Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Food blog awards Ireland Some great reading.
Sorry no posts in a while I am on vacation and I have been slowing down on cooking .
But dont worry I will be back at it very soon.
Here is the short list ,If you remember I made the longlist. These five blogs are a great read for any foodie.
But dont worry I will be back at it very soon.
Here is the short list ,If you remember I made the longlist. These five blogs are a great read for any foodie.
Best Food/Drink Blog - Sponsored by Bord Bia
Me, live
February 18
If you're going to be in New York on Friday, February 27, and you’re not doing anything else between 6:30 and 8:30 PM, you might enjoy this event, involving chefs and writers talking about food and words. I’m on the panel, and I know two of the other panelists, Dan Barber and Heather Carlucci-Rodriguez, are articulate people with interesting things to say for themselves. In fact, I've been on panels with them before, separately, and we’ve always had a good time.
The fourth panelist, Frederick Kaufman, I’ve only met briefly online, but he was congenial enough, and certainly seems like an interesting guy.
I think it should be a fun evening.
If you're going to be in New York on Friday, February 27, and you’re not doing anything else between 6:30 and 8:30 PM, you might enjoy this event, involving chefs and writers talking about food and words. I’m on the panel, and I know two of the other panelists, Dan Barber and Heather Carlucci-Rodriguez, are articulate people with interesting things to say for themselves. In fact, I've been on panels with them before, separately, and we’ve always had a good time.
The fourth panelist, Frederick Kaufman, I’ve only met briefly online, but he was congenial enough, and certainly seems like an interesting guy.
I think it should be a fun evening.
creeping serving sizes
February 18
Restaurants take a lot of heat from public health advocates who accuse them of fattening up the American population. Restaurants tend to respond that they're serving customers the tasty food that they enjoy in the portion sizes that they demand.
And it turns out that it’s not just restaurants that have been serving up bigger portions (until the past two or three years, say, when different-sized options have become more readily available in restaurants).
It turns out that, according to this article from the Associated Press, that cookbooks are doing it, too.
Okay, mostly The Joy of Cooking is doing it. Their portion sizes have gotten larger just like restaurants' have.
I love The Joy of Cooking, by the way. If you need to know how to cook something, that book will tell you. You’ll likely have to tweak the recipes, but the basic technique is there.
Restaurants take a lot of heat from public health advocates who accuse them of fattening up the American population. Restaurants tend to respond that they're serving customers the tasty food that they enjoy in the portion sizes that they demand.
And it turns out that it’s not just restaurants that have been serving up bigger portions (until the past two or three years, say, when different-sized options have become more readily available in restaurants).
It turns out that, according to this article from the Associated Press, that cookbooks are doing it, too.
Okay, mostly The Joy of Cooking is doing it. Their portion sizes have gotten larger just like restaurants' have.
I love The Joy of Cooking, by the way. If you need to know how to cook something, that book will tell you. You’ll likely have to tweak the recipes, but the basic technique is there.
Pelatihan & Kursus Roti Manis di Tristar Cooking School
Salah satu kelas kursus yang paling banyak peminatnya adalah Kursus Roti Manis. Roti manis sendiri memiliki banyak variasi yang dapat dipelajari karena itu tidak heran jika kelas kursus ini memiliki banyak minat terutama untuk ibu-ibu. Bersama Pak Otje, selaku Chef Patiseri di Tristar Culinar Institute, para peserta kursus dituntun untuk mengolah adonan menjadi beraneka macam roti manis. Sehingga kelas ini bersifat aktif, dimana para peserta mempraktekkan sendiri bagaimana cara yang digunakan dari awal sampai akhir.
Pak Otje dengan sabar menerangkan kepada peserta kursus
proses pembuatan kue dan catatan penting lainnya
Para peserta kursus mencoba mempraktekkan
sesuai dengan petunjuk dari Pak Otje
Salah satu peserta kursus sedang asyik menghias
roti yang akan dipanggang
Adonan roti yang siap untuk dipanggang di oven
Hasil roti manis buatan peserta
Ingin Resep Masakan & Resep Kue Gratis?
