Monday, September 20, 2010
2 bulan itu lama ato sebentar ya??
21 september 2010, selasa
2 bulan itu lama ato sebentar ya?? Menurut gw si waktunya sebentar banget, critanya dari ortu gw tanggal 26 july trus tanggal 20 september kemaren, mereka balik deh ke kampung halaman. Thx God, udah dikasih kesempatan buat ketemuan ma ortu gw. Seneng gw, apalgi anak2.
Pas mreka datang, gw jemput tuh ke Osaka. Nunggu punya nunggu kok ga muncul muncul? Dah mpir 1 jam lebih setelah pesawat mendarat, tapi kok ga muncul? lah bingung banget gw, takut di dalam ada masalah apa, sedangkan ortu gw kan mana bisa bahasa Jepun?? Gw perhatiin satu2 yang keluar dari situ, akhirnya ....ortu gw dateng dengan senyuman lebar...haha, seneng banget da. Taunya bener aja, di dalam, harus nulis segala macam formulir kedatangan n ortu gw msti tanya2 penumpang laennya..jadi lama disitu. Untung dah...lumayan lancar.
Udah gitu, kita langsung nyari hotel, hotelnya si uda gw booking dari kemaren2, cuman berhubung ga tau tempat, jadi nyari2 dulu deh. Kita nginep semalam di Osaka, jalan2 dulu di sekitar gitu, mubazir kalo langsung pulang ke kota gw tanpa jalan2 dulu ya kan?? Nah di Osaka, kita beli tiket train yang buat 2 hari, cuman 2700 yen, disitu bisa keliling di osaka tuh ke t4 wisata skitar 20an yg gratis pintu lumayan kan?? Bokap gw bilang, di Osaka mpe bosan naik kreta mulu, naik turun dari satu station ke station laennya..hahha..
Dah gitu, pulang ke Matsuyama by bus, skitar 6 jam dari Osaka. Disini kebanyakan gw ngajak mreka jalan2 mal, supermaket, pantai, ke gunung liat air terjun, ke sungai yang bersih banget, kita bisa main2 air disitu, ato sekedar ke toko2 belanja ole2 yang akhirnya beli2 mpe barang mpir overload..hahhaa
Trus kita ikutan tour ke shimane liat seaworld, ke kure liat museum angkatan lautnya Japan, ke hiroshima liat t4 bom atom dulu, ke miyajima, liat temple yang di tengah laut..lumayan juga, 2 hari 1 malam, nginep di hotel bagus,dpt breakfast lagi.
Trus ikutan tour yang ke 2 ke Tottori Pref, liat padang pasir yang deket pantai, biasanya padang pasir bukannya ada di deket pegunungan?? Ada onta segala, boleh buat foto2 ato mo ikutan duduk di atas ontanya. Trus dapet karcis buat liat seni pahat dari pasir, sempet liat, coz waktunya mepet, soalnya kita jalan kaki tanpa sepatu di pasirnya mpe ke deket pantai, ga nyangka ngabisin waktu juga mpe ga sempet ke museumnya. Pasirnya bersih n halus bangettt...katanya si kalo kita jalan kaki tanpa sepatu, itu bagus buat peredaran tw bner ato ga? Abis gitu, pergi ke laut, naik cruise ngeliat batu2 karang, mirip di guilin china.Trus diajak ke kebon buah pear, tabehodai, bisa makan gratis..hahaa, mana bs makan banyak2 ya? Soalnya abis makan siang seafood mpe kenyangg...Pulangnya diajak ke t4 belanja seafood, ke t4 belanja kue2..biasa deh...tapi, kita dapet oleh2 buat bawa pulang per orang dapet ikan kering 2 biji, buah pear 2 kg, segala kue n krupuk khas tottori pref. Capeee banget...tapi lumayan berkesan.
Setelah bersama selama mpir 2 bln, tiba waktunya buat ortu gw balik ke rumah. Sedih juga rasanya, berasa sepiii banget, apalagi ank2 pada nyariin popo n kungkungnya.
