Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Perkembangan Bayi bulan 21-22

Lanjutan dari perkembangan bayi 20 bulan...

Bagaimana aku tumbuh:
  • Aku sangat suka berlari, melempar dan memanjat.
  • Aku dapat berjalan menaiki tangga dengan 2 kaki disetiap langkah, sambil berpegang pada susunan tangga.
  • Aku mungkin menggunakan salah satu tanganku lebih sering drpd yang lain.
  • Bila kau melipat kertas, aku dapat menirumu.
  • Aku dapat membantu pekerjaan yang sederhana.
  • Aku dapat mengikuti sekitar tiga petunjuk.
  • Keegoisanku mulai sedikit berkurang sekarang.
Bagaimana aku berbicara:
  • Aku dapat mengatakan sekitar 20 kata.
  • Aku dapat meminta sesuatu dengan menyebut nama.
  • Aku dapat menunjuk bagian tubuh pada diriku sendiri atau boneka.
  • Aku suka mendengarkan kau bernyanyi padaku dengan lagu yang berima.
  • Aku senang mendengar cerita.
  • Aku senang melihat buku. namun saat kau tak mengawasiku, aku mungkin merobeknya.
Permainan yang aku sukai:
  • mencocokkan sesuatu bersama.
  • bermain dengan telepon mainan.
  • menarik sesuatu diatas kereta atau gerobak.
  • bermain kartu denganmu atau dengan anak lain.
  • Aku dapat memasukkan gelang2 di pasak.
  • AKu senang berpura2, seperti membungkus bonekaku dan membawanya ke tempat tidur sehingga terlihat seperti kado.
source: Buku Pintar Perawatan Bayi dan Anak, Iskarisma Ratih S.Psi

pidato bahasa ujian praktek

Hello fellas, finally bisa ngupdate juga. Haha.
Semalem gue nyoba mau ngupdate, tiba-tiba tulisannya kaya ga sadar dan serem gitu.
Aiiih, terus gue ketiduran. Gue masih ga percaya kalo gue nulis itu.
Anyway, minggu ini gue lagi ujian praktek.
Nah baru aja gue maju praktek pidato buat b.Indonesia.
Meskipun pas maju enggak begitu lancar, tapi okelah. Cuma masih okean naskah yang gue buat. Haha.
Gue baru selesai bikin naskahnya udah disuruh maju. Dicoba aja belom. Ahha. Nih baca aja.

Ass wr wb

Yang terhormat Ibu Siti Zulaiha, yang terhormat Ibu Leni Marlina, yang terhormat Bapak Darmadi, yang saya sayangi teman-teman semua.

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, karena berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya lah kita dapat berkumpul disini dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan sehat rohani. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera. Pertama-tama saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya guna memenuhi penilaian ujian praktek. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menyampaikan pidato mengenai pemuda pengobar semangat bangsa.

65 tahun yang lalu, Indonesia mendeklamasikan kemerdekaannya. Dengan semengat menggebu, dengan kepercayaan yang tinggi, dengan tekad yang kuat, serta jiwa yang tangguh. Setelah lama memasang badan demi kebebasan dari penjajah. Tidak kah sekiranya kita ingat, bahwa mereka-mereka yang berjuang adalah para muda mudi yang penuh kegigihan. Tidak peduli akan usia yang hanya sedikit, mereka berani, menentang semua ketidak adilan, menentang semua ketidakbijaksanaan, membela hak yang semestinya.

Semangat yang tak pernah padam. Hingga tua, renta, bahkan tiada. Sekian waktu berjalan, harapan bangsa kian berkembang, kian melesat bagai roket. Disitulah lagi terlihat, semangat muda mudi menjadi latar belakangnya. Begitu banyak peranan pemuda dalam mengembangkan bangsa. Pemuda yang akan memimpin bangsa ini.

Merubah sesuatu tak bisa dari yang besar, mulailah dari yang kecil. Semangat nasionalisme yang memudar mulai terbangkitkan lagi. Mulai dari adanya Indonesia Unite, yang mulai memompa kepedulian pemuda Indo akan sebuah pentingnya rasa cinta pd tanah air. Sedikit demi sedikit banyak yang memulai perjuangan pemuda lainnya.

Alanda Kariza, pendiri The Cure For Tomorrow, yang giat memprovokatori kepedulian pemuda terhadap lingkungan. Perjuangannya terus meluas hingga terbentuknya Indonesian Youth Conference yang mewadahi persatuan pemuda seluruh Indo 33 provinsi untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan mengembangkan nama Indo dari berbagai bidang.

Peserta Think-Act-Change the Body Shop selalu mengasah kepedulian terhadap global warming, HIV aids, dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan melalui film-film dokumenter. Meskipun seragam putih abu-abu masih dikenakan, kemampuannya tidak bisa diragukan.

Itu hanya sebahagian kecil tentang perjuangan pemuda memecut semangat bangsa. Mencoba mewujudkan kebangkitan bangsa yang seutuhnya. Semangat itu dibiarkan menyala, berkobar.