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When you want to be a professional chef
proses pembuatan kue dan catatan penting lainnya
sesuai dengan petunjuk dari Pak Otje
roti yang akan dipanggang
Jika Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kelas kursus Roti Manis atau ingin mengetahui kelas kursus yang lain, silahkan hubungi (031) 8433224-8433225 atau
Ingin Resep Masakan & Resep Kue Gratis?
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When you want to be a professional chef
Tristar Culinary Institute adalah sekolah kuliner dengan metoda setiap hari praktek.
Program Diploma 1, D2, & D3.
Ada 2 jurusan:
1. Tataboga /Culinary Art
2. Patisery/Baking & Pastry Art
Address: Jln. Raya Jemursari 234 Surabaya.
Telp: 031 – 8433224-25 031-70114130 0817321024. Fax 031-8432050.
Tristar mengadakan aneka kursus singkat, peserta praktek langsung (on hands training) dibimbing oleh dosen yang berpengalaman dibidangnya.
Kursus Masakan Eropa/European Food Course:
Kursus Beef Stroganoff with spaghetti, Potato Soup, Chicken Cordon Blue, Mix Vegetables
Kursus French Onion Soup, Rosemary Roast Chicken, Macaroni w/Corn & Smoke Beef, Mashed Potato.
Kursus Clam Chowder, Chicken Chasseur, Beef Bourguignon, Grill Corn on Cob
Kursus Mushroom Soup, Tuna Fettucine, Beef Goulash, Onion Ring
Kursus Mineston, Chicken Primavera, Calamari, Baked Potato.
Kursus Aneka Permen. Diajarkan aneka resep dengan timbangan tepat: Permen Jelly, Hard Candy, Soft Candy.
Kursus Wedding Cake/Kue pengantin: Hiasan Gum Paste, Plastic Icing, Royal Icing.
Kursus Mie Kocok. Diajarkan mulai dari membuat mie, aneka resep untuk isian & cara membuat kuahnya. Diajarkan cara pembuatan mie nya dengan resep timbangan tepat untuk usaha. Praktek dengan menggunakan mesin penipis & pemotong mie yang praktis.
Kursus Aneka Mie: diajarkan aneka resep: Lo Mie, Mie Ayam Jamur, Mie Pangsit Ujung Pandang, Mie Medan.
Kursus Aneka Mie: Resep Tami Capcay, Ifumie seafood, Kwetiaw Goreng, Mie Goreng Daging & seafood ala Thailand.
Aneka Kursus & Pelatihan yang ada di Tristar Kuliner:
Kursus : Siobak, Sioke, Chasio. Resep telah teruji, dijamin Renyah.
Kursus Aneka Pie: Pie Buah, Lemon Pie, Quiche Lorraine.
Kursus Roti Taiwan: Mocca Bun, Taiwan Polo, Sausage Bun, Roti Abon.
Kursus Indonesian Food/resep masakan indonesia: Tahu Tek, Tahu Campur, Lontong Balap.
Pelatihan Aneka Sup: Tom Yam Sup, Sup krim Jamur, Sup Ayam Jagung, Wonton Sup.
Kursus Aneka Pudding: Montelimar Pudding, Watermelon Pudding, Yoghurt Caramel Pudding.
Kursus Masakan China: Ayam Saus Inggris, Ayam Masak Cabe Kering, Koloke, Ayam Masak Jamur.
Kursus Roti Taiwan: Chocolate Polo, Roll sausage bun, Smoke cheesy Bun, Flossy Mayo.
Kursus aneka kue lapis: kue lapis Surabaya, spiku, lapis mandarin, lapis prune
Kursus Petit Four/Small Pastry: Mocca Cake, Devil Cake, Mud Cake.