Pulangnya gw anter juga ke Osaka, disitu sempet ada kejadian nyebelin banget..biasa dah soal bagasi barang..nyebelin dah. 1 orang cuman bisa dapet 25 kg bagasi, nah ortu gw dua orang dapet 50kg donk, Nah pas ditimbang pertama kali, cuman sekitar 35 kg, nah kan masih bisa donk diselipin sekitar 10 kg lagi? so, bongkar barang deh tuh di pojokan. Udah bongkar, ternyata kelebihan 5 kg busetttt...kena bongkar lagi dah. Terakhir ngepas mpe 50kg, tapiiiii....yang nyebelin, ternyata 1 koper dibatasin cuman boleh 32 kg, sedangkan koper gede ditimbang 35 kg, yg kecilan 13 kg an. uhh harus bongkar lagi, yg 3 kg barang harus dipindahan ke koper yg kecilan, berabe banget dah..gila, bener2 dikerjain nih..sebel banget, mungkin orang yg ngurus bagasi juga bete kale ya..ini orang indo bener2 reseh banget..hahhaha...kita ga mo ngalah, dia juga...lah kalo ngalah, kita msti bayar overload donk...uhhh
Gw da ga sempet nangis bombay dah, uda kecapean ngurus bagasi, udah waktunya buat ortu gw masuk ke gate masuknya..trus gw juga harus beli tiket bus buat pulang, seblonnya sempet ketemu temen jepun yang dulu bareng skolah di china. Uh, 10 tahun lebih ga pernah ketemu ma nih temen...seneng juga...jadi nostalgia lagi dah....
Pas mreka datang, gw jemput tuh ke Osaka. Nunggu punya nunggu kok ga muncul muncul? Dah mpir 1 jam lebih setelah pesawat mendarat, tapi kok ga muncul? lah bingung banget gw, takut di dalam ada masalah apa, sedangkan ortu gw kan mana bisa bahasa Jepun?? Gw perhatiin satu2 yang keluar dari situ, akhirnya ....ortu gw dateng dengan senyuman lebar...haha, seneng banget da. Taunya bener aja, di dalam, harus nulis segala macam formulir kedatangan n ortu gw msti tanya2 penumpang laennya..jadi lama disitu. Untung dah...lumayan lancar.
Udah gitu, kita langsung nyari hotel, hotelnya si uda gw booking dari kemaren2, cuman berhubung ga tau tempat, jadi nyari2 dulu deh. Kita nginep semalam di Osaka, jalan2 dulu di sekitar gitu, mubazir kalo langsung pulang ke kota gw tanpa jalan2 dulu ya kan?? Nah di Osaka, kita beli tiket train yang buat 2 hari, cuman 2700 yen, disitu bisa keliling di osaka tuh ke t4 wisata skitar 20an yg gratis pintu lumayan kan?? Bokap gw bilang, di Osaka mpe bosan naik kreta mulu, naik turun dari satu station ke station laennya..hahha..
Dah gitu, pulang ke Matsuyama by bus, skitar 6 jam dari Osaka. Disini kebanyakan gw ngajak mreka jalan2 mal, supermaket, pantai, ke gunung liat air terjun, ke sungai yang bersih banget, kita bisa main2 air disitu, ato sekedar ke toko2 belanja ole2 yang akhirnya beli2 mpe barang mpir overload..hahhaa
Setelah bersama selama mpir 2 bln, tiba waktunya buat ortu gw balik ke rumah. Sedih juga rasanya, berasa sepiii banget, apalagi ank2 pada nyariin popo n kungkungnya.
Pulangnya gw anter juga ke Osaka, disitu sempet ada kejadian nyebelin banget..biasa dah soal bagasi barang..nyebelin dah. 1 orang cuman bisa dapet 25 kg bagasi, nah ortu gw dua orang dapet 50kg donk, Nah pas ditimbang pertama kali, cuman sekitar 35 kg, nah kan masih bisa donk diselipin sekitar 10 kg lagi? so, bongkar barang deh tuh di pojokan. Udah bongkar, ternyata kelebihan 5 kg busetttt...kena bongkar lagi dah. Terakhir ngepas mpe 50kg, tapiiiii....yang nyebelin, ternyata 1 koper dibatasin cuman boleh 32 kg, sedangkan koper gede ditimbang 35 kg, yg kecilan 13 kg an. uhh harus bongkar lagi, yg 3 kg barang harus dipindahan ke koper yg kecilan, berabe banget dah..gila, bener2 dikerjain nih..sebel banget, mungkin orang yg ngurus bagasi juga bete kale ya..ini orang indo bener2 reseh banget..hahhaha...kita ga mo ngalah, dia juga...lah kalo ngalah, kita msti bayar overload donk...uhhh
Gw da ga sempet nangis bombay dah, uda kecapean ngurus bagasi, udah waktunya buat ortu gw masuk ke gate masuknya..trus gw juga harus beli tiket bus buat pulang, seblonnya sempet ketemu temen jepun yang dulu bareng skolah di china. Uh, 10 tahun lebih ga pernah ketemu ma nih temen...seneng juga...jadi nostalgia lagi dah....
