Tuesday, August 18, 2009

baik utk abah, kurang baik utk sy

erm. patutlah semalam sy asyik gelak je. risau jg, gelak lebih2, nnt ada bnda x elok nak jd. semlm mmg tdow lmbt. lmbt la jgk sebagai org cuti ni. pdhal, minum nescafe masa tgk berita. lebih kurang jam 8 mlm. tp, impak nescafe tu berkesan lepas jam 12mlm je. gila lmbt la kan? masuk tidur jam 2 pagi. tp, 2 setgh pagi x lelap lg. ada terpk jgk, ade yg sy on9 tulis blog lg bagus. pusing sana sini, tak tidur - tidur. dlm pukul 3 pagi baru tertidur akhirnya. bangun solat subuh jam 6 setgh pagi, dan on9 fb seketika. jam 8 pagi, sy masuk tidur semula.

p/s ; babe. sorry u call tu baru nak tidur. x sedar u call. +___+

tp, tiba - tiba, abah call mama td. dan ada berita cam best. tp x best. haih~~~ terus sy x boleh tdow lg & terus siram pokok bunga. dan, benda ke2 sy buat, on9 tulis blog ni. abah, abah dah bnyk kali dpt offer utk sambung master @ oversea. Aussie, NZ. tu plg kerap sy dgr. tp, selalunya ade je hal yg menghalang & abah pun menolak. jd, kami x kesah pon ttg tu. tp... td. suara mama yg lemah jwb call abah, terus jd ceria. beberapa patah perkataan yg keluar dr mulut mama, telah menyegarkan mata sy lebih dr nescafe tu.

"abah dpt sambung master @ aussie. and this time,
i guess he's gonna take the chance & i'm gonna follow him"

gaaaaa. dam dam. i just keep quiet and my head can't stop thinking of everything. well, abah can ignore the offer if he wants to. idk if this is for real. i hope it's a NO. y?

ok. i'm happy 4 him. of course i am. mama pon excited sbb somehow, this time she's kinda of agree with that. but... then. i was wondering, where am i gonna stay? and and, what bout all the cars? and, the bills, and what if something happened, i mean like, the car broke down? accident? and if i need an extra money in case anything happened?

yes. mama 4 sure akan 'cuti tanpa gaji' that's mean, we're losing half of monthly income. and elaun abah d sane pon, x bnyk mane. bout 2800++ duit aussie. duit mlysia dlm 7000++ / 8000++. taw la sewa rumah weekly plak tu? 300 for a week = 1200 for a month. dlm duit aussie ye kengkwn. so, only 1600++ left. baaaa~ we're not from all the rich ppl. so it's gonna b hard. yup. mama told me, those allowance will be use for themselves there. and gaji abah, utk settle everything here.

everything here means 'cars' 'bills' 'houses' and me. pehhhh~ [sorry 4 a lot of sound effects] house? i might b staying at auntie's house @ kemensah. or maybe, if dpt quarters, sy akan tnggl di quarters with my 2 petite cousin - kema & kak sally. 4 cars? phewww~ TJ, abah beloved old toyota, dah slmt bwh jagaan anak buah die buat sementara wkt. kembara? erm. mama ckp wajib tnggl utk sy guna. merc & x-trail? maybe, they gonna sale 1 of them. or maybe, none. abah ngah might b the 1 who's gonna handle merc. and i'll b handling kembara & x-trail. ={

bills? oh my. the biggest bill would b - broadband, my maxis, water & electric. tu je, kot? idk if i'm the one who's gonna pay it, or abah will still look after it. imagine, we've got 3 cars left yg still, x abis bayar lg. and 2 house, both still in the payment process too, and... how r we gonna live with erm, i should admit, a lil basic monthly income? mama told me, "kte kene start berjimat"

uhuuu... hello ppl. sy anak tunggal~~~ and the only reason i can't follow? cuz sy x abis diploma lg. NOOOOOOOOOO. owh yar, they'll b leaving for a year. from jan 2010 til jan 2011 la kot. which part of aussie? erm. i don't even mesmerized that. waaaaaaa. it's gonna b hard 4 me. abah, i hope, u'll think wisely. erm, congrats btw. i'm proud of u.

maxis dah kena block dr semalam. akhirnya~
sorry 4 all unreplied SMS.

Tax the people, not the products.

I think this idea is more feasible than taxing products. However, I don’t advocate BMI as an indicator of weight status. So, what gives? I’m not sure. Weigh in, folks. Pun intended : )

Undoubtedly, taxing “unhealthy” foods will lead to a further socioeconomic gap between the rich and the poor as such taxes would more proportionately affect the poor than the rich. I’m way too liberal to support such a thing – sorry, Oklahoma and your redness. But how can we quantify an American “fat enough” to be taxed? Hmm.

Many of America’s large companies and corporations reward employees for healthful actions. A friend who recently visited was given a health coach with whom she speaks with over the phone on a regular basis. She’s started keeping food records and reporting them to the coach. After my initial reaction of, “Health Coach? Can I see some credentials?”…I saw our friend recording her intake, despite our not-quite-ideal intake each day. The incentive? Money! Talk about a win-win…or at least that’s how I see it. Same goes for working out. Record your hours in the gym and receive monetary reward for your efforts. Suh-weet. Similarly with husband’s workforce, those employees who fill out the Health Questionnaire are rewarded monetarily. And they’re on the clock while they fill them out – again, win-win! Here’s the real kicker: make and keep regular preventive doctor appointments and earn money for doing so (i.e. dental exams, colonoscopies, and mammograms). Sound insane? There’s companies out there paying their employees for maintaining their health. Hard to believe there can be such extremes in the world.

More and more companies are building gyms with employee-only access, free of cost to employees. Husband’s work is hiring a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) next year, even. Seemingly, if you want the support in weight-loss and health endeavors…they’re at most people’s disposal -- especially those in corporate America. If we could get cafeterias on board with palatable (maybe even delicious…), nutritious food, maybe we’d see some overall health benefits.

Anyways. Rant over. If the US were to tax the fat – what criteria would their “fatness” be based off of?

…Waist-to-hip ratio?
…A modified Metabolic Syndrome (2-3 qualifying criteria versus the current standard)?
…A BMI greater than ______? What do you think?

P.S. I still advocate a sales tax on sugar and high-fructose corn syrup sweetened soda!
P.P.S. Thanks for the blog topic request, Erin...it was a great one!