October was a visit Malaysia Month for me. Early this year i went to Sarawak, and in October alone i went Kelantan, Perak, and Pulau Pinang.
I write about it later, but as a preview these are some of the pictures taken during the so called vacation.
On the way to penang, in a brand new Nautica, using the highway, with the help of a GPS navigator. As if the signboard were not enough.
Damai Laut Beach, which is not really a beach actually.
Open house
Reaching the end of Syawal, my friend, Zubir and i, decided to have some sort of very small gathering cum open house to celebrate Hari Raya do. We wanted to have a small makan-makan session with very close knitted friends, thus we could not afford to invite so many people since the house is too small and considering the too short of a notice, we were afraid that some friends would be taken aback and thought that we invited them last minute, so we agreed to do it small with around 20 people or so.
Little did we know that our close, very near friends are actually a lot, and due to a slight misscommunication both Zubir and I invited 20 people each. And friends being friends, brought along their friends too.
So the small gathering somehow did not look small afterall. But i was so happy, because somehow the gathering becomes merrier and more interesting and everyone had fun. I was happy because all my closes friends came, and accepted the invitation. Well maybe accept 2-3 who took very lightly my invitation. (*sedih)
Our main concern was about the food. Whether it is enough or not, will everyone gets to eat or not. However it did not become too much of a problem since i have wrongly budgeted the menu and we have too much food to spare. And the best thing is due to the miss budgeting of the menu, it actually served everyone well, and nobody is complaining.
Infact, i got a praise. Erin said, i am such a good host. Just because i kept on pouring soda syrup in his glass.
Then again, when you go to a open house, you don't really want to eat, but prefer to be close to friends and gossip around.
With the help of a professional chef, Ijat, who happens to be actually the guest, who happens to be early, and who happens to be free, and who happens to be more willing to help, zubir and i did not do alot because, it so happen that he was the one doing everything i.e the cooking, the table setting, deejaying and minggling with the guest. Everyone must have Ijat at their party, i tell you. A life saver.
I was late, because i have meetings until 3 pm. I cannot go out shopping, and Zubir can only start going out shopping for stuff after 3 pm, since it is a friday. So you dont want to be caught buying chicken in Tesco while everyone else are busy Friday Praying, isnt it.
So we end up shopping around 4 pm, and guess what? The function was set at 8.30 pm. So we have exectly 4 hours to cook for 50 persons. Actually less than that, because we only finished shopping around 5pm.
But, i am not that worried because, we are all professional. Zubir and Ijat are professional cook, and i am a professional emmmm, food tester.
So i am important too.
And mind you, the menu was very extensive. Well, its hari raya, for once you must have lemang and nasik impit isnt it. And since the budget was very tight, you cannot afford to cater, and also since it is hari raya open house, you cannot possibly cook meehoon goreng and the ever popular speghetti bolognese.
Zubir and i are confident that WE, with a very tight budget and time, with miss calculating the invited guest, will be able to cook something very simple comprising of:
nasik minyak,
kurma daging,
ayam masak merah,
acar timun,
Nasik impit, and
Somehow, on the day itself, and 4 hours before the function, it does not look to simple after all. But we managed, of course with the help of Ijat as our chief cook and Faie as our driver, haha.
So here are some of the pictures of the Raya Open House.
I have premarinated and fried the chicken before hand. And the chicken and beef were bought in the morning, so it somehow help minimising cooking time. A word of advice, do not wait last minute to buy the ingredients of your food if you want to cooked for 50 people.
The lemang in the picture was so lousy and i really hate the taste. I bought it in Shah Alam. Its a orang malas lemang, where they precooked the glutinous rice and shoved it inside the bamboo. Its tasteless and as you can see, i can only use half of it, while the rest clinged to the bamboo and ended up looking like vomit.
Preparing the condiment.
waiting and waiting in desperation, hopping that the meat in the kurma will eventually become tender, so the guest wont eat rubber slipper instead.
That is Ijat in black and Zubir preparing the menu, whilst i busy taking picture and look busy.
Thats Zubir in the checkered Baju Melayu looking tired, and Ijat in Black Deejaying. He is so multi talented. See all the guest are happy, because they are all smilling (Edi, Raz and Wanie)
I really hate taking pictures around skinny people, i look Fat. I am not Fat really, it is just the effect of the camera. That double chin is also the effect of the camera. I need to buy new camera (Za, Ekin, Acap, Wawan, Fie, Hatta and me)
Yeah right!!