Barbunya Beans in Olive Oil
barbunya at Ayvacık Market |
If you like beans, you’re in the right place but you have to learn how to cook them and that’s not difficult! But they are so typically Turkish and so delicious, you’ll feel very pleased with yourself once you have mastered the art of a typical zeytinyağli.
Barbunya, the attractive red ones in the picture, are at their height in the summer. They are still available in the markets and greengrocers right now but I notice that the price has started to rise signalling the end of the season is in sight. Fresh is always preferred to dry and they freeze beautifully once shelled, but the dry ones are perfectly all right out of season. Outside Turkey, roman/red/borlotti beans can easily be substituted. In the US, dry pinto beans, for example, can be used, after soaking overnight. Zeytinyağlı/olive oil dishes - meze - are a staple of local cuisine both in restaurants and at home: Turkish housewives will usually have at least one or two in the fridge at all times, the season dictating which vegetables will be used, while restaurants will have a whole trayful to tempt you. Just about any veg can be used in a zeytinyağli dish: the choice is yours. I have even been served brussel sprouts, which only appeared on the Turkish scene a few years ago, done in this way! One of the best-loved and most common is this one made with barbunya, my son’s all-time favourite: I have just made them twice in 3 days from daughter Ayse’s tried and tested recipe below when he was here for a whistlestop visit. There are many different versions of this recipe, the main differences being in the amounts of olive oil and also sugar. But you know, it is completely up to the cook: if you don’t like using too much oil, nothing drastic is going to happen if you use less. If your recipe calls for, say, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and you don’t like the idea, just leave it out. In time, you will discover how exactly you like your very own barbunya!
Serves 6 as a meze
1 kg barbunya, shelled
½ cup virgin/sızma olive oil
2 small onions, finely chopped
1 tin of chopped tomatoes or 2 of those big fresh tomatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
1-2 of those light green peppers (çarliston biber) – not a must
1-2 carrots, chopped
1 heaped tsp tomato paste
1-2 sugar cubes
1 tsp salt
750 ml/2 ½ cups hot water
gently sauteing |
adding the beans to the other vegetables |
1. Heat the oil and add onions to fry gently till translucent – about 5 mins.
2. Add green peppers (whole) if using, and carrots. Stir and cook for about 5 more mins.
3. Add the chopped tomatoes, stir so it is all mixed and cook till the tomatoes ‘melt’.
4. Add the beans and stir the whole lot till mixed. Again, leave to cook for 5 mins.
5. Add salt and sugar cubes and stir.
6. Add the warm water and tomato paste and stir.
7. Then cover with lid and turn the heat down to very low. Set timer for 45 mins. Then check for water at the 45 min mark and have a taste. You are almost certain to find that the beans need to be softer and that you need to add more water (which should be hot). Be careful that the beans don’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
8. Pour onto a platter and when cold, garnish with parsley.
your meze is ready to serve |
Here is a really great tip for keeping carrots fresh: when you get them home, cut the ends off, peel them and then wash. Put in a plastic container, covering with water, and store in the fridge. They will stay crisp and crunchy for days, all ready for use in cooking or salads.
Jenny's tip! |
Will Bake for Eggs
My mom brought me up right, so I do have a few principles. One is that if you are in a restaurant and the kitchen sends out a freebie, you have to eat it. All of it. Even if you hate it (I'm reminded of the time someone lavished sweetbreads upon us) or if you are on a diet or if you are stuffed to the gills. Those are the rules in Lizworld. Poor Henry knows this all too well, largely because I am a short hitter and will usually pawn it off on him. He doesn't complain too much, though.
