pagi ini.
ku bangun dari tidur.
kerna ku terjaga. bukan ku mau bangun.
ku rasa sesuatu. entah apa. aku pon tiada jawapan.
seperti ada sesuatu. yang kurang. yang... entah.
ku lihat nokia itu. 2 msg. yg x dibaca lg.
dan nokia lagi 1, balasan drpd nora yg x terbaca juge.
entah pukul berapa mata ini tidak lagi bekerja mlm td.
sudah menutup segala nya dan akhirnya diri ini terlena.
di hp itu. msg dari syg. kata... "awk x syg sy?"
ku terdiam. maaf. benar ku keliru sejak kebelakangan ini.
pdhal. kita makin rapat. rapat kah???
mungkin. dekat d mata tp jauh d hati?
mungkin. apa yg ku rasa kini sebaliknya.
yg jauh d mata itu yg dkt d hati!
namun, pagi ini. ku membalas msg itu. dgn harapan. jwpn ku itu pasti.
ku katakan. "love u more than u know". tp. hati? entah.
ku tidak pasti sedlm mana kebenaran itu. kerana. ku rasa. kurang.
ku melihat lg hp itu... ku mencari nama dia. kenangan terindah ku.
ku hampir men-dial nya. namun. kali ini. pelik~
ku dpt rasakan bkn dia yg ku cari. bkn dia yg ku perlu.
tatkala selalunya dialah yg aku rindu. rindu kenangan lalu.
cinta pertama. tak semudah itu masa mengambilnya dr ku.
jadi. bukan dia yg di depan mataku ini yg hatiku cari.
bukan juga cinta pertamaku itu. hati tertanya. siapa.
ku gila kalau ku cuba men-dail no di indonesia itu pula!
tidakkk. rasanya. dia kah yg boleh menjd jwpn semua ini?
ku pun tak pasti. tapi. esok kepulangannya. ku. menunggu.
tapi. tidak se-excited satu ketika dahulu...
mungkin. ku tidak mahu untuk berharap apa - apa lagi.
dalam fikiran alam maya ini.
ku berfikir tentang diriku. seolah - olah. sudah hilang.
diri ini sendiri terumbang - ambing. ku bukan yg dulu.
semakin jauh tersasar dari diri yg sebenar.
kenapa? tuhan? ku semakin jauh dari-Mu?
adakah. segala nya ini. petunjuk dari-Mu? utkku berfikir.
banyak. perkara ku perlu uruskan di dunia ini.
oh. bertapa tidak mampu ku utk jd pemimpin dunia.
seperti yg ku pernah anganku dulu...
segala urusan harian, urusan peribadi dan urusan d akhirat.
semuanya tampak kelam sejak kebelakangan ini.
tuhan. selamatkan ku. ku tak pasti.
apa semua ini. entah...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Beetroot, Ginger & Chocolate Risotto
You learn something new every day, or so the saying goes. Did you know, for example, that the first meal that was eaten on the moon by Armstrong and Aldrin was a roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings (freeze dried, one would assume)?
Or that sperm swim faster after they have been exposed to caffeine?
Or that the largest beetroot ever grown was over 18 feet in length?
Or that it is near impossible to take a good photo of a risotto? Especially a risotto that I promised you good people a couple of weeks ago (you'd thought I'd forgotten, hadn't you?)
It’s true – no matter how appealing it may look on the plate, in photographic form it will almost always take on the appearance of lumpy aardvark vomit.
You could gild it with gold leaf, adorn it with asparagus and top it with truffles but under the lights and through a lens it will still look about as appealing as a jock strap salad.
We tried. We really did. But even the best photo we got wouldn’t have looked out of place in a crime scene report. So you’ll have to make do with this representation instead. And the best thing about beetroot risotto is the colour anyway. So sit back, use your imagination and take note. Recipe below.
It’s hard to write a definitive recipe for risotto. There are so many variations (rice absorbency, stock quality, stirring capacity) that I hesitate to make any assertions for fear I will end up with angry emails and comments.
Instead, use this as a platform, a launch pad, or a mere eyebrow-raiser. All I will say is that it is certainly worth trying and that there is true deliciousness hidden behind the vaguely bizarre veneer of the combination of ingredients.
The Ingredients – should serve four
Olive oil or butter (about 25g)
A pinch of bicarbonate of soda
A small onion, or three/four shallots finely chopped
Two cloves of garlic, finely chopped
A teaspoon of grated ginger
Four or five small beetroot, roasted in the skins (in a sealed foil package for about an hour), peeled and diced into teeny, tiny pieces.
Risotto rice (Arborio, carnaroli, vialone nano) – about 250g
A small glass of white wine or white vermouth
Chicken or vegetable Stock (impossible to say how much you will need but most likely about a litre), in a pan on a gentle heat.