Erin, Wan and Rosdin
My beautiful table setting. Isnt it beautiful. Green and Brown. For more rustic look, the satay was served in a basket.
Nasik Minyak and Jelatah/ acar rampai
Kurma Daging and Ayam masak merah
Chicken Pie and Cake gula hangus, which does not look like chicken pie and cake gula hangus in this picture (sponsored by Ijat)
Lemang, Nasik Impit and Satay. (To safe time, beg on your knees the Satay Hawker for extra Kuah and Extra Nasik impit, cut it nicely put it in a bowl and make people to believe you cook it yourself.
Sorry the picture quality are Hauk because my camera would not zoom correctly at the time of event. There are many more, which can be used at all.
So that was our open house, and i would like to thank everyone who came.
Cara membuat: - Ayak terigu, taruh dalam mangkuk bersama garam. Buat lubang ditengah, pecahkan telur di dalamnya, aduk satu arah. - Tambahkan susu sedikit demi sedikit, hingga adonan menjadi licin danhalus. - Tambahkan susu hingga habis, masukkan mentega leleh. - Tutup adonan dengan plastik, diamkan 30 menit. - Olesi wajan dadar diameter 12 cm dengan margarine, panaskan. - Tuangi 1 sendok adonan, ratakan sambil diputar, 2-3 menit, angkat.
Bahan isi : 4 lbr Smoked beef, potong kecil 2 x 2 cm 100 gr keju cheddar parut / mozarella / SCC/Mayonaise 4 btr telur rebus, potong kecil 1 butir telur, kocok lepas 250 gr tepung panir ½ kg minyak goreng
Cara membuat : - Bentangkan crepes, isi dengan potongan smoked beef, potongan telur rebus, sedikit keju parut, lipat spt amplop. Sisihkan - Lakukan hingga crepes habis. - Celupkan crepes isi ke dalam telur kocok, gulingkan dalam tepung panir. - Masukkan kedalam lemari pendingin kira-kira 1 jam. - Goreng hingga kuning. - Sajikan dengan saus pedas, atau cabe rawit atau mayonaisse juga ok
Lumayan enak, cuman kata laki gue isi kurang banyak dan kurang berasa kejunya. Gak apa-apa deh, namanya baru mencoba n belajar Yang penting cia yoo !! Wkwkkwkkk
Setelah libur lebaran n gw da kelar kursus drivingnya...jadi deh lanjut lagi dengan PR berikutnya. Tapi sayang kali ini, pesertanya cuman tinggal yang pioner aj, gw n Liza..gpp ya Za, kita tetep jiayou....biar semangat masak, semangat berkreatif sekaligus memanjakan keluarga...hehehe Kali ini menu jepang, tapi da dimodifikasi rasa Indo...hehe..Cara nya gampang n praktis, rasanya juga enak.... Bahan n caranya bisa dilihat disini. Cuman kaprinya, gw ganti ama brokoli...hehehe... Tapi rasanya tetep sama kok...enak...rasa ayamnya meresap...sap sap... Semua ikutan makan...jadi menu makan malam nih....
Belajar bikin mie rebus sendiri, tapi dagingnya pake daging ayam biar semua bisa pada makan (termasuk suster gue dirumah, kasian dong kalo gak kebagian).
Bahan I (daging cincang) : 250 gr daging cincang (ayam atau babi) 1 sdm kecap manis 1 sdm kecap asin 1 sdm saus tiram 1 sdt minyak wijen 2 sdt ang ciu 1/4 sdt lada (gue pake lada hitam) 5 siung bawang putih, dicincang 5 jamur hioko, direndam, potong kecil2x 1 sdm minyak sayur
Bahan II (bumbu mie) : 1 sdt minyak lemak (dari lemak ayam/babi), gue pake minyak dengan tumisan bawang putih 1 sdt kecap asin 1/4 sdt lada
Pelengkap : sayur caisim, bakso /pangsit Cara membuat minyak lemak: 1. Goreng lemak dalam sedikit minyak sayur sampai keluar semua minyaknya. Cara membuat daging cincang: 1. tumis bawang putih dengan minyak sayur sampai harum. 2. masukkan daging cincang, aduk sampai berubah warna. 3. masukkan semua bumbu lain & jamur.