The other rule is that when someone gives you a gift (like farm fresh eggs), it is necessary to reciprocate. Henry's colleague once again bestowed a dozen upon us last week, so I headed for the kitchen.
That was the easy part. More difficult was trying to decide what to bake. Cake was out since I made that marble cake for him a couple weeks ago. It was also complicated by the fact that Henry wasn't going straight to the office the next day, so whatever I made would have to hang out in his car for a couple of hours. That ruled out anything with chocolate or pastry cream, unless I wanted to ruin someone's car with melted chocolate or kill them with spoiled eggs. I didn't think that would win me any points however, or guarantee additional fresh eggs in my future.
So I turned to my favorite old stand-by, Honey-Pecan Bars. You can whip these up in a flash and they are always a hit. The base is a buttery shortbread-like crust which is then adorned with a rich, gooey pecan topping. Oh, and in addition to being delicious and addictive, they can withstand a short seige in a warm car!
HONEY-PECAN BARS (adapted from Martha Stewart's Cookies)
For the crust:
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
3 cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
For the topping:
8 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup good honey (I used Fireweed)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 cups pecan halves
1 tablespoon vanilla paste*
Preheat oven to 375-degrees. Line a 13 x 9-inch baking pan (preferably with squared edges) with heavy duty foil to overhang sides. Grease well with butter or cooking spray and set aside.
In electric mixer, cream butter, brown sugar and salt until light and fluffy, scraping down bowl several times. Add flour, one cup at a time until incorporated. Continue mixing until dough forms large clumps and starts to come together.
Sprinkle mixture into prepared pan and press down to form an even layer (a fondant press is good for this task). Chill until firm, about 20 minutes. Place in preheated oven and bake until just barely golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer to a baking rack to cool and reduce oven heat to 325-degrees.
For topping, place butter, brown sugar, honey, granulated sugar and heavy cream in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, then stir constantly with a wooden spoon until mixture is smooth and homogenous, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in salt, pecans and vanilla. Pour over the cooled crust.
Bake until topping starts to bubble, about 10-12 minutes. DO NOT OVERBAKE. (Trust me, I know this from experience. If you do, the filling will turn hard and gluey and won't be at all appealing. As I am known to say, less is better here). Transfer to a baking rack to cool completely.
When cool, lift out using the foil "handles" and transfer to a cutting board. Remove foil and cut into 24 squares.
Don't refrigerate these (try not to store them in a warm car, either). They will keep for up to a week in an airtight container.
Yield: 24 squares
*If you don't have vanilla paste, pure vanilla extract will be just fine. Just don't use imitation vanilla, okay?
I was a good girl and managed not to eat any of these before I got them packaged up. Of course I went to Leon's Full Service for lunch on Sunday and managed to eat a fair share of fries with smoked tomato mayonnaise. Oh, Liz!
One final note: unless you love these, or love baking them, DO NOT bring them to a potluck or any sort of recurring event where you will be asked to bring something at a later date. That's because once you introduce your friends to these, they will never want you to bring anything else. You can trust me on this one also!
A Continued Adventure
I tried out a different approach on the fabric train I've been riding lately. This one was made from some scraps of fabric in my bin. I cut various sizes of circles, and then glued them onto some felt & added some embellishments & chain. Click To Zoom & Enjoy!
Menu Plan Monday
I'm having a tough time again this week coming up with a menu, probably because I need to go to the grocery store desperately! So as I am typing this out, I am frantically looking through cookbooks and on trying to come up with ideas! :)
Monday - Spaghetti, broccoli and garlic bread
Tuesday - BBQ Veggie "Choplets" and mashed potatoes
Wednesday - Thai Curry Tofu (Chicken for hubby), Rice and Lima Beans
Thursday - Left overs
Friday - Supper @ in-laws
Sabbath - Vegetarian Meatloaf
Sunday - Dinner @ friends house
Monday - Spaghetti, broccoli and garlic bread
Tuesday - BBQ Veggie "Choplets" and mashed potatoes
Wednesday - Thai Curry Tofu (Chicken for hubby), Rice and Lima Beans
Thursday - Left overs
Friday - Supper @ in-laws
Sabbath - Vegetarian Meatloaf
Sunday - Dinner @ friends house
Giveaway Winner
And the giveaway of the 20% off coupon to Bed, Bath and Beyond is......