Mereka bukan orang-orang besar yang super jenius, mereka juga sama seperti kita. Remaja biasa, pemuda Indo biasa, yang membedakan kita dengan mereka hanya semangat, kemauan, kesadaran, dan aksi.

Maka dari itu, banyak sekali harapan, tunas-tunas baru pemecut semangat bangsa terus bertambah dan tidak membiarkannya padam. Seperti yang tadi saya sampaikan, mulailah perubahan dari yang kecil sehingga perubahan itu menyebar dan menjadi pandemi. Pandemi yang baik.

pemuda akan terus menjadi harapan dan tulang punggung kemakmuran bangsa. Saya tahu, tidak ada satupun dari kita yang bodoh apalagi bersedia dibodohkan. Jangan pernah takut untuk memulai. Apalagi karena merasa diri kita hanya kecil. Semoga kita sebagai pemuda bisa mengharumkan dan membangun bangsa ini makin baik.

Semoga yang saya sampaikan bisa bermanfaat bagi yang mendengarkan. Mohon maaf bila ada ucapan atau sikap yang kurang berkenan. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Ass wr wb

Creating the Kitchen You Want

My kitchen just outside Kyoto, Japan in about 1972.

I spend a lot of time in my kitchen so I have some thoughts, gathered from nearly 44 years of working in 11 apartment or home kitchens, on what makes for a workable, healthful, and lovable space. From graduate student housing (see my very first blog for a photo) to Taiwan and Japan, from four kitchens in Durham, North Carolina to Berkeley and Sonoma in the present, I’ve put my mark on all of them and have extensively down-to-the-studs renovated two.

I renovated this kitchen in Durham, North Carolina in about 1991. 

Just one thought before I begin: If I think that I need the fanciest, snazziest kitchen around in order to cook good food, I am dead wrong. I can cook good food in almost any kitchen, primitive as it might be. Two propane burners (which always run out mid-cooking of course), cold water, and a counter that was 2 x 2 feet square may not be the ideal cooking space but I was able to cook pretty good Chinese and Japanese food in it. I remind myself that those conditions were a lot nicer than what many folks around the world use daily, squatting over an open fire on a dirt floor or a charcoal-burning brazier on the street. Don’t get me wrong, I love to cook in a nice, well-accessorized kitchen, but it is not necessary.

That said, I want you to have a kitchen you love. If you don’t like it or haven’t made it your own, chances are you will cook less and that would be a pity.

So I’m going to tell you first what I’ve done to improve many of my kitchens and second what I think is important if you are renovating.

I bet some of you, perhaps all of you, have suggestions to add. Please let me know and I’ll update this post in a few weeks. Send me photos too if you have them.

Five Kitchen Improvements

This photo is from the Sonoma kitchen prior to the extensive renovation. With paint and some imagination, I made this kitchen into a colorful and friendly spot to cook.

Color adds zip to the kitchen. A bright container for my favorite tools. Repainting cabinet doors or the walls in colors I love. Repainting kitchen stools in a smashing color or getting a couple of new bright kitchen rugs.

Good lighting is essential. I replaced florescent tubes with track lighting which brightened everything, including my mood.

This is a photo of my Berkeley kitchen. I've only made minor changes to it since we moved to California in 1996.

Floor mats save your body. I have an iffy back, hips, knees and feet situation. If I stand on any hard surface too long, they start speaking to me. Michelle, my daughter-in-law, pointed me to GelPro kitchen mats which have solved the problem. I put them in front of my chopping and prep space. You can find them at Sign of the Bear in Sonoma and on line.

A big wooden cutting board. Mine is made by Boos and is 15 x 20 inches. I also find thin plastic cutting sheets useful when I’m cutting up raw meat or for transferring chopped items from the board to a pan on the stove.

De-cluttering the counters. I like to keep my counters as clear as possible. It’s an aesthetic thing but it also means that I have more workspace however large or small it may be.

Nine Kitchen Renovation Suggestions

All these photos are from the most recent Sonoma kitchen renovation a couple of years ago.

An island or peninsula with stools is a great place for friends and family to hang out in the kitchen without getting in my way.

Glass doors on the cabinets which hold plates and dishes are so pretty. I use closed cabinets for food and pots and pans which aren’t so attractive.

Wooden floors are great in the kitchen. In two kitchens I’ve been able to scrape through multiple layers of linoleum to get to the sub-flooring which, in both cases, was a little funky but perfectly usable. With sanding and finishing, the wood adds a nice warmth to the space.

Bookshelves in the kitchen allow me to have my cookbooks readily at hand.

Having my prep/chopping area right next to the stove and large enough to hold my cutting board with some space on either side to spare is essential to me. I don’t like transporting chopped veggies across the kitchen.

Drawers for below the counter storage make it much easier to retrieve what I want.

Well-designed drawer pulls and switch plates are like good accessories to your favorite outfit. They make all the difference.

