Tuesday, April 6, 2010

nak tu, nak ni! hina ke gemuk?

morning everybody. so, how did u start ur day? well.. mine was, ok. and. ta-daa. cuci mate! mcm blh kasi title double C lg - coach & crocs =P hurm. umur 21 nih baru terase coach pnye handbag cam lawa. tp price die pun mmg super lawa la kan. semua tak mcm nak cecah 1k plak. grrr~ blh beli 2-3 handbag guess. owh terima kasih lah! tp... mmg lately design die funky2 n x mcm org tua sgt. so, ni slh 2 (cheyyy. bkn slh 1 da =P) yg sy ske. hurmmm... tp, tbe2 diri sdiri rase, akan dpt memiliki menatang ni in 2 years. ok. 2012, again. we'll see.

and yesterday, as i went to ili athirah's place (melawati ex-classmate) at wngsa maju, kami duk tgk2 crocs.com & i fell in love with 2 crocs! lily types. i don't have any red shoe yet, and i love the combination of black & plum color. woo. abah da approve beli yg black & plum tu. yeay! XD the last time i shopped was... erm. january. haha. lame la sgt~ ok ok. shopping kasut, last sekali january lah! and for this 8 upcoming months of 2010, no more perfumes & no more ... erm... no more handbag! *kot* thee. ok fine, no more shoes also except these 2 crocs!

and, i didn't buy any jeans yet for this year. and i've lost my polo watch somewhere around about a month ago. abah dtg esok, mesti die tnye mane jam sbb lame da tak pakai. T___T i was aiming for ipod touch, a very long time agooo, & still i didn't manage to get it. owh well, some of my friends told me to buy iphone instead of ipod touch, but, naaaa. i don't think so. i'm not attracted to any of blackberry / iphone. not at all.

my phones. the eldest is 8 years old, the 2nd is 6 years old & the youngest one is 3 years old. haha. ala, adat la hp dah berpuluh kali jatuh, kadang3 mereng jgklah. kejap de line, kejap off sdiri, grrr~ semua nokia ye. and semua standard phone, i mean bkn slide / flip. abah ckp sy terlampau ganas utk pakai 2 jenis tuh. see. nmpk je lembut, tp ganas. n kasar. oh dang~ teruk sngguh rase. sony ericsson, sy ske sound system hp2 kamu! huhu.


and, sy dah turun beberapa kg. dlm dah 2-3weeks diet ni, ye, sy disiplin yg amat. still ade org kate sy gemuk. tu salah 1 sbb sy nangis x ingt dunia mlm semlm. thank u so much utk mama & barney sbb tenangkan sy, even nangis makin lebat ble dgr suara mereka. sy bukan nangis selak sbb sy x kurus or sbb org kate sy gemuk lg. tp sy penatlah. penat sbb 21 thn dah hidup, sy kurus camne n gemuk blk ke turun blk ke, org tak berhenti ckp sy gemuk. penat sgt. penat sgt dah dgr. mmg la buat bodow, ade time explode jgk kan?

sbb tu sy selalu ckp, sy fhm sgt org2 dlm biggest loser, sy fhm perasaan org yg rendah diri, sy fhm org yg selalu kene ejek, sy fhm amat sgt. sbb tu sy kalau blh, kwn je dgn semua org. tak payah nak pilih2 rupa ok. pilih hati saje. wkt kecik, sekolah rendah, sy mmg bulat, so, 6thn d sekolah rendah, dah biase dgr. sekolah menengah. pon same. ade je org ckp, just lain skit dr skola rendah sbb ade org ckp dah kurus jgk. ni dah nak abis diploma pun, dgr bnda yg same. fhm tak muslimin n muslimat, kate2 tu doa? so plz. stop it.

hurm. tak pelah. bak kate mama "bkn die org suap kte nasik pon" and bak kate barney, "u gemuk ke, kurus ke, i syg u" baiklah insan2 tersyg. sy mmg dah biase dgr semua tu, just, kdg sy tewas jgk. just, ingtlah eh, what goes around comes around, jd, jagelah mulut. sbb, Tuhan bayar cash skrng. tgklah esok lusa, awk2 kawin ke, awk2 jd gemuk terus, tak pun bini2 awk yg cun2 dlu, jd gemuk, and awk yg handsome2 dlu, jd gemuk, then anak2 awk semua gemuk, baru awk taw kan perasaan tu.