Gen from Girls and Sunflowers!!
Gen, please e-mail me with your home address and your coupon will be in the mail the next day!
Thanks for everyone who participated! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the future! :)
Gen from Girls and Sunflowers!!
Gen, please e-mail me with your home address and your coupon will be in the mail the next day!
Thanks for everyone who participated! Stay tuned for more giveaways in the future! :)
Music test
I've stolen this test from Emma's blog, and as it is about music, I'm doing it, of course!!
- What are you listening to right now?
"54-46 That's my number" from Toots & The Maytals
- Name a song that makes you feel sorry:
"Acrobat", by Maxïmo Park. It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever listened.
- What's the world's greatest song?
I don't know, I think that it depends of the person and of the time of their life... for me right now maybe could be "Never seen the light of day" by Mando Diao, it's one of my favourite songs.
- Name your favourite artist/band from all the time.
It's so difficult, I must say The Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, The Clash and Sex Pistols.
- Name a band or artist you recently discovered:
Fever Ray; I had the album for so long ago but it's now when I've started to listening to it properly. Also Handshakes and Highfives, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Karen Elson and Annbjørg Lien.
- Best female voice?
Lisa Gerrard.
- Best male voices?
Johnny Cash.
- Wich musical style you listen to most?
Almost everything: indie rock, rocksteady, dark folk, garage, experimental, folk, country, jazz...
- What do you listen when you want to be happy?
The Hives, The Vines, Miss Li, The Clash...
- What are you listening when you want to calm down?
Fever Ray, Björk, Dead Can Dance, Belle & Sebastian, Paul Banks/Julian Plenty...
- Wich one was your las concert?
Placebo, here at Barcelona; but maybe I'm seeing Belle & Sebastian this saturday!
- Who do you listen to most?
Maxïmo Park, Mando Diao, The Vines, Florence & The Machine, Foals, Smashing Pumpkins...
- Have you ever dated a musician?
Yes, I had a boyfriend who played the piano in a band and I had an affair with a punk rocker from a swedish band, but that's an old story XD
- Best girl band?
I hate that tag XD! I like Plasticines, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Gossip; and The Donnas, of course!
- Do you like classical music?
I adore Shostakovich and Paganinni.
- Do you like country music?
Johnny Cash & June Carter forever!
- Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
Yes, I listen to music in french, swedish, japanese, english, indian, polish, german... almost in every language!
- Wich instrument would you love to be if you were one?
A violin.
- Do you listen to the radio?
I used to, but not now.
- Do you like MTV?
MTV Rock yes, not the other ones.
- Can you name all the members of the band you're listening to right now?
Karen Elson, as I'm listening to her right now.
- Wich famour musician would you marry if you had the cance?
James Iha from The Spamshing Pumpkins, Paul Banks from Interpol or Paul Smith from Maxïmo Park.
- Your favourite soundtrack?
Walk the Line, The Little Mermaid.
- What are you listening right now?
"Lunasa" by Karen Elson.
- Do you use bands t-shirt?
Yes, I've got lots of them: Iggy, The Clash, Sex Pistols...
Sorry for being so missing these past days, but I've got good news for you... tomorrow, finally, I'm starting at Barbie Store! the first day of autumn it's gonna be great! :)!
And remember to check my new porject, We ♥ Redheads! Today I started with the Redhead of the Week Award, don't miss it!!
- What are you listening to right now?
"54-46 That's my number" from Toots & The Maytals
- Name a song that makes you feel sorry:
"Acrobat", by Maxïmo Park. It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever listened.
- What's the world's greatest song?
I don't know, I think that it depends of the person and of the time of their life... for me right now maybe could be "Never seen the light of day" by Mando Diao, it's one of my favourite songs.
- Name your favourite artist/band from all the time.
It's so difficult, I must say The Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, The Clash and Sex Pistols.
- Name a band or artist you recently discovered:
Fever Ray; I had the album for so long ago but it's now when I've started to listening to it properly. Also Handshakes and Highfives, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Karen Elson and Annbjørg Lien.