Kursus Fancy Cookies: Cinnamon Cookies, Ginger Cookies dengan Icing Animasi
Kursus aneka salad: Huzarenzla, fruit salad, shrimp cocktail, salad bar
Kursus Aneka Pizza: Supreme Pizza, Italian Pizza, Meat Lover Pizza
Kursus Bebek Peking. Diajarkan membuat Bebek Peking yang kulitnya Crispy, Kulit lumpia. Daging bebek diolah lagi. Peserta langsung praktek.
Kursus aneka dimsum: Kaki ayam, Hakau, lumpia kulit tahu, siomay. Resep telah diuji.
Kursus aneka croissant: croisant sandwich, croissant ragout, croissant cheese
Kursus aneka sup: Sup Tim Ayam Obat, Sup shanghai, Sup sehat jamur es.
Kursus aneka pasta: Spaghetti bolognaise, Lasagna, Fettucine Udang
Kursus japanesse food/resep masakan jepang: chicken teriyaki, shushi, tempura, chawan mushi.
Kursus Aneka Donut: Donat Topping Coklat, Topping Glazur, Barliner, Topping Cream cheese.
Kursus Masakan: Aneka resep: Spaghetti Bolognaise, Lasagna, Fettucine Carbonara.
Kursus Fast Food Hoka Hoka Bento: Egg Chicken Roll, Breaded Chicken Ball, Ekkado, Chicken Katsu.
Kursus aneka pastry: Chicken Curry, Cream Horn, Apple puff.
Kursus aneka steak: Beef rib with BBQ sauce, Sirloin with black peeper sauce, Chicken steak with mushroom sauce.
Kursus aneka bakso: Bakso Halus, Bakso Kasar, Siomay, Bakso Goreng, Diajarkan membuat kuah & sambalnya. Resep dengan timbangan tepat.
Kursus D’Creepes: Banana Caramel Creepes, Coctail Creepes, Sandwich Creepes, Peserta langsung Praktek.
Kursus Special Cake: Tiramisu, Opera Cake, Capucino Maker.
Kursus Sponge Pudding, Vanilla Strawberry Pudding, Cocopandan Pudding, Montelimar.
Kursus Kue Kering: Nastar, Kastengel, Butter Cookies, Lidah Kucing keju.
Kursus Cake: Black Forest, Tropical Cake, Sacher Cake.
Kursus Dimsum: Lumpia Udang Mayonaise, Lumpia 2 Telur, Lumpia Vietnam, Bubur Ayam.
Kursus Asian Food: Kepiting Singapore, Seafood ala Vietnam, Kare Tongkol ala Malaysia.
Kursus napoleon Cake: Napoleon Fruit Cake, Napoleon Coffee Cake, Palmore Cookies, Napoleon Nut Cake.
Kursus cara membuat aneka Soto & Peluang Usahanya: Uji resep Soto Ayam, Soto Banjar, Cotto Makassar, Soto Betawi.
Kursus European Food
Kursus Paket Usaha Café: minuman ala café, cocktail, moctail, alcoholic drink. Special Coffee, Special Tea, special Milk.
Kursus cara membuat Batagor, Siomay Bandung, Otak Otak Tengiri Bakar, lengkap dengan sambel kacangnya. Diajarkan resep untuk catering dengan timbangan bahan yang tepat.
Dan masih banyak lagi Kursus Masakan & Kue yang lain, Sesuai dengan permintaan anda.
Kursus Soft cara memproduksi Soft Ice cream: Vanilla – Chocolate – Strawberry.
Kursus Aneka Cup Cakes Strawberry, Mocca – Cheese dengan penampilan yang lucu & menarik. Diajarkan cara menghiasnya.
Kursus Masakan manado: Sup kacang merah, Woku Balanga, Ayam baker air madidi. Rica rica ikan tongkol.
Kursus cara membuat Mousse Cake: triple chocolate, Tiramisu, Green Tea.
Kursus Aneka Sandwich: Tuna sandwich, Montecristo, Ratatouille on Toast.
