Saturday, October 9, 2010

terharu dgn kasih Allah

salam. blh tak sy buat bnyk post dlm 1 hari ni? tp takot ta best plak. huhu. org main 'scroll down' je nnt. HAHA. taleh bla. menulis utk kepuasan! bkn utk mengharap populariti ye. lgpun kdg org mudah2 je buat spekulasi bkn2 ttg kte sedangkan ape kte mksdkan adelah lain.

idea tulis ttg ni dtg tibe-tibe. sebak bace status di FB sendiri. -- tmpt kita istimewa di sisi Allah . kenape kte buta? kenape sy buta? sy nmpk. sy rasa. sy celik. sy pekik. tp, sy pura-pura tak mengerti. pura-pura masih sendiri. pura-pura, seolah bila dunia ni terbalik, dan sepi di mlm hari, sy pura-pura yg sy tiada siapa-siapa. pdhal. kalau dongak langit, nmpk bintang. jenguk di tingkap, nampak titisan hujan. dr siapa? dr Allah. *ok sebak gile* sy soft hearted, so what? :P

hari-hari ada saja dosa sy. ya ada. selalu sedar itu. kalian sedar dosa kalian? dr setitik rasa tidak bersyukur. dr sesaat tngglkan solat tnpa sbb. dgn sedetik mulut dibuka, menaburkan fitnah. dr sekilas telinga dipasang mendgr kata-kata dusta. tak terhitung bkn? TAPIII... ada saja rezeki dr Allah. ada saja. sy percaya dgn kata 'INSHA ALLAH -- dgn izin Allah' jd sy mmg sgt2 percaya, bnda buruk atau baik yg terjd, mmg semuanya dtg dr Allah dan dgn izin Allah. apa hikmah di sebalik semua ni? kadang tuhan je tahu. mungkin ada yg, sampai mati pun kita tidak tahu.

pd pendpt sy, kasih Allah itu ada 2 cara Dia tunjukkan pd kita. 1 - rezeki. 2 - diuji. rezeki. sedar tak sesuap nasi di mkn hari ni dr Allah? sedar tak kereta yg bergerak, jd dgn izin Allah. sedar tak udara yg kau hirup, jantung yg berdenyut, dr Allah. betul lah kalau nak dihitung, kau blh jd gila. jgn buat perkara di luar kemampuan akal. itu telah dinasihatkan dlm Islam. bila kau sedar kau makin jauh, lupa Dia, tp mesti ada sedetik kau tersentap, kegembiraan kau hari ni semuanya dr Allah. tentu kau rasa sebak saat itu. memikirkan bertapa Allah membantu kau walaupun Kau menjauhkan diri pdNya. suci sungguh cinta Nya bkn? T___T

2 - ujian. kerap benar mengeluh bila diuji. sy pun kerap. bnda yg kecil -- bila jln sesak, puluhan pemandu lembap, ringan saja mulut keluarkan perkataan yg sendiri tahu, amalan syaitan. *hai mulut, tentu bnyk yg akan kau khabarkan bila kau jd saksi diri aku di akhirat kelak* mengeluh bila apa sy nak tak dpt. mengeluh dan menangis bila ada rezeki ditarik. emosional. rasa dunia tak adil. TAPIII kenapa sy selalu lupa, bnda itu terjadi dgn IZIN ALLAH! ujian itu supaya kita INGAT ALLAH! selalu sgt lupa Allah, ha, itu mungkin tanda Allah yg rindu kita. minta kita rindu juga Dia T____T *wuwuwu. tahan air mate je nih!* lagi Cintanya Allah pd kita, kelak penghujung ujian itu, tentu ada senyuman! TENTU ADA. kerat jari sy kalau tak ada senyuman itu.

kadang rasa mahu tulis surat utk Allah. berckp dgn Allah. ttg bertapa sy tahu sy lupa diri, tp tiada sesaat pun, tiada sehari pun dlm hidup ini yg tak berdoa dan berfikir ttg Allah. Cinta itu ada, tp cinta duniawi jg yg dikejar & diutamakan. pdhal sudah tahu, umur meningkat, dunia makin tua, kiamat hampir tiba. tapi sekurangnya, ALHAMDULILAH, Allah masih berikan rezeki utama yg satu ini -- iman. masih ada iman. yg tahu bezakan benar salah, dosa pahala. tinggl hati, tnggjwb sendiri & kekuatan diri utk memilih yg mana satu. walaupun ke Mekah & Madinah tempoh hari, sy rindukan Malaysia, tapi. yg pasti. Rindu mahu bersujud, melambai ke arah Kaabah itu, Ya Allah... tak tergambar. *OK mater berkaca. dah menitis T____T*


sy dr keluarga yg baik. ibu bapa sy terlalu baik. tp sy tak baik. ya sy tak baik. betul. bnyk lg dosa dan salah sy yg tentulah rahsia sy saja. sy tidak merompak, merogol, meliwat, menyamun, membunuh. Memfitnah pun tak ada lg rasanya, kalau ada yg tidak disengajakan, moga diampunkan. tapi, bnyk lg dosa lain, yg Allah je yg tahu.

kadang malam sebelum tidur. menangis bila fikir hati terluka atau masalah yg ada. tapi tak lupa doa pd tuhan utk diberi kekuatan. apa tandanya itu? tandanya sekuat mana pun engkau, pd Nya jg kau memohon.