I chose to purchase more affordable models of appliances this time around. They work very well indeed and kept the renovation expenses a bit more within reason.

A splendid spice rack from the old ironing board cupboard is a great use of space.

Color, good lighting, floor mats, big cutting boards, and clear counter space are just as important in renovating as in improving.

Menu 15: Chili, Salad, and Oatmeal Cookies for a Chilly Spring Day

The Best Chili
As a child I used to get so confused by homonyms, two words with the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. Like pair and pear or chili and chilly. For a long time I connected my mom’s Chili con Carne with chilly weather. And perhaps that’s suitable. In my household, it 's a blustery spring favorite.

2 pounds ground chuck or 1 pound beef and 1 pound pork
Note: You can also use ground dark turkey meat.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or bacon fat if you have some
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup chopped celery
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 tablespoons ground chile molido
½ teaspoon ground chipotle chile, more if you like your chili spicy
2 cinnamon sticks
1 teaspoon smoky sweet or regular paprika
2 teaspoons salt or to taste
¼ teaspoon black pepper
1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1½ cups liquid: stock, apple juice, wine or a mix
Note: Don’t use more than 1 cup apple juice or the chili will be too sweet.
1 16-ounce can kidney or black beans, rinsed and drained, optional
Zest from 1 orange
¼ cup fresh orange juice

Garnishes, any or all:
Sour cream
Diced avocado mixed with a little lemon juice
Chopped scallions
Grated sharp cheddar cheese
Fresh cilantro

1. In a large pot, brown the meat, drain, and tip into a bowl.
2. In the same pot, heat oil and brown the onion, celery, carrots, red bell pepper, and garlic. Add the seasonings (cumin through the black pepper) and cook for a minute or two.
3. Add the tomatoes, the tomato paste, the liquid, and the meat. Cover and cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Add the beans if you desire and cook for an additional 30 minutes. If you don’t add the beans, continue cooking the meat mixture for an additional 30 minutes.
5. Just before serving, remove the cinnamon sticks and add the orange zest and juice. Cook 10 minutes longer. Taste for seasonings. Serve hot in bowls large enough to include the garnishes.
6. Put the garnishes into bowls and serve at the table.

4-6 servings
Adapted from the Junior League of Durham and Orange Counties’ Even More Special and the San Francisco Chronicle Food section’s Chili with Black Beans and Meaty Chili with Cinnamon

Mango and Hearts of Palm Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

You could also serve a Everyday Green Salad (September 8, 2009 blog), Jicama Slaw (June 21, 2009 blog) or Erasto’s Coleslaw (May 23, 2009 blog).

1 large mango, peeled, pitted and cut into bite-sized pieces
¼ cup finely chopped red onion
3 stalks of hearts of palm from a 14.5-ounce can, drained, halved lengthwise and cut into bite-sized pieces
1 head Boston or other lettuce, washed and dried
Salt and black pepper

Lime vinaigrette:
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
½ teaspoon salt or more to taste

1. In a small bowl, mix together all the ingredients for the vinaigrette. Taste carefully for seasonings and adjust to your taste.
2. In a medium bowl, toss the mango, the red onion, and the hearts of palm along with half the vinaigrette. Add salt and pepper as you wish.
3. Arrange the lettuce on four plates. Spoon the mango mixture on top. Drizzle with the remaining vinaigrette and a few grinds of fresh pepper.

4 servings
Adapted from The Kitchens of Martha Stewart Living’s Great Food Fast

Classic Oatmeal Cookies

1¾ cups all-purpose flour
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¾ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ pound (2 sticks) butter, at room temperature
1½ cups packed light or dark brown sugar
3 tablespoons honey
2 large eggs
2½ teaspoons vanilla
1 cup raisins
3½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup chopped walnuts, optional
You can always add some chocolate chips if you want but your cookies won’t be “classic” in the same way.

1. Position rack in the upper third of the oven. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Grease the cookie sheets or use silpats on the sheets.
2. Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium bowl.
3. In a bowl large enough to hold all the ingredients, beat together the butter, brown sugar, honey, eggs and vanilla until well blended. Easiest if you have an electric mixer of some kind.
4. Stir the flour mixture into the butter mixture. Add the raisins, rolled oats and walnuts if desired. Mix well. You may need to use your hands.
5. Drop 1-inch globs of dough from a tablespoon on the cookie sheets. Allow about 2 inches between the globs. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until the cookies are lightly browned all over and almost firm when lightly pressed in the center of the top.
6. Remove the sheet to a rack and let stand until the cookies firm slightly, about 2 minutes. Transfer to racks to cool and store in tins in the freezer (to help me resist temptation).

Makes 60-80 cookies, depending on their size
Adapted from the Irma S. Rombauer et al’s 1997 edition of The All New Joy of Cooking

Interview: Dennis Swiatkowski, Get Your Plane Right on Time... and the city lights.

