But while I want to thank the lovely Sher from Beneath the Crystal Stars for giving me this award ...Thank you very much indeed!
I'm supposed to have ten things about me, try to accompany it with pictures to make it more entertaining ...
1. I've been collecting Vogue magazine for over ten years. I started to read it when I was fifteen and until today, I'm still a faithful reader!
2. Although I am a psychologist, I aspire to work as coolhunter because I love fashion and I find it a very interesting work...
This cat is so cool XD
3.I dream of living in Stockholm, but first I would also like to live in London.
4. I like chocolate but I eat it only in tablet, cakes or hot cup ... I do not like in milkshakes or ice cream!
5. I love reading, when a book grabs me, I cannot stop reading ... sometimes I do not sleep to continue reading!!
6. I can recite all the dialogues from Gone with the wind. I've always dreamed of playing Scarlet O'Hara.
7. I collect comics, I enjoy them very much and at my house I've got a huge shelf with hundreds of different collections: from USA to European comic... and Japanese manga, too. I think that comics are another kind of art!
Batman is one of my fvourite characters!
9. Sometimes I use a sleeping mask to sleep, because I like everything's dark when I'm sleeping...
10. The next 9 of December I will turned into 28 years ... I feel old... but happy!
All the pictures are from weheartit except the one from London and my friends, of course!
And now, I pass this lovely award to Sistinas from Girls that Glitter love the Dark (a lovely and very intelligent friend who I expect to meet in person one day!) and to Little Circe/Esther from Mad World (she writes in spanish but you should try to translate what she writes with google translator; her texts are really cool!)
Thanks for reading and I hope you had fun!!