Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cherries Secret

Buah kersen atau dalam bahasa inggrisnya cherry. Buah ini warnanya merah keunguan mirip anggur dan rasanya manis.
Cherry mengandung zat anthocyanins yang memiliki efek yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan aspirin sebagai obat pencegah rasa sakit. Dengan kandungan ini pula, Cherry dianalisis bisa menyembuhkan penyakit rematik.
Selain itu, mereka yang memiliki masalah dengan pencernaan harus berhati-hati karena Cherry juga mengandung zat asam yang juga tinggi karena buah Cherry juga sebagai bahan pembuatan alkohol.

Berikut macam-macam rahasia kecantikan & kesehatan dari Buah Cherry:
Cherry Juice
Karena kandungan zatnya tersebut maka Seorang atlet senang mengkonsumsi Jus cherry, selain juga karena memiliki kandungan yang lebih dibutuhkan seorang atlet, yaitu untuk mencegah cedera otot saat beraktivitas.

Cherry Berry Bubble Bath Recipe
  • ½ gelas shampoo yang tidak berbau (jika tidak menemukan shampoo yang tidak berbau, anda dapat menggunakan baby shampoo yang lembut)
  • ¾ gelas air
  • ½ sdt garam
  • 15 tetes cherry fragrance oil
Tuang shampoo ke dalam botol dan tambahkan air. Aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata. Tambahkan Garam dan aduk lagi hingga busa menebal. Tambahkan pewangi rasa Cherry (cherry fragrance oil), aduk lagi hingga wanginya menyebar.

Cherries Eau de Toilette
Tak ada yang bisa menolak wewangian rasa Cherries yang manis dan memikat. Wewangian fruity floral digabungkan dengan berry merah dan buket bunga pink freesia, magnolia dan jasmine menyatu dalam bentuk botol yang unik berbentuk 3 cherry. 3 x 5 ml.

Dapatkan penawaran khusus di Bulan Mei 2010 dari harga normal Rp. 249.000,- menjadi Rp. 149.000,- HEMAT Rp. 100.000,-

Cocok Buat: Kado untuk pasangan wanita, kado untuk ibu, kado untuk sahabat wanita, hantaran pernikanan calon pengantin wanita dll. 
Cherries Eau de Toilette
 Harga Discount Rp. 149.000,- Kode 15920
Pemesanan bisa call Ossy di 0815 5050 580.
Dapatkan diskon 23% dari harga product jika kamu menjadi konsultan Oriflame.

Ayo gabung sekarang menjadi konsultan Oriflame bersama Jaringan d'BC Network dalam group keren dan cantik saya :D, silahkan isi form pendaftarannya di SINI.

ladies, jgn potong rambut sewaktu anda runsing!

hey guys, and ladies terutamanya. actually sy just over excited sbb rambut sy dah mencecah bahu! it's shoulder. ok fine teringat cerita 'pengawas taik' plak. teacher, i terror sebut S-H-O-U-L-D-E-R ye skrng! u should b sooo proud of me =) haha. baiklahhh. rambut sy lmbt pnjng, so ble pnjng tu yg cam happy nak mampos. padan muke aqilah! dulu rambut panjang, gi potong.

last sekali rambut sy macam gini pendeknya.
last potong 30 sept 2009

sekarang rambut sy dah cam gini! cecah bahu. ececece.
tp rambut i totally black la. natural! =) i like.

dulu dr kecil lg mmg dah diajar berambut panjang. sentiasalah mencecah pinggang. sampai org panggil rapunzel. *pinggang je bukan buku lali* haha. tp wkt dkt MRSM Kuala Lipis tercinta, time putus cinta, i frust nonggeng2, gi potong sampai bahu. time SPM x silap. habis semua org cakap "ruginyaaa... sayangnyaaa" tp i was like, i dont care. nak buka lembaran baru la konon. pastu, menyesal. T________T

then panjang balik masa awal2 sem 2 dkt kolej. cecah pinggang semula. then gatal lg tangan potong pendek, beberapa kali sampai habis diploma ni. kira 2010 ni rambut i tak pernah dipotong lg lah. sekali rasa macam, well most of my gf sedar n tegur, rambut i lambat panjang! yerrrr... i heard some old folks said, "selalu potong rambut, rambut merajuk" padan lah muka kan. tp, rambut org lelaki cpt je pnjng even selalu potong? huhu.