Allah. andainya Kau tahu apa di hati insan bernama nur aqilah ini. maafkan ya sy? cuma yg pasti. sy tahu kasihMu mmg tak terbanding. terlalu indah. terlalu suci. terima kasih utk nikmat selama 20 tahun 11 bulan 20 hari ini. lg 10 hari, genap 21 tahun, insya Allah jika diizinkan Mu. aminnn. :')

Treats in the mail

 Aren't these cute?  
These are hand-made Halloween cards that my Mother-in-law, 
Joanne, sends to us each year in October.  
They are always so interesting, usually made with her recycled paper collection, and each has a whimsical nature.  
I carefully put them away each year only to lovingly take them out the next Fall.  
They are like little gifts all over again that add to the delightful parade of friends that greet us, often in a new abode.  

Enjoy their sweetness!

Bulgur Pilaf with Fresh Herbs

I want to tell you all about bulgur or cracked wheat. This is my favourite grain and I wonder if you are aware a) how tasty it is and b) how easy it is to cook.  Many Turkish meals are all-in-ones and I love them for that simplicity. But sometimes we do cook meat and add perhaps a salad, and then need something starchy to add body to that meal. In the UK, it would most often be potatoes and I have no objection to that – I love potatoes in all their forms. Sometimes we make pasta or rice. Here, I am suggesting that you try bulgur. I use it a lot.
Go to the supermarket and you will see on the shelves two types of bulgur: köftelik/for koftes or rissoles, which is small-grained, or pilavlık/pilaf type, which is larger. The type that I go for is the second, the pilavlık. It is so much easier to make than rice as it never loses its shape. It is never in danger of becoming mushy. You can make it in advance and reheat  with just a little extra water without risking anything. Additionally, it is most successful in salads.  I think it is quite easily obtainable in the UK now but I do remember going to M&S with my father well within living memory and asking for bulgur. I remember my dad rolling his eyeballs as I asked, and then his mock relief when they were perplexed and admitted they didn’t have it. When my mother died, the task of organising the food  after the funeral was delegated to me. I woke up at about 5 am thinking about the day ahead and worrying about the amount of food we had.  I suddenly had this certainty that I would find a packet of bulgur in the pantry, an unopened, untried packet that I had brought over on one family holiday and if indeed it were there, I could make kısır, a delicious salad made with masses of parsley and lots of lemon juice, tomato, a bit of mint, spring onions, and cucumber which would extend the buffet table.  Sure enough, I was right and that’s exactly what I did. To my mind, that bulgur saved the day.
Here is the recipe for Taze Otlu Bulgur Pilavı or Bulgur with Fresh Herbs from Alev Kaman's Modern Türk Mutfağı:
Serves 8
2 cups large grain bulgur
1 cup boiled green lentils
½ bunch flat-leaf parsley
½ bunch dill
10 spring onions
4 cups hot water
6 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt

adding the chopped herbs to the bulgur

§  Wash and chop the parsley, dill, and spring onions.  Put to one side.
§  Gently heat the olive oil in a heavy pan and add the washed bulgur.  Stir for a few minutes. Add the boiled green lentils and salt and stir to mix.
§  Add the hot water and cover the pan with a lid. Bring to the boil and then cook over gentle heat till all the water has been absorbed and the grains have softened.
§  Remove from the heat and add the fresh herbs . Using a wooden spoon,mix in well.
§  Let the pilaf rest for 15 mins covered before serving.
1.       If you want to make a salad with bulgur, don’t cook it. Simply wash well, put in a bowl, and cover with boiling water. It will soften up and after being drained well, be ready to use.
2.       An everyday bulgur pilaf can be made by gently sauteing  1 chopped onion in a little olive oil and a knob of butter. Add 1 – 2 cups bulgur  depending on how many people you plan to feed and mix till grains are covered.  Cut 1 big tomato in half and grate both halves into the saucepan. Add 1 chicken stock cube, plus hot water to cover by 2/3. Bring to the boil then cover and lower the heat. Cook till the water has been absorbed. Test a grain or two for doneness. Add more boiling water if necessary.
3.       Yes, I did say grate that tomato! This is an easy way of avoiding peeling it and is a method often found in Turkish cooking, especially with those large Çanakkale tomatoes. Of course you can always chop up 2 smaller toms if you haven’t got a big one.
4.       Very often, after the heat has been turned off, a folded clean tea towel is lain over the pan and the lid put over it. Thus while the pilaf is resting, the steam is absorbed into the towel and the pilaf will be fluffier.