Kursus Brownies/Brownies Kukus: Topping Chocolate, Pandan Brownies, Vanilla Mocca Cake.
Kursus Chinesse Food: Ayam saus Pedas, Ayam Masak Jamur, Ayam Masak Cabe Kering, Koloke.
Kursus Pudding Bakar: Caramel Pudding, Bread & Butter pudding, Cabinet Pudding.
Kursus cara membuat aneka kue Soes: Swans Soes/Sus Angsa, Ecclair, Sandwich. Diajarkan membuat aneka model & cara penyajiannya.
Kursus masakan Thailand: Nasi Goreng Tom Yam, Sup TomYam Goong, Mie Goreng Daging & seafood, Chicken in pandan Leave.
Ingin Resep Masakan & Resep Kue Gratis?
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Brownies kacang
18 februari 2009, rabu
Iseng iseng bikin brownies ..resep dari temen. Ternyata lebih enak dibanding brownies yg bahannya hotcake mix itu.
2 bh telur
120 gr coklat batang
110 gr mentega
70 gr tepung trigu
100 gr gula
kacang secukupnya
- Lumerkan coklat dimasak api kecil, lalu masukkan mentega, aduk rata, angkat, sisihkan.
- Kocok telur lalu masukkan gula aduk rata
- Masukkan tepung ke adonan telur, aduk rata
- Masukkan adonan coklat aduk rata, lalu masukkan loyang, taburkan kacang
- Oven 170 drajat 30 menit
Iseng iseng bikin brownies ..resep dari temen. Ternyata lebih enak dibanding brownies yg bahannya hotcake mix itu.
2 bh telur
120 gr coklat batang
110 gr mentega
70 gr tepung trigu
100 gr gula
kacang secukupnya
- Lumerkan coklat dimasak api kecil, lalu masukkan mentega, aduk rata, angkat, sisihkan.
- Kocok telur lalu masukkan gula aduk rata
- Masukkan tepung ke adonan telur, aduk rata
- Masukkan adonan coklat aduk rata, lalu masukkan loyang, taburkan kacang
- Oven 170 drajat 30 menit
A Softly Boiled Egg
‘Probably one of the most private things in the world is an egg until it is broken,’ so said the great culinary philosopher M.F.K. Fisher.
And she was right.
Boiling an egg is one of the most clandestine operations it is possible to undertake in the kitchen. Normal rules and regulations make a hasty retreat and you are left with only luck and judgement for company. And what fickle mistresses they are.
It used to be said of people who were hopelessly inept in the kitchen that they ‘couldn’t even boil an egg.’ A badly worded bon mot if there ever was one.
Few dishes can give the eater such anticipation and disappointment in the merest quiver of time. The expectation that rises up when faced with a smooth shell, too hot to touch and just waiting to be bashed in with the back of the spoon.
Will it be cooked enough? Will it be runny enough to dip in a buttered soldier of bread and see the yolk dribble down the shell? Or will it be a searing disappointment, bullet hard and impossible to smear over toast?
But when it goes right, when all the factors come together, it creates a food moment of such profound perfection that you can’t help but smile.
For more food moments, tweet me.
And she was right.
Boiling an egg is one of the most clandestine operations it is possible to undertake in the kitchen. Normal rules and regulations make a hasty retreat and you are left with only luck and judgement for company. And what fickle mistresses they are.
It used to be said of people who were hopelessly inept in the kitchen that they ‘couldn’t even boil an egg.’ A badly worded bon mot if there ever was one.
Few dishes can give the eater such anticipation and disappointment in the merest quiver of time. The expectation that rises up when faced with a smooth shell, too hot to touch and just waiting to be bashed in with the back of the spoon.
Will it be cooked enough? Will it be runny enough to dip in a buttered soldier of bread and see the yolk dribble down the shell? Or will it be a searing disappointment, bullet hard and impossible to smear over toast?
But when it goes right, when all the factors come together, it creates a food moment of such profound perfection that you can’t help but smile.
For more food moments, tweet me.
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