ok ok. just nak bgtaw, it depends nak rambut panjang ke pendek. both pun ok saja. sekali sekala tukar angin apa salahnya kan. just, kaw jgn gedik2 ikot aku yg ptong rambut budget nak puaskan hati yg tgh negative! haha. got it? nnt menyesal x sudah + rindu rambut lameee. tp x pela, i pakai tudung kan, sape kesah sgt. and and, even pakai tudung, rambutku sgtlah amat dihargai. rambut, sian u kan sejak i kerja ni dah jarang di-conditioner, jarang di-treatment, jarang dimanjakan dgn baby oil. tp jgn merajuk lg yer! =P

muka budget baik. geli ah. =P
*just nak tunjuk pakai tudung* haha.

baiklah. mahu bersiap ke pejabat! take care ppl.

Home Sweet Doughnut

5 Mei 2010, rabu

Hari ini kodono no hi, hari anak2. Tahun2 kemarin si kita beli kue tart mini buat mereka, tapi kali ini kepingin beliin maenan aja. Pagi2 ke mertua, nitip anak2 disitu, trus gw n suami pergi ke Jusco mall. Disana lagi ada sale buat mainan ato perlengkapan anak2, jadi lumayan lah.

Milih2 maenan, bingung mo milih apaan. Suami bilang beliin Mei sepatu roda lengkap dengan helm n sabuk pengaman buat kaki segala. Harganya lumayan, emang si barangnya bagus, tapiii gw mikir2 mo belajar dimana ya?? n gw juga ga bisa...hhaha, malu deh..gimana ngajarinnya coba?????? n kayaknya ga cocok deh, mungkin tahun2 depan kale.

Pilihan jatuh ke mainan wanko, kayak semacam tamaguchi gitu, kita punya pet anjing, yang bisa dikasih makan, ato pake baju, toilet, mandi segala, ada game nya juga. Harganya lumyan, coz saleeee..Gw mikirnya ini buat Mei aja. Buat Xiang nyari yang lain, tapiiii suami bilang, Mei mendingan dibeliin maenan buat bkin home donat di rumah. Yah uda deh beli 2 macem itu.

Pulangnya, maenan langsung dibuka, n ternyataaaaaaaaaa.....Mei lebih suka ma maenannya Xiang..hhahaha...gimana coba, berebutan tuh anak2. Parah dah.
Mei ngalah, bareng2 kita bikin donat bersama deh.

Bahan buat donatnya sederhana, cuman 150 gr tepung hotcake mix, 35 gr gula, telur 1, susu 100ml, minyak sedikit. Dimasukkan di semacam teko, dikocok2, trus langsung masukkin ke cetakannya. Masukkan di microwave selama 2-3 menit, klikkkkkkk, langsung jadi deh. Maenannya si ada macem2 buat decoration donatnyaa..tapi berhubung gw malessssss jadi cuman bkin pake coklat mesis doang..heheh...
Donatnya lumayan enak lah, mirip2 kue bolu kukus deh jadinya...

Btw, Mei masih aja ngiri maenan dd nya, so gw niat beliin lagi deh buat dia...kcian juga, abis dia bilang gini...mama, kalo dd tidur, baru bisa maenin maenannya dede...Mei hoshi na----- , Mei kepingin jugaaa...

Not here to please you presents... Bunnies are Pirates too! 1st Giveaway!

Well, so today I've got lots of things to say...     (read lots of cuteness!)

First of all, THANK YOU. Thank you all for your great comments and advice in my last post; I really apreciatte them and I'm glad that you all understand me.

And thank you for being there everyday, giving me some feedback of what I write here from time to time. I know that this blog is not like others; I mean, you don't find here a lovely pretty lady with a thin body and that only post about clothes or something like that.

I believe that the trends and fashion are made by people who innovate, who are brave and give themselves the chance of being like they want to be. Fashion is not built by people who copy another people (famous or not); in this way I think that I'm a person that doesn't copy almost anybody.