When I decided to make a series of interviews, I was clear from the beginning that I wanted to interview Dennis. People like him expand the vision of fashion on the street and created an art to have an account, an art that we create every day in front of our closet, and later, people like him that are on the street, thinks that are worthy admire.

Dennis prints magic on his photos, I do not know how, but I do watch them capture the essence of the person shown in it. I suppose there are some people blessed with a gift for capturing people through a camera, and Dennis is for me one of those people; The Man From Amsterdam, the man who shows us the world through his eyes...

I really think we need people like Dennis in the world. People who show us the beauty of it through their eyes, dreamy, magical and mysterious. People who, through their work, remind us that man is a being fabulous, full of creativity, vitality and able to build beautiful things. For me, the work done by Dennis expresses all this and more with his photos, as he shows us glimpses of the world around us, a world full of beautiful life.

But... who's Dennis Swiatkowski?

One of Dennis' gorgeous pictures and London Fashion Week.
(read more)

Q: So, first of all, could you please tell us who you are and a brief description of you?

A: I am Dennis Swiatkowski and I go by the nickname The Man from Amsterdam in the blogosphere.

Q: What do you do? What do you like to dedicate in the future?

A: I am currently writing my dissertation and hopefully I graduate in June. After that I can go wherever I want to go and do whatever I want to do!

Q: Can you talk a little about your interests?

A: My interests are in fashion, photogrpahy, but also global affairs, politics, international relations. I would like to combine these opposites, who knows maybe I will manage to do that one day.

Q: Tell us a book, an album and a movie without which you could not live.

A: It is very hard to tell just one book, movie or album, as it depends on my mood and it changes whenever I discover something new or old. Right now I would say; book - The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton, it is not a novel, though. Album - Midnight Juggernauts - Dystopia. It has this cosmic, dreamy, floating feel about it, which I just love! Movie - my all time favourite is Blade Runner (coming to think of it the novel upon its based is a must-read too: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick) and a close second is Lost in Translation.

Q: Would you share with us a memory that makes you smile?

A: A memory that always makes me smile is my 3 months stay in Cape Town, South Africa. The things that are happening there in graphic design and the creative industries in general is amazing. We will see more and more coming from there in the future!

Q: Any favorite quote?

A: "Whenever I feel sad, I stop being sad and start become awesome instead." (Barney Stinson of How I Met Your Mother)

Stockholm through Denni's eyes.

Q: That was really good! Now, a little bit about photography... At what age did your get interested in the art of photography?

A: I was always interested in photography, but only picked it up myself once I moved to Amsterdam after finishing high school in Maastricht.

Q: When did you started to take it seriously?

A: That would be when I started my University course in Amsterdam. The city is such an inspiring place and there are living so many creative people. You really get motivated and inspired!

Q: Can you resume for us a little bit your professional carreer? Where have you been working?

A: I am still studying, finishing this June - fingers crossed -, so all work I have done in the field of photography was freelance. I mainly do streetstyle, but recently I have picked up on doing choreographed photoshoots too. I have some interesting collaborations coming up on which I cannot elaborate too much at this stage. It involves 3 very nice, but different, magazines!

Q: Wow, I wish you good luck for that... So, another question... have you got any big influence in your work?

A: For the streetstyle, I assume I am influenced by Scott Schumann (The Sartorialist). For pure art photography I am really inspired by Hedi Slimane and pure fashion editorial photography would be Richard Avedon.

Q: Who do you think is the best photographer of all times?

A: That is a question I cannot answer, there are too many photographers out there with all a different quality and eye for beauty.

 London loves you, at London's Fashion Week.

Q: Why did you decided to take outfit and fashion pictures?

A: I believe it is what makes contemporary society so interesting. We are no longer dependent on what the magazines or other traditional media show to us. Instead we take the initiative ourselves and show each other what we find interesting and inspiring.

I think the internet in general and blogging in particular have liberated and democratised the stream of information. I applaud anyone who contributes with his or her own vision to what we perceive in this world.

Q: In yout blog we see many photos of outfits, what do you tend to look out for taking them? Is there something in particular that catches your attention?

A: I noticed over time that what makes a photograph really good is the subject itself. You can take a great shot from a great angle or under great light circumstances, but if you cannot get the subject put his/her own energy into the photo, then the photo will always be bleak. The outfit is just one part of what needs to be OK, the other one is the interaction with the person. So I tend to look for interesting people first!

Q: I guess that's a little bit psychological too! How many places have you visited with your work? Wich one is your favourite one? Where did you made your favourite pictures?

A: I cannot count the places I have been to, because there are so many. I have been to all continents, except Latin America and Antarctica. I will go to Latin America end of August for 2 months. Hopefully to snap a lot of pictures and share them with you on my blog!

Q: And I hope to see them too! So, have you got any future plan for your work?

A: I have got so many plans, as for now it could go either way. I might move to Stockholm to work for a fashion label in their creative department, but that is not confirmed yet. I might also return to Cape Town and start my own business there, involving a lot of photography, but not only. Or I stay in Amsterdam and lay out my path from here. Haha. The future is uncertain, but that is what makes it exciting!

