Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ingredients (for two people) :-
Moong dhal - 1/2 cup.
Rice - 1/2 cup.
raisins (khish-mish - dry grapes)

Fry the moong dhal (before washing) till it becomes little light brown (it
will start smelling). Then soak rice and dhal separately for 10 minutes.
Thoroghly wash and keep it in cooker with the right water (lesser is o.k)and
cook it seperately (in two different containers). Meanwhile cut coconut in
very small pieces and fry in ghee. Fry cashew and raisins also separately.
Break the jagerry and put in water (very little) and make a syrup. This is
done because sometimes jagerry has mud and stones. After we make the syrup
strain it through tea strainer. Put the rice and dhal in a big vessel and
add milk (may be one cup) and cook it till all the milk gets absorbed. Add
jaggery syrup and again cook till even it gets absorbed. Add three big table
spoons of ghee, powdered cardamon and cook again for a while. Add fried
coconut, cashews and raisins.
Serve hot in two cups with a spoon of ghee.

Sweet Pingal can be made as Free New Year Recipe.

See Photo of Sweet Pongal Recipe

油揚げのタラもサラダ/ aburaage no taramosalada

28 desember 2008, minggu

Kebetulan punya aburaage, kira kira mo dibikin apaan? bingung juga. Buka buka buku resep ketemu deh resep ini. Caranya simple aja..ini gw catetin bahannya supaya pada bisa nyoba
2 lembar aburaage
2 bh kentang
tarako mayoinese /telor ikan mayoinese secukupnya

1. aburaage dipotong jadi 2 bagian.
2. kentang buang kulitnya, rebus, lalu ditumbuk halus
3. campur kentang dengan taroko mayoinese
4. masukkan campuran nya ke dalam aburaage
5. panggang di ferifan hingga kecoklatan