I'm thinking back on my daughter's 16th birthday in February for some reason.
It was so much fun.
The planning, shopping, buying, arranging and then ooh'ing and aah'ing once all baubles and decorations were in place was a good time. We've lived in much colder climates and her birthdays were never sunny and bright like it was here in the deep south.
It was a beautiful day and wonderful climate.
Madeleine was just asked if she would help out at a friend's 13 year-old daughter's birthday party.
She likes to design jewelry and she was asked to make earrings with the girls. Then, the jewelry could be brought home as party favors.
What a sweet idea
something Madeleine will certainly enjoy.
She is so patient and generous with everyone.
She is so patient and generous with everyone.
So that made me think of her party and
how special the day was for our family.
We had just moved recently to this state and felt so privileged to have met such wonderful friends so soon.
A Sweet Sixteen it was.
A mother couldn't ask for a more beautiful daughter.
She brings me wonder each and every day with her beautiful spirit and her beautiful presence in my life.
I love her so dearly.
I need to tell her this more
She is a "teen" you know...