Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ham Cheese Bread

11 desember 2008, kamis,

Bikin apa ya buat oyatsu Mei? Ntar die pulang skul pasti nanya ada oyatsu apa...
Ngubek ngubek buku home bakery, dapet deh ni resep

170 ml air
280 gr tepung protein tinggi
1 1/2 sdm gula
1 sdt garam
15 gr mentega
1 sdm susu
2 sdt fermifan

- keju
- ham
- choco chip

- masukkan semua bahan ke mesin home bakery, waktu 60 menit
- angkat, bagi 10 bagian, bulatkan
- masukkan topping, keju dibungkus ham, bulatkan kembali
- letakkan kain basah di atas bulatan adonan, tunggu 20 menit
- masukkan ke dlm oven 40 drjat selama 30 menit utk pengembangan
- keluarkan,gunting bagian atasnya adonan bulat lalu bubuhin kuning telur
- oven 180 drajat selama 20 menit

Hasilnya enak...mmm, liat face Mei...hmmm, yummy...yummy..............

Archie Chiang

Finally Archie's photos were posted! Archie and his girlfriend are the youngest couple who dined the Artist Chef's table. He's the cousin of my previous customer Frances Soriano and they are from the family who own SAVORY restaurants. I owe Archie and his sister my apologies for my very delayed post. I can only say to this couple, that it's truly sweet to be in love when you're young as 16! Or maybe they turned 17 already. Good luck!

my girls

Chris Cheung has a new job

December 10

I was happy to receive word today that my friend Chris Cheung, most recently executive chef of Monkey Bar until it was sold out from under him, is now executive chef of an Alphabet City restaurant called China 1.
That restaurant features Shanghainese cuisine. Chris's family is from Toisan, in the deep-south province of Guangdong, but his wife is Shanghainese, and he recently was visiting her ancestral homeland, no-doubt learning about the cuisine in the process, because that's what chefs do.
He apparently also plans to maintain his own custom of using Western ingredients in some Chinese dishes. So his liquid foie gras baozi will find their way to China 1.
China 1 Antique Restaurant and Lounge
50 Avenue B, at 4th St.

Wanted: pastry cooks

December 10

I just got an e-mail from Yvan Lemoine, who is developing the pastries for Cyril Renaud's new New York restaurant Bar Breton. He's looking for a "a couple of good pastry people" to help out. Obviously, in this time of high unemployment and distress, I'm happy to spread the word.
If you're interested, contact Yvan at

i am me

i feel like writing.
but then. i don't know where to start.
haih~ i guess it's been a while since i last wrote bout my feeling.
my heart. my situation. my life. my mind. my soul.
i don't want to. i try to avoid it. try to hide it.
from everyone. dont wanna be such a troublemaker.
don't wanna be such a spoil brat.

I'm only 19. yeshhh... i know. I'm still young.
i mean. too young. right? too young to be too serious.
too young to think bout my future.
too young to fall in love. owh gosh...
just can't escape from being in this circle of life!
can't stop of thinking of love. of course.
i'm not a girl. and not yet a woman. but, i'm a FEMALE ppl!
it's all about life, and emotion. love. or maybe.
perhaps. it just my weakness.

sometimes. i do feel like i'm losing myself.
wanna run away, far awayyy from everything.
but still. i just wanna b strong. and face everything.
on my own. and be better and better.
not to be worse and worse. even sometimes.
i just wanna turn to be a bad girl.
yup. good girl gone bad~~~ but then. still. i stop.
and stare. and think again. i'm not that stupid.
dear god. save me. dont wanna be that idiot.

hey ppl. dont missunderstood me. i know i'm lucky enough.
it's not like i'm unhappy. and, i'm not crazy.
i'm just a lil bit unwell. hell yeah... need a...haih~
dont know larh! perhaps. i just need a lil spirit.
i'm so damn happy with my life. it's not that bad.
seriously. my life, it's not that complicated.
to be compared with all those ppl.
who is a lot way unlucky than me. should b glad aite?
yes i am. just. sometimes. i can't handle it.

owh yar. now i realize it's complicated.
there's a lot more unanswered questions in my mind.
just, i can't write it on anymore.
i don't know how to explain it. how to decribe it.
but i'm so proud that. i'm still me.
i'm nowhere near perfect but. still. i am me.
perhaps. i'm better. and stronger.
well ppl. we have to be. rite? =]

okay larh.
chaw cin chaw~


DIB! it's a short form of...
diploma in broadcasting.
yeshhh...that's it.
my life. my passion. my future.
whee. hope so. haih~ =]

anyway. let see.
1st sem.
- bahasa kebangsaan [a1-c6 just buat credit transfer]
- english [a1-b4 blh buat credit transfer]

- islamic studies [LAN]

- introduction to tv production

- public speaking

- ICT = introduction to computer & technology

so. overall, i just took 4 subjects 4 this sem.
but still, result x best sgt.
sbb main2 & blur2 lagi. haha

2nd sem.
- tv studies
- video editing

- videography 1

- interpersonal communication

semuanya lecturer lelaki! haha.
this sem, most of the time we're more to outdoor.
shooting. watching movies. and really enjoy it!

3rd sem.
- scriptwriting 1
- malaysian studies

- media research

- media & society

- law of commnunication

this sem. semuanya indoor! hee.
but then. still enjoy gak.
cuz lecturer sume sekepale.
then. kte org g tgk modern type theater at KL PAC.
KL PAC = kl performing arts center.
then tgk wall-e as an assignment ramai2. haha.

anyway. gonna start my 4th sem very soon.
i should b better! yesh yesh! wheee...
maw study lebih baek & kurangkan malas! huhu.
sy sgt malas sbb. tah. mmg malas study. haha.
bukan ulat buku mcm most of the girls out there.
haih~ kene ubah bad habits ni sikit. huu...
owh. it's a short sem. should be better!
insya allah. amin~~~


A long time ago, in a kitchen far far way...

Different Meat Sabers were created by different Jedis...

Jackie SkyWalker:

...and Scrump Windu:

Will they defeat Darth Eater before he eats Yoda's Pizza?

Help them before it's too late!!!