saat ini saya akan share tentang masak-memasak atau LEARN TO COOKING cocok Buat ibu muda atau pun anak kost yang ingin membuat masakan sendiri...Semoga bermanfaat.

2 piring nasi putih
2 sdm minyak goreng
2 butir telur, kocok lepas
5 butir bawang merah, 3 siung bawang putih, dan 1 sdt terasi matang, haluskan
2 sdt garam dan 1 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm madu
1 sdm saus tiram
1 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa ayam
3 sdm kacang polong
Pelengkap: udang goreng, daun selada, ketimun, dan tomat

1. Panaskan minyak goreng, masukkan telur dan buat orak-arik, angkat.
2. Panaskan kembali minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Masukkan garam, merica, madu, dan saus tiram, aduk rata. Tambahkan nasi putih, kaldu bubuk, dan kacang polong, masak hingga bumbu merata dan matang.
3. Masukkan orak-arik ke dalam nasi goreng, aduk rata dan masak sebentar, angkat.
4. Sajikan hangat dan lengkapi dengan udang goreng, daun selada, ketimun, dan tomat.

Untuk: 2 orang

OT Tip - Fine Motor Activities for 2-4

This week we are looking at activities that help to develop fine motor skills in ages 2-4. Please refer to my Age Appropriate Skill List.

For review, let's look at what your two to four year old should be working on. Next to each item, I will have tips and ideas for you to help facilitate those skills. 

2 1/2- 3 YEARS
strings large beads - Make sure you use large size beads that they can fit their hand around. Begin to encourage them to use their pincher grip (thumb, index and middle finger) to pick up items.
snips paper with scissors - Choose a theme, like winter and help them make a picture collage.
rolls clay/playdoh into "snake" - Begin making basic shapes with the playdoh; lines, circle, cross, square shapes.
can draw and copy a horizontal line - For my kids at work, I use the terms "Straight line down." and  "Across" (make sure they start left to right). You always want to give a model and repeat the directions when they copy you.

3-3 1/2 YEARS
able to complete simple puzzles - Start to 4,6 and 8 piece puzzles. Once those are mastered go on to 12, 18, and 24 piece puzzles.
can build a tower of nine small blocks or more - Boys will especially love this! Be sure to let their imaginations be the lead! Houses, towers, anything they can think of! Be sure to encourage using the pincer grasp (thumb, index, and middle finger).
can get himself dressed/undressed independently; only needs help with buttons; still confuses front/back for clothes, and right/left for shoes - This is pretty self explanatory. Practice makes perfect! To work on sequencing the right steps, have them dress dolls, paper dolls, or animals.
can feed himself with little or no spilling, drinks from a cup/glass with one hand - I don't know many kids that don't get dirty at all when eating, haha! But it is definitely a skill to work on! Work on holding the spoon and fork correctly.

3 1/2- 4 YEARS
can pour his own drink from a pitcher if not too heavy - Practice carrying heavier objects, picking up toys, small boxes.
can place small pegs into small holes - Practicing this skill with clips, snaps, and clothes pins will help to develop the pincer grasp needed for this skill.
able to string small beads - This is a great skill to work on practicing left to right, and especially crossing midline (the ability to cross your left arm to the right side of the body and the right to the left side). Be sure that if they start the bead with their left hand or right, that same hand goes across the whole length of the string.
can hold a pencil with a "tripod grasp" (3 fingers), but moves forearm and wrist to write/draw/color - Refer to my post of finger grasp for proper grasp pictures.

Here are some great web-site with project ideas and worksheets, more for ages 3 and 4 to prepare to preschool.

I hope these tips help! Remember, you are the best teacher your child will ever have!

Disclaimer: I am a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. The advise in these tips is not a replacement for medical advise from a physician or your pediatrician. Please consult their advice if you suspect any medical or developmental issues with your child.  


Sausages and Mash in a Giant Yorkshire Pudding

Bangers and mash is a traditional British classic dish, as is Yorkshire pudding. This is almost a combination of the two, though these small, skinless pork sausages can not really be classed as bangers. What I have also done is make this an incredibly simple Yorkshire pudding, which does not require that the batter be left for any length of time to rest.