I don't know if one of these days I'll be someone who create trends and fashion; I don't care, I just want to be what I am: a girl with dreams of working in what she likes and live in a cold place she would love.

So, as I promise, here's my first giveaway, as I've reached 200 followers!!

This was a little secret, because maybe you didn't know about this... but I love use sculpey and fimo for making my own accesories. I love doing earrings, necklace, brooches... everything! So, for you, my lovely readers, here's the price for this first giveaway: the winner would choose one lovely necklace and ring like the ones in the pictures, but with the colors and shapes that he/she would want. For example, if you want a pink bunny in a blue and green brooche(necklace, you'll have it like that... and everything made by me!

I must say that I do everything by hand, and I don't use any kind of mold for doing this, so that's why I let you choose the colours and shapes!

How can you enter this giveaway? It's easy!

- Leave a comment in this entry saying who would be the piece you would like to have if you win this!

- If you want an extra entry post about the giveaway in your blog/Twitter/... and leave the link so that I can check it!

- Everyone can enter!

- IMPORTANT: If you don't follow the rules your entry will not be valid! And please, make sure that you leave your blog or e-mail, so that I can let you know in case you're the winner...

The winner would be announced next friday! I'll choose him/her using a ramdom generator... GOOD LUCK!

 As you may have noticed, I've changed the header and put some new pictures there, a little bit more related with spring and summer. I've also added my e-mail; it's something that I didn't want to do at the begining of the blog, but sometimes I think that maybe you would like to ask me something... or for anything, well, you've got it there :)

And well, on tuesday I spent the day with Nati, making pictures for my Make up work (one of the big ones for my coolhunting clases) and I took some beautiful pictures of her...

Isn't she lovely? I adore her pink bangs!

It was raining, so I took a picture with my lovely red umbrella, as I know you all like it!

Cardigan - H&M
Shirt - Zara
Skirt - Metamorphose temps de fille
Socks - Claire's
Boots - Aces of London
Umbrella - Artbox

Thanks again for being here... and good luck with the giveaway!!

Our New Marine!!!

PFC, Davis, Philip U.S.M.C. 

He graduates tomorrow and then gets to come home!!!! We love you Phil and are so proud of you!!!

Day 18: London to San Francisco - Coming Home

Summing up the trip. We arrived in London on Monday, April 12. Initially everything proceeded as planned: a couple of days in London, Oxford for Katherine’s conference on Wednesday, the 14th, and then back to London on Friday, the 16th, for our Saturday flight to Syria. We knew that British airspace had closed for an indefinite period on Thursday, the 15th, due to the ash from the Icelandic volcano which had erupted on April 14. We hoped against hope that our Saturday flight would take off as planned.

It was not to be. That flight was canceled; our rescheduled Monday flight was also canceled. Uncertainty reigned supreme for about five days. Waiting to see what would happen with the ash plume. Waiting to see if the airports would open. Waiting on the phone to reschedule our flight yet again. But unexpected pleasures as well: lunch with Susan Ware and dinner with Chris Kuelling, stranded like us.

Finally we were able to fly to Syria on Thursday, April 22. Turns out we made the right decision to stay and wait for the skies to open. From then on, everything worked even better than we had dared to hope. Touring with our guide, exploring Damascus, Katherine’s business meetings and the extremely capable Monitor team she joined, gorgeous food, lovely people. Rather than 12 nights abroad (UK for 6; Syria for 5; 1 flying), we had 18 nights abroad (UK for 11, Syria for 6; 1 flying).

Our stay in Syria was memorable for many different reasons; three or four stand out.
Because I was traveling with Katherine who was here on business, many of our travel arrangements were made for us, thanks to Emad, Silvia, and Rebecca. The comfortable hotel, great dinners around the city, our escorts to and from the airport, our tours of Palmyra and Damascus had all been arranged ahead of time. Without having to worry about or plan for these basic necessities and helpful amenities, we had more time and energy to let this place sink into our spirits, to breath it in, to appreciate its ancient splendor and current dreams.