Cara meracik mie : 1. rebus mie basah, tiriskan. 2. siapkan campuran bumbu II di mangkuk. 3. masukkan mie rebus ke dalam mangkuk, aduk-aduk. 4. taburkan 1 sdm daging cincang, tambahkan sayur, bakso atau pangsit
note : untuk takaran bumbu adalah kira-kira, , jadi bisa disesuaikan dengan selera.
This weekend I learned that my friend Larry has been throwing incredible (or so I hear) tailgates for every Northwestern home football game, feeding up to 20 people. His themed tailgates provide breakfast at 7:30am, lunch at 9am, and dessert shortly before the 11am kickoffs. Next Saturday, Northwestern plays Ohio State. Since Ohio State is located in Columbus, Ohio, Larry has planned a Christopher Columbus themed tailgate. Columbus was an Italian who was funded by Spain, so the tailgate will be incorporating both Italian and Spanish elements. Tortillas (potato omelettes) and breakfast bruschetta for breakfast. Chorizo hamburgers and chicken parm for lunch. Flan or tiramisu for dessert. Even this home cook was impressed by the culinary feat of pre-making or cooking all the food on a grill on-site. Why buy a ballpark frank when you can make a gourmet meal in a parking lot?
asal rase cam org bodow je ni...Ya Allah... dlm kul 2:44am ni la rase mengong n down plak. tuhan... cam nak nangis pon ade tp, ishh...tammo nangis lg. tammo nangis utk perasaan cinta, kasih, syg, rindu dlm hati... tp nape nak rase mcm nie, kalo dlm hati kononnya x de rase cinta?
Ya Allah... betul ke dah tersuke die? dah tersyg die? tak nak. tp nape sedih. bile dpt tau die syg sgt dkt ex die. die selalu kaitkan perasaan qila dkt ex qila. tp qila x suke bile die buat mcm tu. tp hari ni, someone ckp... "die syg gile dkt si A tu..." and someone tu pun x sure, die org couple ke x sampai hari ni. someone ckp, die dah clash dgn A tu. tp someone ckp, die mmg syg sgt A. mcm sedih je rase!!! lg sedih kalau betul die x lupe A lg... bertmbh2 sedeyh kalau die...x pernah pun putus dgn A sampai skrng.
seolah - olah qila, just sandaran. tp qila dah ckp dgn diri sendiri. jgn percaye die. seorg kwn dah ckp, DULU die playboy. tp qila ckp, itu dulu!!! mungkin die dah berubah..?
seorg kwn gak ckp, jgn percaye die. tp, qila try kenal die dulu. mungkin die dah boleh dipercayai..?
qila ym dgn die. qila msg dgn die. qila ckp phone dgn die. qila jumpe die. qila mkn dgn die. qila jln dgn die.
nape, so far qila tgk die ok? qila dah berbelah bahagi. antare pesanan seorg kwn... dan juge die yg sdg qila kenali.
seorg kwn...yg berpesan. ttg kejahatan si die. dan die, yg qila tgk ok. dan ok. ok...tp tah. mungkin terlalu awal qila menilai? entah. atau ni la balasan. qila x ikot pesanan kawan?
tuhan... berilah petunjuk. adakah qila telah mengubah die? ataupun qila jg sekadar mainan die? entah...jari ini x mampu bergerak lg. utk menulis apa yg tersirat di hati... hanya tuhan yg tahu~
I found myself a nice pork loin at Kim's club . So I cooked it up for Sunday dinner. My big miss from Ireland is Sunday Roast. I seasoned with some garlic powder, salt , pepper and thyme. Place it in a Roasting tin with a little water. I preheated the oven to 170-180 and cooked for 1hour 30 mins. After 45 min I added all ready steamed potato wedges seasoned with olive oil and thyme and rosemary. and finished cooking. I made some Gravy and boiled some frozen (a childhood love ) the peas I got at the Underground Grocers
Pepero Day is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day. It is named after the Korean snackPepero and held on November 11, since the date "11/11" resembles five sticks of Pepero. The holiday is observed mostly by young people and couples, who exchange Pepero sticks, other candies, and romantic gifts.
According to one story, Pepero Day was started in 1994 by students at a girls' middle school in Busan, where they exchanged Pepero sticks as gifts to wish one another to grow "as tall and slender as a Pepero"[citation needed] (Pepero means "thin like a stick"). However, it is more likely it was initiated by Lotte, the company which produces Pepero.