this is a special post for a senior-friend of mine. =]and also dedicated to everyone who feels "SEPI".and this is, what came from the bottom of my heart.based on my true story, and opinion and experienced.
i need love. u need love. they need love. ppl say, "u can run but u cant hide". if u wanna be the greatest cheater ever, go on. but u just can't lie 2 ur heart. heart. only u n god know the truth. yes. it's only between u n Him. no on else knows the truth even when u said "i swear sweetheart,i'm telling u no lies, in fact, only the truth. trust me baby. u know i love u". GOSH. it might be the sweetest thing to be heard, but it also might be the bittest thing to taste. everyone has a secret to hide. sadness, happiness, history, nightmare & dream. u might tell the world, how happy u r 2day. but deep inside ur heart, u're bleeding. u might be the egoist person ever, to confess that u've her/him in ur heart. but some time, do u ever realize, with that attitude, u might be losing the love of ur life 4ever. they say, "once they walk away, they'll never turn back". do u, really3 happy with ur life when u've lost, the one for you? for god sake, u're pretending! u're just a stupid selfish pretender!
love is everywhere. yeah, its true. they say "hate is easy, love takes courage". u can hate anyone that u dislike. maybe because of their attitude, the bad way they treat u or perhaps u hate him/her just because of his/her physical looks,academic level & status [which is unfair & cruel]. the conclusion is, u can hate anyone u want to. and the worst part is, u might be hating the one u dont even really know & u never try to get to know them better even when u once, had a chance. that's y they also said "dont judge a book by its cover". the cover, perhaps, looks so good. so good as ur tongue taste the sweet n sour of 'asam pedas'. u fall in love with it, without knowing the truth inside of the book, the truth underneath the cover. and suddenly,after a while, u realize. the other side of the book, which is inside the book, at the bottom of it, it just so bad as u slipped into the hot fresh shit left by the old crazy dog walking down the street.
and the book with a dull, empty cover, that u once ignore might been taken by someone else that knows better. someone else who look at the book with a sincere heart. someone else who grabbed that chance to know better. someone else that... is a lot way better than u. and the saddest part is, u dont even have a chance to say SORRY n admit how wonderful, valuable that empty-looking book is. it just so pathetic, till u, urself, now realize u r such a lonely loser. "romeo n juliet" "shah jahan & mumtaz". they're not just the good-4-nothing symbol of love. it shows that, love is important. love is life. without romeo, juliet is dying. same goes to romeo. without juliet, he's nothing. we need love to complete each other. we need love to tell how much we love them everyday. we need love, to tell the world how wonderful the day is. we need love, to show the world, that ur day, is meaningful. everyday, love, in a good way, make the quality of ur life getting better and better... it just sometimes, u're too blind to see it. until. u lose it.
single society. a friend of mine once said, "one is not the loneliest number in this world!". owh yes it's not. when all the lovers in this world went out for a date, we sat at home & ate the pop corn alone. okay larh, no pop corn. we ate keropok lekor alone. when all the lovers celebrate their own anniversary, we looked at them with a mix-up feeling. we want to be like them! we want to have someone to hold and tell him/her how much we love him/her when we woke up in the morning, everyday. but some time, when u're just too blind to see, too numb to feel & too impatient to wait, u would do anything to have someone that's not even mean to be ur's. then, u broke ur heart again n again. it getting worse every time u fall in love. u keep asking urself y. why and why and why??? BUT, have u ever think, that she/he is not the one for you? that god is giving u a signal that u'll find someone better? that He is trying to make u strong and stronger than b4 and finally become that strongest person ever? and perhaps, the one for you have been waiting for you all this while, in front of ur eyes, after all the rejection and loneliness they've been through, while u're still seeking for love...
it is just the matter of time.
and it just, u don't meet the right person yet.
just, cherish every moment u had.
someday. somehow. u will.
dont worry. be happy. live ur life to the fullest.
life is short, to be unhappy.
appreciate those who treat u rite.
4give those who hurt u badly.
someday. somehow.
the truth, will always stand up right next to u.
the truth, will never die.
the truth. will always be the winner.
take care everyone. =]