I've had good luck with roommates. All of the friends I've lived with have loved to cook as much as I do and we've shared food and cookbooks, dishes and wine glasses. Even in grad school, when my roommate was a Phd student who worked, taught, and took classes, and I was an MBA student who spent hours in group meetings, at company presentations, or at happy hour, we found time to cook for each other. Kristen and I loved to cook and hated to do the dishes, so it was always a race to see who got dinner started first and so could pass dish duty to the other.
Ask yourself the next time your spouse or roommate makes you dinner, and you take it as a kind gesture, but then get stuck with the dishes, did you just get played?
Kristen used to make an easy green olive enchilada dish, and it's so tasty when you are looking for something vegetarian that is not pasta with red sauce. It's perfect for grad students with no time and little money, who want to cook enough for leftovers and for that ingrate roomie who will get stuck scraping the cheese out of the baking pan.
Green Olive Enchiladas
Makes 12 enchiladas, 4 servings of 3 enchiladas each
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup sliced green pimiento stuffed olives
1 cup shredded pepper jack cheese
1/2 tablespoon flour
12 corn tortillas
1 10 ounce can green chile enchilada sauce
1/2 cup shredded cheddar
Sliced jalapeno (optional)
Mix onion, olives, pepper jack cheese, and flour in a large bowl. Preheat oven to 350F. Spray a large (9X13) baking pan with cooking spray. Heat skillet or griddle pan sprayed with cooking spray on medium heat. Warm each tortilla about twenty seconds on each side, then place filling down center of tortilla. Roll up and place seam side down in baking pan. If tortillas tend to crack or tear, add some oil to the skillet while heating. Continue warming and filling all tortillas. Scatter extra filling on top. Pour enchilada sauce over top and sprinkle with shredded cheddar and sliced jalapenos. Bake for 20 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Email forward fallacies and olive oil for ulcers
I don't send forwards. Never have, never will. I got a forward today about fruit, so I opened it as it was from my aunt who knows I'm a dietitian. I was nearly in tears I was laughing so hard. Check it out:
It's long but very informative
We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.
What is the correct way of eating fruits?
If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.
FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and
digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil....
So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining - every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet etc - actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.
There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter (is this even grammatically correct??). If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.
When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up.
Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.
You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!
Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can u believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks HEART ATTACK PROCEDURE: (THIS IS NOT A JOKE!) Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive...was this forward about cancer and fruit or heart attacks? I’m now confused…..
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
Read this....It could save your life!!
Read this....It could save your life!!
*EYE ROLL* It SCARES me that there's this kinda crud floating around! Much less, people are reading and believing it! Research health claims that you hear and ask your medical provider before falling for any fallacies out there!
On a completely unrelated note....
While I like to think I teach patients things, they also teach me things, too! Like this week, for example, a patient asked, “Is it true that olive oil helps prevent stomach ulcers?” After swallowing my pride just a bit, I responded with an, “I’m not sure, but I’ll get back to you!”
Ends up, olive oil DOES help to prevent stomach ulcers according to WedMD.
A Spanish study from 2007 suggested virgin olive oil may help prevent and treat H. pylori infections, a leading cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Lab testing revealed that the antioxidant compounds found in virgin olive oil are effective against several strains of H. pylori. Other natural products such as red wine, green tea, and cranberry juice are rich in a class of antioxidants known as phenolic compounds, which can inhibit the growth of H. pylori [1].
Phenolic compounds are found to have strong antibacterial properties. Lab results show olive oil’s phenolic compounds are effective against 8 strains of H. pylori, including 3 that are resistant to some antibiotic treatments [1]. Go virgin olive oil!
[1]. Warner, Jennifer. Olive Oil May Prevent Ulcers. WebMD. February 13, 2007.
16th oct 09 - day 4 @ more than 24 hours dah!
wahlaaa weyh. ngantokkknye. ngantok ngantok ngantok. lapar? x pun. tp mkn semcm.
korang jgn risawww sy ok cuma sy ssh nak tdow je these few days. semlm tdow kul 6am.
bgn td 930++ am itu pun sbb terjage salghee call. ok la tuh, tdow lena jgk. kot~
btollah. stakat ni dr zaman cinta monyet sampai sknrg cinta manusia, kalo frust ke ape.
x pernah pon sampai x de selera mkn. mksdnye... x pernah sampai kurus pun? huh.
jeles tgk org lain leh kurus 5-10kg sbb putus cinta. wahaha. cam pelik camtu skali? waaa.
btolla. semlm mmg mkn nasi lemak bape suap kul 9am. then 9pm mkn nasi grng 1pinggan.