and and. jgn lah nak ingt semua org yg gemuk tu mkn bnyk. sesungguhnya tak semua mkn bnyk. sy taw sbb sy tgk sdiri ramai org d sekeliling sy yg gemuk ke, mkn mcm mane. mereka lg jage mkn ok. org2 yg mcm tiang lampu tu la sy tgk kdg mkn sampai 3 burger, 2 pinggan nasi terus. jd jgnlah memandai2 ckp dkt die org "sape suruh ko mkn bnyk. kan da gemuk" like hello, kenal dlu die org, n kalau de something wrong dgn diet & daily routine die org, tegur btol2, if hati murni nak bantu die org. taw2?

one more thing.
ppl with big size,
they also have a big heart.

oklah. da pnjng lebar. wahaha. erm. baiklah, itu saje. bnyk lg, tp nnt jg cerpen. haha. oklah, itu saje. wsalam. have a nice day ppl. =D

Two Shikses and a Seder

Shikse.  As defined by Marsha Richman and Katie O'Donnell in their hilarious book "The Shikse's Guide to Jewish Men,"  it means "a non-Jewish female, but why hold it against her?"

I became acquainted with this book just before I married Henry, courtesy of his (our) beloved Uncle Ander.  I think he wanted to warn me.  But oh, the tidbits in this book!  Here's a sampling:

The Jewish man's first glimpse of a shikse's refrigerator might make him think she's on welfare.
Uh-huh.  When I first met Henry the only things in my refrigerator were cottage cheese
and a bottle of cheap rot-gut Gallo wine.
I have mended my ways since then.

To the Jewish man, throwing away bread is a sin.
Yep.  It kills him.  I, however, think nothing about cleaning out the fridge.  Of course, he's lucky if there's bread around here in the first place.

On the same day he buys you an expensive watch, he goes to the 25-cent sale at the drugstore and buys a year's worth of stuff.
Well, actually that would be Sam's club.  Such a guy thing!

A few facts about a Shikse:
She was raised on Wonder Bread.
She never had her nose fixed.
She thinks Louis Vuitton is an exotic wine.
Her chicken soup was Campbell's tomato.
She eats corned beef on white bread.  With mayo.
She's the only one who will listen at the Seder.

Well, items 1, 2, 4 and 6 apply to me.  And if it counts, my mom still eats corned beef with mayo.

After 25 years of marriage to a Jewish man:
His relatives now think you were Jewish all along (yup).
You serve strawberry jam and use only Hellman's mayonnaise (unless I make it).
You run the homeless shelter at the synagogue (yeah, I did that).
You run a dynamite seder (yeah, I do that, too).

Which brings me to Passover.  We've spent the last ten years celebrating it with our dear friends Ross and Sue.  A multitude of others are involved, including my (non-Jewish) mom, Sue's parents and a rotating roster of friends and family.  Every year I say I'm never making gefilte fish again and the next year I do it anyway.  I think Ross has similar thoughts, since she has to host both seders (yeah, we do first night and second night) at her house.  It's exhausting.  It's exhilarating.

It's also ironic because Ross and I do all of the cooking - and we're the shikses.  Well, at least I used to be.

Even Mom likes the gefilte fish!

That said, we put on a damn good seder.  Of course, it's helped by the fact that Sue is a wine distributor and there is a plethora of amazing wine (*KE).  Haha, maybe that's why my gefilte fish tastes so good!
A seder just wouldn't be the same without kids!

Ross is a fabulous cook.  She makes a cauliflower kugel that ROCKS!  Replace the matzoh meal with bread crumbs and I would be happy to eat this any time of the year. 

CAULIFLOWER KUGEL  (from Bon Apetit)

8 cups cauliflower florets (from 2 heads of cauliflower)
6 tablespoons olive oil, divided
4 cups coarsely chopped leeks (about 3 large)
6 tablespoons matzoh meal
3 large eggs
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley, divided
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill, divided
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/3 cup almonds, toasted and chopped

Cook cauliflower in a large pot of boiling, salted water until tender, about 10 minutes.  Drain, transfer to a large bowl amd mash coarsely with a potato masher.

Heat 3 tablespoons of the olive oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium high heat.  Add leeks and saute until tender.  Add leek mixture to cauliflower.  Mix in matzoh meal. 