The darkest dark chocolate you can find, preferably 70%+ cocoa solids
The method
You all know how to make risotto, right? You’re going to find this incredibly patronising if you are talked through each step in the manner of a sports teacher humiliating the fat kid aren’t you? Oh well, here goes:
Put the onion and garlic in a large, heavy bottomed pan along with the olive oil or butter. Turn on the heat (low – see here for why) and add the bicarb (this helps soften the onion and bring out the flavours. I learnt why here). Fry gently for 10 minutes, or until you have a delicious pulpy mass of onion and garlic. Add the ginger and stir.
Crank up the heat. Pour in the rice, stir and cook off for about a minute to start it toasting. Add the wine or vermouth. It should sizzle and give off a fairly potent steam of near pure alcohol. Stir again (can you see a theme developing?). Tip in the beetroot. Admire the colour. Go on, you know you want to. Stir.
The stock (which is in a pan on a gentle heat, right?) can now be ladled in bit by bit. Stir. Stir some more. When almost all the stock has been absorbed add another ladle full. Stir. Keep stirring.
Repeat the above until the rice is cooked – usually about forty minutes. By this point your arm will aching and you should have worked up a considerable appetite with all that stirring.
Spoon onto a plate, grate the chocolate over the top. Admire the colour once more and eat.
One final point – risotto should be soft, it should spread evenly and slowly over the plate like a slew of molten lava running down a volcano. You shouldn’t be able to slice it.
Want more? Tweet me!
Or that sperm swim faster after they have been exposed to caffeine?
Or that the largest beetroot ever grown was over 18 feet in length?
Or that it is near impossible to take a good photo of a risotto? Especially a risotto that I promised you good people a couple of weeks ago (you'd thought I'd forgotten, hadn't you?)
It’s true – no matter how appealing it may look on the plate, in photographic form it will almost always take on the appearance of lumpy aardvark vomit.
You could gild it with gold leaf, adorn it with asparagus and top it with truffles but under the lights and through a lens it will still look about as appealing as a jock strap salad.
We tried. We really did. But even the best photo we got wouldn’t have looked out of place in a crime scene report. So you’ll have to make do with this representation instead. And the best thing about beetroot risotto is the colour anyway. So sit back, use your imagination and take note. Recipe below.
It’s hard to write a definitive recipe for risotto. There are so many variations (rice absorbency, stock quality, stirring capacity) that I hesitate to make any assertions for fear I will end up with angry emails and comments.
Instead, use this as a platform, a launch pad, or a mere eyebrow-raiser. All I will say is that it is certainly worth trying and that there is true deliciousness hidden behind the vaguely bizarre veneer of the combination of ingredients.
The Ingredients – should serve four
Olive oil or butter (about 25g)
A pinch of bicarbonate of soda
A small onion, or three/four shallots finely chopped
Two cloves of garlic, finely chopped
A teaspoon of grated ginger
Four or five small beetroot, roasted in the skins (in a sealed foil package for about an hour), peeled and diced into teeny, tiny pieces.
Risotto rice (Arborio, carnaroli, vialone nano) – about 250g
A small glass of white wine or white vermouth
Chicken or vegetable Stock (impossible to say how much you will need but most likely about a litre), in a pan on a gentle heat.
The darkest dark chocolate you can find, preferably 70%+ cocoa solids
The method
You all know how to make risotto, right? You’re going to find this incredibly patronising if you are talked through each step in the manner of a sports teacher humiliating the fat kid aren’t you? Oh well, here goes:
Put the onion and garlic in a large, heavy bottomed pan along with the olive oil or butter. Turn on the heat (low – see here for why) and add the bicarb (this helps soften the onion and bring out the flavours. I learnt why here). Fry gently for 10 minutes, or until you have a delicious pulpy mass of onion and garlic. Add the ginger and stir.
Crank up the heat. Pour in the rice, stir and cook off for about a minute to start it toasting. Add the wine or vermouth. It should sizzle and give off a fairly potent steam of near pure alcohol. Stir again (can you see a theme developing?). Tip in the beetroot. Admire the colour. Go on, you know you want to. Stir.
The stock (which is in a pan on a gentle heat, right?) can now be ladled in bit by bit. Stir. Stir some more. When almost all the stock has been absorbed add another ladle full. Stir. Keep stirring.
Repeat the above until the rice is cooked – usually about forty minutes. By this point your arm will aching and you should have worked up a considerable appetite with all that stirring.
Spoon onto a plate, grate the chocolate over the top. Admire the colour once more and eat.