- Best female voice?
Lisa Gerrard.
- Best male voices?
Johnny Cash.
- Wich musical style you listen to most?
Almost everything: indie rock, rocksteady, dark folk, garage, experimental, folk, country, jazz...
- What do you listen when you want to be happy?
The Hives, The Vines, Miss Li, The Clash...
- What are you listening when you want to calm down?
Fever Ray, Björk, Dead Can Dance, Belle & Sebastian, Paul Banks/Julian Plenty...
- Wich one was your las concert?
Placebo, here at Barcelona; but maybe I'm seeing Belle & Sebastian this saturday!
- Who do you listen to most?
Maxïmo Park, Mando Diao, The Vines, Florence & The Machine, Foals, Smashing Pumpkins...
- Have you ever dated a musician?
Yes, I had a boyfriend who played the piano in a band and I had an affair with a punk rocker from a swedish band, but that's an old story XD
- Best girl band?
I hate that tag XD! I like Plasticines, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Gossip; and The Donnas, of course!
- Do you like classical music?
I adore Shostakovich and Paganinni.
- Do you like country music?
Johnny Cash & June Carter forever!
- Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
Yes, I listen to music in french, swedish, japanese, english, indian, polish, german... almost in every language!
- Wich instrument would you love to be if you were one?
A violin.
- Do you listen to the radio?
I used to, but not now.
- Do you like MTV?
MTV Rock yes, not the other ones.
- Can you name all the members of the band you're listening to right now?
Karen Elson, as I'm listening to her right now.
- Wich famour musician would you marry if you had the cance?
James Iha from The Spamshing Pumpkins, Paul Banks from Interpol or Paul Smith from Maxïmo Park.
- Your favourite soundtrack?
Walk the Line, The Little Mermaid.
- What are you listening right now?
"Lunasa" by Karen Elson.
- Do you use bands t-shirt?
Yes, I've got lots of them: Iggy, The Clash, Sex Pistols...
Sorry for being so missing these past days, but I've got good news for you... tomorrow, finally, I'm starting at Barbie Store! the first day of autumn it's gonna be great! :)!
And remember to check my new porject, We ♥ Redheads! Today I started with the Redhead of the Week Award, don't miss it!!
Shrimp with Chipotle Cream Sauce
Can you guess where everyone walks around with a smile on their face? It's not Indonesia, where they practice smiling with their liver, although my trip to Bali does confirm that there are a lot of people with good karma there. Similarly, Thais love to flash a big grin, but they seem caught up in their political troubles at the moment. India, the people who gave us the word "nirvana?" No, I'm not think of that either. I'm actually thinking of a travel destination closer to home, popular now, where the temperature and humidity is so ideal, so not hot, so not cold, so bright sunshine year round, that people can't help but walk around with a smile on their face. San Diego is the place I'm feeling right now. In part, because here in Washington we are in that ideal weather season of autumn when for about two months we have the weather of San Diego: dry, warm, but not hot, little humidity. Fall is not quite here. It's not crisp, it's not sweater weather. It's just perfect weather.
So how does that relate to food? Because many times I eat what I feel. I'm not talking about how much I eat given my mood, I mean what kind of food. Sometimes my mind stimulates that with a yearning for travel. Sometimes my emotions stimulate that with a desire for comfort food. Either my mind or my emotions can stimulate a need to get spicy. Sometimes it's a feeling conjured by an aroma, maybe lemon, or lavender, or oregano. Menu ideas can even be spurred by a sense of feel, hot and sticky, or cool and crisp. The San Diego weather outside makes me think of San Diego food. While I'm not a big fish taco person, putting cole slaw on tacos or BBQ sandwiches is something I just haven't warmed to, I can still conjure feelings of Mexican seafood fusion in my mind. A little fish or seafood, a little Mexican spices, a little lime and cilantro, that's what I'm talking about. It helps that rising celebrity chef Marcella Vallodolid of Mexican Made Easy Fame does her shows from a kitchen with windows overlooking San Diego. How can you not wish you were there sharing in the blue skies and fresh Mexican tastes?
