Monday, April 6, 2009

Competition (do or not to do)??? that is the question.

I Plan to organize a open competition to everyone.
Well, what kind of competition I'm talking about???

over the last few Camps, i notice a large number of people with incredible creativity and talented in drawing Whole Brain Note's. I want to hold a competition for the best WBN, for a Chapter in a book.

what do are your tots of it?
I will prepare a scan copy of a chapter, and by using PACOOK, (Picture, Association, Colour, Overview, Outstanding, and Key words) anyone can DRAW a WBN that contains all the details of that Chapter on paper. (maybe using A4 / drawing paper)

I must also prepare a Prize, and this will a continue process. meaning its going to be 1 every month or so.....

Well, what do you think?


The time and the details are vivid. I am good at remembering every details most especially when it comes to time and events. I value it so much. I hold it as precious memories in my palm. Fragile and unbreakable. That no one can steal it or hold it except my soul. But when time tells you something you have to pay attention. I thank God for the time and the details of my life. I am always amazed of the good and bad things that happened. Even the pains and the hurting. I thank God for that. Even if God will give me those pains again and again, I won't complain. He has his reasons and only him can reveal the answers at the right time. My creator gave me his advance birthday gift and that is for me to appreciate my blessings in life and learn my lesson the hard way. On my birthday I will post a lot of important things and great changes that will occur as I embark myself to another timezone of my life. And when that journey happens allow me to share you what I learned so far.

joanie xxx

Firefly (Kuala Selangor)

After a trip to Klang, (send my ZZR to Abg Sham's house to fix) well thats another story...

We when to the movie, it was "Race to W*&^$# Mountain", and it was a nice movie, but the room was very very cold. Both me and baby was like frozen in our couple seats.

Well after that, we headed of to Kuala Selangor, on the way, i made a wrong turn..... but guess what it was also heading to the same plase so, YEAH!!!.

we travel for about 45 - 50 min, with rain all the way. Untill we stop by this place called Sungai Buloh. but this is my 1st time in this part of sungai buluh, so it was like cacated.

then we saw the sign "Kampung Kuantan Fireflies Park", with not wasting time, i turn in (it was already 8.50pm) and we travel along a small road for about 20min till we actualy got there.

Now, lets the show begin!!!
The price for a boat that fits only 4 people is RM40.... and we were lucky coz, there was a couple that share a boat with us, and we pay RM10 each person.

its prety cool, because the 1st sight of the fireflys look like mini light on the tree, (like the ones on cristmas trees), but dont be fooled, its really fireflys. both of us was like reall enjoying this experiences.

We also got some details about the firefly from the guy rowwing the boat (it was like in Itarly)

- the male give's out more light then the female.
- they eat the leaves of the Berembang Tree.
- the tree only grows near rivers.
- the firefly, normaly live for 1 month.
- if there is no moon, and its total sillents, there will be more fireflys that will display their amaixing abilitys.

how does this happen???
(Enzim Luciferase + Gas Oksigen + ATP + Luciferin ---> light )

its was just a great trip.

and after that, we came out from Rawang, and we stop at a Malay restaurant, we had ;
1) nasi Pataya "if I'm not wrong"
2) Sayur Kangkong
3) Tom Yam (sotong and udang)
4) stim fish (big one of that)

and it was nice and fresh.. and the total was only RM38. this is plus drinks.

well over-all, that was my Babs Birthday trip to see firefly's.
I hope you enjoyed it.

by the way, here is a clip of a movie that uses Firelys... its a sad story lor and i love it.