One final point – risotto should be soft, it should spread evenly and slowly over the plate like a slew of molten lava running down a volcano. You shouldn’t be able to slice it.
Want more? Tweet me!
beet risotto,
beetroot risotto,
risotto recipe,
vialone nano
untuk eyqa
1. Copy badge “2008 Cute’s 3logger Award” untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnye (anda di-tag).
4. Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnye dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.
5. Jangan lupe melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah ditag.
maaf. badge itu tiada.
di tag oleh eyqa,mengenali nya melalui blog! well, so far, from her blog i can see that she's a happy go lucky person and ada kawan - kawan yg sgt besttt! ape yg special ttg kawan - kawan eyqa nih, die ade geng yg semua kaum ade taw! malay + india + chinese. besttt!!! and plg best, mereka selalu buat mcm2 aktiviti bersame. owhhh...sweet~ then eyqa, terang - terangan taw dia bekas debater and she's so cute. x caye g tgk sdiri orgnyerh! cute!!! =] blognya jg chantek & she loves pink! and one more thing, she loves rain too! owh, i know she's a fun person to be with. and yet, suka pakai tudung warne hitam! hee. just love to read her blog. keep it up dear!
facts about me.
1. this is weird. but. jgn OVER-caring dgn sy! sy x suke. i mean. sy suke org care ttg sy. sape x ske? but. jgn over caring. sy serabot. sy rimas. sy lemas.
2. binatang plg sy sukeee = kucing. tp binatang plg sy allergy juge = kucing. disahkan oleh Hosp UKM. huu. kesian...
3. jgn jeles dgn ape yg sy ade. sbb tak semue yg awk ade, ade pade sy. same - same pnye kelebihan n kekurangan. get it? =]
4. even sy senyap. sy tak lupe. sy sebok. bukan sengaje. tp betul. if only u guys know, hurm... i wouldnt 4get the 1 i love easily. so percayelah... kalau dah bertahun pun, sy akan still ingt!
5. tak suke org buat lawak bangang! lawak yg cam x lawak pon... n blh hilang mood dgn soklan2 bodow juge. tapi... sy cepat okay. x caye sudah~
6. tak kesah dlm bnyk bnde. tp. jgnlah sampai pijak kepale. agak - agak ah.
7. 4give but never 4get. x de musuh. x suke musuh. so, if de org x ske sy pon. caye laaa. korang je yg dengki n x suke lebeyh2... huu. stop2 la. x de pape yg special pon utk di-jeles-kan.
8. tak suke org mengarah @ menyuruh bnyk kali. sy dgr sekali sy akan buat. sooner or later i will.
9. paling benci menunggu dan ditunggu. if lmbt pape, awal2 ckp, CONFIRM x sengaja.
10. x reti nak pujuk2 org. maaf la kalau merajuk.
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnye (anda di-tag).
4. Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnye dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.
5. Jangan lupe melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah ditag.
maaf. badge itu tiada.
di tag oleh eyqa,mengenali nya melalui blog! well, so far, from her blog i can see that she's a happy go lucky person and ada kawan - kawan yg sgt besttt! ape yg special ttg kawan - kawan eyqa nih, die ade geng yg semua kaum ade taw! malay + india + chinese. besttt!!! and plg best, mereka selalu buat mcm2 aktiviti bersame. owhhh...sweet~ then eyqa, terang - terangan taw dia bekas debater and she's so cute. x caye g tgk sdiri orgnyerh! cute!!! =] blognya jg chantek & she loves pink! and one more thing, she loves rain too! owh, i know she's a fun person to be with. and yet, suka pakai tudung warne hitam! hee. just love to read her blog. keep it up dear!
facts about me.
1. this is weird. but. jgn OVER-caring dgn sy! sy x suke. i mean. sy suke org care ttg sy. sape x ske? but. jgn over caring. sy serabot. sy rimas. sy lemas.
2. binatang plg sy sukeee = kucing. tp binatang plg sy allergy juge = kucing. disahkan oleh Hosp UKM. huu. kesian...
3. jgn jeles dgn ape yg sy ade. sbb tak semue yg awk ade, ade pade sy. same - same pnye kelebihan n kekurangan. get it? =]
4. even sy senyap. sy tak lupe. sy sebok. bukan sengaje. tp betul. if only u guys know, hurm... i wouldnt 4get the 1 i love easily. so percayelah... kalau dah bertahun pun, sy akan still ingt!
5. tak suke org buat lawak bangang! lawak yg cam x lawak pon... n blh hilang mood dgn soklan2 bodow juge. tapi... sy cepat okay. x caye sudah~
6. tak kesah dlm bnyk bnde. tp. jgnlah sampai pijak kepale. agak - agak ah.