Q: When and why did you decide to start writing a blog?
A: The blog already exists for a couple of years, but I only started it as a fashion blog a year ago. [Before that it was more personal, and not interesting at all]

Q: What do you want to express with your blog? Do you think it adds anything to the people who read it?

A: As I mentioned before I want to express my vision of what I perceive in this world. Right now it is heavily focused on fashion and style, but I occasionally also post cityscape and landscape pictures, of places where I have lived or been to. The subtitle of my blog is A journey into a potpourri of fashion, film, music, observation and city-hopping. This is exactly what I want to do with the blog.

If people open up themselves, then yes, they will get inspired by reading my blog. Opening up is paramount for experiencing life anyway. I see too many people around me stuck in their little world. It is sad, because you only live once and the beauty is out there. I wish we all would start over again, without being conditioned what to think is right, wrong, beautiful or ugly. Tabula Rasa.

 The city lights of London...

Q: And finally, please, tell us a tip for your readers who wants to being an awesome photographer like you :)

A: Buy a decent camera, because that will make the picture 50% of what it is and the other 50% is your vision and creativity. Experiment and try things out. Take criticism not personal, but use it to improve your work. The best photographers all started out being shitty ones.

I think that's a grat tip, Dennis... Thank you!

If you want to know more about Dennis or see more of his work, please, visit Get Your Plane Right On Time.

So, that's it! I'm back into Barcelona and into the blog! Sorry for the lack of post of the last days, I've been with some problems but now everything it's ok! Thank you all for being there and your lovely comments :)!

Strawberry Cream Crepes

Strawberry Cream Crepes

Back in high school, I took a gourmet cooking class -- funnest class ever! I still  make some of the recipes from that class; here's one of them... Perfect for Spring. Perfect for strawberry season. Perfect for breakfast or a fancy dessert! This is an easy recipe that gets me lots of 'yums!' Enjoy.

 Strawberry Cream Crepes

12 crepes

2 pints sliced strawberries

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1   3 oz. package of cream cheese

1 cup whipping cream

sugar to taste

Prepare crepes using your favorite recipe. Toss the strawberries with the 1/4 cup of sugar and set aside. With a hand mixer, beat cream cheese until smooth. Slowly beat in whipping cream until smooth and thick, but not stiff. Add sugar to desired sweetness.

Place a some cream in each crepe and roll up. Chill. Serve strawberries over the crepes.


♦  I double this recipe, especially if company's coming over.

♦ Use a *hand* mixer, not a stand mixer for this recipe.

♦  Sometimes we like strawberries inside the crepes, too.

♦  I've seen this recipe done with chocolate crepes. 
    Oo-la-la! Try it!

picture credit

Chorizo and Shrimp Soup

I am in a smoky mood.  I don't know if that's true or not, but my next two recipes do contain that smoky roasted flavor.  I don't even really like smoky food, but I do very much like Chorizo. For me, this recipe conjures flavors of Spain with its chorizo and seafood.  I had half a link of chorizo in the fridge, which I decided to use up in this recipe.  Sometimes that's the way it goes.  It may be spring and time for peas and asparagus, but your fridge says time to get rid of that item before it's really gone.  I always keep frozen shrimp and recommend you do too.  With all of these ingredients already in your pantry, this fast and easy recipe from Food & Wine makes a great meal any day of the week or time of the year.  Serves 4.
1 lb medium shrimp, shelled with shells reserved
4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
2 tbsp olive oil
4 ounces dry chorizo, peeled and cubed
1 medium yellow onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
1 can 14-ounce can diced tomatoes, drained
1 tsp corn starch mixed with 1 tsp water
In a medium saucepan, simmer the shrimp shells in the chicken broth, covered, for 10 minutes.  Strain the broth and discard the shells.  In a soup pot, heat the oil and cook the chorizo over medium heat until browned, about 5 minutes.  Remove the chorizo to a plate.  To the pot, add the onion, paprika and garlic cooking until softened, about 5 minutes.  Add the tomatoes and cook a few minutes.  Return the chorizo and add the broth.  Simmer for 20 minutes.  Stir in the corn starch mixture and simmer to thicken.  Add more starch/water in the same proportion if desired to thicken further.  Add the shrimp and cook a few minutes more until the shrimp just turn pink.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  Serve.

Wonderful Easter Weekend

This past weekend David and I went down to Tennessee to visit our dear friends Sarah, Mike and their two children Hannah and Nathan. Other than horrible Easter Weekend traffic on the way down and back home, we had a wonderful time!

On Friday after we got there I showed the kids how to hit a baseball. It was really cute and fun and they actually did a really good job!

Here is Hannah.

And Mr. Nathan!

On Sabbath we went to church and then enjoyed a yummy lunch and hike. The weather was perfect, just a little windy! 