hahahaha. nak ckp ape kan. mkn cam biase je. x pernah la kurus sbb frust '-___-
hurm. i've told sherry, die terkejut tang beliau nangis. then, jmpe fatin d kolej jap.
pun keep asking y, i guess she was shocked to hear that. and, i called his friends, i mean,
like 2 of them - both are close dgn beliau. just to say... "plz take a good care of him.
make sure he's happy cuz we're over". kwn2 beliau riso sy x ok. gaaa~ sy ok.
and, i've got quite a number of in4mation ttg beliau. yess, mmg ramai reporter x bergaji
ske melaporkan ttg beliau. ahah. amatlah dihargai tp seriously... tataw nak ckp ape dah.
mmg ramai ckp bnde buruk, and yg cam lawak, kwn beliau pun cam setuju dgn keputusan sy.
camnilahhh... mmg ramai bgtaw bnde yg x elok ttg beliau dr last year lg. but 1 thing.
sy x nak berat seblah. sbb tu sy trussskan dgn die, utk kenal lg dlm. but then. still org ckp.
die camtu camnih. if u were in my shoes la kan, ade ramaiii ckp x elok ttg beliau,
mestilah sometime kte pon riso kan if sume tu btol sbb kte syg die. kan? hurmmm...
1 of his friend said - "hurm. pd pendpt sy, qila buat keputusan yg btol buat mase ni.
sbb die mmg tak matang lg. and his not ready yet 4 any commitment. tahlah die tuh.
tataw ble mase die serious / die main2. die mmg x bape serious dlm bnde yg die perlu serious.
org kate utk berubah, perlu ade 1 peristiwa yg tngglkan kesan kan? maybe. kalau die da
sedar, mane kte taw die akan berubah kan? and ye, mmg die x reti nak appreciate things sgt."
see bby. i'm hoping that someday u'll change. be a grown-up man. =]
then beliau msg ckp sy ngadu dkt kwn die kte org 'over' sbb ade 3rd person. dang?
da de slh fhm. kalaw ikot hati yg tgh parah, maybe la akan sdeyh dgn ape org ckp.
dgn beliau tbe2 slh fhm. tp semlm, hurm... time dah terlalu rase suffering. suddenly, i pray,
and said, "Ya Allah. tlglah kuatkan semangat ni. tlglah. Kau tahu tujuanku" and tah camne.
dgn tibe2 nye kan... ade 1 perkataan yg sy da lupe mksd die, muncul dlm hidup "redha"
makanya. tibe2 sy tenang. and stop nangis. yesss. sy kene redha. that's mean. let it go.
redha bg sy itu, biarlah, lepaskan semua tu. pedulikan ape org ckp, pedulikan die slh fhm.
at last, sy msg leklok je, ckp leklok, sampai die cam marah sbb nak taw sape yg bgtaw sy
ttg bnde2 x elok tuh, sy biar je. and sy ckp sy dah tak kesah pun. sbb sy dah redha...
sy ckp dkt beliau. dr dlu ape org ckp sy cayeee die je. mmg sy cayeee die. tp kdng2.
mesti rase tkot jgk kalo ape org ckp tu btol. tu je. and sy ckp lg... dgn tenang...
"awk.. baru je sy ckp kan sy sentiase cayekan awk. hurm.. makanya. mmg sy caye awk. cuma ape org akte tu, kalo da bnyk kali, mesti sy pun nak taw btol ke x.. nape sy nak taw sgt.. sbb sy ade rase sdeyh kalo2 btol ape org ckp.. nape sy mesti rase sdeyh, sbb libatkan awk.. ade ape dgn awk. hati sy syg awk.. awk. sudahlah. sy da mls sgt dgr ape org kate.. dr dlu org ckp sy buat bodow je. cuma kdng mmg sy pun tkot kalo bnde tu btol.. adat la sbb sy ade rase syg dkt awk. hurm.. x pe awk.. jgn riso. Allah tu adil kan? lmbt laun yg btol tu menang jgk.. yg tpu tu kalah jgk. kalo x dunia, di akhirat nnt.. awk. if x slh, biarlah mrka awk.. yg penting,kalo awk taw awk btol,biar ape org lain ckp.. dah. jgn tension sbb org lain.. ok? awk pun taw sy x ske gadow2..."