7. 4give but never 4get. x de musuh. x suke musuh. so, if de org x ske sy pon. caye laaa. korang je yg dengki n x suke lebeyh2... huu. stop2 la. x de pape yg special pon utk di-jeles-kan.
8. tak suke org mengarah @ menyuruh bnyk kali. sy dgr sekali sy akan buat. sooner or later i will.
9. paling benci menunggu dan ditunggu. if lmbt pape, awal2 ckp, CONFIRM x sengaja.
10. x reti nak pujuk2 org. maaf la kalau merajuk.
i did this b4
dah pernah buat tag ini.
but then its okay. buat lagi skali.
demi anda. =]
35 Little Secrets:
Be honest no matter what!
[1] Who was your last text from?
+ miss nora
[2] Where was your default pic taken?
+ dlm kereta.
[3]Your relationship status?
+ fmly = okay-okay
+ friends = just fine.
+ love = single.
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
+ yup. losing. slowly.
[5] What is your current mood?
+ serabut. rimas. lega.
[6] What's your brother's name?
+ abg beca~ haha. anak tunggal.
[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
+ rainbow.
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
+ heaven.
[9] Have a crazy side?
+ yup.
[10] Ever had a near death experience?
+ yes.
[11] Something you do a lot?
+ walking
[12] Angry at anyone?
+ pendam saje.
[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
+ berpijak d bumi yg nyata.
[14]When was the last time you cried?
+ lame sudah. *bangga2!*
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
+ ade. ramai. tp. sedang. tidak berbuat demikian.
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
+ a better life
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
+ nora.
[18] What are your favorite songs?
+ bak kata shahli... "semua lagu suke". bnyk sgt.
[19] What are you doing right now?
+ doing this & keringkan rambut.
[20] Who do you trust right now?
+ karma
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
+ abah beli d aussie.
[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
+ yes. x puas kiss die pon. ske3!
[23] What is your lucky number?
+ 14. 3.
[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
+ babe.
[25] Describe your life in one word.
+ ...blank...
[26] Who are you thinking of right now?
+ 2morrow. broadband. myself.
[27] What should you be doing right now?
+ reply msg2 yg x ter-reply utk minggu ni.
[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
+ i wish, semua bnde yg sy nak. bnykkk.
[29] What are you listening to?
+ currently layan FLY fm je. muak seketika dgn channel2 lain.
[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
+ sejenis binatang. haha.
[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
+ owh... x ingt dlm class td. haha. bising2!
[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
+ lagi jd diri sendiri.
[33] What is your natural hair color?
+ black brownish. bkn hitam pekat.
[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
+ classmate yg gile2.
[35] u tagged?
+ no one.
but then its okay. buat lagi skali.
demi anda. =]
35 Little Secrets:
Be honest no matter what!
[1] Who was your last text from?
+ miss nora
[2] Where was your default pic taken?
+ dlm kereta.
[3]Your relationship status?
+ fmly = okay-okay
+ friends = just fine.
+ love = single.
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
+ yup. losing. slowly.
[5] What is your current mood?
+ serabut. rimas. lega.
[6] What's your brother's name?
+ abg beca~ haha. anak tunggal.
[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
+ rainbow.
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
+ heaven.
[9] Have a crazy side?
+ yup.
[10] Ever had a near death experience?
+ yes.
[11] Something you do a lot?
+ walking
[12] Angry at anyone?
+ pendam saje.
[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
+ berpijak d bumi yg nyata.
[14]When was the last time you cried?
+ lame sudah. *bangga2!*
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
+ ade. ramai. tp. sedang. tidak berbuat demikian.
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
+ a better life
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
+ nora.
[18] What are your favorite songs?
+ bak kata shahli... "semua lagu suke". bnyk sgt.
[19] What are you doing right now?
+ doing this & keringkan rambut.
[20] Who do you trust right now?
+ karma
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
+ abah beli d aussie.
[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
+ yes. x puas kiss die pon. ske3!
[23] What is your lucky number?
+ 14. 3.
[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
+ babe.
[25] Describe your life in one word.
+ ...blank...
[26] Who are you thinking of right now?
+ 2morrow. broadband. myself.
[27] What should you be doing right now?
+ reply msg2 yg x ter-reply utk minggu ni.
[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
+ i wish, semua bnde yg sy nak. bnykkk.
[29] What are you listening to?
+ currently layan FLY fm je. muak seketika dgn channel2 lain.
[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
+ sejenis binatang. haha.
[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
+ owh... x ingt dlm class td. haha. bising2!
[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
+ lagi jd diri sendiri.
[33] What is your natural hair color?
+ black brownish. bkn hitam pekat.
[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
+ classmate yg gile2.
[35] u tagged?
+ no one.
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