The kids did a great job on the hike, which ended up being a little longer and harder than we expected!! Hannah enjoyed picking flowers the whole way and ended up with quite a large hand full!

On Sunday the kids had their first Easter Egg hunt! They were so excited and could barely wait for David and Mike to hide all of the eggs! And there wasn't even anything in them! lol They just enjoyed looking for them throughout the yard! 

Alas, the weekend ended way too quickly and we had to get back home on Monday. Thank you Sarah and Mike for such a wonderful weekend and for your hospitality!! 

Sakura, musim semi telah tiba

7 April 2010, rabu

Bunga sakura menandakan musim semi telah tiba. Kebiasaan orang disini, menikmati bunga sakura dengan piknik di bawah pohon, bawa bento, gelar tiker, ato bbq an. Suasana nya rame apalagi di t4 wisata yang banyak pohon sakura nya, pikniknya dsini dinamain hanami, artinya liat bunga.

Awal april, kita sekeluarga pergi ke daerah Tobe, kira2 1 jam dari rumah, dsitu banyak pohonnya, bagus, tapiiii lagi mendung n anginnya kenceng banget, jadi dapet fotonya juga ga begitu ok. Rencana mo piknik di bawah pohonnya jadi batal deh, coz takut hujan..padahal uda beli bento segala...batal, akhirnya malah makan di mobil..haha4 April kemarin, ikutan grup orang2 Indonesia. Kali ini ga seperti tahun2 lalu, kita ga kebagian t4 gelar tiker di bawah sakura, terlalu rameee, jadinya gelar tiker pasang tenda, ga tau dah di bawah pohon apaaa...yang penting bisa liat sakuranya. Disini kita bbq an, makan makanan Indo...huhu, jadi keingetan makanan Indo yang enak2. Biar gw disini, tetep aja bilang makanan indonesia paling mantepppp...
7 April, kita main2 ke daerah TOON, kota tetangga matsuyama, kira2 1 jam dari rumah. Disini sempet foto2 di pinggir sungai, di pinggir jalan..haha, cuman numpang foto aja. Senengnya gw da masuk musim semi, ga terlalu dingin n ga terlalu panas....sayang musim semi cuman 2 bulan, masuk bulan 6 pasti uda mulai panasss...

Foto2 lengkap bisa liat dsini.


dapat dari milist, kurasa sangat masuk akal. marii kita rubah pola hidup sehat kitaa :)

(Dari Majalah “PESONA” Maret 2010, Halaman 80 -- 82)

Ia mendidik pasiennya agar mengubah gaya hidup, tak tergantung pada obat
dan tidak dibohongin dokter. Prinsipnya, pasien harus punya otonomi
terhadap tubuh sendiri.

Cobalah berkunjung ke klinik dr. Tan Shot Yen diwilayah Bumi Serpong Damai
pada pukul 11 dihari kerja. Anda akan melihat dr. Tan menghadapi beberapa
pasien. Sekilas, Anda mungkin berpikir dokter sedang marah-marah. Padahal
ia sedang menjelaskan tentang gaya hidup sehat pada pasien barunya.
Pasalnya, memang begitu gaya dr. Tan, menjelaskan dengan suara keras. Bila
kita simak ucapannya, semua yang dijelaskannya sangat penting dan
membukakan mata.

“Kesalahan pasien dalam berobat hanyalah mencari tahu ‘bagaimana’.
Bagaimana caranya menurunkan tensi, menurunkan kadar gula, menguruskan
badan, menghilangkan senewen atau sakit di jemari. Jika Anda Cuma tanya
‘bagaimana’, Anda akan jatuh menjadi sekadar konsumen. Pertanyaan
terpenting adalah mengapa Anda sampai sakit?” urainya.

Wanita 45 tahun ini memang tak mau punya pasien yang yang mengharapkan pil
atau tongkat ajaib untuk membereskan tubuhnya. “Saya mau pasien yang
taking ownership of their own body. Itu badan anda. Buat apa dokter yang
sok tahu menyuruh ini-itu? Yang benar buat dokter belum tentu benar buat
Anda.” Wah, dokter yang satu ini tampaknya memang lain dari yang lain.

Mendorong Gaya Hidup Sehat

Perbedaan mencolok dr. Tan dibanding dokter lain pada umumnya adalah ia
tidak mudah memberi obat. Rata-rata pasien yang keluar dari ruang
prakteknya tidak menggenggam resep. Kalaupun ada resep, biasanya hanya
vaitamin dan omega-3, tergantung kondisi pasien.

“Sampai kapan seseorang mau tergantung pada obat-obatan? Apakah setelah
mengonsumsi obat dia benar-benar sembuh? Jawabannya tidak. Karena begitu
obat berhenti, dia sakit lagi. Berapa banyak dokter hanya bertanya ‘sakit
apa’ lalu berkata ‘ini obatnya’? Dia tidak memberikan pendidikan atau
menjelaskanasal usul penyakit. Pasien juga bego, padahal dia harusnya
memahami perannya dalam menciptakan penyakitnya,” jelas dr. Tan.