"tayah taw la awk.. x penting pun. awk. plz. sy x kesah pun ttg die org tu dah.. biarlah die org. hurm.. relax. x slh pape jgn pk dah.. buat tension awk je"
"hurm.. ble awk rase awk sudi kwn dgn sy mcm biase.. msg sy jgk.. sy sentiase ade. awk.. jgn lupe mkn.. jage diri taw? good nite n sweet dream.. ingt. sy syg awk. mak awk syg awk.. ramai lg org syg awk. hargai slagi mrka msh ade.. jgn pk mrka yg sakiti awk. taw? take care.. be happy. tata"
soooo... lepas tu dgr2 lagu, main game, on9 tataw nak buat ape. tgk utube - spontan. gelak sorang2 x ingt dunia. wahaha. then kul 6am baru tdow. ok je. jd x ok blk bleee koranggg la send SMS sdeyh2. sdeyh je bace. haha. camni je lah sy ckp... awk. sy da tataw. sgt3 tataw ape yg btol ke salah. sbb sy caye sgt3 dkt awk, bkn sbb sy syg, tp sbb sy rase n percaye sy da knal awk. tp kalo best friend awk pun ckp leklok itu yg terbaik utk sy, ape lg sy nak ckp? makanya... sy. let go. redha. berdoa Allah tlg sy, dan teruskn hidup... lalalala. begitulahhh. sy ok je. ngantok sbb x ckup tdow. and leteyh jgk. td bnyk jgk buat keje umah. n jap lg kene packing~ esok blk kuching~! XD
ok what. sy x nangis dah. kirenye x sampai 24 jam pun nangis. kalo dlu wahaha. tayah ckp la gaye camne ble frust nonggeng. cam 24 hours tu nangis manjang... tgh ckp dgn kwn pon leh tibe2 nangis. study2... pastu pek~ air mate atas buku. haha. ok fine. tu jaaa. btw. thanksss utk semuaaaaaaa [ramaiiiiiiii ] yg x penah putus - putus menyokong. stakat ni x de sape lg x sokong. thanks. seriously. trimasss bebnyk. and btw... semlm buat kuiz dkt fb.
Born on the 20th
You are a person who is liked by one and all. Few people will hate you.
You are innocent and very friendly. Try not to be very gullible.
You have a sensitive side which very few people close to you know about.
Members of your own sex are jealous with you because of
how easily you mix with the opposite sex.
wahahahaha. pastuh duk sengih sorang2... wheeeeeee~ =D [sambil angkt2 kening]
trimaaa kasih la yg suka + selesa dgn sty tuh. and trimasss jgk utk yg membenci.
yg suka tuh trimass sbb slalu sokong, syg, caring, and... mmg irreplaceable lah~!
yg benci tuh. trimass sgt... well,u're making me famous + dpt pahala free. ahah...
bab innocent tuh lame dah taw. kalo x, shahli x de ckp "bendul" kejam kamuuu!!!
sape tah lg yg pernah serang blog dlu tak dela ckp sy naive. eh eh eh. nak taw x?
dlm naive2 sy nih, ade something special - unique + unpredictable + matured.
haaaaa... bodow2 bukan sebarang selenge taw x? buekkkkkkkkkkk XP
'sensitive side which very few people close to you know about.' ya Allah. benar!!!
jealous? hahahaha... pon taw lame jgk. lantak p laaa. kdng laki ni best as friend sbb...
1- x de nak emo2 sgt. terslh ckp pon x pe.
2- ade setgh bnde lg selesa kongsi dgn opposite sex.
3- die org xde PHD sgt. a few jeee yg prangai kalah pompuan. =P
tp ape pon. GFsssss tuh sgt penting jgk taw? sape yg peluk kalo tgh sdeyh...
yg tenangkan kte sbb mrka fhmi kte... yg tman kte shopping? taraaaaaa~
ok. mesti post ni da pnjng kan? baiklahhh. stop3. doakan sy kuat. tu je.
trimaaaaa kasihhhh. XD
Kenko Sindang One n Half Years
September kemarin, Aya periksa kesehatan di badan asuransi n kesehatan matsuyama. Letaknya si ga begitu jauh dari rumah by car, cuman ramee bangett deh.
Mulai ngantrinya jam 1 an, priksa tinggi berat badan, trus periksa gigi, trus konsultasi, berakhir mpe jam 3an. So, Mei terpaksa harus nambah jam di skulnya, untungnya bisa dititipin di skulnya, ga keburu jemput. uuuhh, cape banget dah, mana Aya ga bisa diem, maunya lari sono sini, malah narik2 tangan ngajak pulang...uhh.
Ternyata kali ini, abis periksa kesehatan, kita harus pergi ke dokter anak sendiri. Dulu waktu Mei, dokternya uda ada disitu, jadi langsung priksa juga, ga perlu bikin janji dulu ke dokter anak...sekarang jadi makin repot deh.
Tenggang 2 mingguan abis kelar kenko sindang ini, gw da bikin janji ke dokter anak. Disini Aya diperiksa lebih teliti, dikasih pengarahan ini itu. Diliat imunisasinya lengkap ato ga...n semua ini gratisss...
