Sunday, July 6, 2008

PR III Cumi Saos Padang

7 July 2008, Senin siang,

Hari ini husband dpt giliran libur, so bantu2 gw bersiin tuh cumi..hehhe...yg masak si tetep gw..walah malah udara lg panas2nya nih...males banget lama2 di dapur...panassss

Bahannya g tulisin disini...
500 gr cumi, buang kulit n isi perut
1 sdm tepung sagu, larut dgn air
250 ml air

Bahan bumbu yg dihaluskan
6 cabe
6 bwg merah
4 bwg putih
1 1/2 sdt garam

Bumbu lain
3 cm jahe
1 sdm saos tirem
2 sdm sambel botol
6 sdm saos tomat
1 sdt merica
1 sdm gula

Tumis bumbu halus bersama jahe hingga harum
Masuk cumi aduk hingga kaku
Tambah air n bumbu lain masak hingga mendidih
Masak dengan api kecil hingga cumi matang n bumbu meresap
Terakhir masuk sagu , cmpur hingga kental

Lumayan PR kali ini, ngobatin kangen ma masakan indo...hehe...tapi gw ga brani masukin cabe banyak2...hehe, uda ga kuat lagi makan cabe nih...
lagian husband bisa ngoceh2 kepedesan...heheh, ntar bukannya pujian yg didapet, malah omelan kepedesan

japanese kroket

7 July 2008, Senin pagi

Kemarin minggu giliran ke t4 mtua nih...biasa deh setor lah, kita hampir seminggu sekali ke sana...pas kemarin giliran husband kerja, jd hrs pegi sndiri naik densha [kreta]. Jaraknya cuman 1 stasiun aja, paling 5 menit...tapi dr stasiun ke t4 mtua agak jauh, jadi harus naik taxi...berat di ongkos deh...hehehe

Mertua ternyata bikin dibekelin kroket nih...wah sip jadi hari ini ada tambahan lauk..
Kroketnya kayak perkedel Indo si...cuman ini bagian luarnya dilapisin tepung panir, jadi agak garing2 deh..digoreng trus lgs dimakan baru enakkk.....tapi jgn kebykan, ntar sakit tenggorokan..

Trus kemarin sempat ke tempat temen, dioleh2in buah biwa n momo.
Biwa yg warna kuning, rasanya manis, tengahnya ada biji gede...bhs indo nya apa yak?
Momo warnanya agak kemerahan, rasa juga manis, kalo uda kematengan, agak lembek...
Mei suka ama kedua buah jg si...hehe, enakkk

¿Puedes guardar un secreto?

misántropo, pa.

(Del gr. ???????????).

1. m. y f. Persona que, por su humor tétrico, manifiesta aversión al trato humano.

Guardar, esconder algo que aprecias para que nadie te lo robe. ¿Puedes guardarme un
secreto? Es la pregunta maldita de muchos, el beneplácito de unos cuantos, el frotar de las manos de otros tantos... ¿realmente puedes mantener un secreto? ¿Eres capaz de depositar tu confianza en alguien? ¿Tienes el privilegio de poder decir que nunca has desvelado un secreto?

Lo mejor es guardarte esos secretos para ti mismo, para que nadie los sepa nunca jamás, para que no te destrocen por dentro cuando sean revelados... porque lo serán, te lo aseguro; lo serán...

¿Puedes guardar un secreto...?
Os he mentido a todos, ilusos.

... Pero oh, me encanta lo que le has hecho a mi cabeza, mon petit enfant.

Irish soda bread,

This one is a special request. It is a real comfort food.

White Soda Bread

4 cups all purpose white flour
1 level teaspoon salt
1 level teaspoon baking soda
1 3/4 cups of buttermilk

Pre heat oven to 475 f or 250 c
Sift dairy ingredients.
Make a well in the centre.
Pour in all the milk.
Dough should be softish not to wet
Put on floured surface
Pat the dough in a circle about 1 and half inches thick
Cut deep cross on the loaf
Bake for 15 min then turn down
To 400f 200c
For 30 min until cooked
Tap the bottom it will sound hollow
Cool on wire rack

Brown Soda Bread

5 cups of Brown whole wheat flour
5 cups of all purpose flour
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of baking soda
3 cups of butter milk

Preheat oven to 450f 230c
Mix all dry ingredients together in a wide bowl
Make a well
Poor in buttermilk
Mix Dough should be soft not wet
Put on well floured board
Roll to a 2 inch thickness
Shake a little flour on baking sheet

Cut loaf with deep Cross

Bake for 15-20
Reduce heat to 400f or 200c

For 20-25 mins
Tap the bottom of the loaf it should sound hollow
Cool on wire rack

TOM TOMS Suncheon.

I don't drink coffee  but I do know this place is very popular. Most drinks are 4000- 6000 won. My Friends recommend it and their fresh pretzels are good .
Tom Toms "Honey Bread"

Bread cake with honey and cream

"Hot Coco" Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon 

Quick Salad

Quails egg and Spinach

Cucumber and tomato

Spicy Shrimp , Spinach and yellow peppers

Season Shrimp (I use Cajun from home )
Fry or grill shrimp


  • 3/4 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup ground cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoons ground white pepper
  • 2 tablespoons ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons paprika
  • 2 tablespoons onion powder
  • 2 tablespoons garlic powder

Sea Food Pasta


Smoked salmon 
white wine 
Red peppers
Bacon fat

Peel shrimp ,
cook peppers mushrooms garlic  ,
Then cook shrimp in bacon fat.
add peppers mushrooms , wine , cream ,parsley and basil.
Add cooked pasta and smoked salmon.