Sebagai ganti resep, dr. Tan memberikan pencerahan tentang gaya hidup
sehat yang harus dijalani setiap orang. Saya yakin semua dokter tahu bahwa
diabetes, stroke, dan kanker adalah penyakit gaya hidup. Tapi
pertanyaannya, seberapa jauh seorang dokter mau fight untuk memperbaiki
gaya hidup pasiennya? Karena, penanganan pertama pasien seharusnya
perubahan gaya hidup. Bila gagal, baru obat-obatan boleh dicoba.

Dr. Tan mencontohkan, pasien yang sakit lutut akan disuruh minum obat,
dioperasi, atau diganti tempurung lututnya. Padahal, titik beratnya adalah
bobot tubuhnya. Jika si Pasien mengubah pola makan dan gaya hidup, berat
badannya susut dan keluhan lututnya akan hilang. “Ibaratnya, mobil
Mercedes pasti turun mesin kalau diisi bensin bajaj. Coba ganti dengan
bensin super, pasti larinya kencang.”

Perubahan pola makan yang dianjurkan dr. Tan mungkin terdengar ekstrem. Ia
mengimbau pasiennya untuk berhenti mengonsumsi gula, terigu, nasi, dan
pati (singkong, kentang, ubi, jagung, taloas). Pasalnya, di dalam tubuh,
jenis makanan ini akan diproses 100% menjadi gula dalam waktu dua jam.
Benar, manusia butuh gula untuk energi. Tapi kenaikan kadar gula darah
akibat empat jenis makanan ini sangat cepat, mengakibatkan insulin
melonjak untuk menekan kenaikannya. Bersama insulin, keluar pula hormon
eicosanoid buruk. Akibatnya, pembuluh darah menyempit, darah kental, daya
tahan buruk, tubuh ‘memelihara’ bakteri, jamur, kista, tumor, dan kanker,
serta timbul nyeri.

Sebagai ganti nasi, ia meresepkan: satu ikat selada mentah atau dua
cangkir brokoli setengah matang, 2 putih telur rebus, 2 tomat, 2 mentimun,
setengah avokad, apel, atau pear. Dengan makanan ini, tak ada sisa gula
yang tersimpan menjadi lemak. Kadar gula darah sebelum dan sesudah makan
pun rata-rata sama. Dan, hormon eicosanoid buruk takkan keluar sehingga
tak mengundang penyakit. ‘Menu’ ini perlu dilengkapi lauk-pauk yang diolah
dengan berbagai cara, asal tidak ditumis atau digoreng.

“Kita makan sayur bukan hanya demi seratnya. Sayur mentah mengandung enzim
dengan life force energy yang penting buat tubuh. Inilah pola makan asal
yang sesuai fitrah manusia. Siapa bilang tidak makan nasi jadi lemas?
Nenek moyang kita makan sayur dan buah tapi mereka kuat mendaki gunung dan

Sakit adalah Introspeksi
Hal lain yang menarik dari dr. Tan adalah gelar M. Hum. Gelar itu didapat
setelah ia mengambil pascasarjana filsafat di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat
Driyarkara, Jakarta, tahun lalu. Menurutnya, kuliah S2 filsafat membuatnya
memahami manusia secara mendalam dan holistic. Ia juga jadi mengerti ‘dosa
ilmu kedokteran’ tentang mekanisasi tubuh manusia.

“Akibat perkembangan ilmu kedokteran – terutama setelah ditemukannya alat
pacu dan cangkok jantung, tubuh manusia yang tadinya holistic lalu
dipecah-pecah. Kalau kepala sakit yang diobati, ya kepala saja. Kita
terlepas dari tubuh, emosi dan kecerdasan spiritual. Tubuh manusia hanya
jadi seperangkat mesin. Kalau ada yang salah, kita pergi ke bengkel. Dan,
rumah sakitlah bengkel terbesarnya. Betul, badan manusia terlalu kompleks
untuk dipegang satu ahli saja. Manusia boleh dipegang beberapa ahli, asal
mereka sama-sama sadar bahwa manusia diciptakan Tuhan. Masalahnya, dokter
punya arogansi profesi. Seorang dokter biasanya susah dibilangin dan
selalu merasa benar,” tuturnya lugas.

Dr. Tan juga menyanyangkan bila manusia zaman sekarang mati-matian melawan
dan menolak sakit. Padahal, sakiat adalah jalan untuk lebih memahami bahwa
manusia tak selamanya diposisi atas.

“Sakit adalah introspeksi. Ketika sakit, saya berhenti dan menoleh
kebelakang. Apa yang ‘jalan’ dan ‘nggak jalan’ selama ini? Nah, menjadi
sembuh adalah keberhasilan introspeksi dan menemukan cara untuk lebih maju
lagi. Tapi bagaimana pasien bisa introspeksi bila tak dibimbing menemukan
kesembuhannya dan hanya dininabobokan oleh obat? Dunia yang mati rasa dan
tak mau mengalami sakit adalah dunia yang melarikan diri, mengingkari diri
sendiri,” lanjutnya.