Trus waktu gw pulang indo kemarin, dapat selembaran pemberitahuan, kalo mo check up buat orang dewasa, bisa bikin janji di t4 ini, so gw sekalian juga deh check up, dari priksa darah kencing mpe tulang. Lumayan tapi kali ini ga gratis harus bayar sekitar seribu yen. Gw pikir2 ya di indo, sama aja kan priksa kolesterol darah segala juga perlu beratus ribu rupiah kan? mmm nyoba aja deh.
Mulai ngantrinya jam 1 an, priksa tinggi berat badan, trus periksa gigi, trus konsultasi, berakhir mpe jam 3an. So, Mei terpaksa harus nambah jam di skulnya, untungnya bisa dititipin di skulnya, ga keburu jemput. uuuhh, cape banget dah, mana Aya ga bisa diem, maunya lari sono sini, malah narik2 tangan ngajak pulang...uhh.
Ternyata kali ini, abis periksa kesehatan, kita harus pergi ke dokter anak sendiri. Dulu waktu Mei, dokternya uda ada disitu, jadi langsung priksa juga, ga perlu bikin janji dulu ke dokter anak...sekarang jadi makin repot deh.
Tenggang 2 mingguan abis kelar kenko sindang ini, gw da bikin janji ke dokter anak. Disini Aya diperiksa lebih teliti, dikasih pengarahan ini itu. Diliat imunisasinya lengkap ato ga...n semua ini gratisss...
Trus waktu gw pulang indo kemarin, dapat selembaran pemberitahuan, kalo mo check up buat orang dewasa, bisa bikin janji di t4 ini, so gw sekalian juga deh check up, dari priksa darah kencing mpe tulang. Lumayan tapi kali ini ga gratis harus bayar sekitar seribu yen. Gw pikir2 ya di indo, sama aja kan priksa kolesterol darah segala juga perlu beratus ribu rupiah kan? mmm nyoba aja deh.
15th oct 09 - day 3. it's over
it's over.
syg... i'm so sorry. sorry that i love u so much.
sorry that... it was hard 4 me to stop loving u.
it's over. around 745am - 845am.
the moment i saw him, i keep on crying. cry,and cry, and cry.
i can't say a word. it's hard. truly hard, when, i've to let u go.
and pretending that i've no feelings at all, when i love u so.
u took my hand & looked into my eyes. god. i can't even look at u.
it's over. u looked at me. and wait 4 me to say,what is wrong.
cuz i keep on crying bout 10min non stop, without a word.
u look so uncomfortable, seeing me like that. u keep asking y.
but i just can't say it + i don't know how. and. i know. i have no choice.
cuz sooner or later, i've to leave u. i have to.
it's over. when i finally look into ur eyes and said,
"awk taw sy syg awk sgt3 kan? tp... tp... sy terpaksa tinggalkan awk"
dang~ that's it. and i gave u a few stupid reason. that, we've 2 think bout the future.
i just can't really tell u the main reason(s). i just... can't. it only make me feel worse.
u keep quiet, and hide ur face. i keep on crying... non stop. i can see...
that u're really disappointed. i can see it clearly. but trust me, i have to.
it's over. u try to pretend that everything is ok. u asked me to eat my breakfast.
but ... then, i stopped cry, and, god, awk pasang lagu2 kte 2 nape? huu~
that was the moment i saw u cry. cry and cry. it was... unexpected.
i never saw u cry, cuz of me. and... it make me... WORST. i cry, again.
i hate to see u cry. it make me felt really bad. like really3.
when i told u that, seeing u happy, make me happy, i really mean it.
it's over. we had a very few conversation. what i remembered the most,
"camne awk blh tergamak pk nak tinggalkan sy?" syg. i really, had to.
"blh awk layan sy mcm kekasih buat kali terakhir?" wuwuwuwu T___T
and then, we both stopped crying. just keep quiet and, tried to be cool.
u left around 5pm... and, i keep on crying. again. last thing i said was...
"sy syg awk sgt3... ingt tuh. ingt awk janji kene happy2..."
it's over. iellyas fietrie amerudin. nak taw camne sygnye sy dkt awk?
sy syg 1st love pun mcm gileee dlu. org kate, syg dkt 1st love tuh x terbanding kan?
hurmmm... sy syg awk berjuta kali lebeyh dr 1st love. that's y i said.
only god knows how. yes. it's only god know's how.
awk ttp kambink + ttm sy.
it's over. dear heart... i'm so sorry.
that u're fragile again. u're turning into pieces again. sorry...
that i'm killing u. but, think wisely. future. fmly. friends.
100% single. again.
i love u.
15th oct 2009.
it's finally ended here.
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