Friday, November 27, 2009

the simplest eid, kot?

so, ppl, how's ya eidul adha? it must be great aite... suddenly, i've got a new experienced in my life. (cam gempak sgt je bunyik..) for the 1st time in my life, i ate nothing connected with hari raya, yesterday. well, my day begun at 6, with solat subuh. and, i called mama, to wish happy eid. and then i slept at 8am, and, woke up at 940am, only, because, a friend called me. pot pet for a couple of minutes, and then... i went to kma's room to wake her up. and, since, they were only 2 of us, we decided to go to JJ for FOODDD ppl. naaaa... we aren't invited to any open house(s), so, beginilah nasib~~~ haha... eh no, kma's friend, yana, did invite us to her house but, segan la.

so, we both sitting at the sofa, in front of the tv and... wonder. what r we going 2 do. we both then prepared ourself with kebaya + jeans and it was almost 1230 pm by that time. and... it was my first time wearing mascara + blusher on my cheek. like seriously~ and it was only with one purposed - try in error + just for fun. i make it simple and not bad, i did it well and still looks natural. thee. so... kma's friend, yana, fetched us and, 1st place was... mc d! oh yeah. i was hungry and so, i ate prosperity beef around 1pm. puas hati! black pepper!

black pepper! i can't resist u. ilysm!

and so, we went straight to the garden, mid valley. and yes, i walked with heels! =P
no worries, no terkehel, termelecet (well, almost =P), and no ter-pe-le-ot.

as we arrived there, we went straight to isetan and straight to burberry. whoaaa.
i know that the standard tshirt price was about RM 400 - RM 500. but, i never expected that
all the handbags cost about thousand~ hell yeah it was so simple and super duper expensive!
the watch was, about RM1000 and above. whoaaaaaaaaaaaa. as for me, that is over-expensive.

sis yana's watch. and it was RM1000++

and lemme tell ya what, yana bought only 2 things which was burberry handbag and watch,
and the total cost was... RM 3892, with cash. and... the 1st thing on my mind was,
"this is the 1st time i saw 4-digits-no at a small cashier and it was paid with cash"

her handbag was RM2700.

kalau dkt bank or somewhere else bigger tak terkejut sgt lah... ahah. and sis yana, i wanna tell u.
i love ur armani exchange handbag. and it was about RM600++? uhuuu... T___T

went to GSC, but 2012 and new moon was fully booked, so... we went to damansara.
yeah! finally, new moon at 420pm @ cinileisure damansara. and for the 1st time...
i ate ayam penyet, around 345pm. sis yana was hungry, and so, i shared those food with kma.
tp kan... mcm x kene penyet pon ayam tu? ahah... pas2, new moon lah! thee.

my opinion, edward is not a handsome guy, but, the best thing is -
the way he loves bella + his charisma. cheywahhh.
jacob is pretty beautiful. haha.

muka excited weyh, sampai kena sound dgn kma sbb tgk cite tu dgn muka2 n tgn2. haha.
u just don't know how do i look like ble over-excited. *tnye finaz. nora. shahli. afiq. dila. kma*
almost 2 hours later, we outta from that place and, sampai je setiawngsa, terus, keluar semula.

this time, wangsa walk. with auntie + kak long n kiddies too. and so... excited jmpe armani.
budak kecikkk berbaju oren! ahah. time ddk kiss2 armani, farouq hantar msg ckp nmpk sy.
tp tak pula ditegurnya. haha. x nmpk lah! org rabun. buekkk =P lain kali jerit jaa. haha.
pastu dinner lah ke pizza hut nearby. and yet, dpt lah rasa semlm rezeki makanan tu sgt bnyk.
even, no ketupat, no rendang or lemang, no nasi beriyani, nasi minyak or nasi dagang. huhu.
sampai rumah, mandi, tgk tv, and i slept around 1230++ am. so... tamatlah hari raya aidiladha. =]

'Twas the day after a foodie's happiest of days...

Ends up, mom read my blog post containing my pecan pie cup rant. And upon my arrival to Chicago, a pecan pie had made it's way into our Thanksgiving dessert line-up. While that was not by design, my Thanksgiving was complete by a small piece of delicious, savory, rich pecan pie. And just for confirmation, I tried a bite of a pecan pie cup. It was all crust, not the ooey-gooey deliciousness defining pecan pie. So, yep, pecan PIE is a Thanksgiving staple for all years to come.

Also in the T-day line up were: turkey, dressing, cranberries, sweet potatoes, jello salad, green beans, cornbread pudding, cheesy broccoli, and....pecan pie. Some delicious African red wine, as well! Mmm! I stuck to one plate, which I did not finish and one slice of pie for dessert. All-in-all, a successful, delicious, satisfying meal without going over the threshold of gluttony.

Mom and I were supposed to go to the gym this morning, however, I over-slept. With puppy being back in Tulsa, I found myself rising at 10am! Oops! Tomorrow...8am...step class + strength class.

Anyone get in a good workout today? Yesterday?? Black Friday participants out there???

We had an amazing Indian lunch with my friend, AJ and now we're off to see "The Blind Side"...I've been wanting to see it since the previews started running in theatres MONTHS ago!!

I hope you all had a wonderful, safe, and delicious Thanksgiving! Don't forget to enter in to my Newman's Own Organics Giveaway!