Menurut dr. Tan, kita memasuki era kebablasan mengonsumsi obat. Akhirnya,
obat dijadikan demand. Setelah demand melambung tinggi, masyarakat
digenjot untuk mendapatkan penghasilan lebih yang tak perlu demi obat.
Lihatlah berapa banyak orang yang harus berusaha mati-matian demi
keperluan berobat salah satu anggota keluarga.

Selalu Ingin Jadi Dokter

Dr. Tan Shot Yen lahir di Beijing, 17 September 1964 dan dibesarkan di
Jakarta. Ia kuliah di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanegara dan
lulus Profesi Kedokteran Negara FKUI pada tahun 1991. Sebagai siswi yang
selalu mendapat nilai cemerlang dalam ilmu eksakta, menjadi dokter
merupakan impiannya sejak dulu. Baginya, dibidang kedokteran, cara
pikirnya yang eksakta bisa menemukan ‘kemanusiaannya’. Dalam diri pasien,
ia menemukan benang merah antara fisik, emosi dan spiritual.

Ketika baru menjadi dokter, saya juga ngaco. Sekadar memberi obat pada
pasien. Lama-lama saya pikir saya cuma perpanjangan pabrik obat,”
kenangnya. Lalu ia pelan-pelan lebih menggunakan gaya hidup sehat.
Perubahan ini dipicu oleh ayahnya, dr. Tan Tjiauw Liat, tokoh inspiratif
yang membuatnya maju untuk melihat apa sebenarnya kebutuhan manusia.

Melihat begitu berapi-apinya dr. Tan saat memberikan p-encerahan gaya
hidup pada pasien, siapapun mungkin akan bertanya ‘apa tidak capek?’.
“Lebih capek mana dibandingkan dokter yang ditunggangi perusahaan obat dan
makanan? Saya mendapat energi bila melihat pasien sembuh. Mereka memegang
kendali atas hidup mereka, tidak dibohongin dokter, dan tidak tergantung
obat,” jawabnya.

Dr. Tan mengakui, sepak terjangnya kerap dipandang sebelah mata oleh
koleganya. “Ada yang bilang saya idealis, bahkan mission impossible. Tapi
saya yakin, dalam hati kecil mereka mengatakan bahwa perubahan gaya
hiduplah jawabannya. Masalahnya, mereka sendiri tidak menjalani gaya hidup
itu. Ini membuat saya sebal. Kalau mereka merasa tidak bisa menjalani gaya
hidup sehat, jangan mengecilkan pasien dengan menganggap pasien juga
takkan bisa. Pasien yang sudah parah dikasih obat apapun pasti mau.
Apalagi cuma disuruh ganti nasi dengan sayur.”

Keluarga terpengaruh
Pola makan asal yang meniadakan gula, trigu, nasi, pati dan susu yang
dijalani dr. Tan juga dilakukan oleh suami – Henry Remanleh – dan anak
tunggalnya, Cilla. Menurut dr. Tan, mereka tidak menjalaninya karena
terpaksa, tapi karena merasakan manfaatnya. “Putri saya 17 tahun, kadang
terpengaruh pola makan temannya. Dia lalu mengeluh susah konsentrasi atau
pencernaannya terganggu. Setelah itu dia back on track. Dia sudah
meengonsumsi raw food sejak SMP atas pilihan sendiri. Anak itu mencontoh
orang tuanya. Jangan harap anak makan dengan baik kalau Anda sendiri

Suaminya, Henry, adalah kinesiologis yang berkutat dengan masalah gerak
dan pengaruhnya terhadap aspek kehidupan manusia. Henry juga instruktur
brain gym. Ia berpraktek didtempat yang sama. Dr. Tan sangat menghargai
pekerjaan suaminya karena memberdayakan masyarakat. “Brain gym terbukti
bisa meningkatkan konsentrasi. Dengan pola makan sehat sejak kecil dan
gerakan olahraga terstruktur, Anda tak perlu lagi minum obat,” katanyaa

Selain sibuk berpraktik dan menjadi pembicara talkshow, dr. Tan menjadi
contributor untuk taboid dan majalah kesehatan. Selain itu, ia mengisi
waktunya dengan membaca dan membuka jalur continuing medical education
melalui internet. Karena itu, info dan data jurnal ilmiahnya selalu up to
date – disamping buku-buku terbaru pemberian ayahnya.

Ia menjalani pilates, terkadang berenang, dan sesekali bermain piano. Kini
ia sedang mengumpulkan kisah-kisah kamar paraktek untuk dijadikan tulisan
imnspiratif agar para dokter memandang pasien lebih dari sekumpulan

Wah, sepertinya semangat dalam tubuh mungil ini seolah melonjak-lonjak dan
tak pernah padam. Maju terus dr. Tan!