5 skinless pork sausages
1/2 small onion
2 medium potatoes

1 egg
1 rounded tbsp plain (all purpose) flour
1 tbsp milk
2 tbsp sunflower oil

Basil for garnish if desired


There is no disputing the fact that Yorkshire pudding batter should be rested whenever possible. I have found, however, that this simple recipe can be used very effectively a mere fifteen to twenty minutes after it is prepared.

The egg and flour should be beaten together in a bowl before the milk is added and the mixture beaten to a smooth and fairly thin batter. The bowl should then be placed in the refrigerator. The sunflower oil should be added to a deep casserole dish around 8" in diameter and the dish added to the oven. The oven should be put on to preheat to 425F/220C/Gas mark 7.

When the oven and casserole dish are heated - after around fifteen to twenty minutes - the dish should carefully be removed from the oven, the batter poured in and the dish returned to the oven for thirty to forty minutes, until the Yorkshire pudding is well risen and golden.

As soon as the Yorkshire pudding batter is in the oven, the potatoes should be peeled, roughly chopped and added to a pot of cold, slightly salted water. The pot should be put on to a high heat until the water boils, which should then be reduced to achieve a simmer for around twenty-five minutes.

The sausages will take around fifteen minutes to fry, in a little sunflower oil, in a non-stick frying pan. They should therefore be put on to cook some ten minutes after the potatoes begin to simmer. The onions should be fried with the sausages, for a time period according to taste: some people prefer them well caramelised, others prefer them all but raw.

The potatoes should be drained and mashed with a little butter. The Yorkshire pudding should be removed from the oven and sat on the serving plate with a slotted spoon, before being stuffed with the mash. The sausages and onions should be stuffed randomly in to the mash and freshly torn basil leaves used as additional garnish if required.

My beloved HP Sauce? Yes - that can also be added if desired!


Holistic Health & Naturopathy is a traditional medical art that works with the vital force, using nature's laws and forces to achieve the adaptive balance we call Health. The naturopathic view sees the whole person in relationship to external and internal environments. Health and wellness are achieved through the support of the inherent healing ability of all life, combined with common sense and natural law.

Modern health care is in a period of turbulent change and controversy. Many vital interests are at stake, and your optimal health is only one of them. Naturopathic Medicine has been my fascination and passion for over a decade. While I don't have all the answers, after spending some time on this website, you will be asking some interesting new questions.

Cooking Recipes 5 Tips

I have some crazy friends who think time doesn’t matter at all and they drop in any time, the other day two of them came 11 at night when I was having a diet salad with some bread and boiled egg just to skip cooking my dinner but God have some different plan and yes I have to cook for them something that is delicious yet quick because I want my dishes to be served as dinner and not breakfast….hahahah! The good thing is I have very few things in my freezer , just have some leftover rice and 4 to 6 tiger shrimp and little veggies and with this little ingredients I have to please my two dear hungry friends! I must say I am successful in my mission. Mint rice and Creamy Prawn curry served the whole purpose. You can take a look of this delicious platter. I am sure you will like this.

Getting on a Jet Plane...Again.

I travel a lot. Especially this year I have. Tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane from Orlando, to Houston, Texas to meet up with my hubby. His leadership program is coming to an end and there will be a fabulous graduation to celebrate it! Hopefully I'll get to take a peek at that pool the astronauts work in. I've seen it on TV, but I really want to see it in person. 

We will be returning this weekend and getting ready for an even BETTER flight. TO COSTA RICA! We will be celebrating our marriage on our honeymoon, and preparing for what comes next in our lives. A Baby. I've waited a long time to start trying for a family, and the time has finally come. We are ready. Ready to give up all of our selfish indulgences and begin on a new journey of love and life. I understand it might not happen right away, although I really hope it does, but whenever it happens our heart will be heavy with joy. Cross your fingers, say a prayer and send us some magic baby dust!