This was my second trip to Syria. The first time in 2003 I was part of a very interesting Christian/Muslim delegation. Our group leader, Imam Bashar Arafat, who is from Damascus and now lives in Baltimore, wanted us to speak with as many Muslims (religious leaders, government officials, academics, etc.) and Christians as we could. I saw one side of the city in great detail but I didn’t have time to explore, visit shops, or walk on my own. This time I did and I established a heart connection that feels very precious indeed. I look forward to the next visit to explore the art scene more fully, find a cooking teacher, and visit the National Museum again. Each time moving a little deeper.

The warmth and graciousness of the Syrians we met seemed genuine. Some of the friendliness was perhaps prompted by commercial interests. But there seemed to be an underlying gratitude that we, as Americans, were here in Syria, learning about it, traveling about, having a great time, and a hope that we would return to the US to tell their stories, to show our snapshots (such as this one), to make this country real to our friends and family.

Our tour guide, Ghiath Abdallah, in his early 40s we would guess, was superb: knowledgeable, funny, wise, and organized. His family has lived in the same house in the Christian Quarter for 150 years. He lives there still. The youngest of four kids, his one sister lives down the street from the family home and his other brother and sister live in Athens. When Ghiath vacations, he goes to Athens or San Francisco. We hope we can repay his kindness the next time he come to SF.

In the market, merchants who wanted me to visit their shops responded when I said “No” as graciously as I could: “You are welcome here. Please come back tomorrow.”

In our hotel lobby, we were standing with a young hotel employee watching a Syrian wedding party gather in front of us. He asked, “Where are you from?” We responded, “California.” He said, “You have a beautiful country.” We responded, “You do too.” He said, “My country is not yet beautiful but it is getting there.” Wistful, hopeful, honest.

And the kids, oh the kids. The pictures say it all.
Boys from Tartous at Palmyra practicing their English.

Boys in the market in Damascus, trying to tell me something about my pistachios.

The shop of Bashar's father in the market, tended by a lovely young fellow. A relative of Bashar's perhaps?

Waffles, Chocolate, Canals, Chocolate...

We got a later start this morning than we anticipated due to an Internet/downloading pictures problem. Trying to do picture stuff on a foreign computer in a different language is, well, just bizarre. :)

Blue skies this morning again - we've been so blessed with the weather! We headed straight to the 700 year old Belfast (Bell Tower) in the Grote Market square and bought tickets so we could climb to the top.

Grote Markt

366 steps later and 290 feet higher and we were looking down on the gorgeous housetops of this fabulous village!

We wandered around town, looking in shop windows and admiring the architecture, and finally chose a place to try the famous Belgium waffle. Wow! I seriously thought I would be disappointed, but this waffle was nothing like any waffle I've ever had. Anna and I split one - and wished we had each bought our own later. :D

I'm determined to recreate this! :D I started a Taste of Europe Series on my cooking blog and will post results there. Right now you can check out the Kerststol recipe from Haarlem!

One of the many phenomenal buildings.

We happened upon marvelous little cheese shops...

and bread shops...

pastry shops...

and, of course, chocolate shops. Bruge has a total of 88 chocolate shops and everyone of them is a work of art.

Anna and I aren't big on museums, but we decided to buy a combo ticket for the Choco Story and the Lumina Dominica (A museum that took us through the history of lighting - from the flint of the cavemen to modern day light bulbs.) - two of Bruges' most popular.

Bruge is also known for it's handmade lace. Now we know why!

Canals, swans, and flowers...this was Bruge, but specifically Minnewater Park.

Begijnhof is inhabited by Benedictine nuns to this day. It was definitely a sanctuary of peace. Who knows? I may go back for good! :D

After walking for hours, we opted to chill on a little canal boat ride. I'm glad we did! Our guide did the tour in four different languages, flowing seamlessly from French to English to German, then back to Dutch. I was so impressed!

My favorite part of the day was when we put the map way and just wandered the cobbled streets. Most the tourists seemed to fade away and the local families came out for evening walks. The lighting was beautiful.

Not that this family is local - I thought they were just so cute!

We came upon an artist by the name of Hossein Socotti, who painted photograph-like oils of Brugescapes. Had a great conversation with him about society and Christianity before buying one of his brilliant pieces.

(Photo borrowed from

After dark, we found a small "pasta huis" on a side street - Pili Pili - and ordered Tortellini to split. It was getting rather chilly, so we called it a night and headed back to our cozy B&B.

~ Sarah