One of Marcella's signature dishes is a rosemary-skewered shrimp marinated in chipotle. That is a great recipe, but I did a different recipe this evening from her Fresh Mexico cookbook. Bobby Flay certainly introduced us to the world of chiles and the potential of chipotle. While Bobby takes many of our American ingredients, and that adds the chili spiced layers, Marcella's recipes seem to start with a more Mexican set of ingredients that also utilize the chili flavors. True or not, she has shown me how to use Mexican crema and cheeses in recipes. This shrimp recipe with a chipotle cream sauce does that in spades. It is fast, easy, flavorful in a Mexican chile way, but also has that tummy coated goodness you want from any sauce. Try it and find out how. Serves 2.
1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 lb shrimp, peeled
3 tbsp butter
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp adobo sauce from a can of chipotle chiles, plus 1 tbsp of diced, seeded chipotle pepper if a hotter dish is desired
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
In a small bowl, mix the flour, 2 tbsp of cilantro, salt and pepper. Add the shrimp and toss to coat. Melt the butter in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the shrimp and saute until golden, 2-3 minutes per side. Transfer the shrimp to a plate. Add the wine and deglaze the pan. Boil for 2 minutes and then add the cream, adobo sauce (and chipotle if desired), garlic and Worcestershire sauce. Stir to mix and boil for 3 minutes to reduce slightly. Return the shrimp to the pan and toss to coat with the sauce. Season further with salt and pepper if desired. Serve over rice and sprinkle with remaining cilantro.
Pork, Pepper and Pineapple Puff Pastry Pie
This is a recipe which came about when I was given a bag of small, homegrown red bell peppers and I wanted to come up with some different ideas for using them in cooking. I first considered a pork, pepper and pineapple stir fry but ultimately decided on this alternative.
Ingredients (Serves Two)
1/2lb diced shoulder of pork
2 small red bell peppers or one normal size
2 rings of pineapple (if canned, in own juice and not syrup)
1 pint of fresh chicken stock
4oz puff pastry
6 small lettuce leaves
2 plum tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves for garnish
1 beaten egg for glazing
The first and most time consuming step is to cook the pork
When the pork is cooked, the pepper(s) and pineapple rings should be roughly chopped and stirred through the mix. The combination should then be added to a pie dish, as shown above, covered and left for at least half an hour to cool.
The puff pastry should be rolled evenly out on a floured surface to a size slightly larger than is required to top the pie. The cut-offs should then be used to line the edges of the dish before the main pastry is added to top the pie.
A couple of slits should be made in the top centre of the pie to allow steam to escape during cooking. The pie should then be glazed with the beaten egg and added to an oven preheated to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 for thirty-five to forty minutes, or until the pastry is beautifully risen and golden.
The pie should be served with the lettuce and tomato and garnished with fresh basil leaves, as shown at the top of this post.
puff pastry,
red bell pepper,
shoulder pork meat
Who's Ready For The Beach???
Hi everyone, Here we go. I finally did it, I finished Gracie (well at least most of her, I still have some small bits in the bathroom). I couldn't wait to show you all. Lets start at the beginning, Gracie was inspired by Kerrie at Sea Cottage, she has a vintage camper she calls the Pearl. Seeing her adventures, and hearing about the wonderful times she had got me thinking. So I decided to go for it this summer. Mr. Swedish Room at first looked at me like I lost my mind, but I convinced him we could be in the great outdoors more often. Saying that cinched it. So we started looking for campers, or for those in the know BCOW (Beach Cottage On Wheels). It took so long, and seeing so many dirty, expensive, and bad layout campers, I thought this was never going to happen. Then we finally found my Gracie, don't get me wrong she needed a lot of work (a new ceiling for one thing). Well you can see for yourself........
Curtains as room dividers are from Ikea. All the other curtains are from Target.
Just kidding Mr. Swedish Room taking down the bad ceiling, it only took $300.00 to get it back up. Great job Honey. ( I guess this is why he don't want to be in the blog)
Ok I'm doing things a little different this time. I'm posting this on three parties.
Cindy at Cottage Instincts, Make it for Monday
Kathleen At Faded Charm, White Wednesday
Debra at Common Ground, Vintage Inspiration Friday
Thanks for visiting.
See everyone next time........
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