In a small bowl beat eggs, 1 tablespoon parsley and 1 tablespoon dill.  Season assertively with salt and pepper.  Stir into cauliflower.

Brush an 11 x 7 baking dish with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil.  Spread cauliflower mixture evenly in prepared dish.  Mix almonds, remaing parsley and dill and remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a medium bowl to blend.  Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle over kugel.  (Can be made up to 8 hours in advance; cover and chill).

Preheat oven to 350-degrees.  Bake kugel uncovered until just set in center and beginning to brown on top, about 35 minutes.  Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Serves 8 - 10

*KE - means "kosher enough."  Trust me, none of us are crazy enough to turn down amazing non-kosher wines (like Turley) even if it IS Passover!

Best New Chefs?

April 6

I thought I was going to have a slightly insane morning. The Food + Wine Best New Chefs party is tonight. It's a good party, and until a few years ago it was very newsworthy in the food world because that magazine's career-making selection of 10 great up-and-coming chefs was announced at the party.

Then the magazine started releasing that list on the morning before the party, to fit into the news cycle better.

It was still a fun party, but, naturally, with fewer surprises.

So I was expecting an e-mail to land in my box this morning with an announcement of the new chefs, which I would feel obligated to write about as quickly as possible, both for nrn.com and for this blog. And, frankly, I have other things to do today, including meeting with two great up-and-coming chefs who are in town for some reason.

I set my alarm early in anticipation of getting an e-mail from Food + Wine, but it seems the magazine has gone back to their old, secretive ways.

Are my visitors today, Chad Robertson of Tartine in San Francisco and Rick Gresh of David Burke's Primehouse in Chicago, on the Food + Wine list.

I guess I'll have to wait until tonight to find out.

6:10 p.m update: Nope. Here’s the list, parsed out a couple hours early by Ben Leventhal over at Feast:
Roy Choi Kogi of BBQ truck in Los Angeles;
Matt Lightner of Castagna in Portland, Ore.; 
Clayton Miller of Trummer's on Main in Clifton, Va.; 
Missy Robbins of A Voce in New York City;
Jonathon Sawyer of The Greenhouse Tavern in Cleveland, Ohio; Alex Seidel of Fruition in Denver;
Mike Sheerin of Blackbird in Chicago;
John Shields of Town House in Chilhowie, Va.; Jason Stratton of Spinasse in Seattle, and
James Syhabout of Commis in Oakland, Calif.

4 u i will

"Breakaway" - kelly clarkson

Grew up in a small town. And when the rain would fall down. I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be. And if I'd end up happy. I would pray (I would pray)

Trying hard to reach out. But when I tried to speak out. Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here. But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed I could break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish. Take a chance. Make a change. And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun. But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk. Take a chance. Make a change. And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze. Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean. Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors. Swinging around revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on. Fly away, breakaway


hidup ni mmg mcm ni kan...
kejap kte ketawa happy =)) , kejap lg kte menangis sdeyh plak... ;((


Cooking 7 Fettucini Alfredo

2 April 2010, jumat

Permulaan bulan april, resep cooking game dipilih oleh Belinda, fettucini alfredo, masih satu gank ma spageti, tapi pastanya agak lebar. Toppingnya tambahan pake mushroom n becon. Rasanya yummy, full keju..hehhe

Resepnya disini
220 gr fettucine kering
6 sdm mentega tawar
1 siung bawang merah, cincang
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup keju parut parmesan-romano
1/2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt blackpepper
Parsley segar, untuk hiasan (optional)
Rebus fettucine dengan air yang sudah di beri sedikit garam dan minyak sampai al dente. Saring airnya, sisakan 1/4 cup air rebusan.
Panaskan mentega hingga cair dengan api sedang, masukkan bawang merah, masak hingga harum. Masukkan heavy cream, masak hingga mendidih dan masak hingga saus krim berkurang sedikit (kira2 5 menit). Angkat dari api.
Taruh kembali panci bekas merebus pasta. Panaskan air bekas rebusan dengan api sedang, kemudian masukan pasta, aduk2. Tambahkan campuran mentega-krim dan setengah keju parmesan, dan aduk hingga tercampur rata. Bumbui dengan garam dan blackpepper. Taburi dengan sisa keju, dan hiasi dengan parsley. Sajikan panas.

Mudah praktis n yummy...silakan coba.