The Gelinos

Quince Dessert/ Ayva Tatlısı

Quinces are really plentiful in Istanbul right now. It is their time.  I was waiting at the traffic lights the other day and saw an old man with a huge basket of them on his back just walking down the pavement. You see trucks full of them driving by!

does this appeal?
I have to confess I have never made this in my life till a few days ago, despite it being the dessert of choice at this time of year for many Turks. Why is that, you may wonder? Purely because I knew that a lot of sugar was involved and that was enough to delay making this yummy dessert till now. Amazing, really. But I still had three lovely big quinces left after making the jam and we had dinner guests coming so I thought this was my big opportunity.

in the pan ready for slow, gentle cooking
 And guess what, it was very successful, easy to make, and looked most appetising at the end of the long, gentle cooking. Again, just like the jam, no extra colouring was needed. The beautiful  pinky red developed before my eyes as well as the exotic fragrance as the sugar and lemon caramelised around the fruit.  Though I say it myself,  it looked and tasted quite like the real thing! I will definitely be making this again!
1 or 2 halves per person depending on size and appetite!
4 quinces
8 cloves/karanfil
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Juice of ½ lemon
Clotted cream/kaymak
§  Peel the quinces and cut in half. Reserving the seeds, scoop out the cores to create hollows and insert a clove into each one. Place the quinces in a pan able to accommodate them in one layer. Add the water, seeds, sugar and lemon juice.
§  Cook over low heat for about 60 mins or until the fruit is tender, pink, and slightly caramelised. If needed, add a little extra water during cooking time to prevent the fruit sticking to the bottom of the pan.
§  Leave to cool in the pan, remove the cloves and seeds, and serve with the cream or kaymak ( buffalo cream!).

cooled and ready to serve

If you can get hold of quinces, I think this is a great dessert to make for friends or family. There are many recipes out there for it but this is one of Angie Mitchell's. 

Surprised by Bernanke

I don't think I did a good job of describing my surprise at what Fed chairman Ben Bernanke said on 60 Minutes in my previous post, so here goes another try.

I was seriously shocked by his comments. I had always had an image of the Fed chairman being this fiscal Solomon, stroking his beard and tut-tutting at the economic novices in Congress and the Administration, regardless of the era. Back in the day, Paul Volker would utter words of warning about overspending against Republican and Democrat alike. Instead, Ben Bernanke turns out to be a true believer in the power of the state to manage the economy.

Instead of claiming that America's chickens are coming home to roost, as a certain racist, lunatic mentor of Barack Obama might say, he showed that he's one with the crew that thinks that our problems can be solved with government spending and Fed-set interest rates. Ben could have gone before Congress and refused to print the money or offered to print the money with strings attached. Instead, he didn't offer a peep of warning or advice to a gang whose new regulations* have made the business environment uncertain for all.

Ben Bernanke has reduced the Fed to the boiler room crew on a steamship. They feed the government, but have no control over the direction taken. I'm totally blown away by his (utter capitulation to or complete belief in) the government.

Shovel more money into the government! Captain Obama and First Mate Pelosi know what they're doing!

* - Don't think that the thousands of pages of laws that this group has passed is the end of it. Tens of thousands of pages of regulations interpreting these laws will be the real result. Want to hire someone? You have no idea at all what that will cost you.


Brinjals ..... 1/4 kg (small variety)
Onion ...... 1
Green chillies ... 2
Ginger ............. 1 inch piece
Garlic .............. 7-8 cloves
Tomato .......... 1
Curd/yogurt .... 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder... 1/4 tsp
Salt .............. to taste

Dry roast and grind:
Coriander seeds .... 1 tsp
Cumin seeds .......... 1 tsp
Saunf/fennel ......... 1/2 tsp
Dessicated coconut ... 1 tbsp
Sesame seeds ........... 1 tsp
Dry red chillies ......... 2

For tempering:
Mustard seeds .......... 1 tsp
Asafoetida............... a pinch
Curry leaves............ a sprig
Oil ........... 2-3 tbsps.

1. Slit the brinjals with the stems intact and put them in salt water.
2. Dry roast and grind the mentioned masalas.
3. Grind coarsely the onion, tomato, green chillies and ginger-garlic.
4. Heat oil in a pressure cooker and add the tempering ingredients. When they crackle, add the ground onion-tomato paste (3) Saute for a minute and add salt and turmeric powder.
5. Now put the brinjals and saute again for half a minute.
6. Blend the dry ground masala (2) with sour curd. Mix it with the brinjals. Add a cup of water and cook up to 3 whistles. If cooking in a pan then add a little more water and simmer until done.
Garnish with coriander leaves.